Thursday 18 February 2021

Thursday/Friday Post

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are all doing well and staying safe!

Today I have another A3 mixed media piece for my heavy metal challenge at AJJ. I used stencils over a background painted with gesso and gold. The crow and the small bids were swiped with diluted gold paint to give a bit of shimmer. The sentiment was also stenciled.
I am also linking to Paint Party Friday

More photos from snow taken from the house or out in the park:


Have a great day. take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love it!:)
    The photos are breathtaking.

  2. wow the whole post is amazing...xx

  3. Love your mixed media piece.
    Love the snowy scenes.

    Happy Thursday, Happy Friday.
    Happy Weekend too :)

    All the best Jan

  4. Beautiful mixed media, and lovely winter photos!

  5. More fantastic art and I'm enjoying the snow photos so much! Stay warm and safe Valerie. Hugs!

  6. Thanks for making me smile! Love your art piece and quote!!! My fav, I wonder why? LOL! The photos are stunning! Big Hugs!

  7. Valerie- wow. my friend - beautiful snow! Stay warm! I love your gorgeous art work and that's one fabulous sentiment! Love it! xx

  8. Sometimes it's great to be awesome!
    Very nice done, Gorgeous!
    I still have so many snow pictures and I think I'll be bombing you guys in the next few days! LOL
    I wish you health and have a nice day! Hugs!

    1. Thanks Ella! Yes, we had lots of snow to take pictures of!

  9. Hi Val, good morning! Beautiful Art and photos! Good luck with the examinations today! Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah! All went well! Waiting for the results now!

  10. Another day of being awesome? I am still searching for the first! What will be awesome is when this pandemic is under control. Our whole vaccine supply, distribution and application system seems to be more muddled every day, with never-ending platitudes from politicians with an eye on the next election rather than the well being of the population. Your snowy landscape continues to look beautiful, Valerie, but I expect you are waiting for spring. I saw a British blog this morning with woodlands filled with Snowdrops. We should all be so lucky. Take care. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Let's face it David, we are awesome. Pity we can't day the same about the distribution of vaccines by those pver paid and rather useless politicians. Here the snow drops are everywhere and the daffodils are shooting up.had to have an abdominal CT this morning after drinking litres of contrast Fluid, Not my fave breakfast! Have a great day, stay Safe! Hugs to you both!

    2. Make sure a washroom is never far away!

  11. Great page. The crow looks fantastic.

  12. I have to take back what I said yesterday because this crow page is now my favorite of the month so far. I love the swipe of gold over the flying murder of crows. (I think that's the correct word?) And I bet crows do think they are awesome because they really are. Wasn't it last ear that you had an early early spring? The snowy photos look beautiful. Take care. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, Last Year we had a very early spring
      Crows are indeed very clever, Love watching them.

  13. I like your bird and the quotation. Love those snowy photos.

  14. so snowy weather:) where is spring...;D

  15. love the raven. You have lots of snow. Stay warm.

  16. Fabulous! I love crows, such intelligent birds! xx

  17. Your crow and sentiment made me smile. Snow photos, not so much. Looks like looking out my own door. Sad and cold. Take care.

    1. The snow has melted away, and at the weekend the temps will rise to 20°, spring is coming!

  18. Awesome page Valerie and what a perfect quote for your shimmery crow! Great snowy pictures, take care & stay warm.
    Hugs, Tammy

  19. I love that first picture. It would make a nice hanging photo or greeting card.
    Hope you are feeling well.

    1. Thanks Sandra, I'm doing well, and will be home soon!

  20. Lovely art, love the snow photos.

  21. Your winter looks likes ours, we have a little bit more snow :)

  22. Toll der Spruch und mit den VĂśgeln dazu der passende Hintergrund, ich mag es!
    Viel Schnee war das auch bei euch, toll diese Fotos!
    SchĂśnen Tag wĂźnsche ich dir.
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  23. Great page, love those birds, we have huge flocks of them in the field at the back of us, digging up worms from the soggy wet soil.
    Take care, hugs Wendy

    1. Thanks Wendy, we have lots of crowd and ravens here, too.

  24. Your page has really captured the sheen of the waterproof feathers of the Raven, what a mighty bird he is, loving those positive words.. Hope you are keeping well Valerie, will it be hometime soon? That's a fabulous building so inspiring.
    Take care & stay warm if it's still chilly. Weekend Hugs sent your way Tracey xx

  25. Wonderful and fun words - so positive and empowering and your supporting images are so cool. Great pictures too! Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy! Have a great weekend, stay safe!

  26. Great painting of black birds and beautiful photos.

  27. Dynamic mixed media artwork ~ great wintry photos ~ looks like a great place to live ~

    Living moment by moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  28. You are awesome! Recovering and recuperating well and awesome art, too!

  29. Being awesome, yup, i agree. Happy Friday Valerie


  30. Beautiful page! The crow looks so amazing with the birds and wording - perfect 😁. The winter wonderland that you captured is so pretty too, it's so picturesque! Happy Friday and weekend! Hugs, Jo x

  31. Wonderful page. I love the crows.
    And your snow pictures are very nice.
    Enjoy the weekend, Valerie

  32. Some very pretty winter scenes Valerie. Your heavy metal piece is great! Well done on the crow! :)

  33. Wow! Fabulous page - crows are so smart! Love the snowy pics! Chrisx

  34. We actually had our own snow for a change lol, but your views are nice. Such pretty scenes!

  35. I love this! The crow really is awesome. Have a great week, Sue xx

  36. That is one majestic crow that you have on your page - made all the more so buy the addition of the tiny slivers of gold paint you applied. Brilliant!
    Thank you for the snow pictures, so lovely of you to take them and you have this ability to frame them perfectly - love that open door - perfect!
    Hugs, Neet x


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