Friday 22 May 2020

Weekend post

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend -enjoy!

Today I have 2 hybrid tags for Pinky's 'animals' challenge at Tag Tuesday
I couldn't make up my mind, so made a masculine dog tag and a feminine cat tag - something for everybody! I used elements from Mischief Circus, Serif and me:

And some more photos from my walks last week:

The war memorial is just outside the castle gates, and a fave spot of the birds, here a nice blackbird:

The blackbird was looking up to the basilica:

A crow was sitting on the star at the top:

After I had had a little break:

I went down to the beach underneath the ruins. Somebody had been playing:

I decided to leave a greeting for the world:

The stones which crashed down from the ruins during the canon-ball attack are everywhere. You can see that some have been cut and were evidently part of columns or door-frames:

Some people had been playing here and built a little dam:

And the stones make good seats for a little rest:

Time to leave the remains of the past and to return to the present:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely tags and a nice stroll to the beach!

    1. Thanks Christine. The beach is always interesting.

  2. Great tags, Valerie. I am a huge cat lover!
    I am glad to see that you had great time at the beach.
    Happy weekend, my friend.

  3. Hi Valerie oh my your tags are so cute,i love them all,well done my friend . Oh how lovely you got to go down to the beach,beautiful pics Valerie xx

  4. Your dog and cat art are beautiful Valerie. Lovely to get to the water, I wonder if someone replied to your message and left another message in the sand. 😁

    1. Thanks - I will walk down later and have a look!

  5. I do like both your masculine and feminine tags :)
    You had a very nice walk and that was fun leaving a message.

    Happy Weekend Wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan. I like leaving messages in the sand, I never did grow up!

  6. Love both tags and as always your posts are interesting with the amazing walk in your world.xx

  7. love texture of the doggie one. I might try this on one my pages for the Brooklyn art library.

  8. Thanks Laurie, have a great weekend!

  9. I love your car and dog tags!

  10. Good Morning Val! It's cool and cloudy here today, quite refreshing after the muggy rain yesterday. Love your tags, the grungy dog makes a wonderful contrast to the bedded-on-roses kitty! Great photos, too, lovely to see those stones close up, I never looked when I was there. You see more than most people! Have a lovely day, look after yourself! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. Have a fun day, and hopefully a bit of peace and quiet in between!

  11. I love cats, so ... "laid on roses" is my favorite ... My cat sometimes smells the flowers ... I know he's a bit crazy!
    I hope someone answered your message! Might find another drawn heart next to yours... Yuppy! Valentine day in May! LOL
    Have a nice day and enjoy your weekend! Hugs!

    1. ThANKS. Cats like smelling the flowers. I must go and look if I have an answer at the Rhine!

  12. Das greeting ist superschĂśn :-)
    Ich wollte ne Katze und... bekam einen Schäferhund stattdessen - ich war 5 und der Hund hat mich ... naja, ich war nicht das "Herrchen"...
    Ein schĂśnes WE dir, GlG, Iris

  13. Love your tags,the cat image is so cute. Love your photos as well. Have a great weekend.

    1. Thanks Anesha, have a great weekend, take care!

  14. I love those tags especially the one with the dog, the words made me think of Meg and her big brown eyes, thanks for the memory prompt.
    The photos were lovely, i hope you get a reply left drawn in the sand.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, we never forget our wonderful dogs and the way they could look at us! My message was washed out by the rain yesterday, I'll do a new one tomorrow! Have a great day!

  15. I love both your tags today Valerie! Your walk has taken you to a beautiful place today. Lovely to see things made on the beach and nice you left one too!! Have a great weekend.

    1. Thanks Pinky - and thanks for hosting! Have a great weekend!

  16. Good morning Valerie: I am assuming that when you say that you used elements from Mischief Circus you are simply drawing on facets of your own life! I have no doubt that you are both the ringmaster and the star performer! And what a great walk you had, and I love your shoes. You are a fashion statement on the move. The shot of the Blackbird (Turdus merula) is wonderful. I hope he serenaded you as he is quite capable of doing. I never cease to be impressed at the varied and interesting places that are available for your walks. Enjoy the weekend!

    1. Good morning David! Ah yes, my life is definitely like a circus, it goes round and round and I am always up to mischief, well reasoned! My neighbour doesn't like my Skechers Sneakers, he says hey look like baby- learn shoes, but they are comfortable for my arthritic feet and I like them very much! The blackbird did indeed sing for me, that's what made me go nearer, and he was not at all shy. Have a great day, have fun!

  17. Fun tags. The kitty made me smile. She looks very pampered and quite content. I enjoyed your walk and the message you left. Another smile with the photo of the bird on the top of the basilica. Made me think of Gunther the seagull who likes to sit on top of the steeple at Enders Island. Take care and enjoy the weekend.

    1. Thanks. Birds always seem to like these lofty places, I suppose thev have a bird's eye view from them! Enjoy your weekend!

  18. Das sind zwei wunderschĂśne sĂźsse Tags! Dein Ausflug ist interessant und deine Fotos dazu kann man es richtig mit erleben am Rhein! Die Amsel ist goldig!
    Ich wĂźnsche dir ein schĂśnes Wochenende!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Ich habe immer Amseln hier auf meinem Balkon, so niedlich. Und immer hungrig! Dir auch ein schĂśnes Wochenende, bleib gesund!

  19. You always see such fascinating things on your walks. I did see a porcupine this week. I tried to take photos but he was so well camouflaged you can't really see him. Oh well. I love your tags today and they are so true. Although I have a dog who thinks she deserves a bed of roses too. Smile. Have a super weekend. Hugs-Erika

    1. Wow, I have never seen a porcupine except in the zoo! What an adventure! My cat used to often sleep in the dog's basket, and that irritated Scruffy, because she was too big to fit into Kitty's bed! I think all our pets deserve to be bedded on roses! Have a great day!

  20. Your dog art makes me smile big! As always, I love the photos but especially your greeting to the world!

  21. I love the dog and cat art. So happy :)

    Such a pleasant walk :) It's nice to be able to get out!

  22. Great tags and photos Valerie!
    It's so windy today, but I must get out for a little walk in the garden.
    Alison xx

  23. Thanks Alison, windy here, too, but I enjoyed my walks! Have a good weekend, hugs, Valerie

  24. What adorable tags. :) I love dogs and cats! I also love birds- and the pictures you took are just beautiful. So many great shots! Looks like you had some fun sights to see on your walk. :)

    Stay safe!

    1. Thanks Jess, it's always fun to be out and find new things to photograph.

  25. Happy Weekend! Love thw cat art :) Adorable and the colors are so pretty :) Hugs!

    1. Thanks Monica. Cats rue the world! Happy weekend!

  26. I like your whimsical art. Very cute. The black birds don't exist here in Hawaii.

    1. No blackbirds? But I'm sure you will have other, wonderful birds and animas!

  27. Such fabulous doggie art, love it! That was a great walk too and I loved seeing the blackbird, we have a nesting pair in our garden and they like to throw all the bark (that we mulch our flower beds with) everywhere 😉. Nice to sit and take in the view too - perfect! Happy weekend! Take care! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo. When I first moved in here there were nesting blackbirds on my balcony, and although it was fun to watch them, there was an awful mess outside by the time they moved out! They are still frequent flyers here, and come to eat every day. It seems to be a sort of tradition for each blackbird generation! Have a great weekend!

  28. Your dog and cat tags are both wonderfully creative and lovely.
    Lovely photos and I loved your message for someone who is lucky enough to find it.

    Hugs ☕

  29. I loved the dog tag. Don't get me wrong, I'm a cat person, but that dog was awesome. It looked like something you would find on the side of an old garage. I absolutely LOVE it.

    What is the difference between a black bird and a crow? They looked the same to me. I really enjoyed reading about the stones from the castle when it was bombarded with cannons. Great photos, too.

    1. Crows and ravens are larger. Blackbirds are songbirds, the crow family make raucous noises, and they kill smaller animals and birds for their food.

    2. Thanks for the explanation about the birds. It's hard to tell size when there's nothing to compare. Still playing catch-up. Not sure I ever will.

  30. What fabulous tags and lovely photographs again. I love blackbirds, we have one that lives in our garden and he follows Neil arround when he's digging the garden on the hunt for worms xx

    1. Thanks Sue, clever blackbird. Neil must be his favourite purveyor of fresh worms! Birds and animals are so clever!

  31. Great tags - love the texture on the dog tag. Adorable creations. Super cool pictures. I especially love the gateway - looking into the future or the past. Gorgeous!

    1. Thanks Nancy. I always love walking through that green arch!

  32. What fabulous tags - love the both! Your walk looks to have taken an interesting turn - those stones look pretty big! Love your message in the sand! Take care, Chrisxx

    1. Thanks Chris, there are lots of places to walk to here, which is good for me.


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