Wednesday 30 January 2019

Thursday this and that

Hi Everybody!

Hope those of you in the freezing areas of the USA are keeping safe and warm, and that the extremely hot weather in Australia has cooled off a bit. Here it's cold and it snowed all day, but it wasn't as bad as it is some places. I need to stay home for a couple of days to get rid of my cold. I went to the doc's today and got some medication, I have sinusitis and bronchitis and want to get rid of it all ASAP.  Next week I have to go back for blood tests, and then to a specialist for rheumatology and immunology to see if he can help with my 'Smurf'' fingers and toes. It seems to be caused by micro embolisms in my extremities, so I am hoping there will be some suitable treatment for it, especially as it seems to be a very rare condition.

For Tag Tuesday I have another mixed media/collage tag for Michele's hearts challenge:

I am also linking the tag to Simon Monday challenge, love is in the air

And I made another double page in my journal at our art group last week, using collage, stenciling and stamping on a gessoed and stenciled background. The card on the right side was marbled. All of the used bits and bobs are from the UFOs that were flying about my work-table:

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday.

More progress shots from my 'winter-garden':

They grow so much each day it's almost unbelievable:

And today it snowed all day:

The photos of the heron were taken last week - he was grumpy and nervous because of the gulls:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. So sorry to read about your ill-health. Definitely best to stay indoors in the warm. Hoping that the Drs can come up with something to ease your 'smurf fingers'
    Sending get-well wishes to you :)

    Love your tags, love your hyacinths, and always enjoy your photographs.

    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  2. Beautiful art in your journal and tag. Fantastic photos, as always. I have bought some hyacinths, too, and we are watching them. Hope you soon feel better, please rest. I will try to rising you tomorrow. Hugs, Sarah

  3. Thanks for the health update. Beautiful tag and pages. Thanks for the photos your plants look pretty.

  4. Lovely photos of the heron and the snow, Valerie.
    I LOVE your journal pages and I ADORE your beautiful tag!!!!!!!!!! Hugs, my dear friend.

  5. What a gorgeous tag and your art journal is impressive. I love the snow and heron photos too. I hope you feel much better soon.

  6. Oh dear Valerie, I was pleased to read that the doctor had given you some medication and I hope you will be feeling a lot better soon. Also I hope they can find something to help your fingers and toes on your next visit to the specialist.
    They were super photos of the snow, always best to see through the window in the warmth of the house.
    Your floral tag looks so romantic and the journal pages were fabulous as well.
    Take care of yourself.
    Yvonne xx

  7. Hi Valerie what a cute tag and love your journal page too,hope you are feeling better soon,thankyou also for sharing your beautiful pics,love the snow ones xx

  8. Oh, I hope you will feel better soon-this is the weather for sure for sinus and lung issues.l love your art pieces. your plants looks wonderful! a joy in the winter
    hugs Kathy

  9. You are in the wars Valerie, gosh do get better soon and keep warm. We hear over here down under of the extreme snow and cold across the miles and it is hard to imagine what it is like...extremely hot here and the humidity is the worse...sending you big hot warm hugs and keep these beautiful photos coming when you are better. Keep crafting and displaying your magnificent designs...hugs.xx

  10. Sad news about your health Valerie but I know you will be doing everything possible to get well again

    Just love the tag and the amazing spread. The right hand page is so unusual and inventive.

    Now to the photographs-wonderful today with the flowers, wintery scenes and beautiful heron. Vic and me are lpoking at your pics on bed as it is too cold to get up yet even with the heating on

    Take care and enjoy ypur day

    Love Chrissie x

    1. Very cold here, too, and I didn't want to leave my warm bed either, but the though of coffee got me out!

  11. I'm sad to hear that you are still unwell Valerie, stay indoors and look after yourself and I hope you recover very very soon. It's good to see you have not let your ill health stop you from creating. Your tag is a real sweetie and your journal page full of expressive art. Well done on nurturing your plants you have reminded me that I need to take one over to my Mom today that does not seem to be doing too well. She will work her magic on it for sure.
    Beautiful pictures of untouched snow, I hope it doesn't cause any disruptions for you. We have yet had nothing to shout about.
    Take good care of yourself Valerie and keep on crafting!!
    Big HUgs Tracey xx

  12. Sending my best wishes that you feel much better soon Valerie x Meanwhile I absolutely love you colage tag and your photos as always are stunning x

    Take care and huge hugs
    Annie x

  13. A lovely romantic tag Valerie and I love the image stamped on the marbled paper.
    Hope the medication works and your bronchitis clears up quickly and you get a positive outcome for the fingers and toes. Beautiful snowy views from your window.
    Take care and stay warm, Avril xx

  14. Love the tag and the art journal page Valerie. Funny, I was playing with that same napkin last night. I guess it is true about great minds thinking alike... smile. And it is cool to see the before the after photos with the snow. Hope the meds help with your bronchitis and sinusitis. Feel better soon. Hugs-Erika

  15. I love the new blog header (sorry if it's been there a while and I've only just noticed it!)...

    Your tag is full of colour and positivity, as is the page spread - I just love those rectangles of colour, creating the "palette" for the painting opposite. Beautiful. With all those bright colours, you'd never think you were feeling unwell - I do hope you feel properly better soon. The frosted landscape is very beautiful for sure, but make sure you stay nicely warm and safe until you feel well again.
    Alison x

  16. It looks chilly there!
    Your pieces are great, especially the tag. I love it. It's so dainty.
    Your window garden looks great.
    Hope you feel better soon.

  17. Your beautiful tag made me instantly think of spring, such pretty colors.
    I've had what you have (no smurf stuff) and rest is always best. Hope the medication gets you to feeling better quickly.
    Today we have rain (southern California), but very thankful I'm not on our east coast, such brutal temperatures.
    Thanks for sharing your photography, always enjoy it.

  18. I hope your sinusitis and bronchitis clear up with the medication and that they find an effective treatment for your fingers and toes. We don't get much snow here, so I'm enjoying your photos. You got great shots of the heron!

    I see a lot of mentions of gesso but don't know what it is. I really like your backgrounds and think I'll google gesso and see what comes up :)

  19. Oh dear, I'm sorry you're still so unwell Valerie, but indoors is definitely the best place for you. I love your pieces, such life and colour in them. I hope you feel better soon, and that those fabulous plants cheer you up - I wish I had smellyvision, 'cos they must smell amazing! xx

  20. Sorry to hear you're still feeling poorly Valerie! Hope you're well again soon.
    Beautiful artwork and photos. Chilly and snowy here now too, not my favourite weather. I'm always scared of slipping, so I haven't been out for a couple of days.
    Stay warm and have a good evening.
    Alison xx

  21. So beautiful! Love your tag, so full of charm and magic, lovely colors. your art journal is such fun too, very exploratory! Your winter garden is super uplifting and fantastical..both the birds and gorgeous plants! Hugs my friend, hope you are feeling all sparkling soon, get well.

  22. I'm glad you are getting to the bottom of your fingers. And I feel your pain on the sinus/bronchitis. I've been dealing with much the same on this side of the pond and I know how miserable it is. Hopefully the drugs will kick in soon.

    Shocked that you still have a heron there and I loved the photos. Missing my Harry!

    1. The herons and wild geese etc stay here all year round.

  23. Super photos and craft projects

  24. Get better soon! Happy PPF! And you have such beautiful flowers in your window.

  25. Love all your art and photos Valerie.
    Wishing you much better days soon - look after yourself.
    Gill xx

  26. Hope you're feeling better soon. This cold weather is not good for any sort of illness. Your work this week is super, and your indoor garden looks wonderful. Those photos are similar to the view I have at the moment; roll on spring.

  27. The art is fantastic. . .love the garden. Blessings, Janet

  28. Such beautiful art work and divine photography~ l love the heron!

    Happy Friday to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  29. Take care of that cold. Get well soon. Happy you dropped by my blog today. Luv the collage tags. Happy PPF


  30. beautiful art and photos- and your capture of the heron is just fab! happy PPF!

  31. Beautiful collage! And I especially enjoyed your lady in orange. So graceful and beautiful. It hasn't snowed here yet on the West Coast. Just rain and temps in the mid-40's. Though last week, it was sunny with spring-like temps of 65 or so--and that while the rest of the country is in a deep freeze!

  32. I find it a sense of achievement when I use UFO's.

  33. Love all your pieces this week. The weather has been so crazy. Our family in Australia has complained that the roads are melting and animals are just dropping dead from the heat, and while we are in the US we haven't had a single snowflake all winter! Happy PPF!

  34. Easter hythsin are so pretty. And were flowers made of clay?
    All very pretty.
    Coffee is on

  35. Take care and rug up Valerie. real sorry you aren't feeling the best on too of your 'smurf' condition xx
    I really admire your delightful pretty.
    Having a Winter garden is a splendid idea..and it's lovely seeing the changes as they grow, as well as having a look out at whats happening through your window.
    Happy PPF !

  36. Looks like this is where I left town. I now understand your sinus/bronchitis problem. It is serious and as much as I know you love to walk, I hope you are staying in. I hope they find out what is causing your fingers and toes to swell, too.

    I love your tag. It is so romantic. Your journal pages are beautiful, especially the marbled art.

    It looks cold from your window, but your hyacinths are doing SO well. PLEASE feel better soon.

  37. Your tags are always a joy! I love the journal page and also the photos of the hyacinths, birds and snowy scenes. Your photos are always so good too! I see that you now have a name for your finger condition and I really hope you get good treatment to fix it. I realise as artists we don't want any problems with our hands!

  38. I hope you are feeling better soon, sending you wishes for a speedy diagnosis and recovery dear Valerie! Your tag looks so sweet, I love the pretty flowers that you added 😁. Such beautiful snowy scenes too! Happy and creative wishes! J 😊 x

  39. Oh speedy recovery wishes to you! It sounds like you are just where you need to be - resting and recovering! The hyacynths are growing so beautifully! Your cards and memory pages of your beautiful ladies in your family are magnificent! What a wonderful trip down memory lane and to have those forever. The snow photos made me yearn for my hometown - Ulmen! I miss it so much! My brother - still there, the lucky one:) Feel better! xx

  40. I love both your tag and art journal page! I also like the photo you shared with us! It snowed in italy as so so cold!!!
    Thank you for playing along with us over Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge, we all hope to see you again!
    xo Zoey

  41. Please take care of you! I'm concerned about your health!
    Love both art pieces! They are so pretty! Love the colours too!
    Your winter garden is gorgeous! The paint brush is gone? LOL!
    Love the heron photos! Big Hugs!


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