Friday 3 July 2015

When the postman rings....

Hi Everybody!

We had the hottest day of the year till now here, 37° outside and 32° inside -
for me a touch too hot, but we have to take it as it comes!

For Art Journal Journey, post and postage, I made a mixed media page with Postman Pat. This was an English children's programme, which was shown from the beginning of the 80s. He is a wonderful postman,  who delivers the post day for day no matter what, and always accompanied by his cat Jess. I painted the A3 background with gesso, drew Postman Pat and Jess, and painted them with water colours. I knew I had a postman Pat stamp in my stash, and after searching for hours I found it (Okay, I could have copied one from the net, but I knew I had it somewhere....) The letter was made from a sheet of paper folded into letter form, and stamped.I wrote the sentiment by hand and drew the airmail pattern round the edges before collaging it.
So many postmen deliver our post day for day whatever the weather, so this is also a thank you to all of them.

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin.

I went out earlier today in the hope that it would not be so hot, and had a walk along the Rhine, and then through some shady streets and alleys in our little town.

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I never heard of Postman Pat but he looks like he was a fun character. I love how you added the envelope to the page too. It is a great page. And boy it is hot where you are too. Even your photos look summery and hot, but still very very pretty. Hope your temperatures go down and it gets a bit cooler but still summery for you.

  2. oohh das ist ja eine schöne seite,der postman pat sieht so glücklich aus,ich mag die charaktere sehr die du malst,du hast das echt drauf.
    hier ist auch sauheiß,ich hoffe es kommt etwas wind,damit man nicht so fertig ist und atmen kann,ich schwitze auch wie eine ölsardine im eignen saft.
    hoffentlich kommt bei euch auch etwas abkühlung damit du den sommer genießen kannst.
    tolle bilder hast du wieder gemacht.
    ich hab heute in der nacht nicht geschlafen weil es so warm ist,hab dann noch eine postseite gemacht,lad ich gleich mal hoch.
    einen schönen tag dir.

    hugs jenny

  3. Oh Val, I LOVE this, must show the kids later when they wake up, they all so love Postman Pat! Beautifully made. Great photos, too - try to keep cool! Hugs, Sarah

  4. Cute tribute to the postmen! Wow that is very hot! We are having temperatures in the twenties, sometimes less this year. So very pleasant but lots of rain too.

  5. Love the fun postman and wonderful photos! The gorgeous hydrangea is like the one I have. We had a humid 33 Celsius here today, yuck....Stat cool my friend!

    Hugs Giggles

  6. What lovely and picturesque streets! I love all the photos!
    We reached even 45C here the other day.... too crazy hot! And very dry. The drought makes everything worse, so that makes your photos extra pretty to me :o)

  7. Ich verehre Deinen toll gezeichneten Postman Pat und seine Katze ... jedes Detail dieser Seite ist liebvoll und voller Charakter! Wunderbare Bilder hast Du wieder gemacht ! Happy PPF and happy AJJ liebe Valerie!
    Keep cool!


  8. Fun postman and cute cat.
    Your photos are gorgeous,
    Happy Friday and joyful Weekend xx

  9. Just beautiful, love seeing all the flowers and the streets from your walk.. Postman Pat was always a favourite with our family as we have a black and white cat too..
    Happy PPF
    Sandy :)

  10. Postman Pat looks like a nice guy.
    Your little town is so pretty!
    We have that heat wave now in Helsinki - it was +22 early in the morning, it will be around +30 later today week it will rain again. So I'll enjoy sunny Helsinki this weekend!
    Happy ppf!

  11. Very cute page.Never heard of postman pat and his cat but they are adorable.Your city is wonderful.What a beautiful place to love.Happy PPF.

  12. Lovely, brought back memories from when my son were a small boy. Postman Pat was one of his favorites. Love your photos as well, and espcially the street views. I'm playing with drawing street views these days.

    1. I used to let my students watch Postman Pat as part of English lessons - they all loved it!

  13. ha, yes I remember postman Pat, I was too old to watch him but I do remember the theme tune for the TV series!
    everywhere seems to be sweltering in the heat - your town looks so pretty.

  14. Nice shady places on your photographs Valerie. It was just as hot here yesterday and is now so not going far today.

    Just love the Postman Pat page and your drawing is wonderful as always.

    Have good day and try to stay cool.

    Love Chrissie xx

  15. Die Postman-Briefmarke ist ja toll und auch, wie du sie in deinem Bild verewigt hast!
    Auf deinen tollen Fotos kann man die Hitze förmlich sehen.

    Heute morgen war ein Anflug von einem Gewitter hier, doch kamen nur ein paar Tropfen, so gut wie keine Abkühlung - also weiter schwitzen! LG Ulrike

  16. I love your Postman Pat page, it brought back lots of memories of when the kids were small. Beautiful photographs.
    xxx Hazel.

  17. In love with Postman Pat:))

  18. Great drawing from the stamp. Who wouldn't love him delivering mail. 98F no thanks I would be wilted. xox

    1. Getting hotter by the hour, really not my thing!

  19. Love Postman Pat! I had forgotten how our envelopes had the red and blue border! And always your photos of your walks are just stunning. Thanks and Happy PPF

  20. Super postie creation, gorgeous colours as well.. enjoy your weekend..xx
    {aNNie My Personal Blog}

  21. What a fun page for the postage theme, I love the little matching stamp, brilliant! Great pics today too! hugs :)

  22. Oh, I do love the postman art, Valerie! Your drawing/painting is wonderful and just like the postage stamp man. Thanks for the neat photos. I got up at 3:30 because I couldn't sleep, and I actually thought that you might be up and out taking photos. Probably you had already been on your walk by then.

  23. Its been hot hot hot here as well. That's a lovely journal and the postman art is a really great effort. Have a lovely weekend!

  24. Hi Valerie. Hope you are doing well. What a wonderful piece. I love the postman work of art. Awesome and so are the photos of your daily walk. How wonderful it must feel to be able to walk in the footsteps of others long before you, like Vincent. You ever think about that? Did he walk here? There? Everywhere? Awesome. It's beautiful over there. Have a great weekend.

    1. True, it gives a great feeling for continuity .

  25. Fantastic page with a fun postman. I also love the cat and envelope. Great drawing, Valerie!
    Beautiful photos today.
    Have a lovely weekend! Hugs, Mar

  26. Ahh, yes, Postman Pat was a firm favourite in our house. Not so much as it was updated. I love your page, very much.
    Your photos' are always interesting. I wonder why the hydrangea has an umbrella over it, and what the blue and white bunting is for. Hope it's not so hot for you today {{Hugs}}

    1. The bunting is for the Marksmen's Festival and Fair which is on this week. The umbrella is to protect the flowers before they are sold! It is so hot just now.

  27. Oh what a darling, happy page! I never heard of postman Pat, but he makes me want to send someone a letter. :)

  28. Great page!!! Love the envelope and it's message. I do miss the excitement of receiving a letter or card in the mail. It is very warm where you are! We have sun today FINALLY! It's still about 20 degrees cooler here though. Very unusual for this month. Your photos are beautiful ♥

  29. Yes, beautiful pictures, lovely garden, beautiful drawings!

  30. I don't know of Postman Pat but he looks so friendly. He made a nice page!
    Melisa -

  31. This is so cute, and I love the stamp! And you just reminded me that I need to write a letter to a dear old friend of mine ....

  32. Oh post man Pat, so friendly and happy, great! You're having very hot weather your way, I think it's a heat wave everywhere just now, it will pass!

  33. Oh I love your Postman Pat Valerie, my kids used to watch him (along with Thomas the Tank Engine). It's been a bit cooler here today, so maybe we'll be able to sleep tonight :-) xx

  34. Love this page, I remember the kids watching Postman Pat, . its a great stamp image and a fantastic page.

  35. Love your Postman Pat artwork. He was such a cute and cuddly cartoon character and you have captured his charm to a T. Happy PPF

  36. Very beautiful. I love everything about art mail. Nice!!

  37. Fabulous, love your postman Pat fun page!

    It was pretty hot here too for a change, but not as bad as where you are....

  38. Aww what memories. Postman Pat and Jess were a favourite of my kids. Great fun artwork.
    We've been having roasty toasty weather too, but not as hot as you. I'd never think to shade my hydrangea but maybe I will now if the temperature rises.
    I love that weather vein too... I want one for our house.
    Happy PPF to you

  39. Hi Valerie, wow you sure did warm up there with some hot temps. Hope it cools down some. Love your journal page and Postman Pat looks like a happy guy. You sure live in a pretty town. Love the flowers and all the gorgeous buildings. Have a wonderful weekend.

  40. Bewundernswert wie schön du zeichnen kannst. Eine tolle Seite.

  41. Love your Love post!!!
    What a beautiful assortment of photos you share today Valerie!! thank you-xo

    1. ps..hope you find somewhere cool and refreshing!

  42. a sweet tribute to the postman :) I heard about the extreme heat that has hit many parts of Europe. Hope you're able to cool off a bit real soon. Thanks for sharing the lovely sights too!

  43. Valerie, What a nice tribute to your postman and all mail delivery people. I love your "shady" photos this week, too! Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. :>)

  44. I love love your Postman Pat. Never heard of him but would sure have loved to have him as my postman. Love love the stamp. The photos of your neighborhood evoke the heat and the shade perfectly.

  45. Your Postman painting is adorable. Your Town is so beautiful, I would love to live in a town I could walk around in. 32 degrees is a bit cool for me, but with all my 100s for months at a time, it might be a very nice change. Blessings, Janet PPF

  46. Great page photos and création, greeting from Belgium

  47. Loce postman création ,greeting from Belgium


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