Tuesday 12 May 2020

T sTands for a new challenge aT TioT

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week got off to a good start. Have a good one, and stay safe!

Today we are starting a new challenge at TIOT and our theme is

Lovely Ladies.

Projects of all formats, including  digital, are welcome, and must have a female image.

 I made a mixed media canvas (12" x 9") using an image of my great Auntie Fanny, which was taken in 1918 on her 18th birthday. I used an old canvas which I recycled. I added layers of colours, lots of texture with texture paste and micro-beads, and some collaged scraps of paper and napkins. The diamonds were stenciled. The image was covered with a transparent 'glass' with a gold frame:

Sorry about the reflections on these last 2 pics:

I am also linking to Mia's flowers challenge at AJJ

Today is also Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link parTy if she is well enough to host again, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T Gang.

This was made with my self carved stamps:

This was taken in the good old days:

And this one, too! Cafes and restaurants are allowed to open again, with huge spaces between the tables, but I think I will wait a bit longer till I eat or drink out again:

I went shopping with Nathalie last week and this container of Bailey's coffee ice must have jumped into my basket, sigh! And it was sooooooooo good:

The baker had a new sort of bread roll:

And it is filled with cream cheese - delicious:

I baked the lemon muffins for Nathalie:

There was some  mixture left over so I made myself some lemon cookies with it - yummy!

This handsome Canada goose looking after his young asked me to give his best wishes to David in Canada and to tell him that the weather is much better over here....

The meadows by the Rhine have had their first haircut this year:

These pics were taken in our little park, which is allowed to flourish as a natural meadow:

Lots of shops are trying to sell off things by reducing the prices:

I often sit here for a rest:

White wisteria:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love your canvas and what a wonderful photo of your aunt. Those cakes looks yummy. Enjoy your time outside. x

    1. Thanks Anesha. She was a lovely lady, in all senses of the word.

  2. Hi Val, good morning! What a pleasure to see your lovely Auntie Fanny again, I know how much she meant to you. Great colours and a vivacious style to your canvas, she would have enjoyed it! Love all the photos, too. Take care of yourself, and have a fun day, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. She was a lovely and kind lady, the best in my family!

  3. Gorgeous pages of your Aunt, the colours are sensational and love the vintage look. Beautiful photos and delish goodies.xx

  4. Now that is some tribute, beautiful!
    Just imagine being born 1900. Have you met her? Did you have a good relationship?
    How did you do the stamps? I only know: potatoe, but guess that´s not it?

    "Haircut" :-) That early?!!!

    A happy T-day to you, GlG, Iris

    1. I lived by my auntie for a long time. The stamps are cut from rubber, you know, rubber stamps. Potatoes get cooked here! I never play with food. Happy T Day!

  5. Hi Valerie, lovely photos as usual, love the bread filled with cream cheese, i would love to taste that, the cakes look delicious too.
    The only shop open here is the supermarket although we are taking the car for it's service tomorrow so I'm hoping some shops will be open in the port.
    I love your painting, I love all the colours you've used.
    Keep safe and Happy T Day
    Jan x

    1. Thanks Jan! Hope you find some shops open tomorrow. Have a great week and stay safe!

  6. If your theme is Lovely Ladies, Valerie, then of necessity you have to include yourself and Nathalie. I looked carefully but did not find you, so I am sure you will wish to rectify this omission by tomorrow's post. That bread roll filled with cream cheese looks mouth-wateringly delicious, and it would save me all the hard labour of spreading my own! I note that in Germany too you have this issue with Jumping Ice Cream, which only reveals itself when you arrive back at home. In the store, and at the checkout counter, it remains quite invisible. Please reciprocate my best regards to that exceedingly handsome Canada Goose who is probably doing a far better job than human diplomats in representing our country! From Waterloo, Ontario to Balconia-by-the-Rhine I send my very best wishes. David

    1. Thanks David! I'll remember it next time! They not only have jumping ice cream here, but chocolate bars, tins of salted cashews, and more, all jumping into my basket, terrible. Yes, that Canada goose is a handsome specimen indeed, and a great representative of your noble land!

  7. Oh my, its is a gorgeous canvas Valerie, another that makes me want to reach out and touch, the textures look amazing, a good idea to keep it safe behind glass from folk like me who wants to touch.
    The cakes look delicious I'm sure Nathalie enjoyed hers as well.
    I liked the photos and seeing your shops opening, but, like you , it would be a while before I visited shops even though there were bargains to be bought.
    Stay safe and happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. I think we need to be really cautious still, I only go shopping for things that are really necessary, and wouldn't want to be sitting around in a restaurant just now.

  8. Have a great day, Valerie!
    The White wisteria is very nice! I haven't seen it that often!

    1. Thanks Ella. The white wisteria is unusual, but I love it!

  9. What an amazing image of your Auntie Fanny. I always love it when you bring her out to share with us. She was a true beauty and fits both the TioT and Art Journal Journey themes beautifully. I love how you added SO much texture, too. This is awesome. Thanks for sharing this using Mia's theme at AJJ.

    Love your stamped images. You are so good at creating those stamps. I like the look back before the lock down, but I'm glad you are staying safe. Even though the items in the store are reduced, I would still not go in any place where others could touch and handle these items. Thanks for sharing them, as well as your rubber stamped images with us for T this Tuesday.

    Lovely photos of the haircut in the field and the wisteria, too, dear friend.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. Take care of yourself and don't overdo things!

  10. Wonderful artwork and photos. Lots of delicious looking food. Happy T-Day!

  11. Happy T day Valerie. Very cute handmade stamps.And you are making me hungry as it is breakfast time and those breads and muffins are making my morning shake look rather bland. And what a lovely piece with Aunt Fanny. I like the subtlety of the gold frame. She is a beautiful lady. And thanks for linking up to AJJ also. Yes your weather does look wonderful. Spring is slowly arriving this year for me, as you already know from my babbling. Have a great T day. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Muffins are always a treat, and good bread, too. Have a good week and hope your Mom is getting better!

  12. Love your hand cut stamps! And of course your art with your Auntie in it. Love those colors. Loving your pictures-wishing we had some warmth here!

    1. Thanks Debra. The warmth will come sooner or later, but I know that feeling longing for it to get warm after a cold spell! Look after yourself!

  13. The canvas really shows off the beauty of Auntie Fanny. Cute rubber stamps. I've never had much luck carving. The muffins and cookies look delicious and still too chilly for me for ice cream. Chocolate please! Spring is really bursting in your corner. Hopefully, my area will catch up this week. Take care and Happy T Day

    1. Thanks CJ! You're in luck, chocolate jumped into my cart today, and shortbread cookies! I'm sure you'll soon catch up on spring. I hope to be able to carve stamps again when my fingers get a bit more flexible.

  14. Enjoyed your lovely photos and art. You are a good baker too. The ice cream looks so good!

    1. The ice cream was more than delicious! Have a great day!

  15. Thanks Laurie. That ice cream was naughty, wasn't it. Today I got attacked by chocolate and cookies!

  16. What a wonderful framed piece this is and a lovely tribute to your Auntie Fanny! I love the colours you have used with such fabulous textures and details too!
    I moved my stamp carving tools to a more accessible spot but still haven't got round to using them again! Your cake and cup look great and the real cakes and biscuits look very inviting! We are missing our coffees out but happy to wait a while longer!
    The photos look great, love seeing the geese and that mown grass, bet that smells wonderful!
    Happy T Day! Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. Stamp carving is fun, and sooner or later I will get started again, I have lots of ideas. And the longer we wait for our coffees in a cafe, the better they will taste!

  17. Hi Such a beautiful post-Love your tiot entry-so pretty,Loved the photo with Canada goose watching over his young, your hand carved stamp-amazing-I need to try that someday.
    I always enjoy all of your photos-wonderful and I can't eat wheat-but wow everything looks so delicious! Happy T Kathy

    1. Oh and I have never seen the white wisteria-very pretty-like lace

    2. Thanks Kathy. If you come for a visit I'll use gluten free flour! The white wisteria does look like lace, you're right!

  18. Your canvas as so much texture. I love the grunge look to it as well as your female image.
    It is nice to see that things are starting to open where you are. The bread looks yummy and unusual with a cream cheese center. The lemon muffins sound delicious! My favorite from your walk is the white wisteria. Such a lovely vine. One day I would love to have some!
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate. That bread is really yummy. The white wisteria is really very special. Hope you get some one day!

  19. Such a beautiful page and post! I'm loving the richness of the colours with the gold on your page, it looks so opulent 😀. Nice to see your drinks back in the day and that ice-cream looks yummy! I'm loving your handcrafted stamps too, such great images 😉. Fabulous photos and walk as always! I hope you're having a lovely week! Take care and Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo! The ice cream was more than yummy - dangerously nice! ave a great week!

  20. A lovely canvas Valerie and that's a beautiful picture of your Aunt. Lovely photos and it looks like you're having good weather for your walks. Your lemon muffins look delicious and the 'new' bread roll looks good, finished off with a scoop of ice cream for a real naughty treat!
    Hugs, Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril. I think Corrina has tempted us to lots of naughty treats! Have a great week!

  21. Love ice cream :) my fave brand is haagen dazs :) Love the caramel and pistachio ones

    1. Thanks Monica, but I wish you hadn't mentioned H D's ice cream....and with caramel.... I want some, now! Have a great day!

  22. Fabulous art- so striking and vibrant! Your new bread sounds delicious as does the ice cream treat. Loved a stroll out and about with you again- super photos! Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda. The new bread is very delicious, I will buy it again! Have a great week, Valerie

  23. Those lemon muffins look really yummy, as do the left-over dough cookies. I've just pulled a banana bread out of the oven. Still too hot to sample.
    Your art work is beautiful. I love that combination of colours. Someone else has made something purple too (can't remember who)
    It looks as if the weather is still behaving there where you are. The photos are beautiful. I love seeing that Canada goose and her flock.
    That Baileys ice cream looks heavenly. I haven't had ice cream yet this year. We live rather far from the supermarket and I keep forgetting to take a cool box and plan our shopping in town so that we do the groceries last and then straight home. I just have to remember because I have a husband that loooves ice cream!
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Thanks Lisca. The weather here is sunny but cold. Ice cream is good, and I love Bailey's. Have a good week, stay safe.

  24. That background is gorgeous! The colors and textures :)

    Stamps are something I've never had luck with. I admire that you make your own. It's been such a long time since I've had coffee ice cream, but it's one of my favorite flavors. All those tempting treats! I love the meadow flowers and the sweet view from the bench. Happy T Tuesday

    1. Thanks a lot! Coffee ice cream is always good, that's true. Happy T Day!

  25. Wow, what fabulous colours and textures,love it

    Joan x

  26. coffee and ice creams and I am in heaven:D

    1. The little luxuries of life....have a great day!

  27. OMG. I want that bread and a muffin. If I lived near you, I'd gain twenty pounds...OR...maybe we'd walk it off. Heh.
    Love the pieces. Including the fam is always such a nice tribute.
    Hugs. Stay safe. Be healthy.

    1. Now you know why I need to keep walking! You stay safe, too!

  28. Your mixed media canvas looks amazing Valerie, and those treats look delicious! Baileys ice cream...mmmm!
    A beautiful walk too!
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison! It might be better not to buy Bailey's too often!

  29. Absolutely stunning mixed media piece! LOVE all that texture, and your lovely lady .. as well as the rest of your story this week!! ((HUGS)) Helen

  30. Woww This canvas is really Gorgeous Valerie !! I loove it, the layers are wonderful, love the combination of colours, and the so pretty photograph of your aunt. That ´s a lovely tribute to her.
    Love your own carved stamps, and I wish you a Happy T-day ! Yes, we may be careful and wait before taking coffe out, you ´re right. I ´ll take this ice-cream and one lemon muffin too :) They look delicious.
    Great photographs from your walks, love the babies!
    I wish you a very nice evening, well night now, stay safe, and big hugs

    1. Thanks Caty. My auntie was a lovely lady. Glad you like ice cream and lemon muffins, enjoy! Have a good week, stay safe!

  31. Your aunt was a lovely lady in your art. Love the sight of your coffee with the pretty background. Those lemon muffins and cookies look delicious. Cheers!

    1. Thanks Gigi. Have a great day, take care, Valerie

  32. I love your canvas Valerie, your Great Aunt Valerie looks wonderful. I have to say that bread roll and the muffins look delicious! Take care and keep well, Sue xx

  33. Beautiful canvas Valerie, love the picture of your Great Aunt and the gorgeous textures! The Lemon muffins and cookies look delicious and what an awesome picture of that goose, he looks like a proud papa! :)
    Take care,
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy, that goose was really standing proud and keeping watch over his young ones!

  34. Beautiful canvas honoring your Aunt Fanny, Valerie. I have very few family photos that old; but I really should make some pages to honor these ancestors that made me what I am ;-)

    Your stamps are terrific and perfect for tea.

    The Bailey's ice cream (yum!) just jumped into your basket - lol. The cream-filled bread roll looks delicious.

    It's sad that the stores have to mark down their prices so much. I hope they can get back on their feet quickly. Such pretty merchandise too :-(

    Happy T-Day! Eileen xx

  35. Thanks Eileen. Grocery stores have upped their prices a lot, but clothes, china, shoes and many other things are being marked down so that at least some money comes in. I think a lot of smaller shops might not survive. Have a great week, stay safe.

  36. I still have not made my own carved stamps, Valerie. And I remember it every time I see your beautiful handmade stamps. Well, hope I will try it soon. What a lovely mixed media project you made, my friend, using your aunt's photo! This is great for your DT at TIOT (hugs, teamie) and perfect for my challenge at AJJ. Thank you so much for joining. Kisses!!!!

    1. Thanks Mia. Try making some stamps, it's fun!

  37. Auntie Fanny was lovely in every way. And so is your collage. I love your hand-carved stamps, too. And all the wonderful photos. Those lemon muffins look to die for!

  38. I'm so used to seeing lilac coloured wisteria so it was nice to see the white in your photographs.

    I think shops will have to reduce their prices to encourage us to part with our money!
    Of course food shops are probably going to go the other way!!!

    Take care

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan. I'm sure the shopkeepers all have a big MINUS in their pockets just now! But as you say, food is more expensive.

  39. What a wonderful setting you've created for that marvellous photo of your great aunt. It's fabulously royal in purple and gold - just stunning and so full of texture and delight. Another fabulous post full of photo treats too - though with a stark reminder of how hard this is going to be on small independent retailers and businesses in the middle there.
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison. Purple was her fave colour, so she would have approved!

  40. Wow that´s a wonderful page. So beautiful background, and lovely ladie.
    Wish you a very nice weekend, stay safe

  41. Thanks Marjut. You have a great weekend, too. Stay safe!


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