Monday 20 September 2021

T sTands for This, That and the neighbour's caT

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend, and let's hope we all have a great. new week. Today we are starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday. Thanks to all who joined in the last challenge.  This time our lovely Sandie is hosting and has chosen the theme of book paper. The post on TT will go live this evening at 9 p.m. and then you can see the beautiful and inspirational tags that she has created.

I have made a tag which ties into to Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, which also starts this evening, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T Gang who visit here. I used a page from an old and tatty songbook that we used at school back in the 1950s and cut a coffee cup from it:

Some food and drink memes:

Coffee in a little café in a neighbouring town:

This plant is growing in a neighbour's garden. It seems to be exuding some sticky and sweet stuff, and bees and butterflies have been buzzing happily round it all week;

In town:

Kids being creative, always fun to see:

People having a picnic in the castle grounds:

More pics from the wildflower meadow:

And the neighbour's cat:

Have a great week, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Great coffee art Valerie. The wild flower meadow is lovely and it must change as the season goes on. Very nice cat.

  2. Pretty coffee cup tag from book paper. Thanks for the fun memes and lovely summer photos. The mornings are getting cooler now.

    1. Thanks Christine, here, too. And the nights are getting longer, which I like!

  3. The way that you cut the coffee cup from the old book seems quite amazing to me, Valerie. Such precision! I am quite sure I could never do that. You have done wonders for the new challenges, but you always do. It is amazing to me that you are constantly able to come up with new ideas and then bring them to fruition. We are on the way home from our vacation and tonight finds us in Ste. Hyacinthe, Québec. Tomorrow we will be home. This morning we visited old friends who moved from Ontario to New Brunswick several years ago. It was great to see them again. They have a lovely rural property. A terrific brunch was served which saw us through until dinner this evening. Great shots of your walks. It's good to see the evidence that you have been feeling up to getting out. The shots from the wildflower meadow are especially appealing to me. Tomorrow we will cook our own dinner in our own kitchen. We ate looking forward to it, and the next morning my bowl of cereal for breakfast will mean that everything is back to normal! Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Thanks David! When I say cut, I mean die-cut using a little machine to cut it, no talent needed! Sometimes I need to think about the new challenges a bit, but mostly I come up with an idea. Your vacation has gone by quickly, and I'm glad you had so many nice experiences, and that yo were able to meet up with friends and enjoy brunch. A good brunch is always an experience! The meadow is still lovely and it's just a few hundred meters from here, so that's good. Enjoy your first cereal back home! Travel safely! Hugs to you both!

  4. That a nice tag and a nice addition for T day. That cup is a great way to use a book page, and it is fun to do book pages again (meaning like we did recently at TIOT). I enjoyed your photos today, and that sticky bush is certainly attracting so many pollinators. Looks like you are enjoying some nice fall weather. I hope you have a wonderful early T day and new week Valerie. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I always like using book pages. I don't know what that sticky bush is, but it's a real party bush for the pollinators! I'm still drinking my first coffee, so have lots of time to enjoy today!

  5. I'm not surprised you did a coffee tag! I adore that wildflower meadow and the funnies were really good ones and made me laugh!

    1. Thanks Jeanie, glad the funnies made you laugh, have a great week!

  6. The coffee and choc is great theme to work from. I like them both. Lovely kitty.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Thanks, coffee and chocolate are always good. Have a great week!

  7. Love, love the coffee and chocolate art because I love coffee and chocolate. We haven't had coffee for a long, long time. Kitty is enjoying a cosy place. Have a happy week.

    1. Thanks Nancy. Coffee is my staple diet, and some choccie here and there is great, too!

  8. Hi Val, good morning! Lovely tag, yummy! I think I need to buy some chocolate today! Love the funnies, especially the pumpkin one! Have a great day, take care! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, good morning to you and yours! Have a great day, enjoy your celebration this evening, hugs to all!

  9. Loved your post today VJ. Lovely butterflies and fun to see the kids art :)
    wonderful coffee theme !

    1. Thanks Ashok, it's always good to see kids playing outside and being creative.

  10. Stunning and those colours are just beautiful. Your photos are a delight and your pussy cat is cute. ...xx

  11. You can have the coffee though I like the music page cup, I'll take the chocolate. The old gent bringing coffee to his wife in the garden. 😺 Priceless! The wildflowers are so colorful especially the blue cornflowers or are they bachelor buttons? Very cute kitty, too. Enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks, I'm glad I can keep the coffee! Enjoy the choccie! I think they were cornflowers. Lily is my neighbour's lovely cat.

  12. I thought that cartoon of the two old people in the garden was hilarious. I actually had to laugh aloud. So cute. Especially at my age.

  13. What a beatiful kitty. Love your tag. Will try very hard to make one this week. Have a wonderful day. Anesha x

  14. Good morning Valerie, what a delightful post I love your page for T very much, great funnies-I enjoyed those. I loved all the photos too and the kitty. Happy T and new week hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy, glad you Like the funnies! Happy T Day!

  15. The coffee image looks like chocolate creams -- nice! I would love them with a nice cup of coffee in the afternoon some time. I wouldn't even mind a chocolate like that at breakfast but it would seem too "wrong." So I don't.

    best... mae at

    1. For breakfast I Just have 2 cups of coffee, that's safer!

  16. Your tag is absolutely divine, Valerie. I love, love, love it. It is most appropriate for T Tuesday, too. And of course, I love the cups of coffee you share with us along the way.

    Your photos of the meadow are wonderful, and I was glad to see people actually picnicking in the castle ruins.

    Except for her face, which looks more pensive than his, Lily looks a lot like Bleubeard. She is adorable. Thanks for this great time you shared with us for T this almost Tuesday, dear.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. Lily is a cuddle cat, when I visit she sits in my lap and purrrrrs!

  17. Happy Monday, Valerie! I'm drinking coffee right now. I couldn't function without coffee, chocolate, and wine ~ LOL. Your coffee art is perfect! The memes are wonderful and so are your flowers! Have a happy week!

    1. Thanks Louise! Yes, there are some things we really need! Have a great week!

  18. That's so pretty with the flower boxes up the railings. And the neighbor's cat is adorable.

  19. Fabulous coffee cup tag Valerie and I love the chocolate candy background! Great wine funnies and your neighbors cat is so cute, it looks so relaxed in it's bed. Our cat really liked her bed too :)
    Take care and have a wonderful week.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy. Coffee and chocolate are a good Combination!

  20. Beautiful flower boxes on the stairs. People having picnics in the castles grounds is not something we hear here in the USA. That sounds like a fun thing to be able to say.
    Very funny memes, especially the tea one.
    Your coffee tag is lovely with the old song paper.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate. We have a lot of old castles near here, so it's a thing that often happens here! I liked that tea meme, too. Happy T Day!

  21. Beautiful flowers esp the wildflowers. I love when Mother nature throws colors around like confetti.
    Happy T day!

  22. i can't believe how neatly you cut out that coffee cup for your tag, marvelous tag! love the comics very much, got a chuckle out loud. and i love your neighbor's cat! xo

    1. The cup is a die cut, makes it quick and easy!

  23. Morning Valerie,
    I love your coffee tag, looks delicious, ha,ha, also the funnies, very apt!
    Gorgeous photos as usual of the flowers, strange flower with the stickiness but we had one in our garden, not the same one but very sticky, the flowers would stick to your clothes, had to take it out in the end.
    Happy T Day
    Jan S

    1. Thanks Jan! I touched that plant when I went by it today, it is really sticky! Happy T Day, hugs!

  24. Fabulous, love the tagged those funnies are brilliant. Great photos as well. I always wanted a grey cat. Lovely flower meadow.
    Hugs Wendy.

    1. Thanks Wendy, Lily is a pretty cat, and very lovable. Have a great day!

  25. Happy T-day, Valerie. Love your fun coffee tag, the coffee/wine sign, and your great coffee picture. I always love to see your coffee's - so elegant looking. The man bringing coffee to his week funny is hysterical!

    Love all your pictures - especially the kitty!


    1. Thanks Nany, glad you liked the funnies! I had to laugh at that one, too! Have a great week, take care!

    2. That should read 'thanks NANCY'!

  26. Such a fabulous coffee tag! I loved all your photos, the flower meadow is beautiful, glad to see the flowers still blooming 😁. The photos around town are gorgeous too! Wishing you a Happy T Day! Hugs Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo, I hope the flowers stay for a while!

  27. A tag after my own heart! I'm always happy to see plants that attract the pollinators. Sidewalk chalk brings back such fond memories, both from my own childhood and from when my kids were growing up. Sweet.

    Happy T Tuesday!

    1. Exactly, coffee and chocolates, yummy ! Yes, chalking kids always take me back to happy times!

  28. Fabulous Tag. Now i'm in the mood for coffee
    Have a nice Tuesday


  29. Thanks Gillena, I'm always in the mood for coffee!

  30. I absolutely adore the tag you have made. What a fabulous idea and then to use that vintage book page to cut that coffee cup, which incidentally is fantastic. You are showing us the artist in you certainly with that. I just love this and the funnies that follow.
    Your photos are, as always, stunning.
    Have a good week.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, glad you like the funnies! Have a great week!

  31. The funnies gave me a chuckle. Nice tag. Enjoy your coffee.

  32. Beautiful photos, art and oh that pumpkin cartoon.

  33. A big LOL for the pumpkin funny :)
    Awww a sweet looking cat.

    All the best Jan

  34. Love, love the funnies and quotes today. Showed my hubby the first one. We both had a good laugh. I am loving that cup on the music book page. Great tag! Have a wonderful T Day, Valerie.

  35. Can I have some of those chocolates, please, they look so delicious. What a clever idea to cut the coffee cup from a songbook. The meadow looks lovely - I guess that's also the photo in your blog header? I would love to have a picnic in castle grounds - no castles here, so we stick to the lake. Thank you for this lovely post, I had to laugh about the memes.

    1. Thanks Carola! Help yourself to chocolates! Have a great week!

  36. What a beautiful wild flower meadow. I love the photos and the header too.
    The coffee funnies are great.And the cat looks gorgeous. Are you cat-sitting?
    I'm sorry to be late again, but as I've mentioned before, we are not home on a Tuesday and I can't get to my computer.
    Happy belated T-Day,

    1. Thanks Lisca. Never mind about being late! I have often done cat sitting with Lily! Have a great week!

  37. I didn't know Duesseldorf had a large Japanese community. How interesting.

    1. Yes, it's the largest Japanese colony in Europe - with schools, kindergarten, shops, culture institute etc! Their temple and gardens are wonderful.

  38. A super Tag the cartoons too,lol...x

  39. both coffee and chocolate, can´t be better, can it?? Creating the cup from a songbook was prefect. :) Love it.
    I also see the Red Admiral feeding of your flowers. A favorite butterfly of mine. :)

    1. Thanks Monica. The red admiral is always a joy to see!

  40. Great use of the school music sheet, your snipped out coffee cup looks good amongst those chocolates, great tag. The meme's made me goggle, especially the pumpkin haa haa.
    The pink cosmos are beautiful, I have a few of those still blooming from my wildflower seeds. Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey! Yes, that pumpkin one is fun! Hugs!


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