Wednesday 24 September 2014

Harlequin men, happy mail and a walk.

Hi everybody!

We had a chilly and grey day here, it's Autumn. I am enjoying  the changing colours of the leaves, and I love the sound and feel of crunching through the fallen leaves. It's a great time of year!

The time is flying by again, I have the feeling that the time between getting up and going to bed is always shrinking. But there was still time today for 2 nice walks, time to cook a tasty veggie stir-fry - and to eat it,  time to put my feet up and read a bit, and time for painting, crafting and playing with leaves. I am so happy I don't need to go to work anymore!

I finished a mixed media canvas today. I re-used an old 15x12" one that I was tired of seeing. It had plenty of texture, so I gave it a coat of gesso and added  some beige and brown spray colours while it was still wet. Then I used a diamond stencil with Viva rust paint to fill in the diamonds. The 'man' stencils are some home made ones created using some ads from a magazine some time back. I made 2 outlines with black and brown pastel-chalks, and added 2 printed figures, which I varnished with paper-glaze. I added more patterning with some scraps of paper napkins left over from other projects, a few scraps of my old letters, and some more colours with pastel-chalks. I tried to make it look as though they are standing in water. I have called it 'Harlequin'.

 I am linking to following challenges:

Simon Monday (stamps and stencils)
Moo Mania and more ( autumnal colouring)
Art Journal Journey (living beings)
Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin.

The parcel postman got me out of bed this morning, and brought a little parcel from Jeannette - a Halloween bag, with a beautiful card in it, a scary scull candle for some dark hours and lots of crafty things to make me happy. Thanks, Jeannette, you are a sweetie, and this was a lovely surprise!

The sun did try to fight a way through the clouds today, but didn't really succeed.

The heron and ducks were busy fishing:

And there were not many people about in 'town'

The market stall down at the Rhine did not have many customers today

I love the way the little dog on the right is looking at his master and hoping for a bite!

The horses are in the old moat at the moment and seem to be enjoying the grass there, too.

Have a great day, whatever you are up to! 
Take good care of yourselves, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful fall canvas, it seems we were just welcoming spring the other day. Too bad the market didn't have many customers today. I love markets.

  2. This is a great canvas, love the colours and texture, and of course, the wonderful design. You get better and better!Hugs, Sarah

  3. Wonderful canvas. I love the beautifun vibrant colours and the way you've made the characters' soft lines. Great artwork, Valerie.
    Hugs xxx

  4. Ja, das mit dem Wetter sieht bei uns ähnlich aus. Dein Canvas ist traumhaft schön. Toll wie du mit den Rauten gespielt hast. Deine Fotos sind herrlich, tolle Details und Eindrücke. Ich sollte auch mal wieder mit der Kamera losgehen.

  5. Great image and I love how you (so wonderfully) combined all the challenges/prompts! I do have an affinity for the autumnal colors, so this has a special appeal to me.

    And thanks, too, for sharing your walk-about. Beautiful!

    (LoVe the dog!!!)

    1. I watched the dog for several minutes and he never took his eyes away from his master's food!

  6. Der keilrahmen ist sensationell Valerie! Bin verliebt in diese Figuren und Lagen und Texturen... Hammer!
    Jenny hat Dich super liebe beschenkt ...das kannst Di jetzt sicher gut verwurstekn in den kommenden Vor Halloweenwochen! Beeindruckende Aufnahmen sehe ich hier auch wieder!
    Für Morgen, falls Du heute noch liest schick ich Dir die Sonne..
    aber bei uns ist schon eiskalt .in den Nächten schon Frist brrr....

    Ich drück Dich!

  7. Zuerst zu deinen Fotos: Das Ziegeldächerbild mit dem kleinen Blätterzweig ist ein Superfoto geworden! Sehr sehr schön!
    Ansonsten teile ich deine Gefühle zu den immer kürzer werdenden Tagen und habe auch immer mehr den Drang, es mich gemütlich zu machen.
    ... und deine Tageskreation ist einfach umwerfernd, auch sehr, sehr schö!
    LG Ulrike

  8. Hab ich erwähnt, dass ich mich freue über das double Challenge Geschenk das Du machst?
    DANKE ♥

  9. I love this piece with its burnt Autumn colours. It's rich in warm shades and has such style, a favourite piece for sure!

  10. Wonderful detailed canvas Valerie, the colour tones look beautiful. Super photos as well.
    Yvonne xx

  11. A great canvas Valerie and lovely pics, despite the sun hiding behind the clouds. We had a nice sunny today but there is definitely an autumnal nip in the air. Xx

  12. Your canvas is fabulous Valerie. Those chaps really do look like they're standing in water.
    What a nice thing to be knocked up for, how kind your friend is to send you some goodies. A goodie bag ;D
    I think the towns look very lost and unloved when it's misty. I hope the stall holder got some customers to make his day worthwhile. ((hugs)) xo

  13. I know I've said this before, but you live in such a lovely neighborhood. You're so lucky to have these gorgeous views on your walks. :) I'm crossing my fingers for some of your weather soon. It's still quite warm here..80 to 85F every day. I'm so ready for fall. Maybe I should step into your lovely journal page, and escape the heat. :)

  14. Good Morning Valerie. What a fantastic canvas. I love it. More great pictures from your walks. Have a Good Day. Hugs Rita xxx

  15. Moin Valerie,

    boah,dein Canvas ist einfach eine Wucht,die tollen figuren,die farben und Texturen,grandios,gefällt mir sehr.
    toll das dir mein kleines überraschung gut gefallen hat,das freut mich sweetie,und schöne bilder hast du davon gemacht *knuddel*
    deine naturaufnahmen sind richtig klasse,hab einen schönen tag,du liebe.
    ich fahre nachher mit der fähre in ein anderes Naturgebiet,wir wollen da radeln und mal was andres tolles sehen,es gibt dort auch viele Tierchen,ich versuche Bilder mit zu bringen.


  16. A really wonderful canvas Valerie-amazing poses that make me wonder why they are gathered there and what they are discussing--I bet you meant for that to be the focus.

    Lovely happy mail and I am sure all the things will be happily used up for Halloween.

    The photographs are terrific as always but the one with the roofs and the walls with the beautiful shapes is my favourite -love the textures you capyured on that one.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie x

  17. Gorgeous canvas, love the colour scheme, the silhouettes look fabulous! Xx

  18. What a wonderful piece from a recycled canvas. That's the great thing about a bit of gesso, a fresh start. xox

  19. Stunning canvas and silhouette design, image and colours used.xx
    The Journey is the Start

  20. Ein ganz wundervoller Canvas ist das geworden, Valerie.
    Jeanette hat Dich ja so toll beschenkt und Deine Fotos sind - wie immer - sensationell

  21. This is glorious. I love the rich background and the diamond pattern on some of the men. The man in the front seems like a teenager and it looks as if he is contemplating what kind of man he wants to become. The front-facing men could be role models to him. I love art that invites the viewer to create a story; the art just goes on and on, limited only by the imagination of each viewer. This piece does that. Well done.
    Blessing hugs,

  22. Loved the scenes of your walk today--and the Harlequin men, too. I'm glad I don't have to work either--I just don't know where I would fit it in!

  23. Stunning canvas, love those elongated figures, eary and impressive and simply beautiful! Great photos too, looks like such a lovely market. And what a kind gift from Jeanette!

  24. Amazed and love what you did to recover an old canvas and turn it into something spectacular. I'm off to book club today so no crafting for me until late in the day.


  25. I ejoy your posts so much. Your art, your walks, and the toch of you that comes through. Thank you.

  26. Ein fantastisches Bild ... das passt einfach alles! Wunderschöööön!
    Schöne Post von Jenny hast du bekommen - ich freue mich für dich! Und wieder so schön deine Fotos ... lieben Dank!
    Liebe Grüße, Lonetta

  27. Love the pages, the harlequin suits on the men look dashing! So sweet of Jeanette to send you the goodies too, looks like fun stuff for you. ~Diane

  28. Wonderful canvas, Valerie. The silhouettes looks fantastic on the amazing background. Lovely Halloween bag from Jenny, really a great detail.
    Hugs, Mar

  29. Totally love your Harlequin artwork, definitely one for framing and hanging on the wall. I wonder why they are standing in water - has there been a flood? is it an omen for winter?
    That sounds like a pretty good day you had, lots of happy ploys.
    Super photo with the lampposts in line.

    1. Why are they standing in water? I don't know, I just had the feeling that they should be! I love our lamp posts here, they always make for good photos!

  30. What a lovely way to spend a day Valerie, I think I could go for not working too! Your canvas is stunning, I really love the two men in front, they seem to be of another world. Brilliant!! xx

  31. Eine sehr interessante Kombination ist zu einem tollen Canvas geworden, und auch die Fotis sind wieder super. bei uns ist es auch gemischt und windig und viel zu kalt für mich Frostbeule..*bibber*
    LG Anja

    1. Hier auch, heute sieht es EKELHAFT aus! Ich bibbere mit!

  32. Hi Valerie, This work is outstanding. Love the pattern. Gorgeous canvas, Pretty fall walking pics too.
    So glad you can enjoy your days an not have to work any longer, Just have fun creating and enjoying the world around you.

  33. Your artwork is full of dreamy goodness. I really enjoy it!
    Wishing we had some cooler weather our way, it looks amazing!

  34. What a beautiful end to a reused canvas! I do that a lot too - just get tired of seeing them around and finally inspiration strikes and they become something brilliant - like yours!

  35. Oh everything is so lovely! Love the artwork and the little market is wonderful!! Nothing like market fresh...that little dog was adorable too!! Now I know why my daughter loves the UK so much! All the old architecture with a little market is so cool!

    Hugs Giggles

  36. I love the different ways you used the silhouettes. Very creative!

  37. That Halloween bag looks like fun and I really like the autumnal colour palette on the re worked canvas...xx

  38. Love your harlequin people. They are stunning.

  39. The look and feel of this painting just grabs my eyes. I LOVE this. Such a wonderful sense of movement--it is breath taking.

  40. I absolutely love that canvas - it is so inspiring. I always like grey day photos - especially in the fall. We have had some very grey days here too.

  41. What a wonderful canvas - almost looks like something from a man's fashion page. Yes your water looks real - VERY REAL!
    You get more done in a day than most people including me! I love to see your pictures and read about your days.
    Sandy xx

  42. fantastic canvas Valerie!! What a fun parcel to get in the mail. And I love your autumn photos too.

  43. Love the colors and texture on this Valerie! You make me want to paint! Hugs! deb

  44. Valerie this really a GREAT piece ♥♥♥♥♥ You have done an outstanding job with it.

  45. The way you describe your day is lovely. Your words are a painting in themselves and I can almost smell the stir-fry. And your painting...WOW!!!! I love it! Great job.

    Thank you so much for the pictures of where you live. It's so nice to see another part of the world, and yours is beautiful! Are the horses really in "an old moat"? Do you mean like a moat around a castle? See I do not get out enough, lol! Hugs and Happy PPF! Rasz #53

    1. Yes, the old moat used to protect the town on the land side, so it was almost like an island, with the Rhine at the front. Now it's just full of grass, a moat would not keep out bad people these days!

  46. Valerie, your canvas is very impressive, especially now that I know you made the man stencil. Harlequin is the perfect title for this beautiful piece.

  47. I believe I have just had a breath of fresh air! Your artwork is stunning, and I found it to be quite invigorating, as well as the walk you took us on. thank you!

  48. your art is full of texture this week and love the images you used! The pictures of your town are so interesting too. How wonderful that you don't have to work anymore! I dream of that day...

  49. Beautiful texture and pieces! Happy PPF!

  50. I love the images and the different effect of the people designs. Inspiring as always! Thank you for joining in with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge!

  51. Beautiful work really and beautiful photos from the town as always, Valerie. Nice PPF!

  52. You have such a wonderful, lyrical eye for composition and color - both in painting and in photography. Simply beautiful :)

  53. I love the fall Valerie your work is speechless the painting and your photography.

  54. Beautiful project and photos!! Love the design of your project, the colours and all the layers. The harlequin pattern adds a perfect touch. Thank you so much for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog!!

  55. Beautiful canvas! Loved it :)
    As usual love the pictures of your place too. It's nice to see such lovely market places.

  56. A most interesting canvas. Those pictures are the bright light of my week. You live in a beautiful place. Thank you. Blessings, Janet PPF

  57. Sublime!!!! I loooooooooooooove your canvas, pure perfection!! Your colors are so rich and in harmony!! Great job Valerie!! Best thoughts to you!


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