Friday 3 January 2020

A tribute to the wonderful animals killed in the fire at Krefeld Zoo

Hi Everybody!

The new year did not get off to a good start for all. In The Near East people are suffering under a war, causing yet more destruction, death and people fleeing for their lives. In Australia the bush fires are out of hand, and many people and animals are in great danger. My thoughts go out to all, especially blog friends - keep safe. Thanks to all the heroes who fight the fires, and those who feed and help them.

Here in Krefeld, a little town on the other side of the Rhine here, there was also a fire tragedy in the new year's night. Three ladies, a woman and her 2 adult daughters bought Chinese lanterns from the Internet, and after writing their wishes for the new year on them, lit the lamps and let them fly. They apparently didn't know they are forbidden because of the fire-danger they present. They landed in the Zoo in Krefeld, one of them on the roof of the house where the gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans and apes live, and the house burnt down, together with more than 30 beautiful animals that lived there. Only 2 chimpanzees were saved.
When the women heard on the news what had happened they showed courage and went to the police and owned up to causing the fire, and they are as devastated as we all are here. Today I am showing some pictures taken there in the last couple of years when I visited the Zoo with Nathalie, a little tribute to these intelligent and sociable animals who had such an awful end:

Sorry about the poor quality of some of the pics caused by the reflections on the glass:

The oldest silver-back gorilla in Europe also died:

This artist worked with them:

It was wonderful to see how loving and social they were:

This has made everyone here very sad.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, I saw this on the TV, too, so sad, we all cried, the kids were devastated, too. I know how much you loved going there and watching the animals, so can imagine this is hard for you, and all in Krefeld and round about. But you have your lovely photos as keepsakes. Thanks for sharing. Have a great evening in spite of it all, life must go on. Hugs, Sarah

  2. A lovely tribute to these wonderful animals.
    Your photos were beautiful but sad. These beautiful creatures so closely related to man did not have to perish...but they have.
    The woman and her two daughters did do a brave thing by confessing. My heart goes out to them, too.

    Hugs ❤

    1. Thanks Jan. It must have been hard for those women to accept and admit what they had done.

  3. Terrible tragedies to start the New Year.

  4. The animals are not caged, and live, well cared for, in beautiful surroundings. Many animals are being saved from extinction in these zoos.

  5. It is so sad to read about these beautiful animals dying. Such a senseless thing to do. I am pleased to hear the ladies admitted what they did, a very hard lesson for them. I particularity love orangutans, so sadthey and are gone, they are endangered in the wild as it is. It concerned me here with the fireworks on New Years Eve that a fire could be started, than goodness it wasn't.

    1. Yes, fireworks and bush fires are a dangerous mixture.

  6. You didn't offend me at all, dear. I know and am sorry that you can't see the pics. Our world here is very different to your wild and free countryside there, and zoos are for many the only possibility to see these animals. And they are really well cared for. Not free, but loved and wanted and admired.

  7. A tragic event. Ignorance of the law is no excuse and the perpetrators should be punished severely. I have long thought that it is time to ban fireworks and similar devices, to not even have them for sale at all. It seemed exceptionally obscene this past week to have that giant firework display inSydney, Australia while the smoke from the wildfires made the opera house almost invisible and people all around were being evacuated from their homes.

    1. Right. The women will be facing stiff sentences. Fireworks foul the air, scare animals and are really dangerous. In some towns here they are banned, and I would be happy to see them banned everywhere.

  8. Oh Valerie, I am teary eyed reading this and how many animals were killed by the fire. I'm glad they owned up to it although that can't bring them back. Your pictures are so amazing - what great memories. It is so sad to see all that's going on in our world but wonderful to have our faith and prayers! Beautiful tribute, my friend!

  9. I did not know that, Valerie. Oh my God! What a pitty for these social animals. They had a tragic end. I feel really sad for all the fires throughout the globe. They destroy the forests, the oxygen, and often have tragic human and animal losses. This has to stop!
    PS: By the way, there are some places in Greece that during Christmas or Easter let these dangerous chinese lanterns to go up to the sky!

    1. Yes, the stupidity of people is sometimes unbelievable.

  10. It is so sad about those poor animals. I am at least glad the women came forward. And the fires in Australia are horrible. So many people with so much loss. And then today, our president decides to stir up trouble himself. I hope 2020 improves quickly. Have a wonderful weekend Valerie. Hugs-Erika

    1. Yes, presidents and wannabe world leaders who deny climate change and stir up wars and order attacks to deflect from their own bad behaviour....

  11. Your photos are gut wrenching, dear Valerie. I say that because I was looking at photos of animals no longer alive for no reason of their own. I can only imagine the pain these animals must have been in and their screams as they perished. This is devastating, but a beautiful post bringing attention to this horrible crime.

    BTW, there were fireworks set off in my neighborhood at midnight on the 1st. Poor Bleubeard always runs and hides. He shakes when they start going off. Squiggles, on the other hand seems unaffected unless they get really load and then he jumps when one hits close by.

  12. Oh dear a sad post, so sad the lanterns caused so much destruction. Poor animals as are our koala, kangaroo and other poor creatures like lizards and snakes who are unable to be quick enough to flee the fires here...It is destruction and a great tragedy in my part of the world, our green is now black, our farms people and lives are gone, people missing, today is a bad day, with temps already out side of 46 Celsius and windy...we need rain and prayers to start for of a better 2020. At the moment it looks dim and so how can one celebrate and be

    1. The bush fires are so bad, it hurts to see the destruction every day. And people like DT - now busy stirring up another war in the Near East - say we have no climate change. I hope and pray that things will get better for you soon.

  13. Es ist schlimm das Feuer in Australien und mit den Sanitäter und Feuerwehrmänner die einen Kampf auf nahmen und verloren haben oder wo anders die Menschen in Fluten umkommen über all auf der Welt brennt es förmlich ob Krieg oder Unwetter. Bei uns wird es wegen diesen Feeurwehrböller oder diese Licht laternen die verboten waren schon so lange dieses schöne Affenhaus mit all den Affen vernichtet!!
    Es ist furchtbar die Tiere werden überall vernichtet wie Annie schreibt.
    Besorgt verfolge ich die Nachrichten!!!
    Danke Valerie für diesen Erinnerungen an den tollen Tieren.Sie wollen es ja aufbauen mit den Spenden und Helfern. Da es gut finde um diese Arten vor dem Aussterben zu retten.
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Die Nachrichten sind heute immer voll Kataastrophen. Es bricht mir das Herz.

  14. So sad to hear ... What are we doing to our planet?!

    1. A good question - some seem hell bent on destroying it!

  15. very sad to read such informations about animals...


  16. I feel very sorry for animals killed by silly people. I feel sorry for our planet that we are destroying. :(

  17. Oh, in den Nachrichten sagten sie eine Tochter, herrjeh, gleich 2 Doofies! Plus Mutter!
    Gefängnis und hohe Geldtrafen und was wird passieren? Die haben kein Geld und vermutlich "auf Bewährung", sind ja "bloss Tiere" :-(
    Eine schöne Statute. Und wundervolle Bilder.
    Ach, es ist unfassbar. Das war ein "Spass". Man sollte die drei zwingen, vor Ort zu gehen, zu sehen, was sie angerichtet haben. Oder bin ich zu gemein...
    Ach, ich werde gleich in den Regen gehen, das ist schön. Dir einen schönen Tag und GlG, Iris

    1. Keine Ahnung was passieren wird. Sozial Stunden? Alles möglich....

  18. Good Morning from my side of the world Valerie. We flick on a control in our living room and the whole world comes to life before us. The good and the evil. And there seems to be so much hatred. I pray for the fire fighters and the people who live in the areas of Australia where the fires are raging and unfortunately spreading. I am saddened by the loss of animals. Your zoo fire was indeed tragic and should not have happened. Around the world there are so many evil people who are willing to kill others over their warped image of what is right. I pray for all who are wiling to protect and stand up for what is right. It doesn't take a genius to know how others should be treated. As my daughter is fond of saying "it costs nothing to be kind".
    Here in the United States, we have our fair share of hatred and evil acts. I pray for our law enforcement officers who put themselves in harms way everyday to protect us from evil.
    May 2020 be a healthy and happy one for you and yours Valerie.
    Sandy xx

    1. Thanks Sandy. The whole world is in turmoil just now, and we so need those who are prepared to stand up, speak out and do something. A young policeman was badly injured in the new year's night while just doing his duty. He was attacked by a gang, his helmet was ripped from his head and he was brutally kicked. Now he is critically ill in hospital. So many evil people.

  19. How horrible! I'm glad the women stepped up, saving the need for a lengthy investigation. The loss of life, the destruction of the facility, and the enormous expense involved must be a hard burden to bear. I don't know what your laws are like, but the fines can't begin to touch the amount needed to address the destruction.

    1. Too true! Whatever their punishment, this event will change their lives. And we are all stunned at this awful waste of life. People are collecting money to help rebuild, and other zoos are offering animals to help make up new families, but it wil be a long and hard process.

  20. A nice tribute Val. The wild fires and loss of animal and human life in both are staggering. My prayers are going up for all of it.

    Love, Hugs and Blessings

  21. The zoo fire broke my heart. This is a beautiful tribute and wonderful images. OH, I hope those fires are under control soon.

  22. This is so sad, and senseless too, why would anyone set a naked flame adrift! It's just so stupid, and what a waste xx

    1. What a tragic thing to happen, innocent animals, I hope that the folk who lit the lanterns are punished even though they admitted the act it was so thoughtless.
      One day we might hear good news in the press and on TV, we live in sad times.
      Yvonne xx

  23. Such a sad post Valerie! I have thought in the past how dangerous those lanterns are...some years ago one of my sons had an incident with one...thankfully not a fatal outcome but horrible all the same! Hugs, Chrisx

  24. A beautiful tribute and wonderful photographs.

    All the best Jan

  25. So sad to hear about this tragic fire Valerie! Your tribute to the animals is beautiful! xx


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