Saturday 20 September 2014

A fairy tale forest

Hi everybody!

The weather here has been very changeable today, from black clouds, rain and thunder to sunny intervals, a bit of everything. I was lucky to stay dry for my walk, so that was good - my new wellies still need to be inaugurated!

I have used another of my water-colour backgrounds today. It was painted with green and blue, and then sprayed with blue, green and purple. I sprayed in many layers, always with the same method - spray, let it drip, let it dry, and then the next layer. Then I turned it upside down, and outlined most of the drips with metallic gel pens. It reminded me of strange trees, so my magical forest was born. I added some purple birds (Dina Wakley), a unicorn (cut from a DP pad), and the TH branch trees in purple and green. Hänsel and Gretel are a copy from the frontispiece of one of my ancient books. The angels are watching over them to make sure they get home safely....

I am linking to Art Journal Journey, living beings, and Mix it monthly, trees, and Simon Monday challenge, rock the techniques.

I enjoyed making this, there is something very satisfying in just  playing about and picking up childhood themes again.

Clouds were frequent today:

The ducks were having a great time swimming round in circles and chasing away a gull who evidently wanted to join in:

The cormorant was sitting on the pole again, looking a bit like a statue.

The Rhine was grey and the landscape dissolved into the mist:

Have a lovely day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. So sweet and wonderful AJ page, Valerie. Children themes are always charming.
    Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos.
    Wish you have a happy weekend, hugs!

  2. Boah valerie,deine Seite ist ein Sahnestückchen,sowas schönes,es sieht so Märchenhaft aus,die runter gelaufenen dropplets sehen aus wie Eiszapfen einer höhle,also sind hänsel und Gretel in einer Eishöhle,umgeben von bunten Wald,einfach grandios.
    schöne bilder hast du wider gemacht,ich habe heute auch ein paar bilder draussen gemacht,mich und mein fahrrad natürlich auch *lol*
    wünsch dir noch einen schönen abend,du liebe.

    knuddel jenny

  3. Hi Val, this is really magical and spellbinding, LOVE it! The colours you have used give it a rather eerie look, exactly right for the fairy forest at twilight! Lovely photos, too, as always. Hugs, Sarah

  4. Eine Seite wie aus einem Märchenbuch, sehr schön!

    Weltuntergang-Stimmung auch hier heute Nachmittag, stockdunkel um 15:00 Uhr!
    Auch trocken geblieben - Ulrike

  5. ABSOLUT genial Deine neue Seite Valerie! Wahnsinn!
    LOVELY PHOTOS as well , today!!
    Bei uns kommt grad das schlechte Wetter wie es scheint..hab grad nen Blitz gesehen!

    Hab einen wunderschönen Abend Valerie!

  6. Wow beautiful page! Love the colordrippings on it!
    have a lovely weekend! Groetjes Karin

  7. Was für eine wunderschöne Seite, auf den Nahaufnahmen kann man die liebevollen Details erkennen. Ich bin mal wieder begeistert.

  8. Great magical forest, Valerie, I like the angels and the cut-out trees and your very creative background.

  9. A fairy tale wonderland. Love your background. x

  10. Love the magical fairy tale page, the background looks like they are deep in the forest and need that guardian angel.
    Yvonne xx

  11. beautiful fairy tale forest! I see that fall is on its way judging by the weather.

  12. I like your fairy tale--enchanted--forest! Cute photo of the ducks today!

  13. Amazing magical forest, Valerie. I love the angels, the unicorn and also the trees. A great page with a wonderful background.
    Hugs, Mar

  14. Love the 'drippy' forest and added elements on your very creative piece Valerie and thanks for the lovely photos.
    Hugs Brenda xxx

  15. What a wonderful page Valerie--I just love the background and the way you highlighted the drips.

    Beautiful photographs and doesn't the boat look terrific with all the splendid colours and designs.

    Have a great day-dull, dark and damp here so far yuk

    Love Chrissie x

  16. What a fun piece! Love your fairytale drippy forest! Have a lovely Sunday!

  17. Gorgeous creation once again for me to drool over, love this fun image, colours are gorgeous ....stunning as always. A beautiful journey again today.xx

    The Journey is the Start

  18. I too love your drippy background and I wouldn't mind having a wander through that magical forest. Enjoy your Sunday. Xx

  19. an incredible artwork! Love the dripping texture and the the added images are perfect for it! xx

  20. beautiful beautiful!

  21. A beautiful page Valerie :D And what a pretty boat on the water too. Our skies now have the same greyness about them and with no breeze at all the laundry is just hanging in the chill air. Autumn is arrived :)
    Enjoy the rest of your Sunday ((hugs)) :o) x

  22. Gorgeous water colours, Valerie!

  23. Gorgeous, love your 'painty' dripping background. The colours are fabulous. I hope you are doing well, shirleyx

  24. Another fun day working on your lovely background. I like the effect you get letting the paints run down the background. You turned them into something special.


  25. Oh wow, I am loving the drip effect of your background and how you outlined the drips - so creative. Awesome photos once again.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  26. Hi Valerie, this is amazing and how you obtain your design with a drip method. So wonderful and I love the theme. Your walking pics look very fallish!!
    Have a great day.

  27. Ooo fab pages, love the drippies! xx

  28. A childhood fantasy scape, how many hours did we imagine other worlds in our heads when we were young. Come to think if it, now too. xox

  29. What a magical piece this is! Gorgeous colors. Big hugs, ~Diane

  30. Dein Märchenwald ist wunderschön, liebe Valerie. Die Farben finde ich total spannend und neu.
    Viele liebe Grüße

  31. Was eine süsse kleine Märchenwelt, Valerie...wobei sieht mir die kleine Maid doch etwas aufgeregt aus...und naja was soll ich sagen, die Hexe da oben am Himmel sieht ja auch nicht gerade vielversprechend aus...huiuiuih, da braut sich was zusammen :) Danke für die Märchenbaume zu Mix It Monthly ♥ Conny

  32. Hah, Hexe ist wohl doch ein Einhorn mit Flügeln...gerettet!!

  33. Fabulous background! Honestly Valerie, your vision has no boundaries nor does your artistic talent!
    Sandy xx


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