Monday 5 August 2019

T stands for loTs and loTs of This and Thats....

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend was good. I was out and about a lot as always,  and did lots of walking. Nothing new, but I still enjoyed it.

Today we are beginning a new challenge at More Mixed media. Our challenges are always anything mixed media goes, and the optional extra for August is 'brights', and we would love to see what you create. You have 4 weeks to link to us. I used a painted and stenciled background onto which I printed the vintage bird image, which I coloured with paint-sticks and Gelatos. I gave the birds some distress Stickles and sewed the piece to a bright yellow card background as I had just used printer paper:

I am linking to Simon Monday challenge, bright and cheerful:

And I have another tag for Joan's theme - summer fun - at Tag Tuesday. I used my seagull photos and some images from Serif on a hand-painted background:

And it is also Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday today, so a warm welcome to all  the lovely ladies of the T Gang who visit here. I am sharing some of my eats and drinks from this week:

Cappuccino at the Cafe de Paris in Oberkassel - a delightful place, I will be visiting again this week:


 Delicious salads with fruit and cheese and sometimes cashews as well for lunch each day:

A delicious brioche with cheese and lettuce and cappuccino. I was so hungry I took a bite before I took the photo:

 I found a 42 on one of the garages behind the house:

The neighbour's Sonnenhut always make me envious:

Close by Lambertus Church, which I showed last week, you can see the Düssel - the little stream which gave Düsseldorf its name - village on the Düssel:

I love this quiet part of the real Altstadt:

There is a group of bronze sculptures showing the history of Düsseldorf up to becoming a town in 1288, all made by Bert Gerresheim.

This house close by shows the date:

 One of the customs in the Altstadt was that kids would turn cartwheels and be rewarded with a penny.  There are still cartwheel competitions held year for year. This fountain shows it:

And the man-hole covers in the Altstadt have the same symbol:

The cartwheel 'racing track' by the Rhine:

Okay, that was enough for today!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Breathtaking post, loving your mixed media too...the fruit salad..yuum..xx

  2. Good morning Val! Looks like you had a good weekend! Another wonderful post, filled with beautiful art and super photos. Thanks for the trip through the Altstadt and along the Düssel, I've never seen the Düssel there, I must look when I'm in town again. Have a great week, hugs, Sarah

  3. Another great weekend. And awesome photos!

  4. Wow I love this work,so colorful and vivid☺

  5. Your mixed media page really reflects the weather with the sparkle on the birds like the glisten of sunlight. I just had to link up today. Beautiful composition on the tag, love how the dolphin is jumping out of the water in a friendly manner to greet those boat lovers.
    Like how Dusseldorf has plenty of shade on sunny days, I really must visit one day.
    Fabulous walk again today and always enjoyable. Hugs Tracey xx
    P.S Thank you for your kind comments on my QDS post today, appreciated as always x

    1. You're very welcome, your creation was out of this world!

  6. Beautiful mixed media and tag. The food looks wonderful. Enjoyed your summery photos of the town today.

  7. Love your color artwork and the bird quote. Tagging along with you on your walks is always fun. It's always so different. I love the heart the barista made in your cappuccino.Don't you just love find the number 42? The knights sculpture is amazing. The sculpture of the children turning cartwheels made me smile. I like the stylized design of the cartwheelers on the sewer covers. Happy T Day!

  8. I would have loved cartwheel competitions as a child. Not sure I can still do one now. :) Or definitely not as easily as I used to do them. Love the statues and the covers with the cartwheelers on them. How fun!

    I also love the sparkles you added to your birds. Lovely!

  9. Great photos Valerie, and I love your bird page with that fantastic background!
    Alison xx

  10. Beautiful artworks! The raven piece is amazing and I loved all your photos too 😁. The rudbeckia has just started flowering in my garden too! I hope you are having a wonderful week and wishing you a happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x
    p.s. sorry I haven't visited sooner! I managed to bash my nose on a door handle over the weekend, my nose is not broken but I now have 2 black eyes developing. My nose is also swollen and bruised so I can't wear my reading glasses which makes it very hard to blog as I can't see 😉. Hugs, Jo x

    1. So sorry to hear it, poor you! Hope it all heals well soon

  11. What a fabulous post Valerie, your bird piece is amazing - what a beautiful glowing background. I love your photographs too, so many interesting places and your salad looks delicious. Have a very happy week, Sue xx

  12. A 42! Hoorah!

    I love your bird against that bright background. I'd love to eat like that every day, and you're inspiring me to pick up more fruit on my next grocery trip :) I enjoy the architecture and history in your cityscapes, and the sculptures are amazing. It's been many a long year since my last somersault, but what fond memories. It'd make an interesting event to watch.

    Happy T Day!

  13. Such beautiful artwork Valerie, especially love the one with the raven on. Great photos too and thanks so much for sharing them.
    Have a great week.
    Fliss xx

  14. A wonderful post to read and enjoy the beautiful photos as well as your awesome art pages It was really interesting to read about the sculptures, they do look amazing, such a talented sculptor.
    Your salad looks delicious, I couldn't have waited either to take a bite from that brioche.
    Happy T day wishes Valerie.
    Yvonne xx

  15. Your mixed media art is fabulous. It is amazing and I know how much you love birds. Loved that you sewed it, too.

    Wonderful views of the town and the river it is named for. You live in a gorgeous city. Beautiful statues, too.

    I want to share a cappuccino with you, and your sandwich looks wonderful. Thanks for sharing your incredible art, your beautiful statues, great architecture, and wonderful food and cappuccinos with us for T this Tuesday. I LOVE that salad. It looks awesome.

  16. Forgot to mention that the river looks very, very low in your header photo.

    1. We have had very little rain again these past months, the Rhine is indeed low.

  17. Beautiful art pieces. I love both of them. Your cappuccino always looks delicious. Your fruit salad looks like a tasty, cool meal to enjoy during hot weather. Those flowers a bright and cheery looking. Great statue and architecture photos. I didn't know about the yearly cartwheel competition: what fun! I like that manhole cover showing it. Happy T-Day!

  18. I do like both of your colourful art pieces.

    Also enjoyed your photographs … I really enjoy my walks with you … plus the food looks rather tasty :)

    Have a good week.

    All the best Jan

  19. Where do I begin? I love the bird and he bright colors. That little touch of blue on the big bird (a crow?) looks great. And that is a fun tag! It makes me want to go to the beach. And I have been eating some salads lately too. Yours looks good, especially with cashews. YUM! And cartwheels would make a fun summer tag. I love seeing the statue and the pretty street near the canal. Happy T day. Hugs-Erika

  20. I really love your art page this week allot. and I love all the photos-yours salad looks so delicious I would love to have some too. we have been eating lots of salads and fresh fruit too this summer. always enjoy all the photos. what is the meaning of finding 42? CJ posts too Happy T hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy! “42” is a quotation from the science-fiction novel Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy by the famous Douglas Adams. In his book the number 42 is the “answer to the meaning of life, the universe, and everything” - calculated by a very big computer over a very very long time: “All right,” said Deep Thought.
      Just a bit of fun, really for those who like the book!

  21. Wonderful post Valerie. Love your art work always so colourful. Your salad look wonderful and I always enjoy your strolls.

  22. What a lot to see and take in today Valerie :)
    Your mixed media bird piece is wonderful - love the colours.
    My favourites today were the all the bronze sculptures - would love to have seen them for real.
    Have a great day... Gill x

  23. Lovely mixed media page and Tag. I always love the quotes you find, and this one is no exception.
    I'm so sorry my blog post was an empty space. I don't know what happened there. I do apologise. I have now re-posted the whole thing and I hope it's OK now.
    I love seeing photos of the Altstadt. I didn't know the Düssel still existed.
    I loved the statues of the history, although it was difficult to discern what i was actually seeing (not knowing the history of Düsseldorf).
    The Sonnenhüter (Brown Eyed Susan in English or Rudbeckia) are indeed splendid! A feast for the eye!
    It was really interesting to read about the cartwheels the chidren did (and do). What a fun little fact about Düsseldorf.
    As always I have really enjoyed your post. I'm sorry I'm a bit behind with my comments (I haven't commented on your 2nd on the 2nd yet).
    Happy T-Day,

  24. What a lovely place, filled with so much history.
    I love your pieces. The first makes me want to soar too.
    Order me another one of those sandwiches and salads and I'll be right over:)

  25. Wonderful art, Valerie. I love the bright bird page. Your stitching adds a lovely frame.

    Lots of great shots around town. I didn't know the meaning of Düsseldorf or that there is a Düssel River. Shame on me. I'm learning more geography at T than I did in grade school. Gosh, I would love to see those fabulous statues IRL. I enjoyed the cartwheel tradition, Fountain, etc. too.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  26. What a beautiful place to visit! The buildings and the sculptures are lovely. And I really like the look of that cafe, especially the wall art.
    All the colors on your journal page are mesmerizing and cheery. The bird is the perfect focal point.
    Happy Tea Day,

  27. Wow, those rainbow colours and textures are stunning on your Brights page... amazing work. And I really like the sailing ship tag too. Such a lovely walking tour of Dusseldorf today - all those wonderful statues - and I never knew about the cartwheeling.
    Alison x

  28. I could use that cup of beautiful coffee right now, and I love your colorful artwork! Hugs, RO

  29. A great post Valerie, loved your art and the photos you shared of Dusseldorf look wonderful and I enjoyed reading about its origins. The cartwheel competition for the children sounds fun. Your salad looks delicious and what a lovely place Café de Paris is, perfect for a relaxing coffee.
    Avril xx

  30. Your mixed media bird is fabulous and I love the tag! They are definitely in competition with the rest of your post! The food and drink look wonderful but....a cart wheel contest......surely that has to be seen!
    I love how the statue and the manhole covers celebrate this event! Your photos of Altstadt has me having holiday thoughts again (I know, so soon after our return) It does look such a lovely place and the statues look amazing! Belated Happy T Day - I had friends around yesterday to try and finish the book we started in a workshop! Hugs, Chrisx

  31. What a so so Gorgeous card Valerie !! I looove it, the background is so happy and bright, and goes very well with the yellow cardstock, Magnifique colours and lovely bird ! I love your cup of coffee, Happy T-day (on Wednesday :)... sorry I´m late visiting.
    I have enjoy your tour , the sculptures are really beautiful, thanks so much for sharing them with us.
    I wish you a very nice Thursday, and send big hugs,

  32. Love the colorful background. Your photo tour was amazing as always.

  33. I love your mixed media piece and I love the quote you used too! Love your tag as well! So cute!
    Gorgeous pictures! Those statues are amazing! I love the story about the cartwheels! The kids must get dizzy! LOL! Big Hugs!

  34. I love both pieces but especially the mixed media bird. Such a sucker for birds. And oh, those statues! So many and really beautifully photographed. I love your photos to pieces!

  35. Love your summer tag - gorgeous!!! What a lovely hand painted background!


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