Saturday 23 January 2016

Sunday mix

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend is going well.
I am feeling better now after the OP from Thursday, and trying to gather strength for the next, big knee OP in February.

For Art Journal Journey, winter wonderland, I made another hybrid collage.
The background is a photo taken at the meadows by the Rhine when we had snow. I added some little shadow pics, and the photos of the plane and the horse. The kids and snowman are digital add-ons, as is the snowflake frame. I love mixing real and fantasy this way.

The morning sky is always beautiful, and I have only ever seen this shade of blue
while dawn is breaking.

The plane has just lifted off from the airport:

Took this one through the kitchen window, the sun seems to be heart shaped.

Another huge ship:

This little robin was also enjoying watching the ships:

The gulls were following along in the wake of the ship:

An early bird waiting for his worm:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I really MUST get into digital art, because I simply adore how you combine both types of images in your art. This is fantastic.

    I wonder if the gulls are following because they think the ship will have food that might be thrown over. I certainly enjoyed seeing the photo, though! Have a fantastic Saturday.

    Yes, you have NO idea how happy I am to be home!

  2. What a sweet art piece, the digital frame is so pretty! I love your photographs as well!

  3. You have created another lovely journal page today, I love how you mix photos and artwork to make your pages. Great photos, too. Have a nice evening, hugs, Sarah

  4. Valerie,
    With me dipping in and out of blogland, I had no idea you had an op! Glad to read you are feeling better.
    You create this art with such ease and flair, it is incredibly beautiful.
    Thank you for sharing your photographs.

  5. Wonderful scene Valerie, love the cute children adding a touch of fun
    Great pictures. Hope you're feeling better after your op.
    Avril xx

  6. A beautiful page today, I love your heart shaped sun. Good luck with the knee surgery, Feb will be here before you know it.

  7. The way you are presenting your photos in your journal is absolutely amazing and beautiful. I love the dark border which really sets off the photo and added elements. More long ships on the Rhine...great photos too.

  8. Love the digital collage today! I especially like the horse you added down at the bottom. And more great photos. Hope the end of your weekend is wonderful and you are all recuperated from this round soon!

  9. Fascinated by the page. It looks like you had fun creating it. Excellent. Always love your photography.

    Hugs and Blessings

  10. Fascinated by the page. It looks like you had fun creating it. Excellent. Always love your photography.

    Hugs and Blessings

  11. Fabulous page with the wonderful mixed images. Beautiful colours on you photography today as well. The rich darkness and the coloured haze are so beautiful

    Pleased all is well after your op

    Have Good day

    Love Chrissie xx

  12. eine wunderschöne winterseite und tolle bilder,toll das die op gut verlaufen ist,viel glück für die nächste op und gute genesung .
    eine schöne neue woche,gute besserung.

    hugs jenny

  13. Was für eine schöne Seite und fabelhafte Bilder! Du warst sehr tüchtig und wirst auch die Knie OP ganz toll meistern! Das weiss ich jetzt schon!
    Hab einen schönen Sonntag liebe Valerie!

  14. Wow, beautiful art today Valerie, I love the dark tones! Wishing you well for your upcoming surgery. Hope all goes well at the hospital and with your recovery. hugs :)

  15. I'm glad to hear that you're feeling better Valerie. I so love the heart shaped sun, it' a magnificent photo. Hope your next op goes well too.

    Warm hugs

  16. Ouch! knee ops aren't my fav. pastime. Hope you feel the benefit soon. Love the idea of aircraft and the snowman group. Stay warm

  17. Oh dear Valerie, glad to hear you are on the mend, and the other one so soon? Please keep us posted on your progress!

    another fun collaboration in the park! You have quite a bit happening there today, between horses and snowmen and planes in the air! A fun piece Valerie!
    take care my friend and don't over do it!

  18. Adorable Sunday mix Valerie...hope you are your project I missed yesterday, sorry had a busy weekend and so hot here...took the energy out of me.xx...x

  19. There is no one and I mean no one that can create hybrid collages like you - always so wonderful. It would be so exciting if a bunch of us could travel to where you live and you give some classes.
    I am behind as usual and did not realize you had surgery -- glad to know you are doing well. I wish I could live near so I could bring you some home made goodies. Or make your bed or clean up a bit.
    Valerie you know how much I enjoy your pictures -- every single one!!!
    Rapid mending wishes to you --
    Sandy xx

  20. Thank you for sharing your gorgeous photos and your playful page. I think it is cool how you mix the fanciful into reality. It is a good reminder that we should never take ourselves too seriously.

  21. Liebe Valerie
    soooo zauberhaft dieses Sonnenherz - berührend schön, wunderschöne Aufnahmen wieder...
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  22. A fabulous collage, love how you added the cuties and your own photos.
    Pleased to read you are recovering well.
    Yvonne xx

  23. It's a beautiful scene, seen through a gap in the dark and the shadow pictures give an extra touch of magic.
    I've never seen that colour of sky, even early in the morning, so beautiful a deep blue colour.

  24. I love how you have combined your photos with the digital elements! Great dawn pics! Glad you are recovering well! Take care! Hugs, Chrisx

  25. Glad to hear you are mending well ♥ Love the art and the photos are magnificent!!!

  26. Just now catching up here, Valerie. As usual, I'm enjoying each and every collage and each and every photo. So glad to hear you made it out of surgery okay and are focused on healing and recovery. Knees are so vulnerable - Achilles was darn lucky only his heel gave him grief, eh? hehehe

  27. Your photos are beautiful - as always. I especially like no. 3 - it has something so typical for the Rhine area (and other areas in Germany). Your collage is gorgeous and made me smile!

  28. oh dear me.. working backwards to catch up, I really missed a lot in last few days. So pleased to hear you are ok Valerie.
    Love your wintery scene and the fantastic mask that frames the setting so wonderfully.
    Great photos too - wow that's a very long boat this time!
    Have a lovely day.......... Gill xxx


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