Thursday 25 June 2020

Rain's Thursday Art Date - heat wave

Hi Everybody!

Rain's theme has come at the right time, as we are having a heat-wave here just now. Those who know me know that hot, summer weather is not my thing. I like the sun and blue skies, but anything more than 24 -25° is too hot to handle for me! Okay, it might be easier  with a pool in the garden and air conditioning, and perhaps a butler to bring me iced coffee or cocktails, but such luxuries are unfortunately not available!

I have dug out some artwork which reminds me of hot and sunny weather:

This is a book cover from Susan Flett Swiderski's lovely book, and the cover photo is   the view from my balcony:

Blue skies, sunshine and dragonflies are harbingers of summer:

I love painting with summer colours even if I'm not a summer fan:

Cold drinks are welcome:

This is not directly a summer piece, but has hot, summer colours:

Flowers  and children love the summer warmth:

And some people like dancing themselves warm whatever the weather:

And some photos showing the sun rise on a hot and sunny day:

And whatever the temperature - keep cool!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 24 June 2020

Midweek Post - junk / scrap journal

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well. It's hot and humid here, and although we got a few spots of rain at the weekend, it's still much too dry. Anyway, we have to take it as it comes....

Today I have some more pages from my scrap journals. I have now filled 2 big, fat books, and the rest of the scraps have been disposed of. My kitchen now looks like a kitchen again, and the table is once again visible and not hidden under heaps of scraps....

For this double page I used an old journal page, another piece of the rose foil and 2 cutouts of Julian Opie's walking girl.  I added some rub-on stitching and a snarky quote. I am linking to AJJ, a stitch in time:

This one was made from assorted scraps of this and that:

As was this one:

Lots of faces of people and animals here:

There are some strange creatures here:

And the finished journals:

Some walking pics:

we have a lot of giant hogweed plants down by the stream, and they are really nasty and dangerous, so I hope they will soon be removed:

The field behind the house has not been planted this year, so it's full of wild flowers:

Apples growing over the wall:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 23 June 2020

T sTands for TioT and Tag Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week got off to a good start!
Today we are starting a new challenge at TIOT.
Our theme is  'create a scene'. I created a scene in my head, a dream. I used one of 'my' heads, cut from painted paper, and imported it into my graphics programme to fill it with my dream scene. It was placed onto a hand-painted background. I would so like to visit the sea again. I know I have the Rhine here, but it's not the same....The images used were from Serif and me.  The seagulls and anchor are photos, and the anchor is the one standing by the Rhine here. The starfish is a photo of one I keep in my beach-jar here. In dreams it's easy to mix fantasy and reality! As always, you have 2 weeks to link to us at TIOT and entries of all formats are welcome.

And I have another feathers tag for Wendy's challenge at Tag Tuesday
You still have a week to enter, so hope to see some more people joining in. My tag was made with some printed paper to which I added some extra feathers. I sewed it all onto some black card from an old calendar:

Tuesday is also time for Elizabeth's Tea sTands for Tuesday gathering,  so here a warm welcome to all of the ladies of the T Gang who visit. I am sharing photos of some of the vintage drinking glasses I got from my great aunt. These are from the 1930s. I still have 4 each of the large and small ones:

From this set I have 6 glasses:

This is part of an older set, from about 1900, and I only have 3 of them:

I have 4 of these small tumblers:

I treasure my lovely glass ware, and am amazed that so many have survived for so long, in spite of many moves and being used so often.

And I went for a cappuccino in town:

 I keep hoping the beautiful cups and saucers will be reduced, but no luck yet (:

There are still poppies in the fields, much to my joy:

The buddleia was full of bees and butterflies, which refused to stay still for the photos:

Just managed to catch a butterfly here:

The crops are ripening fast and will soon be harvested:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!