Thursday 12 April 2018

Family journal page and more

Hi Everybody!

Time is flying, and once again it's time to get a post together for Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin. Today I am sharing another page in my family journal, using a photo of my Great Grandma Rachel with her 2 daughters, Sadie and Fannie, my great aunts. I don't know where her 'boys' were on this photo, but I love seeing how happy they look, even my great grandma is smiling:

I made 2 new stamps this week, Tony the tiger and Stripey the cat.
Toni looks like he has been crossed with a rhino, so I think I need to do a bit more work on him!

 And I am showing more of the photos taken last week in Duisburg.
The first part of the photos can be found here.
Niki de Saint Phalle's wonderful lifesaver fountain has been restored and repaired, and is once again turning and spraying water:

Two musicians were sitting on the rim of the fountain, and played the most enchanting melodies with their percussion instruments, so we enjoyed a break and sat and listened to them:

There were lots of merry-go-rounds for the kids:

And then it was time to board the ship for the harbour tour. Duisburg has the largest river harbour in Europe, and one of the largest in the world, and there is a lot to see. You can read more information here
This is the swan gate, the entrance to the harbour:

To the left of the tower you can see the old corn silos:

As I was born and brought up by the London Docks, I am always fascinated by all the cranes, ships and bridges to be seen: 

We were able to enjoy drinks and snacks on board during the 2 hour tour:

In my next post I will, show more pics, including those of the historical part of the harbour, dating back to the 8th century.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely page of family photos. I thought in 'those days' they never smiled in photos so this proves me wrong/beautiful layout.
    I also don't think I have ever seen boring photos from you of your part of the world, they are so interesting and I spend quiet a while looking at them, thanks.xx hugs to you... 💖 [Aussie aNNie's Blog]

  2. Great family page, you look so much like your great grandma and aunties! The stamps are gorgeous, very lively. Love the photos of Duisburg, I had no idea the harbour was so big, but it really seems to be hugs. We all managed to get up at the right time today, so that, at least, was normal! Have a nice afternoon, hugs, Sarah

  3. eine wunderschöne Familieseite mit einem tollen Layout!Die Stempeldrucke sind auch so schön geworden.
    Interessante Fotos von Duisburger Fest und Schifffahrt!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  4. Lovely family page and fun stamps. Enjoyed your photos today.

  5. I love the beautiful background on your family photo and your relatives smiles, beautiful.
    The tiger and kitty are all kinds of fun.
    I enjoyed another great daytrip. When did you move to Germany?
    May your day be filled with sparkle, sunshine and energy.

  6. Beautiful family page. I bet great-grandma and the great aunts were smiling because the boys weren't around! Your tiger and kitty stamps are wonderful. The fountain looks so happy, bet it's a great place to congregate during warm weather. Loved the very modern merry go-round. I enjoyed tagging along on the harbor cruise. Looks like you had a nice weather day and lots to see.The big head statue reminds me of the Face of Boe from Doctor Who :-D Enjoy your day!

  7. Love the garden surrounding your happy family, charming! You are really adept at stamp carving, wild designs! Have a great weekend!

  8. What a gorgeous background for the lovely photo of your relatives Valerie, really love it! Great new stamps too.
    Thanks too for sharing all those great photos, it's almost like being there.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  9. Great family photo. How lucky that you have so many like these. You are creating a wonderful display for them with so many beautiful pages. hugs, teresa

  10. I LOVE your layout with the picture of your Aunts with all those lovely flowers and the vintage flair.
    I love the tiger that you carved. I really want to start carving my own stamps. Yours are a great inspiration.

  11. Your stamps are just terrific, and so, too, are the Duisberg photos. What a fun time!

  12. It is a really happy family photo, your scrapbook page looks beautiful.
    Your new stamps Tony and Stripey look fantastic, you are so good at craving the,
    I loved the photos and it looks like you had a super boat trip, so may interesting things to see and it looks like the weather was kind to you that day.
    Yvonne xx

  13. Hi Valerie wow beautiful family page and i love your new stamps,you will have fun with those. You take the most amazing pics thankyou for sharing with us my friend xx

  14. I sincerely apologize for being late today. Life really got in the way of computer time. Your scrapbook page is out of this world. I love the mixed media elements you used, and all the layers you created. I am simply in AWE of these beautiful pages you are creating and this is another one.

    I was fascinated by the boat trip, the corn silos and the bridges. The railroad cars on the track look very similar to ones in my area. It's amazing how we live so far apart, yet so many things are so similar.

    BTW, that fountain is COLORFUL and fun to see spraying water.

  15. Wonderful family art, great stamps and I love all the photos.

  16. Gorgeous post. I really luv the colours in the family collage

    much love...

  17. fantastic collage on your journal page, beautifully done. your stamps are amazing! xo

  18. Beautiful page with that photograph taking centre stage, capturing a very happy moment in time. Love those hand carved stamps Valerie so organic in design makes them even more fabulous, bet they would look marvellous printed on fabric.
    You really do spoil us with your vibrant photography!!
    Hugs Tracey xx

  19. Love that everyone is smiling in the photo-it seems you don't see that often in the old photos. Gorgeous page! What a fun and colorful fountain. I know this is a place I'd love to visit someday. The harbour ride sounds so nice. Happy PPF!

  20. Such a lovely photo of your family, it's nice to see all their smiles 😁. Your photos are fabulous with the colourful images and I enjoyed the harbour tour too! Have a great weekend! J 😊 x

  21. Your family journal page is so beautiful. And the stamps you've made are super, even Tony. It's extremely impressive to me that you are cutting out these fab stamps.

  22. Love your journal page! Those stamps are amazing!!!!!

  23. Love your beautifully scrapped family journal page Valerie - wasn't that a great photo with all of them smiling.
    Your hand carved stamps are cool and unique :)
    Great photos too - nice artwork on the merry-go-round and the giant head was intruiging.
    Hope you have a great weekend.
    Gill xx

  24. Such an interesting river harbor! And that fountain art...very colorful. Not my cup of tea, but definitely an attention-getter! Glad it was repaired. And I just loved your page with your relatives picture! It's so great!

  25. Creative and elegant collage work ~ wonderful photography!

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  26. Wow, wonderful! Your family journal page is deeply beautiful!! Love all of the photos!
    Have a fabulous wkd!

  27. I love old photos, and your page really makes it come to life, nicely done! Happy PPF!

  28. Just love your journal page.

    Wonderful to see your collection of photographs here.
    Wishing you a good weekend.

    All the best Jan

  29. Beautiful pages as always Valerie, and fab stamp carving! Have a very happy weekend, Sue xx

  30. Oh how beautiful your art page is, how wonderful to see your family from times past. The stamps look great and I enjoyed your photos as well.

  31. Fascinating art in the city! I love it! You rarely see people smiling in those old school that your great gramma had such a big smile. Looks like they were having fun! Your stamps are amazing and need to be marketed...truly unique and fabulous! You need to licence them! Wow so impressed!

    Peace Giggles

  32. Finally catching up. :) Love the latest scrap page. That is a great vintage photo mainly (besides the fact they are your family) because they all do look so happy. I wonder why in so many old photos people never smiled? Nice stamps too. AndI also enjoy the harbor tour. It looks like a beautiful day to be out enjoying the sun and the scenery. happy weekend. Hugs-Erika

  33. As you may guess - I love your page! Those carved stamps look amazing too! A trip to Duisburg again is the perfect end to this post! Happy weekend! Chrisxx

  34. eine tolle family seite und tolle neue stempel die du gemacht hast.
    in deiner stadt ist ja viel los,danke fürs teilhaben.
    ein schönes we.

    hugs jenny

  35. Another amazing page foryour family album Valerie and I think the way you make the stamps is unique. Hope to see them on projects soon.

    Wonderful photographs as always and so good to see the fantastic fountain in all its glory.

    I think the goods in the shopwindow are a little optimistic though we do have sun today. I hope you have too

    Love Chrissie xx

  36. These are amazing, all of them! Very cool, from here, where the snow falls... sigh.

  37. Your family album is a treasure and I love your stamps. The cat is a favorited. Looks like a fun and interesting trip this week. Thanks so much for sharing. Happy PPF!

  38. I love your happy family art! It's priceless!! I think your stamps are adorable! You made me smile!! What a fun boat tour!!!! Love the pictures! Big Hugs!

  39. WOW. Valerie! I absolutely LOVE the scrapbook page you made with this treasured photo. It is so wonderful that you have this of your great grandmother and her 2 daughters. You scrapped it beautifully! And I love your stamps, too! Also, the photos are spectacular! I love them all and am so happy to have traveled with you Duisburg!

  40. The family page is lovely. I think it is wonderful that they are all smiling! Not something often captures in photos from that time. LOVE IT!

    Your stamps and photos are also fabulous. Always enjoy seeing what you are up to and the scenery you are seeing. :)

  41. Love the background on the journal page with the bright n beautiful yellow flowers complementing the old photo..the stamps are just cute!
    love shilu (desisoul arts)


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