Friday 22 November 2019

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!
I'm happy to say that the big frost has left us for the time being, and the temperatures today went up, and should stay mild for the net week, so that's good.

Today I have a hybrid tag for Wendy's 'cats' theme at Tag Tuesday. The images used are from The Graphics Fairy, Serif and Mischief Circus:

The weather was very changeable. First it was very cold and wet, wet, wet for 2 days:

The Christmas market being set up:

After that we had freezing mist:

Then the sun came out but it was extremely cold:

Look who went fishing:

He flew off when a dog barked:

The watchman on the castle ruins doesn't mind the weather:

But I love our little town in all weathers:

I hope the weather has been kind to you this past week!

Have a great day, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love the tag Valerie! I think from seeing your photos I would love your town in all weathers too! The colours by the river are beautiful and I love the reflections at the market! Happy Weekend! Chrisx

  2. That is definitely a dapper handsome.
    Beautiful art and GORGEOUS photos...WOW!!!
    Happy it warmed up a bit for you.

    Hugs ❤

  3. Hi Val, love your macho cat, so elegant. S. will love it when she sees it tomorrow. Wonderful photos, as always, you are courageous going out in all weathers. Love the pics from under your brolly. Good night, sleep well. Hugs, Sarah

  4. How cute and love that cat. Gorgeous photos as always.x

  5. Our trees are already bare and it looks like yours are almost there. Let's all hunker down for fall and winter, and before we know it spring will be here with its renewal of life. Have a great weekend, Valerie.

    1. Thanks David. Winter certainly gives us a longing for and love of spring!

  6. Beautiful tag and photos, we have had a good week in Toronto, winter went away for a bit.

  7. Fancy!!!! Da fällt mir gar kein deutsches Wort ein!
    Sehr cool! Die Quote (Himmel, ich finde es schwierig, auf Englisch mit Deutsch zu antworten, wie albern ist das!), die Stile (?) das Riesenrad anders als die ... Himmel... Skyline und dann die beiden ... ach, du weißt schon!
    Sehr schöne Kombination (so sagt man das ;-)...)

    Dein Schirm passt zu meinen Gummistiefeln. Lustig! Leider nie genug Regen für Gummistiefel hier...

    Schöne Fotos. Ach, die Oker ist aber echt klein, wenn man den Rhein sieht.
    Süßer Fischreiher (findet Ingo allerdings so gar nicht, so als Gelegenheits-Fischer ;-)...)

    Der Wächter, ist der niedlich! Und die Farben passen perfekt!

    Mal sehen, was das Wetter heute bringt, gerade mal 06:00 morgens, stockdunkel, nachher vielleicht zum Markt, Tomaten kaufen. Dir einen schönen Tag, glG, Iris

    1. Hier kan man ohne Gummistiefeln nicht leben....

  8. I want to thank you for stopping by yesterday. Nothing is broken, but I’m so sore I can’t sit and type with one hand for any length of time. I am sending this generic message because I want you to know I stopped by, appreciate you, and read your post today. Thanks for understanding.

    1. Don't worry Elizabeth, just get your arm healed soon! Look after yourself!

  9. autunm in your country is so magic:D

  10. Great photos Valerie, I love the heron!
    And your hybrid tag is fabulous!
    Happy weekend,
    Alison xx

  11. U nas od wczoraj jest ciepło jak na listopad i nie pada , drzewa wyglądają podobnie ja w twoim mieście. Koty kocham w każdej postaci a ten jest przepiękny;) Miłego weekend:)

  12. Such a fun kitty cat tag! I'm loving the tree lined pathways with all the beautiful foliage, I can just imagine walking over all those amazing coloured leaves - magical 😁. Thanks for sharing and wishing you a happy weekend! Hugs, Jo x

  13. grossartig udn so schön ausgedacht von dir dieser Tag mit der Katze! Wunderschöne Aufnahmen von den verschiedene Wetterarten.
    Schönes Wochenende!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  14. Good morning, your tag is really awesome! enjoyed all of your lovely photos-we have spoiled-warmer weather, a little rain last night Happy weekend! Hugs Kathy

  15. Cattitude, not just for gents. The cat on your tag is quite dapper getting ready to step out on the town. Your area is just so pretty. Catching a glimpse of your umbrella made me smile, and your shadow looks like the watchman of the path. Have a great day!

  16. Your dapper cat is delightful - he's definitely got swagger! Glorious autumn photos - those misty ones are magical. We had a little frost on one morning but it's been mostly grey and damp (and thankfully we haven't had the extreme flooding in our area). I'm looking forward to some properly cold but hopefully brighter weather.
    Alison x

  17. Mr. Cat is such a dapper guy. I love him Valerie! And nice weather photos. You certainly caught the changes. I noticed how many more leaves you still have on the trees than us too. We are bare here and look more like winter and you look like late fall. Have a great weekend. Very pretty. Hugs-Erika

  18. we had freezing mist this week, along with two snow days. What a fall! A christmas market! yea! Catitude, yes!

  19. Hi Valerie :) Lovely photos! I really love those photos of the trail in the rain...the leaves shining! And the mist! Such a beautiful place to walk! That heron photo is's such a beautiful creature!

    1. Thanks Rain. We're lucky to have such beautiful places and trails to walk.

  20. I love your photos. It's dreary and wet here, but the scenes you get when you're out and about are quite different from what I see here. Such a delight to have a bit of virtual travel in my day :)

  21. Creative and colorful 'Catatude' ~ tag ~ Wonderful ~ Lovely photography ~ the rain shots are delightful with the wet leaves ~ Great!

    Happy Day to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  22. We had a right mixture of weather this week as well Valerie. All the photos looked lovely.
    The cat tag looks fantastic, he sure looks a handsome cat with attitude.
    Have a good rest of the weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  23. Looks like you are heading for winter! Great photos with the autumn leaves on the ground. Beautiful tag.

  24. I love your tag, and I love your photographs.
    So much to see in your town, whatever the weather :)

    All the best Jan

  25. Those are beautiful photos. I love how they show the changes in weather. The cat reminds me of the leopard on The Masked Singer tv. show. Hope you are having a spectacular weekend.

  26. Wonderful tag. It is not hard to see you love life and all of its wonder. Very beautiful photos. It appears you are getting winter already. Not a fan of winter but it can be a beautiful sight.

  27. That cat tag is too purrfect! Love it!
    As always, great photos. I like your polky-dotted umbrella:)

  28. The tag is so fun, love it! Your pictures are as always so so pretty! Have a lovely week ahead!

  29. I love that Cattitude man! The photos of the wet trees and also the long shadows are terrific!

  30. Now that's a gentleman with cattitude! I LOVE it! The photos are beautiful -- all that color and the shine from the rain. I know that's no fun but you do master it well with your camera!

  31. Your wet and frozen mist pictures are simply gorgeous. The lighting and the scenes are just beautiful- though I know the weather isn't ideal. Glad the weather warmed up a bit and the sun cam out. Hoping for a milder week here too! :)

  32. Fabulous tag and wonderful Autumn photographs. I especially loved the one with the sun shining on the wet road with all the fab colours.
    Hugs Wendy

  33. What an elegant cat, very dapper! I love your glossy streets in the rain, but definitely don't envy you the freezing mist. We've been living under a grey cloud for the last three day but hey - ho it could be much worse. Take care xx


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