Saturday 28 January 2012

An Afternoon Shock!

Good morning you all! It felt really luxuriant today not having to get up early; the extra hour or so in bed was really welcome. I just made myself some coffee, as I skipped breakfast today, and can enjoy it at the computer, just like back home!

Yesterday afternoon I sat down happily after my last treatment, and started commenting on some blogs. At the first one, I was asked to sign in, which I did. Then I saw a notice telling me that there had been some strange activity on my blog, and it had been suspended....I looked, and yes, my Blog was gone. Disappeared. I couldn't believe my eyes! Then I tried to sign in again, and this time got told to type in my mobile number, and Google would send me a code. I tried, and kept getting a message that my mobile number was wrong - which it wasn't. After about an hour of patiently, then rather frantically typing in my number, it worked, and I got the code. I typed it in, and still, nothing happened....Then I decided to go for a walk before I exploded, and when I tried again after coming back, my dear blog was there again! What a fright!! I wrote yesterday that I was having trouble leaving comments, and some people advised me to use Chrome. But I have been using it for over a year now, so the browser doesn't seem to be the solution. Anyway, I am just happy right now to have my blog back.

And to cheer me up after all that, I received a little parcel from Kristin of *Twinkle Twinkle* Blogspot. She sent me loads of Stickles in different colours, so I can glitter here as much as I want without making chaos here in my room. And some lovely ATC water-colour papers and vintage Valentine images with hearts and roses, so the production of sparkly Valentine cards is now possible. Thanks a lot Kristin, I am always bowled over by the kindness of the Blogger family worldwide. I will take a picture later and post it tomorrow.

This afternoon we are planning on baking a cake; we have a little kitchen on our corridor, and so we are going to bake, make coffee, and then have another painting class, so that sounds like fun.

Here's wishing you all a great weekend, take care of yourselves, and thanks for visiting!


  1. What a shock for you, hope it doesn't happen again! Have a good weekend, hugs, Sarah

  2. Morning Valerie, sometimes this blogging lark is no good for the blood pressure! Goodness knows what was going on there. Sounds like you have a lovely day planned. Have fun & take care. Suze xx

  3. Phew! That must have been stressful - well done for going out for a walk to calm down, I would have been jumping up and down! Good news that it's back safe and sound. I wonder where it went to? On its holidays, d'you think?!

    How kind of Kristin, Stickles are a perfect choice to send you. Just don't use them on the cake, however pretty it might look!!

    Enjoy your painting class :o)


  4. Tried to leave a comment yesterday, glad you managed to get your blog back :0)

  5. Oh, you didnt need that trauma with your blog, I would have been to 'take away', losing mine would be my biggest nightmare. Sounds like you were very calm. Enjoy your baking and your arty session.
    Yvonne x

  6. So pleased you have your blog back...phew! I'd have been having a tantrum!
    Have fun with your coffee, cake and painting.
    Hugs xx

  7. Phew, glad you got your blog back, Valerie!

  8. oh no!!!! so glad you got it back..what is going on in the blog world? it just seems like so many people are having issues!
    glad you went for that sounds like it helped!!!

  9. SHEESH! What are they trying to do with us! Loosing your blog is enough to cause post traumatic stress. Happy everything is fine. I'll be popping in for a piece of cake and a painting lesson later. take care. hugs, Donna

  10. This happened to me about 3 weeks ago and its also happened to many other bloggers. What the heck is going on, no explanation, nothing.... rant rant.
    Kristin is a lovely girl and so generous, enjoy your stickling and good luck with the cake, xx

  11. I remember reading that this happened to another blogger! So many weird things happen, but I am glad you found your blog! Have a great weekend!

  12. what a horror Valerie, so glad you are back up! I remember google once asking for my cell number and I don't think I did give it to them. scary!

  13. Oh I am so glad you got your blog back on Valerie, what a scary thing to happen.
    Have a lovely weekend my friend
    hugs June x

  14. What a nightmare Val. Glad you got it back ok. Love and hugs xxx

  15. yikes that would be a shock val, pleased it is back ok...

    maria xx

  16. Yikers, I would be so ticked if that happened to me. I would be careful giving numbers out to blogworld. you never know who is out there lurking.
    Glad all is ok now. Blogger sure is getting weirder by the day.
    Enjoy the cake baking and all those Stickles. I agree there are some very generous peeps out here.
    They make up for all the idiots.
    Take care, Lesley

  17. Oh my gosh, Valerie. We just can't live without our blogs (or our cameras). I have also had problems posting to some blogs when I use Internet Explorer. If I sign on with Firefox the blogs where I couldn't post worked normally. Can't figure it out.

    In any event, I'm glad your blog is all back to normal. They are like a body extension that contain notes from our friends.

    Enjoy that cake!


  18. What a shock, I know because it happened to me a couple of weeks ago, and all my blogs personal and the challenges I set up were taken down. Panic big time but like you it was just a case of; 'Keep Calm and Carry On' XOXO Zoe

  19. ps
    since then when everyone else had problems commenting etc I had non and just left all the comments wanted so perhaps not such a bad thing after all LOL XOXO

  20. Glad it all worked out. Cool pressie. x

  21. What an awful scare! So glad you got things back on track, but I imagine that was a terrible hour or so!

  22. goodness me fancy losing your blog !!! Glad its back , what would we do without you. How nice to be able to make cake and paint with the other ladies must help pass the time..


  23. SO glad your blog problem is worked out. I would HATE it if you disappeared!! :'(


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