Friday 25 January 2019

Chilly Friday post

Hi Everybody!

This week has flown by again, mostly cold and grey, with rain, snow and sleet, but we did have some sun on Monday, so that was definitely good. The weather man has promised  rain and ice over the weekend, so that sounds like a good time to stay home, read, play, listen to music or binge on TV - and perhaps catch up on some sleep!
Recently I have been chopping up some old painted pages and using them to create new ones in my journal. Here the strips were placed onto a gessoed and stenciled background. I also used a scrap of JD tissue and a stamped image of a little child. The child and sunflowers are a LaBlanche stamp, as is the swirly background which was stamped first:

I am linking to Paint Party Friday

And I have a last tag for our mail challenge at Tag Tuesday, assembled from various hand cut, stamped and sewn tags sewed together. The images are from CI:

On Monday I had an appointment in Dusseldorf, so traveled with the tram into the centre of town and then walked though 'Hofgarten', a beautiful park, to see how it looks in winter. The first photo was taken here in the shelter at the tram stop, you can see ice crystals on the glass:

Hofgarten is magnificent at any time of the year, and the lakes and ponds are kept ice-free for the water fowl:

The wild geese were very noisy and holding a cuss-out to try to scare away the swans, who just blithely ignored them:

I had fun with the long shadows:

 I love the bronze deer at any time of the year:

Have a great weekend. Keep warm or cool as the case may be!
Take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hello dear Valerie!
    Love your journal page and the romantic vintage tag!
    Like the colors that you used on your page and the Paris images on you tag!
    Wonderful pictures from your walk in this beautiful park!
    Great captures of the Geese and the elegant swans!
    It’s raining here today,and it’s windy too! Enjoy your day! Have a lovely weekend! Hugs!

  2. That is a cool piece today. Cutting up a painted piece really creates a stunning page! I like the La Blanche girl too. And it looks like a nice winter day when you took a walk through the park. It's nice to see bare ground with a hint of green. Here we are white, brown, grey and occasionally blue sky. Oh winter. Hope it's a good Friday and Happy weekend. Hugs-Erika

  3. Hi Val, another wonderful post with fantastic photos, I hope you didn't get toooooo cold taking them! Love the journal page, great idea to cut up the old pieces and re-use them, that's using your noggins! Love the pretty tag, too. Will ring you tomorrow evening, we've got visitors coming again today and sleeping over :( Hugs, Sarah

  4. Beautiful artwork. I love those photographs of the geese. Great post.

  5. Hi Valerie I love your journal page the different textures look fantastic,and wow your tag is pretty cute,well done my friend,I also love your pics especially the birds xx

  6. Valerie I found this link you might be interested in

    Your page looks sunny and warm, sigh. Lovely sewn tag and stunning photos today wow.

    1. Thanks for the link, kind of you to think of it. Sunshine and warmth would be great!

  7. Such wonderful artwork! I love your little girl with her big hat and you created a beautiful sunny and warm page for her 😁. Such a romantic tag with the pretty Paris images too! It looks like you had fun getting creative with your photos too, the long shadows photos that you took are my favourite today, especially of you and the bronze deer - perfect 😀. Happy Friday and Weekend! J 😊 x

  8. wonderful bright yellow and orange collage, and of course, you must know I love your Paris themed tag! Love seeing the ducks and lovely sights on your walks.

  9. Oh yeah, definitely "let some sunshine into your life", both literally and figuratively. Especially this time of year when Mother Nature is determined to toss some of us into the deep freeze. It hasn't been too terribly cold here, but I'm already pining for spring. (Because I'm a wimp.)

    It's neat that the lakes and ponds are kept ice-free for the waterfowl, but I can't help but wonder how they do that. It must be quite an undertaking during frigid weather.

    Take care, and have a super weekend!

  10. Gorgeous as ever. Luv the shadow shot. The tags is so sweet. Happy PPF. Thanks for dropping by my blog today

    much love...

  11. Definitely a good time to stay home and chop things up. Love the colors here and fun to use and repurpose the other pages for your journal. And I am simply WILD about your Eiffel tag. Oh, I love that structure!

  12. Your amazing talents know no bounds Valerie.
    I love all of your art and these photos are usual :)
    I am letting that sunshine in and it will feel wonderful!
    Hugs Always~

  13. I think your artwork looks beautiful, and I like the colours within.
    Hofgarten looks amazing and your photographs are nice to see. Loved the fun shadows.

    Have a lovely weekend, and keep warm.

    All the best Jan

  14. What a great way to re-use your art. I took a mixed media class several years ago, their suggestion was to photocopy so you could reuse images multiple times. I want to be outside with that little girl in the sunshine picking dandelions. Your Hofgarten photos are gorgeous. I love the naked tree branches against that beautiful blue sky. Stay warm this weekend.

  15. I do that sometimes, too, but have a pile of stuff I'm reducing to scrapable pieces.

  16. I love those bright yellows and oranges. I've often wondered if people re-purposed their art in other pieces. Cool! Those swans can hold their own, I'm sure lol It does look cold! Brrrr!

  17. A fabulous journal spread, the La Blanche stamp is lovely and the colours are warming to see on a really cold day here.
    Your tag featuring Paris, looks beautiful as well.
    The birds must have sounded quite noisy, so glad the swan didn't give in. All the photos looked lovely.
    have a safe and warm weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  18. Creative repurposed collage work and lovely nature photo ~ love all the critters ^_^ And wonderfully creative tag art ~ ^_^

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  19. The texture on those strips is divine Valerie, clever use of resources and the tag with it's stitching well you know I love it without me even being asked :))
    It looks like you have had great fun with your camera chasing those shadows, another clever capture. Happy PPF again have a fun filled creative weekend.
    Big Hugs Tracey xx

  20. Sending you HOT Aussie saturday hugs through your Chilly friday it all.xxxx

  21. Wow! Your chopped up squares and strips make a great feature on the new page - the textures are gorgeous. I'm not sure whether I could chop up something I'd painted, but having seen the impact of these pieces, I can see how it might be possible! I love the little girl too.

    The romantic tag is full of nostalgia and vintage prettiness, and I loved the photos of all the birds, and especially those deep blue skies.
    Alison x

    1. I like chopping stuff up to make new ones, it's fun.

  22. Fabulous artwork and photos Valerie.
    Loved seeing the birds - but it does look very cold there and the last photo of the leaf really captured that beautifully.
    Happy Saturday, stay warm and safe.
    Gill xx

  23. What fabulous pieces Valerie, I really like the squares, but then yellow is always a winner for me. Your tag is so pretty, and the photos are amazing, it almost looks like Spring until you see the frost. Have a very happy weekend, Sue xx

  24. Love the journal page Valerie and a great idea to recycle the painted pages as they add a lovely texture.
    Gorgeous photos, the park looks lovely.
    Enjoy your weekend.
    Avril xx

  25. Just popping by for my weekly visit... Always good to see what you have been up to! Your new artjournal page looks vibrant, a super idea to use up something old to create something new. Lovely tag too! The photos of the park in winter look stunning, including those fun large shadows. I never thought of Duesseldorf as a beautiful place to visit, but you have made me see it with new eyes... Happy Sunday and stay warm!

    1. I prefer living outside of Düsseldorf, but there are some lovely areas there, and it's a good place to go shopping, too.

  26. As always, loved the pieces. Especially the 2nd. It has such a delicate feel to it.
    A cuss out. Ha!
    That one picture of the swan is purrfect. It looks like a Monet painting. I trust your public library approach to your wonderful photographs is still in place since I borrowed it:) Heh.
    Any word from the doctors yet?
    Have a creative day and pleasant evening.

  27. Beautiful photos and wonderful art Valerie! I have my thermal vest on here!
    Have a great week,
    Alison xox

  28. Wunderbar sonnige Seiten hast du gestaltet, machen gute Laune. Auch das raffiniert gestaltete Tag mit dem schönen Paris-Motiv gefällt mir sehr. Die Fotos ,wie immer, super gemacht.
    Ganz liebe Grüße

  29. wow,wunderschöne sonnige seiten und ein tolles tag mit den paris motiven,gefällt mir mega gut.
    der hofgarten ist ja bildschön,da möchte ich jetzt auch sein.
    eine schöne neue woche dir.

    hugs jenny

  30. Just playing catch-up. I hope you are feeling a bit better by now.

    The page is wonderful and always good to see old things being merged with new.

    The tag is very beautiful and your sewing always amazes me with the neatness on such a small project,

    Another wonderful place you found to stroll and enjoy and to share with us-thank you,

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  31. I love using up old bits on journal pages -yours looks fabulous! I really haven't done so well with entering challenges for a while - the mail art had been on my mind and that's where it stayed I'm afraid!! Dusseldorf does look wonderful on such a bright frosty day! Hugs, Chrisx

  32. Adorable page and a gorgeous tag, Valerie. Your creations are always inspiring me!
    I love the bronze deer and your photos with the shadows!!!!!!!!!! Hugs, my friend.

  33. I love the way you recycle your art! Fantastic! Gorgeous tag! So pretty!
    Amazing photos! Love the geese! LOL! Cool long shadows too!
    I hope your health is better! Big Hugs!


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