Monday 12 August 2019

T sTands for a new Theme aT Tag Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend, as I did. We had sunny/cloudy weather, but no rain and not too warm, so it was ideal for walking through the fields and along the Rhine as I so love to do.
Today we are starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday

It's my turn to be host this time, and my theme is 'anything goes', and I will also be giving a packet of stamps and crafty embellishments etc to one person who joins in and whose name is pulled out of the hat. If you join in more than once then you get more chances!

This tag is a summery one using rose transfers on a large (8") tag, adding some cut outs and stickers, and sewing it all to a contrasting piece of matting. The text was hand-written - quick and easy to make.

I have called this tag 'Lost and found', because I recently cleared and cleaned my workspace and found piles of things which had been lost for a long time. The background is recycled cardboard embossed in a TH folder. The key is a grunge-board shape, also from TH, and the heart and anchor were plastic bits which I had removed from cards sometime in the distant past. I used lots of embossing powder and perfect pearls in gold, silver and various other hues to give the metallic look.  If you try embossing plastic, be careful, it might melt!

Today is also time for Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T Gang who visit here.
As always, there has been a lot of eating and drinking going on, and my drink was mostly coffee. I went for ice with my friend Nelya:

I continue to make delicious salads for my main meal each day:

Mostly I use this threefold lettuce, which has three sorts growing from one root ball:

If you keep the roots slightly wet the salad stays fresh for several days:

A delicious snack - a cheesy plaited roll filled with cheese, cucumber and salad:

Cappuccino with Nathalie in the Altstadt - served with a burnt almond. I mean the coffee was served with a burnt almond!

Nathalie is a lovely, young friend:

Usually when I visit the Altstadt I go to the parks, Churches and places of cultural interest. Nathalie took me to her fave shops and boutiques, so this time a more colourful and fun tour:

The musicians fountain, where we had our coffee:

A shop filled with quirky and very bright household items:

The shops were all so bright I needed my shades:

Love the Frida shopping baskets:

Killepitsch is a famous liqueur brewed in the Altstadt:

This is evidently young fashion, but to me it looked a bit like granny-fashion:

We're hiding in this one:

Surreal reflections:

 It was a fun tour for me, and I saw the inside of a lot of shops I would not usually visit!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, both of your tags are gorgeous, and both completely different, love them both. Wonderful photos, too, glad ou had a fun time in the Altstadt with Nathalie. Is the musician's fountain behind Wilhelm Marx House, it looks like that. Have a great evening, keep well, hugs, Sarah

  2. Beautiful tags and I enjoyed the shopping. The food looks delicious and healthy.

  3. The tags are beautiful, and I thought they would make great gift tags. Lovely to see you and meet your friend. I enjoyed a trip to the shops. Your granny fashion comment made me laugh. What's old is new again! the kitchen shop was more my style. Loved that bright yellow teapot. And the matching toaster! So fun. Happy T Day

    1. It's a lot nicer than my old, grey toaster, that's for sure. Funny how the old fashions are all coming back.

  4. What a brilliant and so interesting blog post Valerie! So enjoyable and colourful and of course your tags are amazing!!

  5. Valerie I so love your tags!
    They are the most beautiful small art pieces that I have ever seen!
    you can tell that you give so much thought to their creations and I love that you sew them, too.
    Your young friend is so lovely and the shops so bright and colorful are cheerful and youthful!

    Have a lovely week~ Hugs, Jan

    1. That's a huge compliment, Jan, thanks so much!

  6. What fabulous tags Valerie, so different but I love them both, especially the texture on your lost and found one. Such fun photographs too, the food looks delicious, but those fashions - I don't think I will ever be old enough to were them lol. Have a very happy week, Sue x

  7. Love your tags, and what a wonderful fun day with Nathalie you had.
    Great set of photographs complete with some fabulous reflections!

    Hope the week ahead is a good one for you.

    All the best Jan

  8. Those are two incredibly beautiful tags. Just lovely, both of them. I may find a way to join this fortnight.

    You have truly made me hungry with your ice cream, your delicious salads, and your wonderful cappuccinos. I am really hungry, now. Must find something to eat soon.

    You and Nathalie look like you had a great time. I'm not much of a shopper anymore, but I used to be like Nathalie. Some of the places you two went were fun to just look around.

    I think my favorite was the statue and fountain, though. That was STUNNING!!!

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful tags, your shopping experience, your salads, and your cappuccino with us for T this Tuesday, dear Valerie.

  9. Hi Valerie wow love both tags,awesome work my friend. Love the pic of you and you have such lovely shops where you live,hope you have a wonderful day my friend xx

  10. aboth of the tags look amazing, I love the Lost and Found one great texture and aged look.
    I am so pleased it is bed time as I would be off to raid the fridge after seeing your delicious salad.
    You must have had a fun outing with your friend and seeing all the places she likes to visit. You got to see inside some interesting fashion shops as well.
    Happy T day wishes Valerie.
    Yvonne xx shops

  11. Fabulous tags, Valerie. I adore the "Lost and Found" one, but I can't see any signs of melted plastic. You must have covered it very well!

    I've never heard off threefold lettuce. It sounds wonderful! I get tired of butter-head. Then I get tired of romaine ... and so on.

    What a fun ... and different ... view of your area, from Nathalie's perspective.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx


  12. You had a great time with your friend. Greetings:)

  13. Looks like a fun day! I loved seeing the shops and their unique wares. And that musicians fountain is beautiful. Your tags are lovely, especially the lost and found tag.
    Happy Tea Day,

  14. Love this adventurous post and most gorgeous lost and found tag.xx

  15. Those tags are amazing! The salad everyday seems like a great idea, yum☺

  16. Those tags are gorgeous. I thought the Victorian styled one was a wow and then you surprised me with a second little more grunge styled one. Nice. You did a shopping/walking adventure, didn't you? happy T day Valerie. hugs-Erika

  17. Both of your tags are lovely. (I'm working on a tag for the challenge, but it's not done yet.) The coffee and food look delicious. It's fun to go into places you normally wouldn't. I liked the colorful household items. I agree about those looking like "granny clothes" but as happens through the years, old styles come back as something "trendy" for that current younger generation. I like the architecture and statues. I love that green dress. (I think I've seen you post a photo of it before. Oh to be young again and be able to wear that dress.) Happy T-Day!

  18. Fun indeed. You both look great.
    Really love those tags.
    The ice dessert is a work of art.
    Your meals look luscious. Got leftovers? I'll be right over.

  19. hat beautiful tags! Especially the second one.
    It's great to have a younger friend. You certainly end up in shops you would never go to. I don't think much of the fashion nowadays, so I'll stick to my style of granny fashion. But I must say I absolutely loved the green dress! (not that I could ever wear something like that. I'm too short, but it's gorgeous).
    I love all the colourful household items and yes, the Frida bags are awesome.
    Your meal salads make my mouth water, and the ice cream looks really yummy.
    Happy T-Day,

  20. Your tags are fabulous! I hope to join it. I had subscribed, but haven't been seeing any emails. I wanted to add the badge, so I could always click on it and find the current challenge, but wasn't able to figure it out. I will have to try again!
    The shops all look wonderful, and so does the food and drinks. You do take great photos!
    Happy T Day1

    1. Please try subscribing again, sometimes it doesn't work. It's all down to Blogger, not me, so I can't investigate it!

  21. Oh Wow Valerie, there is so much "eye candy" here I do not where to start (smiles)
    Your tags are so beautiful I love them both. Your food all looks sooooo delicious-I have been making us huge salads with a little bit of protein for our main meal now. That ice looks so delicious too.
    and I always love your photos from your walks-that fountain is amazing I love it and all the shops too Happy T Hugs Kathy

  22. I love both of your tags - your hand writing is lovely! Oh my, that food does look yummy and it looks as though you found a good place to drink your cappuccino! I love shopping with my granddaughter although she is more into sports gear these days, not so interesting! The shops you visited certainly are 'different'! Happy T Day! Chrisx

  23. I don't know that I've ever seen the three-fold lettuce. I think I'd like that very much. The salad looks delish. And so does your day with Natalie. What fun in Alstadt, which looks lovely.

    Love the wit of your Lost and Found title and the piece is lovely!

    1. The lettuce is great for giving variety and it keeps well, both important when I'm mostly catering just for me. It's a few cents dearer than a 'normal' lettuce, but well worth it.

  24. Love the tags Valerie, especially the vintage one, gorgeous images.
    Looks like a fun day out with your friend and it would've been nice for you to see a different area of the town.
    Avril xx

  25. Your tags are beautiful, but my favorite is the one with roses...breathtaking! Love all of the fun photos too...what a wonderful and creative shopping area! happy T day a bit late <3

  26. Your food looks delicious :) I'd love to have a fountain like that as a setting for coffee. So unusual! The shops look like fun, which such a variety of things to see. What a fun day! Happy Day-After-T-Day ;)

  27. Wooooww your tags are absolutely Gorgeous both Valerie !! The first one is very happy and bright, and the second one has so beautiful layers and textures, Great ! Happy T-day ! Lovely tour today with you and your friend, so many fabulous places to visit. >Yummy salad ! love salad.
    I wish you a very nice Thursday, and send big hugs,

  28. I love both your tags! You are so creative!!
    That was interesting about the lettuce and how it grows! Your food looks so yummy!
    Love the shops you went into! I would have had fun! LOL!
    Big Hugs!


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