Friday 15 January 2016

Cold, wet and windy

Hi Everybody!
It's weekend - enjoy!

For Art Journal Journey, winter wonderland,
 I have 2 hybrid pieces today. The first is a photo taken by the stream
nearby and placed onto a water-coloured background with a snowy frame. And Erika is once again putting in an appearance, poor girl. The little poem was one I wrote when I was 7, and I think it fits here well.

This piece was put together with one of my frosty night photos taken from my balcony and the face I drew recently.

I won some blog candy from Annie back in December. She sent it off by airmail
on December 8th, and it arrived here on January 14th.... Post services seem to have become much more expensive all over the world, but the service sometimes leaves a lot to be desired. Thanks Annie, I love my stamps!

This beautiful card accompanied the stamps!

Here it has been another cold, wet and dreary day, but we have to take the weather as it comes. The Rhine is rising:

The tits like to congregate in the tree in front of my windows, and I am always amazed that such small birds can be so loud!

Just managed to get a glimpse of the swan in the distance:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Your artwork is always so stunning. Congrats on winning those lovely stamps. The water certainly looks cooold!

  2. Love both pieces today, and the poem, you were a little clever clogs! Hugs, Sarah

  3. beautiful pieces, you were quite a poet at 7! I heard some noisy birds today on my walk, I couldn't see them though.

  4. Another beautiful winter scene, Valerie! The second one page is gorgeous, love the pretty face and the stunning effect you have created on it with your photo.
    Love the super card from Annie!
    Have a lovely weekend! Hugs, Mar

  5. Poor Erika doesn't look very happy that winter has come around ;-) You really had a way with words as a 7-year-old! Love the second piece, those leaves almost look like Christmaslights....

  6. Two lovely pieces Valerie, the Winter scene is beautiful, and I love the face, she looks like she is surrounded with fairy lights. Have a great weekend xx

  7. I love your blog candy. That was so nice.
    Your pieces are, as always, great. And the picture of the swan, perfect. Don't you love swans?

  8. thats is such a sweet poem and to think you wrote that at such a young age, your creativity blossomed at a young age,, your winter face is beautiful, she looks very confident, what lovely gifts you were sent,, I know the mail takes so long to send things from Canada over seas,, its crazy,
    the photos are lovely especially the one with the swan,,

  9. You have been a poet from a young age. Such a sweet poem and lovely design with it as well. Congrats on your Happy Mail goodies. That timeless opulence stamp set is now on my wish list! Your girls face is amazeballs! Such a talented artist you are. Hugz. ~Niki

  10. I'm fairly certain everyone has said basically what I would say about the wintery poetry you created, and I'm going straight to the stamps. LOVE that rocking horse. Lucky, lucky YOU!

    1. I knew you would see that, I thought of you as soon as I saw it!

  11. Gorgeous images, love this one. Fabulous design and colour combo. Your photos always leave me in awe...I am soo happy the parcel arrived as sometimes it goes missing in customs....stolen or what ever so it was lovely to know...hugs.xxc.

  12. Love the page with the poem-I couldn't write anything that good even now. The face is wonderful and great to see a drawing of a face wearing glasses.I love the way you mix gold against such stunning background colours.

    Well done on winning Annie's candy but a shame it took so long to arrive. I couldn't believe the card I sent the other day reached you 2 days later. It was quicker than if I had posted one to next door lol. I had hoped it would take a couple of weeks :(

    Looks like lots of water Valerie and duller days. I hope it doesn't all freeze.

    Have a beautiful weekend

    Love Chrissie xx

  13. Wunderschöne Arbeiten Valerie.. und ich bin mal wieder erstaunt --- Du warst schon mit 7 eine Poetin- wow. Herrliche Aufnahmen--- sieht richtig kalt aus am Rhein - jawohl.
    Einen schönen Samstag!

  14. Oh I love the face of the night and I am amazed you still have the poem you wrote when you were 7. The weather here is very cold and frosty but I'm not complaining because the sun is out and the days slowly seem to be getting longer again. Enjoy your day, I actually did some sewing yesterday, think the mojo is making a return! Xx

  15. Both your pieces are 'so interesting'. What a lovely poem you wrote as a very young girl, and how lovely it fits the piece you made. Your Face of the Night is rather haunting .. especially with the texture you had added. Stamps are gorgeous and the card you received is beautiful .. a talented lady. Looks cold and wet ... hope it's warmed up a little today. hugs, Donna

  16. Happy Weekend Valerie, it's dreary here today as well. Your artwork is beautiful, the winter collage is fantastic and the face is gorgeous. Great work combining with photographs. Take care, Shirleyxx

  17. Great pieces Valerie. I love your poem too. How true, how true. Cool that you saved it. And what a great package you won- and I agree about postage- it keeps going up but the service goes down? Why is that I wonder? The water seems even higher than the other day in the Rhine. Hope you dry out a bit soon. Hugs and happy weekend!

  18. A lovely page and poem, Erika, is dressed so cozy and warm for the winter pages. Enjoy your new goodies.
    Yvonne xx

  19. What a wonderful wintery piece with your lovely poem Valerie. And I love the style of your night face.
    Smashing stamps and card - lucky you!
    What are those birds - are they Goldfinches?
    (oops nearly said goldfishes ha ha)
    Have a lovely weekend and keep warm
    Gill xx

  20. Marvelous post today starting with the winter scene and your personal poem; and, from the look on Erica's face, very a propo. Your face always amazes me and today I love the large glasses featuring her eyes. Beautiful photos of the birds and the river. Thanks always for sharing.

  21. Two great Hybrid pieces! Have fun with your stamps!!

  22. Your winter pages and beautiful and your face is stunning. I love the sparkly branches at the bottom.

    Super cool stamp sets and so nice of Annie to include that lovely card.

    Blessing hugs,

  23. What fabulous post! I love your winter page and your face. Those stamps looks as though they will be very useful too! Your rainy photos really do show what wet Winter we are having - although, just got back home from snow at the caravan! Strangely, nothing about 10 miles down the Motorway, then lots of snow around the junction to my sons, then only a sprinkle here! Hugs, Chrisx

  24. River looks quite high and your poor little girl with her runny nose. xox

  25. Another beautiful page with adorable Erika!! I just love her!!
    And what a great win!! You must have been so excited to open your package!! Wonderful stamps!!

  26. LOVE FACE OF THE NIGHT!!!!!! Your winter page is nice too :) Great photos , the water sure does look cold and wintry. Nice gift you got in the snail mail there . Snail Mail is really living up to it's name these days.

  27. Erika is a cutie but does look a wee bit cold ;-)
    What a clever young girl you were to write such a wonderful poem.
    Your have always been artistic.
    WOW on your super face of the night drawing.
    Your creativity is endless liebe Valerie.
    Congrats on all of that blog candy too.
    I am up late trying to catch up with all of the wonderful entries at AJJ...excited that we may be getting our first snowfall of the season AND it could be a whooper.


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