Thursday 14 January 2021

Thursday/ Friday post

Hi Everybody! 

Another week is flying by, where does time go?
Hope you are all well and safe.

Today I am sharing a journal I have been making at the clinic in our creative room. It's a concertina book, 5" x 10" when closed. The outside was painted with turquoise, blue and gold and the inside with white. I added stenciling, doodling and lots of tissue transfers which were stamped with Stazon ink. I stitched some pages onto the white side to make space for journaling, and stitched around the edges. On the blue side I added some random words to make a ort of free poem:

I am linking to Erika's  favourite things challenge at AJJ, as I love making albums, stamping and stenciling. I am also linking to Paint Party Friday

I have some photos taken at various times of the ferry and other ships which pass along the Rhine day by day:

The fire brigade practising:

Fire ships:

The ferry:

A police boat:

A dredger ship:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely book I like the colours and the photos have a lot of action!

  2. Thank you for sharing your beautiful journal! Love it! Very inspirational! Gorgeous water and boat pictures! Big Hugs!

  3. always a joy to see your set of photographs...lovely VJ

  4. Everything is so beautiful on this post, so love it. xx.xx

  5. You really are clever, and talented. Super book! All of life seems to be on the Rhine.
    Stay safe and well, hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Den. There's Always something to see at the Rhine!

  6. Die Tagebuchbücher sind faszinierend gemacht, wunderschön das blaue aber auch das andere!
    Tolle intressante Fotos von der Übung und mit der Fähre, ich liebe diese Buntheit von den Fähren..
    Schönen Tag wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  7. You can inspire me so much ... really! Your book is beautiful ... very beautiful! Thank you!
    Hello gorgeous, how are you today?

  8. A lovely journal and a lovely idea. I used to make similar journals for taking on short vacations or weekend retreats.

    1. Thanks Teresa, these journals are fun to make!

  9. Everyone is saying that the weeks are flying by. I have looked out the window several times and I must tell you I have not seen even one. I will keep scanning the sky, however. They must be out there somewhere. The vessels on the Rhine are very colourful and I can see how it would be pleasant to watch them moving along the river. Perhaps you equally enjoyed those virile young firemen too! Your artwork is quite lovely today, featuring as it does, scenes from nature with butterflies and birds to enhance their appeal. It is already afternoon for you, Valerie, but I hope that the rest of your day is filled with pleasure. Hugs and kisses from far away Ontario. David

    1. I think your eyes are programmed to see birds flying by, not weeks! I love watching the Rhine and the ships, and a well shaped man is not to be ignored, either! We had a busy but good day today, and I hope your day will be good, too. Have fun, take care, hugs to you both!

  10. I love your gorgeous journal, great photos too :)

  11. I love your accordion book Valerie! So glad that you're able to be creative in the clinic. The days do go so fast don't they?! I'm looking forward to when they are lighter and longer.
    Alison xox

    1. Thanks Alison. The days are already a bit longer, I am looking forward to spring!

  12. Oh Valerie you are so talented. That accordion book is beautiful. You know I am not a blue girl but your butterfly art in blue is so pretty. I really like the photos today too. Have a great day.

  13. That is an amazing journal Valerie. I wonder if the words are speaking for yourself or just beautiful words to put together. anyhow, that is your business as the artist. It is really nice you have such a great space to create in at the clinic. That has to be very healing being able to do that. Hope else is well. Hugs-Erika

  14. Thanks, I just picked out random words which spoke to me! We have a huge creative room here, just right for me!

  15. I liked your album a lot. So glad that you have the freedom to practice your art at the clinic.

  16. Your journal is beautiful ~ I'm so glad they have such wonderful supplies so you can still enjoy creating and blogging etc. Blessings to you! Love, Karen

    1. Thanks Karen. Have a wonderful day, hugs, Valerie

  17. Love your journal page! Great photos as always. Anesha x

  18. Love your concertina journal Valerie, great colours on the blue side and the bees are great too. Lots to see on the Rhine isn't there!!

    1. Thanks a lot, the Rhine is always fascinating.

  19. I love your book, Valerie. That color! Wow -- and inside, too! I'm wondering if you have started having classes at the clinic for other residents! You'd be a wonderful teacher. The Rhine looks so fascinating -- I'm glad you can get out and see those events.

    1. Thanks Jeanie! I have been helping some with art and baking English recipes with another group!

  20. I do like the wonderful blue colour, it's an amazing shade.
    Lovely art.

    The Rhine certainly provides lots to see, I enjoyed your photographs.

    Enjoy your Friday, and have a good weekend.

    All the best Jan

  21. I LOVE these pieces!!!
    All kinds of ships and boats.
    Stay safe. Be well.

  22. Gorgeous journals! The concertina design is amazing and I love them both, blue is my favourite colour but the white with the gold stars, ravens and bees is beautiful too 😁. There is certainly a lot of action on the Rhine this week. Happy Friday and weekend! Hugs, Jo x

  23. Love your homemade journal, especially the birds. Hope you are well.
    Hugs Wendy.

  24. Butterflies, birds and emergency workers...all beautiful.

  25. Gorgeous journal, I love the colors and all of the stamped transfers! Fabulous photos, the boats/ships are so colorful and look awesome floating on the Rhine. Enjoy your weekend.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks so much Tammy. Have a good and safe weekend, hugs, Valerie

  26. Very interesting photos. Luv your art and words. Happy PPF

    Much love...

  27. I just love the beautiful blue! Also, I love the way some pages are reflecting your love of birds, as seen in your photography. Happy New Year!!

  28. Beautiful journal and gorgeous photos ~

    Moment by moment......

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  29. That is a lovely book with beautiful stamp images.
    I love seeing all kinds of boats and ships passing in the waters- whether rivers or the sea. Love your photos!! Be well, and happy PPF!

    1. Thanks Linda, I always love watching the ships! Enjoy your weekend!

  30. Your "Vision" art is wonderful. I love the blues with the butterfly. Nice to see all of those boats on the river! :)

    1. Thanks Rain, the river is always fascinating!

  31. Your header looks a bit like it looks here today.
    Stay safe. Be well.

    1. Here we even saw the sun today! Enjoy your Weekend!

  32. Your accordion journal is beautiful. The gold really shines on BOTH sides. I also think the sewing adds that but of extra fun. Thanks for sharing it with us at AJJ using Erika's theme.

    It's been awhile since you showed the Fire Brigade at the river. It was fun to see them running drills again.

    1. Yes, sewing is adds Something. I love watching the fire brigade at work! Stay Safe!

  33. Beautiful art as always.
    Your weather is like our autumn, we have real winter, a lot of snow!
    Happy this year!

    1. Thanks. It's been mild Here. Have a great week!

  34. THe bee journal page is delightful. So many fun details. I always feel like I am walking with you when I look at the photos! Thank you for visiting my blog!

  35. I love that sweeping drift of birds across the page. The water must add a whole new level of difficulty to fire and police work.

    1. Birds are always beautiful. The Rhine makes a lot of work!

  36. Very pretty! Look like pop up cards. :) And fire brigade practising? Cool.


  37. Your journal is beautiful. The photos are very interesting. Have a nice week:)

  38. Lovely journal, Valerie. You are so creative even when away at clinic. I love the bird themes and stars. Such a peaceful feeling to the pages. Great pictures too. Hope you are doing well, my friend. Hugz

  39. I love your concertina book, the birds of course are stars! Love seeing the river photos! That ferry boat is very colourful! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris! I love our ferry, it's very special!

  40. When I saw the butterfly in the first photo I thought it was a lovely cover but then got a shock when it opened up in the next photo and I saw all those beautiful pages. That is absolutely beautiful Valerie. But wait ... it did not stop there, you treated us to another beautiful set of pages in white.
    Absolutely beautiful.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, glad you liked t, had fun making it!


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