Wednesday 20 November 2019


Hi Everybody!

Wednesday started off here frosty and misty, but it was great to see the sun coming up through the mist, and it stayed with us all day.  So good after the cold and rainy weather of the past days!

Today is time for Rain's Thursday Art Date, and her theme is 'chilling'. This could be interpreted in various ways, but I decided to go with cold and chilling weather.

The first piece is a digital journal page using Victorian scrap images:

This is a combination of a photo (The view from my window), a water-coloured background and a vintage clock-face. The snow-flake edging on both pieces is from Serif:

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday and to Soma's Wandering Camera

And some photos of frost, ice and mist taken around here - you might need a hot drink to look at them:

Frozen spiders' webs:

The neighbour's roses:

A frosty walk with my shadow:

Ice at the Rhine:

Ice at the castle ruins:

Keep warm, have  a great day,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Victorian images are irresistibly cute! ☺

  2. Ohhhh Valerie - these photos just melted my heart! I love the snow and ice and winter and your pictures just made me smile! I love your cards as well - they have such a wonderful vintage feel and super pretty! Have a fabulous day!

  3. Good evening Val! Hope you are feeling better this evening. We had a more restful day today, thank goodness. I love your 'chilling' pieces, so pretty, and the photos are wonderful, really cold and frosty, brrrrrr! Have a nice evening and I wish you a goodnight. Hugs, Sarah

  4. I am so pleased to be sitting in my warm house, its been cold today, your photos of the frosts look awesome, and very as beautiful as well.
    The page with the Victorian children is fabulous and so is the page you created using your own photo.
    Yvonne xx

  5. Hi Valerie! Oh it must be so chilly over in your land atm... but what great photographs! I love the images of the frozen berries :D)
    Your digital journal page is so sweet, great choices xx

  6. The Victorian children would make a lovely Christmas card. I really love the view from you window. Outstanding. You can keep the frost and ice. Brrrrr. đŸ„¶

  7. Belleza en estado puro !! Tus paseos y tus vistas desde tu ventana son preciosas, me encantan las postales y la composiciĂłn de la imagen del reloj es genial.


  8. lovely chilling post for Rain's art date today Valerie!

  9. You have captured a "frozen moment in time" exquisitely Valerie.
    Your art and your photos never ceases to amaze me.
    You are an artist in so many ways.

    Hugs ❄❤❄

  10. Boy it is frosty. But it sure makes some gorgeous photos. Better to be inside and warm when looking at them-smile. And I love the frosty tags. Robert Frost is a favorite poet of mine with a New Hampshire/ New England connection. And he is right about winter. Have a great Thursday. Hugs-Erika

  11. Hi Valerie oh i love your journal pages,beautiful work my friend.
    Oh you take the most amazing pics,thankyou Valerie for sharing them with us xx

  12. Wow Valerie, these are fabulous frosty photos-they do make me feel cold now too-we were almost 70 degrees f-crazy but I loved it. Love your tags too-hugs Kathy

  13. Οh it is frosty!!! I lllove your photos,my friend, but please take care and stay warm. It must be cold there. In Greece the temperature is around 22 Celcium degrees.
    As for your tag, your photo and the clock face are a huge inspiration!!! Kisses!!!

  14. Oh! So beautiful pics, i love it, kises!!!

  15. I love both of today's art pieces. They really reflect winter -- as do your photos. All that ice, and the berries are just striking! Yes, it's the season...

  16. Beautiful art pieces Valerie, it is very pleasant seeing your frost and ice photos on this very hot day here.

  17. Love the icy photos sure cools me down a lot on our hot day....great work of art displayed too, as always interesting

  18. Huaaaaa.
    Also... das Titelbild is schön, aber... brrrr. Ich glaub, ich mach die Heizung an!
    Ja, dafĂŒr sind BrĂŒder da, die Schwestern durch die Gegend kutschieren - war bei uns leider andersrum, da mein Bruder viel jĂŒnger ist als ich...

    Ich mag besonders das zweite Werk, wahre Worte.
    Oh, die arme Spinne, ich hoffe, das ist nicht Charlotte´s Web (das erste Buch, das ich mir auf Englisch gekauft habe, freiwillig, ich Streber ;-) Ich glaube, da war ich 12....)

    Himmel - hier ist es aber deutlich wÀrmer!!!! Schöne Fotos, aber ich bin lieber hier.

  19. P.S. Der heutige Löwe ist noch ohne Eis ;-)

  20. wunderschön deine digitale Bearbeitung und die nderen fantasiereich und mit den Worten einmalig schön gestaltet.
    Die Fotos sind auch so passend sher schöne Motive, frostig kalt!
    Ich wĂŒnsche dir einen schönen Tag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  21. wow so magical wintery landscape:D

  22. Great series of images, Valerie, showing the artistic side of winter. Many of those images could be right here in Ontario, although we have had a little more snow. A hot coffee, looking through the window from the warmth of the house sounds like a great idea. Wanna come on over? Miriam made muffins.

    1. If my tram season ticket would get me there, I would be over in a shot! Coffee and muffins after a long, cold walk - heaven!

  23. Valerie,

    Beautiful artwork! I like both pieces very much and your photos?! Oh, my I love all the details in the ice crystals on the bushes, berries, flowers, ... Maybe this winter I will have an opportunity to snap a few pictures like yours. I haven't gotten a chance to use my macro lens in forever! It would be nice to put it to use again. :)

    1. Thanks. It's fun taking frosty pics, but make sure you wrap up well!

  24. You were right. I almost got frostbite from seeing these beautiful photos. You certainly turned this into a chilling day with your fabulous photos and your incredible journal art. I fell last night and hurt my left arm BADLY. Typing with right hand only, so keeping everything short today.

    1. I am so sorry to hear you hurt yourself. Hope it heals quickly!

  25. Stunning frosty pics and lovely art Valerie!
    Alison xx

  26. Two fabulous journal pages Valerie, both with wonderful images.
    Loved the frosty photos, we've had a couple of frosty mornings, but not as severe as yours - probably too much rain.
    Avril xx

  27. Love the frost pictures and that clock face/window view is a lovely meld.

  28. I'm not sure I can agree with the Robert Frost quote if there's ice involved and power outages. But I'm ready for some winter :)

    Your frost photos are gorgeous! I admire your photographic skill.

  29. Love your header photograph and ALL the wonderful photographs on this post.
    I much prefer frosty days to horrid wet ones, although appreciate we need all sorts of weather!

    We were fortunate to get out and about yesterday and enjoyed kicking some Autumn leaves - big kids aren't we!!!

    Great post.

    All the best Jan

  30. Wow what a difference a bit of frost can lend to the landscape Valerie. The photos are so amazing and I just love seeing them. Your projects are amazing and full of interest.

  31. Lovely artwork Valerie, such a fabulous Wintery feel to them. Your photo's are wonderful - things are certainly getting chilly! Have a great week, Sue xx

  32. Hi Valerie! :) I love your pieces! The quote from Robert Frost always made me laugh because I certainly can get enough of winter in the winter lol!! Your view from your window is brilliant. I love how chilling the scene is!! The first photo is beautiful! I love foggy misty icy grass! How lovely but yes, I need a mulled wine to go with that view lol! Lovely black and white, and the frost on the berries! We have that same view here in the back yard, there is something very Christmassy about that! The frozen spider webs, wow...that is a great bunch of photos there. The second photo of your neighbour's rose is lovely. And omg, I wouldn't want to fall into the Rhine!!! Great post! Thanks for joining in!!! :)

  33. Wow this is a chilling post. From art to photos. Fantastic.

  34. You take such wonderful pictures! What a wonderful way to experience the beauty of colder weather! Hugs, RO

  35. Replies
    1. Gorgeous, gorgeous and dear and talented artist and wonderful person.

      Happy PPF ❤❤❤

  36. I usually agree 100% with the uplifting and whimsical quotes you use on your artwork, but not this time! I think there is DEFINITELY such a thing as "too much winter." When we lived in Maryland, it seemed like the snow was on the ground forever, and shoveling snow is NOT my favorite pastime. :)

    But... I love your photos. They're all marvelous, but my favorite is the 4th one down of the bare tree branches against that cold-looking sky. Very atmospheric! Since you like to capture the icy beauty, maybe you'd like this: blow bubbles into that frosty air, and then photograph them when they freeze. Sue (Elephant's Child) does that and posts them on her blog from time to time, and the results are wonderful. I'd love to try it, but it rarely get cold enough here. It's gonna be seventy today. (My kinda "cold weather! HA) Have a wonderful weekend, dear lady.

  37. a beautiful frosty post of art and photos, but brrrr, it made me want to put on a coat and gloves:) Happy PPF!

  38. I love your art ... so unique and beautiful (though, I do think I can get to much of winter in the winter). You are great at capturing the cold in your photos as well. All in all a wonderful post on yet another chilly day here in the states. When I think about how much of winter is left, I must admit I am overwhelmed, but then there are things about winter that are beautiful and fun and if you would ask my dog, she thinks it is the best time of year. So we do our best to think positively and enjoy ... so I pass it on to you "Enjoy!" your winter and stay warm :)

    Andrea @ From The Sol

    1. Thanks Andrea. Winter arrived early here, but I hope we will get some milder days!

  39. terrific capture of cold... brrr

  40. You really have taken some lovely photos of what is clearly a very heavy frost - Thanks for braving the cold! Love the digital art today too! Hugs,Chrisx

  41. Cute cat :-) You make really beautiful pictures... Happy PPF ♥

  42. You live in Frozen!! So very cool. Love your cards!

  43. Such stunning artwork! I love the designs with the frosty additions and snowflakes - amazing 😁. I can see how you were inspired with all that cold and frosty weather you had, brrr! Creative hugs, and wishes! Jo x

  44. Yes, okay, our frost was nowhere near as strong as that! What stunning photos - especially the berry twig and the cobwebs - magical.

    Love your Victorian children and the snowflake edging to your wonderful snowy photo on the clock is amazing. Such clever creations.
    Alison x


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