Thursday 22 September 2016

All creatures great and small....

Hi Everybody!

Another week is speeding by and I still haven't worked out
where my time always goes....

For Paint Party Friday I made a mixed media A3 journal page for no particular
theme, just for fun. I brayered and then sprayed the background, and added some background stenciling, trying to keep to shades of brown. My men were painted in and then stamped to pattern their clothes. I added the quote 'I am the dream, you are the dreamer', which I then divided up and repeated here and there.

For Art Journal Journey, Elizabeth's lovely theme of back to school, I made a journal page using some inspiration I got on my Monday walk this week. A class of students were at the Rhine with their art teacher, sketching various things in groups of 2 and 3. They were really taking their work seriously, and it was fun to watch them. I took some pics, which I altered a little with various filters and made them to my journal page:

And this is my tag for Tag Tuesday this week:

The swans and geese were at the pond in the park:

I loved watching the swans turning their long necks to do their morning toilet:

These ducks were next to a stream at a place I visited yesterday:

The geese are probably being fattened up for St Martin's day in November:

And these horses were on the field next door:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Another all round wonderful post! Love the masculine piece with the soft colours, and the journal page with those fortuitous photos of the school kids, you struck lucky there. Your birds and beasts photos are wondrous, as always, really prize worthy! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Hi Valerie! You have been very busy, my friend! I love all of your gorgeous works of art, the first one is spectacular, I love the one for AJJ with the awesome photos, and your tag is lovely, too! Thanks also for sharing the gorgeous photos! The swan is simply magnificent!!!!! Hugs to you, my friend!

  3. Fabulous artwork and lovely photos Valerie, your 'cool' tag made me smile :)
    Sorry I've missed quite a few of your posts lately as I have been a bit out of sorts with last weeks sudden heatwave.
    Hope all well with you. Gill xx

  4. Lovely work for PPF, both for the themes and nice to have a themeless piece as well! Beautiful swans.

  5. Your use of texture always inspired me. That's a beautiful page. And love the swans! So graceful!

  6. What fabulous pages - I love the Dreamers and how great to find an art class by the Rhine! The tag is brilliant! Your photos are brilliant - love the swans! Hugs, Chrisx

  7. Great pages -- love the doggie/kitty one. Lovely photographs - such a lovely place to walk. hugs, Donna

  8. You are always so art busy. It is inspiring. I really love this piece. Great tag too.

  9. Beautiful photos of nature's creatures. Just adore the creativity and especially love the masculine feel of the first creation. Hope you are having a lovely Thursday.
    This will also be perfect for one entry as an anything goes creation for our challenge below.
    {ATG with a CREATE WITH TLC Element}
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  10. Where do I begin? The dreamers are wonderful, and I like the background and colors you chose.

    The cats on the tag are bodacious and bold. Bleubeard and Squiggles both approve!

    The photos of the swans are superb. I hope Patty gets a chance to see them. But the geese made me sad. Now I know why I'm a vegetarian!

    Of course, I was simply thrilled with the very timely AJJ piece. It was wonderful to see those young people so intent on their art. That was a perfect way to think outside the box, yet stay with the theme. LOVE it!

  11. Beautiful projects today Valerie, your journal piece if wonderful with the way the colours glow, and the AJJ is perfect with the photo's and the sentiment. The cat and dog just makes me happy - simple things eh. Have a very happy week xx

  12. Oh Valerie, I think your journal page is fantastic! I love all the layers and textures you crated.
    Now that AJJ page is so perfect for the theme. LOVE IT! I remember getting to go "outside" and draw and sketch in my art classes.....those were the best classes.

  13. As always, you've been busy and entertainably creative. Love the Cool Card

  14. What a great post. So many beautiful creatures to see on the walk. And I LOVE that tag and completely enjoyed the pieces.

  15. Tolle Arbeiten zeigst Du uns heute wieder - Deine "Just for Fun" Seite gefällt mir besonders gut, die Idee mit den Zeichenschülern draußen ist klasse verwurschtelt und das Tag ist auch richtig süß... ist das ein frecher Mops, der sich für ein cooles Kätzchen hält, lol?
    Schöne Aufnahmen hast Du vom Spaziergang mitgebracht!
    Happy PPF und happy AJJ and happy evening!
    War schon zum Einkaufen, morgen gehört der Tag also mir und den Hunden..hoffe das Wetter ist wieder freundlich, dass wir eine große Runde machen können!
    Bussi Susi

  16. Beautiful work, Valerie. I love that you did one page just for fun and just to please yourself. hugs, Teresa

  17. I thoroughly like you creative art work. The journal page is special. Love the tag. It put a smile on my face. Love the photography.

    Hugs and Blessings,

  18. Fantastic artwork today Valerie and a great quote on both of them.

    Love the fun tag as well.

    Fantastic photographs.. I couldn't resist saving one of the beautiful swan

    Love Chrissie xx

  19. You do so much wonderful art! I love how creative your pieces are. The photographs are beautiful too.

  20. Well you have been busy with three projects all in one day... They all look fantastic (the tag is really fun) but my favourite is the A3 for PPF, super background and great figures!!

  21. Wunderschöne kreative Werke sind das wieder. Ich mag die Ton in Ton gehaltene braune Seite sehr,klasse gemacht. Aber auch das Hund-Katze-Tag ist total süß, macht gute Laune. Schön auch wieder deine Fotos.
    Liebe Grüße

  22. Wonderful creations Valerie and great photos as always.
    Have a great day tomorrow and a lovely weekend too.
    Fliss xx

  23. sehr schöne kreative werke wieder,tolle bilder hast du auch gemacht und das hund katze tag ist cool.
    ein schönen abend noch.

    hugs jenny

  24. Your journal pages are fabulous! I really like how you incorporated the photos into your spread. Happy PPF!

  25. Beautiful pieces today Valerie. The dream piece does really feel like a dream. :) Plus it always amazes me how much teenagers are the same all over. Those could be my students out there sketching. I think the world is becoming such a small place.Or maybe it already is. Great new header too. Happy PPF. Erika

    1. That's true, many things are the same everywhere. I remember sitting at the Rhine with my students sketching way back when, but I lived o the other side of the river then, opposite the Altstadt.

  26. Wonderful art work today! I love the back to school piece and quote, it must have been fantastic to watch the students sketching and from your posts I know the Rhine is such a beautiful and inspirational place! So glad I finally got to join in the fun at AJJ too :-). Oh and your tag is great - it really makes me smile. Wishing you a happy Friday! J :-)

  27. And you are a very artistic dreamer:-)

  28. I love what you did with the borders of these pictures. It looks as if they're one with the background.

  29. Love your background and then the clever stamping on the clothes. Nice piece. Just envy you walking along the Rhine and picking up ideas from art students. Such a classic setting.

  30. Oh, Valerie, this is such a wonderful way to start my day! Your header is gorgeous and colorful and your dream/dreamer journal spread is beautiful too. I love the collage of the students painting. Very nicely done. Of your photos, I will say that I loved the ones of the swans. I remember seeing them in Germany. I don't think I've seen any here in the US.

  31. Love your new header! I wonder what the wrap is on the horse for.

  32. Beautiful art and photos! I love the cat and dog tag..made me smile.

  33. Such a sharp piece of artwork with the men! Love the adorable tag...sooo cute!! The quote with the kids creating is so awesome!! Great post and photos Valerie!!

    Hugs Giggles

  34. I love your background, looks so beautiful.
    Happy PPF :-)

  35. I absolutely adore all these photos of the waterfowl, and the 2 figures are so cool and mysterious! And what inspired sketch pages are awesome!

  36. Great post with some fun art work Valerie!!

  37. Lovely to see all of your wild life photos!
    The swans speak to me especially...such beautiful creatures ♥
    Your art student inspired piece is super. How nice for them to be out in the fresh air drawing. Perfect quote too of course!
    The first piece you created intrigues me.
    The way you stamped their clothes is brilliant and so effective.

  38. When you do art everyday, time indeed flies by. I sometimes do not want to go to sleep at all because it will be next day. I want to hold on to the present day as much as possible.

    Your new banner is delightful. The mixed media collage is beautiful with all the brown colors. So is the student inspired piece. It is indeed wonderful to be inspired by something that you happen by in your morning walk. The cats are indeed cool!. The photos of the birds and animals are lovely.

  39. Great art, again!
    I've been dreaming...perhaps having a short beach holiday in Oct/Nov when it's dark and rainy here...
    Have a good week!

  40. wow, you are busy! :) I like your mixed media dreamer men... very mysterious in a dreamy way. Great quote to go with the photos of the students. I love how focused they are. And swan necks are so amazing, aren't they?!

  41. wow, I love your art this week. Everything about it. The men, the color, all of it. It is a piece one return to :)

  42. Wonderful art, I really like the warm colour in your journal page, and your two stylish men, it has a beautiful glow to it. And your tag made me smile. Lovely photos too, how great of that teacher to take the students out to sketch!


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