Thursday 2 January 2020

Rain's Thursday Art Date & Second on the 2nd

Hi Everybody!

Hope you have all well and truly arrived in the new year!
The first day of the year here dawned bright, sunny and very frosty, and I was able to have three wonderful walks before the sun went down and the darkness crept in,  with a decorative crescent moon to make it even more beautiful.
These are some of the wonderful transformations which we can witness  every day, wherever we are, and transformations is also the theme of Rain's Thursday Art Date this week. It's also time for Elizabeth's 2nd on the 2nd, so I have dug up lots of past pieces which fit both themes. I am also linking to
Paint Party Friday

Light, dark, shadows and colours transform our world day for day:

Education transforms us and helps us develop into knowledgeable and responsible adults:

Gardens transforms themselves from season to season and reward the work we put into them with colour and beauty:

Dragonflies and butterflies are for me remarkable examples of transformation:

Music, frost and beauty transform the world and our souls:

Peace would transform our world to a much better place:

Inventors transformed the world with revolutionary inventions and ideas. One of the greatest was perhaps Leonardo da Vinci:

The wheel transformed lives:

We can transform ourselves with bright accessories:

And my daily coffee transforms me from a bad tempered old goat to a (mostly) rational and thinking being:

And my photos from today's transformations:

My long shadow on the frosty path - with a peep at my boots:

Visiting the llamas at Schloss Kalkum:

In the evening a hazy mist started to rise:

And then the crescent moon came out:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I doubt too you are an old goat lol I loved this post very beautiful loved all the quotes-so true. I enjoyed seeing the llamas. Yeah me I started walking today-counted steps to make a mile so I know about what is a mile now here where I live-I would like to work back up to 3 miles again. and I bought a new pedometer-that only counts steps-wanted it simple as could be.
    Happy second on the 2nd hugs Kathy

    1. Great that you have started on your walking, keep going!

  2. Your creativity is quite astounding, Valerie, and the narrative to each post is both thoughtful and entertaining. If you are an old goat then I will be very happy to meet many more old goats! And have a coffee with them.

    1. Thanks David! Coffee unites people - and goats!

  3. Beautiful artwork in all aspects here, lovely designing and fabulous photos.xx

  4. Wow Valerie you did a fantastic job with the transformation theme, so many good examples here.

  5. Happy New Year! I look forward to a wonderful year of crafting with you and seeing your gorgeous photos. Love the artwork and the picture with your very long boots :)

  6. das sind wundervolle Bilder, ich liebe sie, sie sind immer was besonderes deine Machart und zum Thema Rain!!! Klasse auch der Mond und die angefangene Nebel der Abendfotos sind so schön und die Lamas.
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  7. Thanks Laurie! The llamas are so pretty to watch!

  8. This is a great post with some inspired views of transformation. It's that time to look and contemplate for sure. I love all the art. It is very beautiful and has made me wish I could stay home in the studio today rather than going back to work. Happy January 2. Hugs-Erika

  9. How in the world are you able to find the time to make such beautiful and breathtaking art and photos and still take long walks and socialize with friends and blog!!!
    You are an inspiration for us all.

    Big Hugs and Happy 2020🎉

  10. Valerie,

    Fabulous post! I love how you developed Rain's 'Transformation' theme in various aspects of the word. Your sunrise shots remind me very well how night transforms into day. I love seeing the morning colors strike across the sky to greet me. However today isn't one of those days as clouds hang overhead with the promise of rain developing later in the day. Here's to a marvelous 2020, my friend. Let's transform the world into a beautiful place with our art together, shall we?

  11. I love stopping by here. You are wonderful.

  12. Eine schöne Quote! Ich werde sie mir merken. Und Krähen liebe ich sowieso.
    ja. Menschen verstehen oft nicht, dass sie sich selbst zerstören, wenn sie die Natur kaputt machen...
    Oh, "danke" Ohrwürme sind angekommen (plural!)
    Leonardo hängt hier gleich um die Ecke (er würde das mögen, oder? Er hängt in einem Bilderrahmen).
    HMM. Dann muss es aber sehr leckerer Kaffee sein (mein Bruder kann das).
    Llamas, ohhh!
    Einen schönen Tag die, GlG, IrisEine schöne Quote! Ich werde sie mir merken. Und Krähen liebe ich sowieso.
    ja. Menschen verstehen oft nicht, dass sie sich selbst zerstören, wenn sie die Natur kaputt machen...
    Oh, "danke" Ohrwürme sind angekommen (plural!)
    Leonardo hängt hier gleich um die Ecke (er würde das mögen, oder? Er hängt in einem Bilderrahmen).
    HMM. Dann muss es aber sehr leckerer Kaffee sein (mein Bruder kann das).
    Llamas, ohhh!
    Einen schönen Tag die, GlG, Iris

  13. Heute spinnt die Welt, nicht nur Blogger!

  14. Lovely photo Valerie, how do you chose which views to take a photo of when there is so much choice of interesting and beautiful scenery. Its a good thing cameras have moved on from yeears ago when we had to use films and get them developed. Digital has for sure changed us all as they are easy to store and look at.
    Have a lovely day today.
    Yvonne xx

    1. It's sometimes difficult to choose which views to take as there are so many to choose from. So I shoot lots and sort them afterwards on the computer.

  15. Happy New Year with a new decade here to cheer us on Valerie! I do admire your walking habit. And you have such wonderful walks too. I do think you live in a pretty interesting and beautiful locale!
    Sandy xx

  16. So many examples of what brings transformation. As the year changes to 2020 I think how much time can transform us, and I hope we're transformed for the better as we grow through it. Peace!

  17. Hi Valerie! :) I LOVE your coffee poem!!! How nice! I feel the same way but with wine! ;) Your post is wonderful, I love all of the transformations, that Moon shot is great! I love the colours, the art and the messages behind each piece. You have me thinking of my garden! :) The Magic of a Frosty Night is my absolute favourite today! The way you decorated that violin for the piece is stunning! I laughed at the "bright accessories" lol! Your photo just before the moon shots with the "tree arms" is so amazing, I love it! So well done, thanks so much for joining in!!! :)

  18. I love every piece you've shown. You are so talented and diverse and I really admire that. And then, that moon. Biggest wow!

  19. A wonderful post Valerie! It made me smile, especially the coffee poem!
    You were lucky to get such a beautiful new year's day, ours was dark and miserable.
    Alison xx

  20. Are your boots purple! Very cool.

    And LLAMAS!!!❤️

    Where do you live that you get to live among llamas?! Ha ha

  21. I live here! A bit of colour in winter is good for the soul !

  22. Gorgeous art Valerie and it looks like you had a beautiful day. The moon looks amazing, like you could reach out and touch it xx

  23. Beautiful post. The brightly colored pages reminded me of your gorgeous sunrise/sunset photos of the Rhine.

  24. Beautiful art work Valerie and wonderful photos. Love the moon photo.

  25. Wow, I love your New Year header Valerie!
    Oh such beautiful art. Each and every one of them. Sorry I'm not joining in PPF yet, I can't keep up with the visits to everyone atm.
    Its always such a nice feeling to see others' art and yours always has little surprises in it xx
    I love the coffee poem and photo - always love a good coffee... yes, it is good to have the first morning one.
    So enjoyed seeing your walks, such peaceful moments. Good cheer to you Valerie xx

  26. Morning Valerie, i'd opened this page up last night and saved it till morning to read as I knew it would start my day of perfectly. Like words of wisdom in a daily dairy each with a warm message of truth and honesty what a fabulous start. Love how you mixed this post with art and photography, I say it often but you really do have an eye for capturing the best of everything. Thank you for sharing and a very Happy PPF.
    I'm so glad to have you as a blogging friend.. Creative hugs wishing you a super weekend Tracey xx
    P.S I do love those long leg shots.. great boots :))

  27. Beautiful series of photos with words ~ favorite is the 'kool dog' one and wonderful recent nature photos ~ ^_^

    Happy Moments to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thanks Carol. My Scruffy was really cool dog, the best ever!

  28. Love all of those as always, this place of yours is full of creativity, have a lovely weekend ☺

  29. You may have noticed I didn’t stop by to visit, or I didn’t host my own Second on the 2nd. The reason is quite simple. Wednesday evening, just as I was saying good-bye to my dear friends SC and ND who dropped by to wish me a happy new year, my electricity went out. When I looked outside and saw the neighbors across the street, whose lights NEVER go out when mine do were also out, I knew it wasn’t a blown transformer. My friends decided to stay to see what the problem was. Not more than three or four minutes later, we heard sirens, not just police, but fire, too. We knew it sounded close, so we walked in the direction of the sirens. It was quite dark, but my friends had their cell phone lights to guide them. Two blocks west and one block south we saw that someone in a big truck had hit a light pole so hard, it knocked it over and stretched the wire so hard, the electricity went off in the area on one side, while the other side was draped over someone’s house and was zapping live sparks on the ground in the road.

    At first we thought it was a drunk driver, but after the ambulance arrived, we saw the man either had a heart attack or possibly a seizure. As the electric company was arriving, they told the crowd it would be at least a day before we would get our power back. Instead of staying home in the cold and dark, my friend SC, who lives in another town, invited me to her home. I am just now getting home. Even though she has an I-Pad, I don’t know the password that gets me onto blogger (which is stored on my computer only). I’ll be back soon, just want you to know why I wasn’t around to visit and play host. The electricity is on (I’m not sure how long it’s been on), but it’s freezing here. Thanks for understanding, dear friend.

  30. Hello again Valerie. I am always inspired by your beautiful and original art, your glorious photography and your spirit for living fully. Happy New Year to you!


  31. Apparently part of my blog post didn't publish. I loved two transformations: the coffee tag, which is just like me, too. If I don't have my coffee, I am a basket case. I need my caffeine to stay sane.

    The second was the Peace heart. We need that right now, since Trump has put the U.S. in a no-win situation with his reckless behavior.

  32. Rain's transformation theme tapped into your intellect, sprinkle in your sensibility and emotion and you painted a picture as seen through your eyes of nature, mankind and the symphony we all play together in life. Beautifully done, Valerie and I am impressed with the breadth of your knowledge and understanding. Happy New Year and never stop looking for ways to find peace.

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  33. These are all amazing. The photos are great and I really like your new banner.

  34. Brilliant art and photos Valerie! Coffee is one of life's essentials!c


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