Monday 11 April 2022

T sTands for Tuesday on Monday

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing us all a happy, new week. On Sunday I was able to spend some time at home, which was good. I spent some time at the computer - writing this post for example - and managed to sort a huge mound of post, magazines, catalogues etc, and apart from that just watching TV with my feet up! And on the 21st April I hope to be back home for good! And my windows need cleaning, but that will have to wait!

Today I have a piece for Alison's 'play it again, Sam' challenge at AJJ. as it reminds me of the film 'Hop' and all of the other Easter bunny movies. The sky is blue and the bunny is holding sunflowers, we must not forget what is happening in the Ukraine:

And I have another tag for my blue/green challenge at Tag Tuesday, which will be running for another week:

This evening we are also celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang who visit here. I went with a friend to Cafe Schuster and we enjoyed delicious cake - mine is the one on the left- and hot chocalate. Would you have chosen the chocolate cake or the apple cake with cream?

Beautiful tea set - and no, it's not mine!

Some funnies and thinkies:

And this one's funny. too, apart from the spelling mistakes!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Your bunny painting is so cute and beautiful. I love it!

  2. Lovely happy art today, glad you got to be home for a bit to do some sorting. Fingers crossed for April 21! Enjoyed the thinkies. I cannot choose between those desserts.

    1. Thanks Christine, it's not long now! Hugs, Valerie

  3. Hi Val, good morning. Hope you enjoyed your weekend, especially the time at home. Soon you will be back home again! Love your beautiful art with the wonderful bunny! We had family here at the weekend, the usual chaos and noise! Have a great week, take things easy! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. I can imagine how it was, everybody talking at once! Have a great week, hugs!

  4. Beautiful art Valerie, I love your bunny for my AJJ theme. The sunflowers are a good reminder of the suffering in Ukraine.
    Your hot chocolate and cake look delicious, I think I would have chosen the same.
    Take care and have a good week,

    1. Thanks Alison, I love bunnies! The cake was sooooo good!

  5. Both the cakes look good, hard to choose, so we will share and eat half of each. Lol! I love hot chocolate too. Beautiful tea set. Thanks for the funnies. Have a wonderful week.

    1. Thanks Nancy, Sharing is a great solution! Have a great week!

  6. Fabulous art Valerie, I love those bunnies on the journal page and the sunflowers a good reference for what is happening in the Ukraine. Our thoughts are with the people and I hope they find a solution to stop all the heartache and suffering.
    It was good that you got a visit home, the time will soon pass and I wouldn't worry about your windows getting home will be lovely for you after all these past weeks in the clinic.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx
    p.s. I'd be looking to try that chocolate cake, it looks delicious.

  7. Now how do I know that when you sorted through the mounds of mail that you carefully examined every advertising flyer and saved most of them in your stash for images that might be useful later? After all, who would throw out a perfectly good real estate brochure, or the specials from McDonalds? This is scary. I may be starting to think like a crafter! Good morning, Valerie. I am very impressed with your creative use of blue and yellow to show solidarity with Ukraine. What resolute, courageous people they are, and they certainly do not deserve to have their country pummelled into the Stone Age by a fanatical Russian madman. You will need a little practice in cleaning windows, so better come here and do mine before tackling your own. As for the choice of desserts, I think we will cut them in half and then I will make a decision which one I like best. I probably will still not be certain, so I will have to order another slice just to be sure. I am very happy that you will soon be returning home. No doubt you are too. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. David, you won#t believe it, but I threw it all away! really did. And piles of hoarded cardboard that I was saving! Yessssssssssss! My windows dont look that good, but better than they were before. I used a window cleaner on a long stick, which is a bit hard to manage, perhaps next time will be better! Those cakes were both wonderful, I recommend taking both! Yes, I am loking forward to going home, it's great here, but home is better! Have a great day, hugs!

  8. oh my where to start? Firstly I love your bunny so very much. The funniesare exceptionally good and I am happy for you getting time at home. Take care, V xx

  9. I love the blue and green picture, especially the butterflies. I would have chosen the apple cake. I don't like chocolate, so that's an easy choice for me.

  10. Love that chocolate cake, which looks too pretty to eat. I also love that gorgeous tea set!

  11. What fabulous artworks Valerie, your bunny picture is fabulous! It must have been wonderful to visit home, and even better to have a 'back for good' date. I would definitely have gone for the apple cake, and the hot chocolate too. Take care and have a great week, Sue xx

  12. Valerie, I'm just thrilled you were able to spend some time at home. It had to feel very good -- and maybe even a little bit strange. I'm sure all will go very well this week and you'll be home to stay before you know it!

    1. Thanks Jeanie, it's good news indeed! I can go home for a few hours again at the weekend!

  13. Hi ...I see your name on different blogs I go to so thought I would stop by. Enjoyed the photos and "funnies". Nice art.

    1. Hi Sandy, nice to meet you! Thanks for coming by!

  14. If I loved closer I would do your windows for you, one job I really enjoy doing, and I love the cute bunny all painted up and looking gorgeous,and chocolate for me, it kills me as I'm lactose intolerant, but one feed of it now and again is so worth it..take care..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Now, wouldnt that be nice - windows are so not my thing! Hugs!

  15. Hi Valerie, I love your bunny painting. That must have felt good to be able to spend time at home for awhile and catch up on your mail too. coffee and dessert out sounds wonderful. not sure which cake I would chose as they both look so delicious.
    I can relate to the meme about reading being a waste of our time. I felt that way for a long time as there is always so much to do. but we need to rest a bit so I have come to really enjoy reading books allot since I retired.
    Happy T hugs Kathy

    1. I started reading books when I was 3, and I never stopped! At home I found Christmas mai which hadn't yet been opened! Hugs!

  16. Great art, Valerie! Love the colors on each of them and the subjects. Beautiful stuff.

    Wish the tea set and the flowers were at my house.

    I would have chosen the apple cake with cream - yum!

    The words about books are true - love to read (and take naps).

    The squeeky toy meme - that one is fun. Would freak me out for sure! LOL.

    Happy T-day and hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy! I think we would all Like that Team set! Strange noises in the night would freak me out, too!

  17. Your bunny painting is so precious and a lovely way to remember Ukraine. Your tag is so Springy and matches the gorgeous tea set so well. Why do we have to make a choice as to which cake? 😉So nice to hear you will be going home soon. Happy T Day

    1. Thanks. You are soooo right, let's eat both sorts of cake!

  18. Apple cake for me, thanks. I'm so glad to hear you are progressing towards life at home.

    best... mae at

  19. I love the bunny page and the sunflowers in his paws. We can't get too "comfortable" with the news from Ukraine so we stop noting it, can we and that is a fun tag. I love the (or what looks like) a blue jay. Do you have blue jays in Germany? I would have a tough time choosing between apple and chocolate, but more times than not would pick chocolate. They both look so delicious. And I like the funny about reading not being a waste of time. It makes me feel better about the hour or 2 most afternoons I take a break.
    But the best news of all is hearing you went home for a bit and get to go home soon. Hurrah!!!!! Have a great T day and week ahead. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks erika. Yes, we need to be aware of the terrible things happening in the Ukraine. We have 'relatives'of the blue jays here, very pretty birds, just called jays and with bright blue feathers in their wings. Both cakes were really delicious.

  20. Your bunny painting is gorgeous and a lovely tribute with the sunflowers! I love the tag too, the blue colours are beautiful 😁. Wow, those cakes look so good and what a lovely tea service. The funnies made me smile! Take care and Happy T Day! Hugs Jo x

  21. The news about Ukraine continues to be troubling. Such a tragedy :(

    I'll have a piece of each ;) and maybe take half of each home for later. Happy T Tuesday.

  22. Fab that you could a day at home. Good for the soul.
    Love your bunny. Yes, of course, there have to be sunflowers!
    Oh those cakes! But I think I would go for the chocolate as well.
    Happy T-Day,

  23. WOw what a beautiful tea set! so stunning and love your artwork! The bunny is so cute. really lovely. Wishing you a lovely rest of the week.

    1. Thanks so much Maria. Have a great week, take care!

  24. Beautiful art Valerie!! The bunny is adorable with the sunflowers, and I love the bird tag. Those cakes both look so good that I'd order the one , my hubby the other, and then we'd share them both:)
    Thanks for the thinkies and funnies, and happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda, happy T Day and have a great week!

  25. haha that cat meme - we had that the other night! Love your bunny page, and the bluebird tag. I think I would have had the apple cake but no cream, and I love that gorgeous tea set though it would not last 5 mins around here lol Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

    1. Yes, Cats have their own rules! My Cat used to Love pushing things from shelves and tables!

  26. Whew.. i made it to the bottom of your comment list... now i forgot what i was gonna say.. darn... lol Your art is beautiful.. let me say that first. just lovely. and the funny with the dog and squeaker toy OMG too funny... I can just see it. Happy Happy Tday to you!! Hugs! deb

    1. Thanks Deb, I regularly forget what I want to say, old age is creeping up! Happy T Day and have a great week!

  27. Love the dachshund and quote! I picked the chocolate cake, thank you. Your bunny is gorgeous, and so is your tag. Happy T Day.

    1. Thanks Sharon. The chocolate cake was sooooo good! Hugs!

  28. This is such an enjoyable post Valerie. I am glad to read that you were able to go home for a bit. Have a lovely day.

  29. Memes were great. Let's hear it for homecoming. The first piece is purrfect for the season and the situation. The second is gorgeous. And that Tea set wonderful. On the cakes,I want a piece of each.

  30. Cute bunny. I'd choose the chocolate cake. Beautiful tea set but I'd never use it, I don't like tea.

  31. I hope you can be home for good on the 21st, that would be so lovely. Fingers crossed! I love your bunny page and the little blue bird on the tag is gorgeous. Such a sweet little guy. Oh the cake - that is a hard choice, you know. I love chocolate cake, but the apple cake with the Schlagsahne looks delicious, too. Can I have both...???

  32. SO glad that you are going to be in your own home soon. Your bunny art is lovely!

    I like the quote about reading. I can associate with the feeling of wasting my time when sitting down to read. I feel as though I have to be up, doing things with my hands in order to be productive. That is why I listen to audio books. I think I need to spend more time sitting and reading.
    Those cakes look delicious. I would choose the apple cake because I love anything with fruit. But that chocolate cake certainly looks tempting as well. Maybe a sliver of each?
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Reading is never a waste of time, but es, other things get put off! Have a great week!

  33. I do hope you will be home from the 21st April.
    Lovely art and lovely post.

    ... apple cake would be my choice :)

    All the best Jan

  34. I hope you go back and see yesterday's post why I am late visiting. I love your Easter bunny. It is adorable. Such cute ears, and of course the sunflowers for Ukraine, too. Thanks for sharing this with us using Alison's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    That's a beautiful tag, too. I am loving this color combination.

    I would definitely go for the chocolate cake and the way you paired it with the hot chocolate. Thanks for sharing your art, your cake, and your hot chocolate with us for T this Tuesday.

    Cut funnies, too, especially the last one.

    1. Thanks E, chocolate cake and hot chocolate is almost indecently delicious!

  35. Yes forget about those windows, they will happily wait for another day lol. I love your artwork! Wow!! I would definitely go with a chocolate dessert for sure! Loving your tag again today. Such a great colour challenge you gave us!

  36. What a superb painting definitely one you should consider framing. The sunflowers amongst the blue sky is a heartwarming reflection on the situation in Ukraine, one we must never forget. Hugs Tracey xx
    P.S I'd chose apple over chocolate any day of the week yumm!! x

    1. Thanks Tracey. Here's wishing you lots of apple cakes!

  37. No doubt I would have chosen chocolate cake and then wished I had had the apple pie. Glad you got some time at home.
    I love the tag but the bunny with the sunflowers is my favourite. What a lovely way to bring in a tribute to the Ukraine.
    Hugs Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet! Good Idea to try both cakes! I had fun painting the Bunny! Hugs!

  38. I adore your Easter Bunny - yes, events in Ukraine are taking a turn for the worse again! Fabulous tag! Both cakes look fabulous - I think I would have gone for the apple cake and cream - I so long for a hot chocolate but Covid is playing havoc with my sugar levels!! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Yes, the happenings in the Ukraine ere terrible! Covid is playing havoc with everything!


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