Thursday 5 January 2012

Another book and gale force winds

Hi everybody, good morning from stormy, wild and windy Rhineland. I'm glad I don't need to go far today, I think home is the best place when the weather is so bad.

Yesterday I went for a few hours to visit a friend, and on the way home I bought a lovely, large needle, suitable for darning socks and sewing books together. I used some water-colour paper to make the 10 signatures, and sewed them onto covers made from recycled cardboard. This time I added the croco-look paper after finishing the book, so that the spine is covered too, and then used some pearlised paper to make the end-papers of the book. The pages lie completely flat when the book is open. It's still not quite as I would have liked it, but it was much quicker and easier to sew this time with a decent needle, and I think the next one will turn out as I want it.

Okay, that was it for today, the H*******K is waiting - it can't be put off any longer!

Have a good day you all, take care, and thanks a lot for visiting!


  1. I so agree about hand made journals - they are fun to make, lie open beautifully, and are so easy to work in. I don't want to go back to a bought one now. Love the one you made yesterday - the right equipment makes all the difference does it not. Glad you were able to find a large needle. What kind of thread did you use for the binding? You have my sympathy about the H*****K. hugs, Donna

  2. Oooh, this one is lovely! Hope to see more soon! Have a great day, Hugs, Sarah

  3. Are you intending darning socks too, or just sewing journals! Lol. It's beautiful. Don't over do it today!! xx

  4. Darnin' socks??? NEVER!!! I lose them in the washing machine before they ever get to that stage!

  5. Fabulous book Valerie, specially the croco effect. Have fun using it x

  6. Oh Valerie this book is wonderful, I love the paper you have used to cover it. I have not tried copic binding before but i have pinned lots of tutorials on pinterest so will have to give it a go. Your journals are amazing, are you going to sell them? x

  7. Blowing a gail here too Valerie, super book :)
    Just open the window and let the wind rearrange the dust lol
    Von xxx

  8. Beautiful book Valerie! The right tools also help don't they?
    Had to laugh at your darning comment - when we cleared Dad's house I brought home my Mum's darning mushroom. DH just laughed when told what it was and said," if!!"
    Hugs xx

  9. Stunning handmade journal.
    We are also experiencing gale force winds. Horrendous!!!!!!
    Wishes and Stay Safe

  10. Lovely Journal Valerie love the paper on the covers!

  11. This is wonderful-and it looks so much easier to do than the others I've seen. Would you consider doing a tutorial?

  12. This looks so elegant Valerie! The embossing gives it such a rich look.

  13. Beautiful book. The wind is dying down here we got it yesterday as well. stay safe and happy stitching XOXO Zoe

  14. This looks fabulous, Valerie! Much more fun to do than that H......K :)

  15. The book looks beautiful, love the look of the textures.
    Windy here as well.
    Yvonne x

  16. Valerie, love that croco look. I went in my studio today and rummaged around to look for a journal that I won in a Pay It Forward giveaway and think I am going to touch up the outside. I started on the inside yesterday for a piece for Artists In Blogland and will probably link it to PPF as well. But I agree with Stephanie, although you've given us lots of info on making your books, a tutorial would be great. I'd attend your class. I don't learn easy though but I would definitely have a go at it. Very nice work. It's cold here but not as windy and cold as it is over there. Take care and have a great day. Time to get ready to go see the doctor. Bye now.

  17. I am so glad you cant spell that H word dont even want to think about it ! What a fabulous book all pristine and virginal and just waiting to be transformed, cant wait to see what you do with it.


  18. Great Book!!!! You amaze me with everything you get done in a day :0)

  19. Valerie, your book is gorgeous and the stitches look perfect with signatures aligned just right. Love the cover!


  20. lovely book val, hope you survived the H******K lol...

    maria xx

  21. Love this...such incredible texture!

  22. Simply an incredible book, LOVE THE TEXTURES!!!
    Using watercolors paper to create the paper, fantastic.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Have a wonderful day! *hugs*
    p.s. Sorry to hear about the weather. It is in the 80's here in Southern California, I should be grateful <3.

  23. Lovely book. I like the texture on it. Look at all those pages just waiting to be filled! x

  24. Lovely book. I like the texture on it. Look at all those pages just waiting to be filled! x

  25. It is precise - the signatures are lined up so nicely! I totally agree that the right tools make all the difference!

  26. Love that rich texture you created! Beautiful! I agree that when the weather is bad, stay home if possible!

  27. Gorgeous book Valerie! Lots of pages to fill! Love the "feel" of it!

  28. You really amaze me! Those books are gorgeous and I am so impressed by the clean, neat look of them (does that sound silly?) They are really sharp!
    Thank you for your sweet comment and a very happy 2012 to you!
    Looking forward to more,

  29. What a fabulous journal you made!!



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