Wednesday 21 July 2021

Midweek Post

Hi Everybody!

Today I am sharing another of my strange faces, made after the lesson from Karen O'Brien. I am having fun making these strange faces and collaging them onto magazine pages or old journal pages. Here I used an old painted page, a magazine picture which I beheaded, and my face (Sounds dangerous, huh?):

And I have some photos from a botanical garden in Duisburg, a neighbouring town:

And specially for Erika, a bee hive where it was possible to open the door and look in:

Visitors are told not to open the hive when the temperature is under 14°, and to remember to close the door again!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love your face! The gardens are lovely, it is great to be able to have a peek at the bees.

    1. Thanks Sue, it was interesting to see te bees in their hive!

  2. Your art today is certainly different :)
    Love the photographs from the botanical gardens, they are beautiful.

    All the best Jan

  3. Love the face and the flowers that look like fireworks especially. I have been thinking about you and worried about you. How is the flooding situation in your area?

    1. Thanks Martha. Don't worry, here everything is okay. The Rhine is full, but only the meadows are flooded, and they are there to take up the flood water without houses etc being endangered. The big hole is still being repaied. Have a great day, take care!

    2. So glad to hear that, keep us posted. Hugs!

    3. The water on the meadows was definitely less today, and some ducks have made themselves at home there! The workmen are putting in new drainage and sewage pipes into our big hole, so they are still hard it! I will keep you all informed, thanks for caring!

  4. That face and that body are such fun together. I can see why you are enjoying this class. And flowers are so photogenic, aren't they? Especially when you look into them and the details come out. And thanks for showing the hive. How fun to just open the door and look inside. I can see the honey comb on the top and I bet their babies are on the bottom. (It looks that way). Hope your week is going well and maybe-hopefully not so wet. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, it was fascinating to be able to open the door and look in, I have seen hives like this in a few different places now, a great idea. It's warm and sunny today, more rain is expected at the weekend.

  5. What a fun post that face, it's awesome as is the flowers and photos. xx

    1. Thanks Annie, I had fun with the face! Have a great day!

  6. Lovely face and gorgeous photos!

  7. This face is very interesting;) beautiful flowers:)

  8. Nice face! I enjoyed your fabulous photo series as always, Valerie.

    Happy Wednesday!

    1. Thanks Veronica! Flowers just ask to be photographed! Have a great day!

  9. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you slept well. I was up most of the night, S had a temperature and was rather fretful. I love your face, and the photos are fabulous, as always! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Good morning Sarah. Hope S is feeling better, give her a big hug from me! Hope the day will be better than the night! Hugs to all!

  10. It's almost too warm here to scroll, the keyboard is sticking to me! I love the carved wooden people, and the kite stuck in the trees, going nowhere. Some really lovely flower photos, hot and vibrant, unlike me, I'm hot and wilted! Hugs, Deb

    1. I know that hot and wilted feeling! he big heat will be back here at the weekend, ugh! Stay cool!

  11. This is doubtless a very intelligent person, Valerie, since the head is superimposed on the dictionary, or maybe someone who is just very verbose. Either way it is a striking image and one that will catch the eye of all who view it. Too bad that some child had to return home kiteless, but I hope that he or she had great fun before it became ensnared in the tree. Seeing the beehive reminds me of the time I suited up with a beekeeper friend and he explained his whole operation to me. It was all quite fascinating, and honey is one of life's great treats. Last night we made baked fish for dinner, smothered with a wonderful topping made from tomatoes, garlic, basil, onion, olive oil, balsamic vinegar and it was delicious with rice. We have made this dish a few times now and I really enjoy it. I may have missed a couple of ingredients from the topping, but most of them are there. I picked up a bottle of Australian Sauvignon Blanc and everything went together wonderfully. And I had it with my Honey! (I knew I could work that in somewhere!) We had been out earlier on a mission to locate and photograph dragonflies so after all that strenuous effort and great diligence we had earned a food dinner and a glass of wine (or two). Later today we'll see how the pictures turned out and I suspect that some will make their way to my blog. Have a happy, cheerful, fun-filled, friendly day, with warm breezes, fluffy clouds, soft sunshine and perhaps even a 30 minute gentle shower. À la prochaine, chérie. Hugs and kkkkkkkkisssses. David

    1. Yes David, someone who has eaten an old Webster's dictionary from the 1950s, which gives me a lifetime supply of book paper to use up! The kites in the gardens are part of the show, they were hanging in lots of places. Your dinner sounds wonderful, I am drooling at the mere thought, glad you and your Honey-Bunny enjoyed it. I will try not to think of it when I eat my yogurt this evening....I would so love some spicy food again! And I'm not allowed alcohol, either! It must have been a fun trip to take photos of dragonflies, I hope you found lots of beauties and will soon show them to us. Have a great day, Bis demnächst in diesem Theater! Hugs to you both!

  12. Should say "good dinner" above, not "food dinner", but you probably figured that out.

    1. Actually food dinner is not bad, because we eat food for dinner! Typos abound!

  13. I always enjoy your pictures. The close-up of the flowers are especially pretty!

    1. Thanks Fonda, flowers are always such a joy! Hugs!


  14. The faces painted on pieces of the newspaper are unusual. A wonderful hive, you can watch the work of bees. Have a nice day :)

    1. Sometimes it's good to try new things! Hugs!

  15. So glad you are having fun with your faces, love the collage. Enjoy your day. Hugs Anesha

    1. Thanks Anesha! It's good to have a play now and then.

  16. Hi Val, Bill here. Fun Art and photos!

  17. That garden with all those flowers looks like an inviting place for an outing.

    More bees! What fun to be able to get up close and personal :)

    1. Indeed, great to be able to watch the bees Like that. Have a great day!

  18. I love your strange faces and the flowers are stunning.

  19. I like that unusual face. It is well done and reminds me a bit of the postage people so popular a few years ago. Of course, the faces weren't hand drawn like yours. Simply a fun page, dear.

    LOVED the carved people and of course, the flowers. You can never have too many flowers.

  20. What a fabulous face and a fun way to use it! Duisburg photos are always lovely, apart from that sad kite! We have been watching the news of the floods which do seem to be over now the water has changed - hope it hasn't affected your movement much! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. There is so much destruction here, it's really sad. We have a huge hole in the road in front of our house!

  21. A fabulous page Valerie, I love that face!
    Great photos too.
    Alison xx

  22. I love how you did the face on the newsprint -- it adds such a lot of depth and dimension and character to it all!

    1. Thanks Jeanie, I'm having fun with my strange faces!

  23. I love your faces Valerie, and everything looks better on a dictionary page! Take care, Sue xx

    1. Thanks, perhaps I should paste some dictionary paper onto my fave!

  24. Your face art piece is so much fun!
    Beautiful garden photos! That is amazing with the bees! I don't think I would be opening the door! LOL! Big Hugs!


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