Monday 19 July 2021

T sTands for This and ThaT

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend was good. Here we had too much excitement for my liking, more about that later!

For Alison's summer country challenge at AJJ I have a vase of sunflowers. There are lots of 'trust' fields here where you can cut your own sunflowers and put the money in a tin, and these fields always mean summer to me:

This evening we will be celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link ParTy, so here a warm welcome to all of the ladies of the T Gang who visit here.

I saw more nice things in the shops here, I would like that goose mug!

I baked a hazelnut cake, cut yourself a slice:

And my drink is frothy coffee, as always:

Yesterday my neighbour sent me a WhatsApp message and told me that there was a huge hole in the road where we live. He sent me these three photos: 

They did some emergency repairs yesterday and closed the street to traffic, and then carried on on Sunday. These pics were taken Sunday midday. And lots of people were cycling through the road to get photos, although the road was closed.

Draining water - the damage was probably caused by the stream, which flows under the road. Normally it's just a trickle, but it was very full when it rained so much:

I know this is just something very small after the damage and destruction that has happened in other places, but it's strange feeling when the road in front of your home opens up. We are all very fortunate that we normally live in a secure environment, and the events of the past days show how quickly things can change. So many are homeless and have lost everything.

And to finish on a lighter note I have a funny for you:

Have a great day, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. OMG. That hole is scary.
    Loved the sunflower piece.
    The hazelnut cake was quite tasty:) AND I liked the mug too.
    Take special care.

    1. Scary indeed! Glad you enjoyed the cake! Have a great week.

  2. Love your beautiful art Valerie and I sure wish I really could cut a slice of your hazelnut cake, it looks delicious! It is scary what happened to your road, I sure hope buildings are secure. I'm at least glad to see your area is free from the floods otherwise. Have a great week and stay safe!

    1. Thanks Martha. There were floods here, but the Rhine has wide 'flood meadows' which turn into lakes but don't usually cause more damage. I hope the road is now secure, it was really scary seeing that huge hole!

  3. Oh wow on all the damage so glad you are ok. The cake looks amazing and I like the goose mug. Pretty sunflowers.

  4. haha love the humor, my hubby and I loved it...must remember of that if it happens..
    Beautiful bright post and hope you are doing okay. xx

    1. Thanks Annie, now you know how to do it! Poor Bella!

  5. Love the sunflowers, they are bright and cheery. The road opening up like that is a bit scary! Lucky no cars went down there. I think you should treat yourself to that mug! Great cartoon at the end there.

    1. Thanks Sue. It was lucky it happened at the weekend when not so many cars drive through. If that mug is still there when I go back perhaps I will treat myself!

  6. Hi Val, good morning! That hole looks scary, I hope it hasn't affected the stability of the houses. Everything is okay here, the garden is a mess but that can be redone. Stay safe, and look after yourself! Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, I hope they will have checked for stability! Have a good week, stay safe, hugs to all!

  7. Good grief! How frightening is that sink hole? Probably caused by all the rain. Your cake looks amazingly good, and I'd love a slice, please. I'm taken by the blue bowl in the window. I think it's an ideal size and shape for a main meal salad bowl. Sunflowers are my favourite. Stay safe, hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb, it was indeed scary. The cake is very good, I'm trying to keep my fingers away from it! The shops here have beautiful things, but mostly expensive! have a great day!

  8. That is one huge sink hole. I'm glad no one was on top of it when it happened.
    Your vase of sunflowers is gorgeous. We have fields of u-pick sunflowers someplace on the Island. It's possible that they are also on the trust/honour system. People here sell firewood and potatoes that way. They leave a cart by the roadside with a tin for your money and the product on shelves. I've never heard complaints of it being abused.
    That goose mug is adorable. I think you should buy it for yourself. It would make you smile each time you use it and that is a good thing.

    1. Hi Teresa! A car just managed to stop as the hole opened up, that man was lucky! I love sunflowers, and bought myself a bunch today when I was out shopping, not from the trust fields, they're under water. A lot of smallholdings here sell their produce this way, it's good that there's still trust and honour! If that mug is still there tomorrow I will buy it! Have a good start to the week!

  9. Good morning, Valerie: The representation of the sunflowers is gorgeous; it has a Van Gogh look to it. As for the sink hole, thank goodness no one was driving along that stretch of the road when it happened. It makes you wonder how far the effects of the recent floods will be felt as subterranean water flows increase and put stresses on buried infrastructure. It boggles the mind to think that disasters of such magnitude may become annual events. That hazelnut cake looks very delicious and a slice with my morning coffee would be great. You are safe in offering it to your millions of readers, and then keeping it all for yourself! As for the dogs walking their humans, I am sure that has happened more than once! Sometimes in a birding group someone lets one go, and then looks around at everyone else, the very model of innocence! Never have beans for breakfast before going on a walk should be the rule! Stay safe. Watch out for sink holes. Hugs and kisses, David.

    1. Hi David, the sunflowers are beautiful indeed. I bought myself some today when I was out shopping with me neighbour. There was a man who almost drove into the hole as it opened up, he just saw it on time. I hope the foundations of the houses here haven't been washed out! The cake is delicious indeed, and as you say, others can only eat it virtually, but I'm eating it for you! I can imagine the situation in the walking group! we had similar experiences in class when one of the kids let one fly and of course, nobody was to blame! Perhaps they all had beans for breakfast! Have a great day, stay safe, hugs to you both!

  10. The Young One's favorite flower is the sunflower. Pretty page. I like the idea of the trust fields. Wow! The sinkhole looks scary. Hopefully they can get it fixed soon. Take care

    1. Thanks. I bought myself sunflowers today, but from a shop, the fields are under water! They are still working on the big hole, but it does make our street quieter as no cars can drive through!

  11. Beautiful sun flowers I imagine the floods will have spoilt many of them in the fields. That hole looked dangerous, I hope no one or a car was near it when it went down and they check that the area clos by is safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, I hope the houses here are not endangered. They're still busy repairing it! Have a great day, hugs!

  12. Beautiful sunflowers Valerie!
    I agree with you, that goose mug is gorgeous.
    Sink holes are scary things, hope no-one was hurt and that it's fixed now.
    Take care,
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison. They are still working on it! Have a great week, hugs, Valerie


  13. The sunflowers are beautiful and the cake is definitely delicious :). Such a hole in the road is a big obstacle. I feel sorry for those who lost everything in the flood.

  14. The sunflowers are gorgeous Valerie and that cake looks yummy! WOW that sink hole looks scary, glad you're OK. Take care and I hope you have a great week.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy, The cake is delicious! That hold really freaked me out! Have a great week, hugs!

  15. Your journal page is beautiful Valerie, I love sunflowers.That certainly is a mighty hole in your road - it just makes you realise that we have no real idea of what is going on beneath us. Take care, stay safe, and have a very happy week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue!. We take so much for granted, and when a big hole opens up it really gets you thinking!

  16. Your hazelnut loaf looks delicious with a side Cappuccino.
    I love the goose mug as well but those green glasses next caught my eye.
    Wow! How wonderful that nobody got hurt from such a large hole in the road. I have never seen one so large. Glad they were able to do an emergency repair.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate. They are still working on the road, it seems to be a big job to replace all the infrastructure underneath. Happy T Day!

  17. I'll start with the obvious and the scary. This sinkhole reminds me of the disaster at Surfside, Florida. I hope there is no structural damage to the buildings surrounding the hole. Please stay safe, because I know you live on the top floor. Good if you are in a flood, but not if your building has a structural problem.

    Your sunflowers are lovely, dear. They are such a cheery flower, and they are Kansas's state flower. This bowl echos a bit of Van Gogh and is a wonderful addition to Alison's theme at AJJ. Thanks for another great entry.

    LOVED the goose, but I also liked the zebra. I'll take the zebra, you take the goose! Of course, you will get to buy yours and I am just dreaming. Your hazelnut cake is making me hungry. It probably went so well with your cappuccino.
    Thanks for sharing your great art, the photos of the sinkhole, and your goose cup, cappuccino, and cake with us for T this Tuesday. Sorry I was here earlier, and couldn't add my comment. Had to come back and now all is well again.

    1. It really is all a bit scary here just now. I hope they are checking the stability of the houses here, too. Sunflowers are always lovely, I have some in my vase now. Have a great day, take care!

  18. Love, love your sunflower art!!! So beautiful! Those mugs with the zebra and goose are unique and I'd love to see more and the of course I'd just NEED to buy one:)
    Your hazelnut cake sounds soooo good- I'd love a slice right now.
    That is scary to have such a large hole on your street. I remember we had one up our street last year after so many heavy rains. They had to have power and water off, and two homes in front of the hole were evacuated and cordoned off until inspected for safety.Glad everyone was safe and ok. Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda. Sunflowers always have something magical about them! I'm going into town today, so perhaps I will buy that mug if it's still there! Happy T Day, stay safe!

  19. Wow -- that's a lot of excitement in your neighborhood and quite the big hole. And I thought WE had big potholes! I'm glad hey are fixing it quickly.

    1. Yes, it really was a lot of excitement. I hope they soon get it finished! Have a great day!

  20. Those sunflowers look beautiful. What a great page and has me thinking about van Gogh. And that is a great goose mug. How fun. Your hazelnut loaf looks delicious. I'd love a slice. And wow, you definitely had some road damage. Not as bad as some other places yes, but you could get hurt or ruin a car with that hole. Have a great T day Valerie. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, sunflowers are always lovely! Enjoy the cake! I think I'll bake another one soon. Happy T Day!

  21. Wow! That is a large hole! I think it is pretty scary. I am glad you are safe. I love your sunflower; I really like sunflowers. Your bread looks delicious. Happy T Day, Valerie.

  22. Great to hear that you are not in the area with the devastating floods.

    best... mae at

    1. Thanks Mae. So many places have really been destroyed. Happy T Day!

  23. Love your sunflowers. I bought somd Sunday and they make me happy. Super idea to have the on your AJ page, Valerie.

    I would love to have that coffee cup too.

    Wow, your road hole is scary. Scary to think that could have anywhere like under a house or it could have had cars and people on it when it opened. I have heard of all the flooding and loss in your country. The weather can be scary and seems to be making some wide changes. We are now considered tornado alley in my state and particilary around where we live. I would not have moved here if I had known that. We are having to get a tornado shelter - something I never worried about before.

    Happy T-day and stay dry and safe, my friend! Hugz

  24. I should have read my post before posting it, Valerie - sorry for the typos!!!

    1. Thanks Nancy. Don't worry about the typos, they bug us all. I'm sure the keys on the keyboard move themselves round deliberately! The flooding here has been awful, so many people lost their lives, others lost everything they had. Having to build a tornado shelter sounds grim, I hope you won't need it! And that hole in the road freaked me out! Happy T Day, look after yourself, hugs!

  25. Valerie your sunflowers are gorgeous, I love them, so bright and cheerful
    Scary seeing that hole, there’s been so many things like that happening all over the world, thankfully it wasn’t any bigger, there’s been such awful floods in Europe, so sad for all the people who have died or lost everything.
    I hope the hole gets fixed quicker than repairs do here!
    Happy T day

    1. Thanks Jan. There's been an awful lot of destruction near here, so sad. They are still fixing the hole, I spoke to the workers this morning, they needed to change the sewer pipes as they were all broken. But they are working hard! Have great week!

  26. First of all, love the sunflowers.
    That is crazy...the street opening up like that. WOW! I can't even imagine seeing that outside the window.
    Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Halle, I love sunflowers, too. Yes, that was a shock to see that huge hole in the road, crazy indeed! Happy T Day!

  27. I'd say yes to that goose mug, too. That cake looks delicious! I'll have a piece, please and thank you :)

    Wow! We complain about the pot holes here and the damage they cause, but you have a really over-achieving hole there! I imagine they'll have to do some real thinking on how best to repair this so it doesn't happen again given the changes in the underlying water. I imagine that'll take a while.

    1. I wanted to buy the mug today, it was gone! They are still busy with the repairs.

  28. Beautiful sunflower page and I loved seeing the shop windows, the such and zebra mugs are fabulous 😁. Wow, that hole is huge and I bet it was so scary when it happened! Glad it's all sorted and your friend is ok. Take care and Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo. I love looking into the shop windows, too. Have a good week!

  29. Beautiful sunflowers, -such pretty shop windows and a really big sinkhole. Yikes!

  30. The hole in the road is amazing - quite dangerous I would imagine - I only wish I could have a slice of your cake. I adore sunflowers - what a good idea about the "trust" fields of sunflowers. I know I would surely get some.
    Sandy xx

    1. I love my sunflowers! They are still working on the big hole!

  31. Your sunflowers are beautiful! I saw some for sale this morning at a very good price but I already have some fresh Gladioli in the only vas they would fit in!!! We get quite a few sink holes in Manchester roads - they seem to get on with the work much more quickly in your town!! Love that mug and your own coffee and cake look enticing! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Yes, sunflowers are always beautiful! They are still working on the big hole, all of the pipes and cables egg have to be replaced.Hugs!

  32. I agree, nothing says summer like a sunflower - how lovely to have fields where you can go and pick them and leave a contribution in an honesty box. Lovely page.

    Scary about the hole in the road... I know it's not much compared to what some are dealing with, but just shows how at any moment we are all vulnerable to the forces of nature.
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison, sunflowers are summer for me. I have one growing on my balcony! The hole in the road is really scary. They have to replace 60 metres of drainage pipes, so we will be living with it for several months.

  33. I want to go to a trust field! That is so nice! I love your sunflower art piece!
    I would like a piece of cake please! LOL!
    I am so glad no one was hurt with that massive hole!! Wow!!!
    Big Hugs!

  34. Absolutely beautiful, my friend - sunflowers are some of the loveliest and happiest flowers! The sink hole - wow! Glad everyone was okay and not hurt :) Hugs! xx


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