Hi Everybody!
Rain's theme has come at the right time, as we are having a heat-wave here just now. Those who know me know that hot, summer weather is not my thing. I like the sun and blue skies, but anything more than 24 -25° is too hot to handle for me! Okay, it might be easier with a pool in the garden and air conditioning, and perhaps a butler to bring me iced coffee or cocktails, but such luxuries are unfortunately not available!
I have dug out some artwork which reminds me of hot and sunny weather:
This is a book cover from Susan Flett Swiderski's lovely book, and the cover photo is the view from my balcony:
Blue skies, sunshine and dragonflies are harbingers of summer:
I love painting with summer colours even if I'm not a summer fan:
Cold drinks are welcome:
This is not directly a summer piece, but has hot, summer colours:
Flowers and children love the summer warmth:
And some people like dancing themselves warm whatever the weather:
And some photos showing the sun rise on a hot and sunny day:
And whatever the temperature - keep cool!
Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!