Monday 16 April 2018

Nature's beauty

Hi Everybody!

Time is flying, tomorrow is Tuesday and it will be time for a new challenge at TIOT -  Nature's Beauty.

As always, you have 2 weeks to link to us, and projects of all formats are welcome. I made a hybrid piece by combining parts of different photos taken by me. They were placed on a hand-painted background and given a digital frame:

And you still have another week to link entries to our 'black, white and a spot of colour' challenge at Tag TuesdayI made a very simple tag using a Paper Artsy stamp:

Tuesday is also time for Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T gang.
On Easter Sunday I was invited by my friend N, and we enjoyed a wonderful meal - this was just the first course, I was so busy eating I forgot to take more photos!

My drink was water, but we did have coffee after the meal!

Today I am sharing the photos of my boat-trip around Duisburg's huge river harbour. Enormous amounts of metal scrap are collected and recycled there:

This is also a boat which was supposed to be scrapped, but in the meantime it has been requisitioned and is used for events, conferences and making films:

The towers of the old bridge:

And a new bridge:

The office of the harbour master with a clock showing the level of the water:

An old paddle steamer, also much in demand for films and events:

The fire-brigade boat:

 The ancient harbour from the 18th century, now too small for shipping but much used for films:

Hope you enjoyed your tour of the harbour, I certainly did.
Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love your pieces Valerie, your black birds look amazing against their colourful background, and the eye is so striking! That meal looks delicious, you have the best friends! Have a wonderful week, Sue xx

  2. Hi Val, what a fantastic post again today, so much to see and enjoy. Love your creations, the photo composition is especially lovely. The meal you had by your friend looks delicious. Great photos, you have convinced me to do a harbour tour when we are in Duisburg again. Have a nice evening,hugs, Sarah

  3. You certainly captured nature's beauty with your beautiful piece Valerie and the green on the tag looks fantastic against the black and white.
    A special meal with a friend is always a treat i think and it looks delicious

    The harbour has a lot of interesting things to look at and great to see ot on by boat

    Have a happy T day

    Love Chrissie cx

  4. Lovely hybrid page and beautiful tag. Your Easter dinner looks so good. Enjoyed today's photos.

  5. That looks delicious -- and so do pages that sing of spring!

  6. Your page is gorgeous, I love how you used your won beautiful photos as well.
    It is a great tag, the green eye really draws you to it.
    Your meal with friends looked delicious, I'm sure you must have had a good time together.
    The harbour photos look good, I liked the old steamer and I can see from your photos why the area is used in films, such interesting views.
    Happy T day wishes Valerie.
    Yvonne xx

  7. Wunderschön dein Bild mit den Vögeln und den Blumen! Auch dein gestempelter tag ist so hübsch!
    Lecker sieht dein essen aus und die Fotos auf dem Rhein sind bewundertswert von Duisburg was du so0 alles gesehen hast toll!!!
    Schönen Wochenstart wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben gruss Elke

  8. Love the quote you've used in your page.
    ... and yes, that was a lovely tour of the harbour, thank you.

    Wishing you a good week.

    All the best Jan

  9. Hi Valerie love your hybrid page and your eye tag is lovely,you are so clever my friend,well done and thankyou for sharing your amazing flowers xx

  10. beautiful project for the new theme at TiOT- love that theme too! In contrast, your clean looking tag is great. Oops I forgot to make something for it- my bad:( Would so love to go on that harbour tour. Wonderful photos. Happy T day!

  11. Your hybrid art always impresses me, and I really enjoyed this nature inspired page you created. Your tag is quite lovely, too. I'm always impressed with your art.

    OH that boat trip! Oh the rust. WOW!!! I admit I like the old bridge towers better than the new bridge. The entire trip was fun to see, and the idea of salvaging those old boats to create venues, events, and movies really intrigued me. All wonderful today.

    Your Easter lunch was out of this world. I'm so hungry right now, I could eat my monitor (grin). Thanks for sharing it, your art, your boat trip, and your water with us for T this nearly Tuesday.

  12. That's a great piece of art and I love how you use your own photo. It makes a very unique page.And I love your tag too. I was hoping to get around to make one but it just didn't happen. When I get back and have some studio time. And your Easter dinner looks pretty good to me. That looks like a whole meal to me, but yummy! And it's great to see more photos from your boat trip. There's a lot to see there for sure. And it looks like a gorgeous day to boot! happy T day. Hugs-Erika

  13. Your art page is so gorgeous-the colors just pop like a photograph. Your meal looks delicious and I love the photo of your glass.
    Yes I really enjoy the tour of the harbor very much hugs Kathy

  14. wow what a beautiful and colourful art page today, so pretty and admirable.
    Once again I love venturing into your world through your pics.xx 💖 [Aussie aNNie's Blog]

  15. ooh wow,was für eine traumhafte seite,und ein toller spruch.
    das essen war bestimmt sehr lecker,ich libe braten mit klöße und gemüse,hhhmm das duftet bis hierher.
    dein bootstag war bestimmt toll,ich fahre auch gern boot.
    ich wünsch dir eine schöne neue woche.

    schöne grüße jenny

  16. your hybrid piece is perfection. well done! i must say that the spot of green on your black and white tag is quite striking -- a great color combo! finally. 2 thumbs up on that easter meal! have a wonderful week! xo

  17. What a stunning hybrid project Valerie x Wonderful colours and details x Love your tag too. Sending hugs Annie x

  18. As always wonderful projects and photos, Valerie

  19. I really enjoyed the trip around the harbor. I grew up in Rotterdam and love harbors. Even the oily smell is like perfume to my nose.
    Your hybrid piece is beautiful. I love how you put your own photos in.
    I love the concept of black and white with a splash of color. Your interpretation is perfect. Such a great tag!
    Have a good week,

    1. I know that feeling, I grew up by the London Docks.

  20. Your hybrid page is beautiful with the rich pinks and blues and your tag is eye catching ...get it 😉. I love the stamp and pop of green! It looks like you celebrated Easter in style with that amazing meal - delicious 😀. Wishing you a happy T Day! J 😊 x

  21. Loved the art work and thoroughly enjoyed the Harbour Tour ...."ALL ABOARD THE SKYLARK!"

  22. Your nature's beauty page is beautiful indeed. I especially love the black birds. Green eyes are so alluring and I like the way the bright green stands out from the black on your tag. I expected the harbor cruise to be very drab. I like how the new is so bright and colorful compared to the old buildings and bridges. Have a very happy T Day

  23. Beautiful hybrid nature art and tasty looking Easter meal. It looks like it's much warmer over there, we are having a cold start to Spring, the grass is still brown and nothing blooming. I hope you are doing well, sorry I'm not around much in blogland but all is well :) Cheers xx

  24. Hmmmm.. i wonder what movies i've seen the harbor and those boats in?? We are big movie buffs so i can't help but wonder if i've seen them... lol Valerie LOVE your hybrid piece and the clean lines of your tag is lovely. Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  25. Your piece is so beautiful and spring like and the tag is elegant fun. I did enjoy the tour:)

  26. That meal looks tasty, and more courses? Yummmm. Thx for the virtual tour. It looks like such a fascinating place :) Happy T Tuesday!

  27. beautiful art work, as usual! gorgeous digital piece and love the tag also. thanks for sharing the is so interesting to see the places you visit! happy T day! ♥

  28. Wow, what a fabulous piece of art you have created, beautiful flowers.


  29. Love the striking black white with touch of green tag, Valerie.

    Your Easter feast looks delicous - and that was only the first course? Wow.

    Yes, I did enjoy your tour of Duisburg's river harbour. Thank you.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  30. Wunderschön diese Hortensien kombiniert mit den Amseln und dem gemalten HG, sehr stimmig. Das Tag ist auch sehr schön gemacht mit dem kleinen Hauch Grün dazu.
    Lecker sieht euer Essen aus, dazu Sonne und Sightseeing, perfekter Tag sag ich mal.
    Liebe Grüße

  31. What a gorgeous and ornate page, I love it. The tag is also wonderful. It looks like you had a wonderful trip.

  32. I love how you create these Hybrid pages Valerie, fabulous idea to use your own image alongside the others. Isn't Nature so uplifting and it's fabulous to see those skies getting bluer and bluer as those sunnier days are on the horizon.
    Fabulous meal, makes me feel hungry just looking at it hee hee!!
    Hugs Tracey xx

  33. I certainly enjoyed the tour of the harbor. I especially liked the bridges. We just watched the draw bridge at the edge of our property be raised this past week. Big ships no longer use the river so they only open the bridge a couple times a year just to test it.

  34. Your hybrid piece is full of so many wonderful blooms. I love hydrangeas so those popped out at me. I have never seen that stamp by PaperArtsy but it a lovely one. A simple tag but I love it.
    Looks like you had a lovely boat trip full of many interesting sites.
    Happy Tea Day,

  35. A lovely page, gorgeous colours!

  36. Love both your art pieces! I don't know how you create so many pieces! You are amazing!
    That food looks so good!
    Your boat tour looks fantastic! Love the photos! Big Hugs!

  37. A fabulous page Valerie and I love how you've used your own photos,the colours look gorgeous. Interesting photos of your trip around the harbour,Thanks for sharing.
    Avril xx

  38. Love all the layers of your own photographs - you certainly know a thing or two about natures beauty!Your tag backs this up! Loved seeing your boat trip pics too! Hugs,Chrisx

  39. Beautiful! Your birds and florals are so enchanting...gorgeous color palette..nature is magical! Wonderful array of always have such intriguing photo diaries!
    Have a lovely wkd


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