Friday 4 August 2017

Weekend this and that.

Hi Everybody!
On the 5th of each month we start a new challenge at
More Mixed Media.
All our themes are anything goes, this time with 'bright'
as the option. You have 4 weeks to link your creations
to us. I made an A3 mixed media piece. The BG was
gessoed, painted and sprinkled with brushos,  water and
glitter. The bird was painted using a home made stencil, part of a set
I made of the same bird/branch in different sizes.
The text is from the Beatles's song 'Blackbird'
I have made several versions of this theme over the past
few years, perhaps because I like that song so much.
I am also linking to Art Journal Journey, Jo's theme of poetry in
motion, and Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin.

Some people asked about the little poem on my 'Erika' journal
page yesterday. It was written by me. If quotes are by others I 
usually put their names on the page. Glad some of you liked it!

Here are the remaining photos from my trip to Nord Strasse 
yesterday. It's a journey of about 15 minutes on the tram, and
it always seems like another world compared to our little place
here. I like going on a trip, but I love coming back here each time!

The word 'Drahtesel' on the bike stander means
'wire donkey', a fun word for bikes:

This shop just sells tea, mugs and tea requisites - 
I never went in there, either!

The huge and rather horrible building is from an insurance company:

More little cafés and hidden back yards:

The entrance to the subway - some trams drive overground,
the majority are sometimes over and sometimes

Looking down the escalator:

And the view from the bottom. Then there is another escalator
leading down to the platform:

Waiting for the tram:

Here it is:

And it's always good to reach our road again. Even the air smells
different - less cars and more horses here!

When I see the post box I know I'm home:

Thanks for accompanying me on my little outing!
Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Your blackbird page is gorgeous. Looks like a painting. So much to see in the shopping area. Love the wire donkey. Too fun. You'll have to pop into the tea shop. That will make a wonderful T Stand For post. The insurance building looks so out of place with the architecture. Too bad the architects didn't come up with a design that would fit in instead of sticks out. Your little corner is so pretty with all the window boxes. Wonderful to travel, but as the saying goes there's no place like home.

  2. I love your pretty journal page Val, great colours, and love how you have really made it bright. Wonderful photos, too, I remember when G fell down those stairs to the subway and screamed the place down! Thanks for the memories. He'll be 21 this year, bless him! Hugs, Sarah

  3. What a fabulous page! The Brusho technique with the water drips looks really cool and definately something I'd like to try, thanks so much for the inspiration dear Valerie 😁. The colours looks so magical and your bird stencil is amazing, I like the sparkle you added to your blackbird too! Who could not love the Beatles song and the lyrics you chose are perfect 😁. Thanks for linking such an inspirational post to Art Journal Journey and wishing you a very Happy Weekend! J 😊
    p.s. the tea shop and little cafés looks very appealing and subway photos are fab! J x

  4. Love the "wire donkey" reference! :-) Great scenes of Nord Strasse and enjoyed the artwork as well.

  5. Liebe Valerie das kann ich mir vorstellen die frische Luft wieder einzuatmmen wieder in deiner Strasse bei dem Verkehr und dichte der Häuser so geht es mir sogar mir so hier.
    Zu deinem Journal das ist so hübsch mit dem Vogel auf dem Ast und die Farbgebung mit dem Spruch und Noten.. wunderschön zum an schauen!!!!
    Ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  6. The blackbird with the pain and brusho background was lovely - great song choice Valerie.
    Loved going on the photo trip with you today. Everywhere always seems so clean with no street litter - unlike here :( I might have said that before - but it always stands out to me.
    Hope you have a great weekend.... Gill xx

  7. sorry I meant to say paint not pain........ ooops

  8. Your little blackbird is adorable! And the page is so cheerful and colourful too. Super photos. :)

  9. NOW i dont have to go there its lovely photos you take. Your little black bird is adorable i love birds in all forms but you prob. already know that by now ;O))
    Hope you have an interesting weekend

  10. Nord Strasse looks big and busy but I MUCH prefer your building and street. It has charm and warmth and I can imagine you living there.

    Love your silhouette style again and it works so well with the bird!

  11. Love the page Valerie and it is amazing how you make the stencils. Good to use the Beatles song.

    The photographs show a different world to the one where you or me live. Good to visit but not a place I would want to live.

    Love Chrissie xx

  12. Beautiful page, the background is fabulous! How wonderful that you can take a tram to another nice town with so much to see. Take care, Shirleyxx

  13. Beautiful blackbird piece! Enjoyed your outing today too!

  14. Ach das leuchtet so schön, wie bemaltes Glas mit einem Licht dahinter, total schöne Effekte. Und das nette Vögelchen mit dem Glitzer darauf ist perfekt dazu. Von deinem Foto-Spaziergang gefallen mir die Bilder aus deinem Viertel am besten, denn da sind schöne alte Häuser mit schönen Gärten und es sieht gemütlich aus dort.
    Liebe Grüße

  15. I love your blackbird Valerie, the colours are wonderful! Is it a sign of old age that it's nice to visit but even nicer to come home lol xx

  16. Wow, I loved the virtual tour with you. Thanks for taking us along and sharing your journey with us.

  17. I love your wonderful blackbird page and the words of the song, are super.
    It was good to see the rest of the photos, I don't think I could cope living in such a large town.
    Yvonne xx

  18. Oh I love your bird piece, it is so charming and inspiring. What a fun word meaning for the bike stand!

  19. Your blackbird page is adorable! Thank you for linking to Jo's AJJ theme ! Super photos. Happy weekend!

  20. What a super page! Love that bird against the colourful mixed media background! Suer photos of your outing too!

  21. Love your bright background with the black bird ♥ Interesting look at another part of your world. Dad did get to come home today so everyone is relieved. He still has a long road to recovery. Have a great weekend.

  22. Love the bird poem and picture. Beautiful and inspiring!

    I always enjoy going on outings with you and getting to see your area of the world. Love the hidden cafes and courtyards. :) Happy weekend!

  23. I so enjoyed my outing with you.
    Love the hidden cafes and courtyards, I would have stopped for a cuppa!

    Have a lovely weekend

    All the best Jan

  24. That Beatles song is one of myfavorites. I think you made a gorgeous page for it. And I enjoyed seeing the city, and it is a large one, isn't it? I would be like you and be ready to get back to a place with little more space and some green. But I will admit I like a day in the city for a visit and a little change of ace, at least every now and again. Hope you have a super weekend. Hugs-Erika

  25. I was very impressed with your lovely bird. I really like it and, thanks to your latest artwork, I finally have an idea for Jo's wonderful theme.

    I loved the photos from Nord Strasse, but I have a question about the first one. What is the sign with the woman and child and diagonal lines (which I assume mean don't or not)? Curious minds and all.

    That tall glass building reminded me of a silo made of glass. I couldn't figure out what was at the top of the building, though.

    As always, I love seeing photos of flower boxes on windows. That is something you don't see here. It is a wonderful addition to any home, I think.

    Thanks for taking us to Nord Strasse and back home again.

    1. The woman and child is the sign for a pedestrian zone or path, and as you thought, the diagonal lines mean that it is the end of the zone.

  26. Love your blackbird page with it's bright background. Great photos, looks a busy place - nice for a visit but not to live there.
    Avril xx

  27. oohh deine seite mit dem vögelcheb ist super schön,der hintergrund ist spitze mit dem glitter darauf.
    die bilder auds deiner stadt sind klasse und dein viertel ist total gemütlich.
    ein schönes we.

    hugs jenny

  28. I love your blackbird page and the song is one of my favourites - fabulous photos, love the wire donkey.
    xxx Hazel.

  29. fab blackbird Valerie and thanks for the journey.xxHave a lovely weekend.♥

  30. Beautiful piece! That background is so gorgeous with all of the colour, and the bird silhouette is amazing! A trip to the city is always nice, but I know what you mean about being glad to get home to the clean air. I spent my whole adult life in the city and I didn't mind it, but now that we live out of the city, our trips back there make me realize how smelly and messy it is! All the traffic and horns honking. It's noisy and you can't hear any birds. Like you, I'm always so glad to get home! sending hugs :)

  31. Love your of my favourite songs...xx

  32. Hi Valerie! I absolutely loved seeing your gorgeous, bright and colorful creation! The lyrics are perfect here, too! And as always, I LOVED seeing your amazing photos. I always feel like I was there with you. Your shopping excursion seems like so much fun, but like you, I am always glad to be home, too! Your home is LOVELY!!!!!

  33. I love your blackbird page! So meaningful. I loved the walk around your town. The cafés look inviting!

  34. You capture such a wonderful authentic state of where you are at the time!! Love the photos, it's like going on a little trip!! Love your lyrical crow too..beautiful but now I have another ear worm... I'll be singing that all night!!

    Hugs Giggles

  35. Your blackbird piece is gorgeous!! I love love love all that color play!! and I am a huge fan of that song as well!!
    What a fun trip- again thanks for taking us with you and phew I was glad to get away from all that busyness as well, back to the peacefulness of your place! ")
    Jackie xx

  36. I love your art with the black bird! Amazing my friend! Thanks for taking us with you in your travels! I love it!!! Big Hugs!

  37. Thanks for taking us along on your outing! How fun!! I adore your bird with the colorful background. Amazing contrast!

  38. Love your blackbird page! Great photos but how that Insurance building ever got past planners is a real puzzle! Hugs, Chrisx


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