Thursday 26 January 2012

More Tags

Just a quick post today, I have a lot of treatments today. Yesterday I had a long afternoon nap, which was very enjoyable, but it didn't leave much crafty time.

The first tag has been made from a lovely linen label which was on a jacket that one of the ladies here bought for herself. The gold flourishes were all already on it, too; I just added the image, the ribbon and the flowers. The second and third stag were a result of a little clearing up action on my work-space .

Have a nice day you all, take care and thanks for visiting!


  1. Nice linen tag, Valerie. The others are lovely too ... at least you had time for a little fun. Glad you had an afternoon nap and got some rest. hugs, Donna

  2. Gorgeous tags Valerie think the middle vintage one is my fav!


  3. Lovely tags Valerie, now doctors orders - go and rest!! x

  4. Terrific tags Valerie and pleased you enjoyed some rest. x

  5. These are just lovely Valerie, you've obviously got the other ladies well trained not to throw out anything! Have a good day. Take care. Suze xx

  6. Lovely tags :) glad your resting with one eye on the bin tehe
    Von xxx

  7. Beautiful tags Valerie.
    xxx Hazel.

  8. Gorgeous tags Valerie.
    Hope your treatments today aren't too tiring.
    Hugs xx

  9. Beautiful tags Valerie! They are all unique! Thinking of you.

    Wishes from across the pond!


  10. The lace and ribbons are so pretty and a nice touch to these tags,Valerie :)

  11. Hi Valerie. Pleased to hear you have had a good rest. Super tags. Love them all but my fav is the middle one.
    Regards Florence x

  12. Even when you don't have a lot of time to spend, your tags are still GORGEOUS- I especially liked the first, so clever! Keep sharing your beauties, and definitely keep resting, because that's important too;)

  13. Very pretty! Hope all your treatments go well! :-)

  14. These are ALL beautiful, Valerie, but I think that second one is my FAVORITE! So pretty, and love the layers of dainty, pretty little things!... Always love your beautiful work! ~tina

  15. Love all the tags, its amazing what you can make on a tidy up session.
    take care, get lots of rest.
    Yvonne x

  16. i like all of the lace here today on the blog! great job withthat....a nap sounds divine. hope your treatments go well! hugs to you!

  17. Beautiful tags Valerie, I bet those ladies are totally amazed with what you are making! Have a good day.

  18. Hi Valerie, Three fabulous tags, love them all. I hope the treatments are going well, sounds not at all bad from your description Gay xx

  19. These are gorgeous Valerie and I'm glad to see you recycling clothing labels, something I like doing too as some are far too lovely to waste.
    Hope the treatments go well today.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  20. lovely bunch of tags...

    hope the treatment goes OK...

    maria xx

  21. love these tags and what beautiful images!

  22. Fab tags, treatments sound tiring nearly the week-end think you siad no treatments then. XOXO Zoe

  23. All these tags are beautiful! The designs and images work perfectly together! Take care!

  24. Just beautiful Valerie.
    You are getting much needed rest and some play time too.
    Take care, Lesley

  25. Oooh, these are gorgeous! So pretty and elegant - I love the pink one especially.
    I hope your treatments are going well and that you'e feeling great, xoxo

  26. Gorgeous tags! Your work is always fabulous!
    Hugs, Cindy


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