Saturday 14 April 2018

Weekend post

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend - enjoy! I'm planning on enjoying a quiet and restful one here, but hope you have fun whatever you have planned.

I have a hybrid page to share today. The background was painted, stamped and crackled and then added to my graphics programme. The figures are ones I drew and cut out for another project, and have re-used here. The together quotes and frame are from Serif.

I also have another tag for Tag Tuesday - black, white and a spot of colour, using another of my self carved stamps:

The photos were taken on a walk along the Rhine and through our little town 10 days back, and the difference in the amount of greenery between then and now  is amazing:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Your journal spread is beautiful. The images you drew and cut out are wonderful. I am so in awe of this entry. It is beautiful.

    I also like your tag because I am in LOVE with your hand carved stamps. This is wonderful and shows how talented you are.

    Even for 10 days ago, your springtime weather is so much further along than ours. Enjoy the spring beauty like I did the photos. Great bull sculpture.

  2. Hi Val, hope you will have a great and restful Saturday. Love the journal spread, those men look so cool! Great stamp, too - I am also a fan of your artisan stamps, they really have character. Your weather is about the same as ours, the trees in the garden are all green now, so that's great. Take care, hugs, Sarah

  3. Oops commented on the window display a bit early sorry.

    A wonderful journal spread and tag both very different

    Have a nice rest this weekend--we have sun today

    Love Chrissie xx

  4. Lovely post and looks like spring is in the air.x 💖 [Aussie aNNie's Blog]

  5. I'm loving your journal pages, the cut outs look fabulous against those lovely textured backgrounds that you created! Your tag is amazing too, I love the stamp that you made and the pop of yellow is wonderful 😀. I always enjoy walking along the Rhine with you and it makes me happy to see the blue skies and sunshine too! Have a great weekend! J 😊 x

  6. dein Seite ist wunderschön an zusehen und der Stempel ist wieder grossartig mit den zwei Farben der Rabe!
    Schönes Wetter ist bei dir am Rhein und die LÀden ach schön so zu bummeln...
    Ich wĂŒnsche dir ein schönes Wochenende!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  7. I like the colors and how your cutouts really stand off the page. Your rubber stamp carving is amazing. I enjoyed your walk today. The florist really knows how to entice people into the shop. Love the blue lingerie though it looks better on the mannequin than it would on me. (-: Enjoy your weekend!

  8. Beautiful journal page, stamp carving and photos. Beautiful color and texture throughout!

  9. Hi Valerie great page my friend and such pretty pics,thankyou for sharing my friend xx

  10. Greetings from the land of pouring rain! I love your cracked background on your first piece and your bird carving really makes me smile. Nice work and lovely photos (as always!)

  11. Love your hybrid page. For some reason the hands in the pockets appeal to me;)
    Oh Stacy would/will love your Tuesday Tag.
    What a wonderful walk. Look at that cow/steer!
    Enjoy your weekend.

  12. Lovely hybrid page and tag! Looking forward to some greenery around here, lovely photos. Enjoy your day in.

  13. This post has made me smile! I love the hybrid page! Great to see the bird posing while you carved a stamp!!! Love the photos - Spring is arriving here at last too! Hugs, Chrisx

  14. Happy Weekend, I love your newest art page and tag and of course I love loved all of your photos. and wow so cool that you carved your stamp-that's so wonderful!
    Enjoy your weekend

  15. Your art page looks beautiful. So do your photos. Isn't it wonderful to see spring popping up everywhere? :)

  16. Wow! That carved stamp is really amazing and it looks so good with the yellow. Love it! Super photos too!

  17. Deine Journalseiten mit dem gehackten Hintergrund sind klasse und der Rabenstempel ist auch sehr gut gelungen. Von deinen Fotos gefĂ€llt mir das mit der Blumendeko auf dem Stuhl so gut, aber auch alle anderen Fotos sind gut gemacht. Es ist schön, daß endlich FrĂŒhling ist. Schönes Wochenende .
    Sabine xox

  18. Its a great journal spread, I love the cut out silhouette figures you used. Its a fantastic tag with your own carved stamp as well.
    Lovely photos it is good to see the fresh greens and the trees with their leaves. I liked seeing in the shop windows as well.
    Enjoy your weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  19. Love your backgrounds! They turned into wonderful pieces. Great photos. Thank you for stopping by my blog.

  20. Once that green starts to come out it can't stop, can it? I love seeing your photos tonight since our 2 days of warmer weather (no blue skies though) are going to be ice and maybe even a bit of snow tomorrow. Love your cool people on your journal spread. Using the crackle gives it a lot of depth. Hope its a great weekend so far. Hugs-Erika

  21. Great Journal Layout! Love all of the textures and colors. Your Spring photos look great... we are so late with Spring this year it scares me to think of what Summer will be like.

  22. Fabulous journal page with that added crackle and so nice to see the evidence of sunshine within your beautiful photography, it's amazing how a little sun illuminates the sky. We had a lovely sunny day here yesterday so made the most of it, today I think the weather has yet to decide what the day will bring.
    Sunday Hugs Tracey xx

  23. Brilliant pieces Valerie, I always love crackle and your hand carved stamps are wonderful! Have a relaxing weekend and a fun week, Sue xx

  24. Wow! How do you come up with such creative stuff to do? I've always wanted to visit the Rhine, and thank you for sharing how lovely it is in your posts. Hugs...RO

  25. Oh my, such beautiful photos, Valerie! I fell like I was on the walk with you. Thanks so much for sharing them. And your hybrid piece and stamped tag are absolutely amazing in every single way! HUGS!!

  26. Beautiful! I really like the background with all that wonderful crackle. Such a wonderful hybrid piece. Your hand carved stamped looks really neat with the sunburst background.
    Hope your weekend is relaxing,

  27. Such lovely photographs, it's so nice to see some green, some blue and those flowers are so colourful too.

    Hope your weekend has been wonderful - here's to the new week ahead.

    All the best Jan

  28. deine seiten sind heute so wunderschön,das ist jetzt eine fav seite von dir,super mit den gemalten mÀnnern und wie du alles kombiniert hast,einfach klasse,der crackle hintergrund passt so super dazu.
    schöne bilder hast du wieder gemacht,das wetter ist bei uns gerade sehr schön,außer gestern,da hatten wir regen.
    eine schöne neue woche fĂŒr dich.

    hugs jenny

  29. Hope you had a great weekend Valerie x Love your hybrid projects and the photographs you have taken are amazing too. WE are supposed to have a heatwave on Wednesday...fingers crossed

    TFS and hugs
    Annie x

  30. Is that a bird or duck in the first photo? And what kind of bird/duck?
    Hope your week is filled with wonder, my friend.

  31. I love your art piece and I love your stamp!! So creative! Stunning photos! Wow!!! Big Hugs!

  32. Fabulous art journal pages!! I really adore the woodblock printed look of your handcarved stamps - you are very talented!!!


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