Monday 13 August 2018

T stands for a liTTle Giveaway

Hi Everybody!

As I sit here writing this post I'm listening to the sound of the rain and the wind in the trees - wonderful. So pleased we have some rain for the parched earth and dried up plants and trees. I'm very much enjoying these cooler, respite days after the harsh heat wave. Yesterday night I went onto my balcony and watched the night sky, and saw not only a lot of stars but a shooting star from the Perseid meteor shower, and made a wish....

On Tuesday we are beginning a new challenge at Tag Tuesday. Our lovely Wendy chose the theme this time - landmarks. That gives you a lot of choice! My fave landmarks are, of course in London, my home town, so I chose Big Ben for my tag. I stamped onto a scrap of painted paper for the BG, adding some other paper scraps as mats. I did some crazy sewing to hold it all together:

Tuesday is also time for Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang.

Last weekend, when we visited Venekoten Lake, we started off with a visit to a lovely little pub/restaurant in the little village of Overhetfeld, near the border to Holland. The pubs and eateries are all strategically placed around the village green, a wonderful place with rows of trees for shadow, and an ancient chapel in the middle. This fun chef welcomed us as we arrived:

We had some breakfast - for G a pot of coffee and some delicious cakes:

I had cappuccino, served with a delicious cookie, but almost forgot to take the photo....

The chapel of St Maria an der Heiden is very tiny, but beautiful:

There are beautiful baroque elements inside:

You have to stand behind the screen to take photos:

This is one of the other pubs around the green, complete with 'horse' waiting in the yard outside:

I have  a stamp set from Jane Davenport to give away. I evidently ordered the same set twice! I will send anywhere in the world, so if you would like it, please say so in your comment and I will pick a name out of the hat:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lucky you seeing the Perseid shower, I think I have another chance tonight but will likely be asleep! Lovely London piece and thanks for today's beautiful tour.

    1. I got up in the night to watch and it was worth it!

  2. I'm glad you received some rain, hopefully it will cool things down,, I also hope your wish upon the shooting star comes true! Such a lovely place you visited , the tiny chaple is lovely,,and that desert with coffee looks wonderful!

  3. Hi Val, it rained here, did you have rain too? I so enjoyed it. Your tag is beautiful, London will always be home for us. The place you visited is fantastic, as is that cake - lucky G! Have a great afternoon, hugs, Sarah

  4. Beautiful tag and London, well I have heard it is lovely but will I ever get there, mmmm not in my lifetime...Beautiful photos and glad you have had some rain. OUr poor farmers here are in drought and everyone in Australia has donated so much to help them out, it is sad as in our winter we normally have rain now with the spring/summer around the corner, not sure what the weather holds out for them... Love you stamps but I have so many now and not sure if I would use them but one never knows, with mixed media could be lovely. Enjoy your week and I am off to my bed as it's way after

    1. I hope you soon get some rain. A huge part of the harvest has been lost here because of the heat and draught.

  5. Love your tag Valerie! Sometimes you have to make a conscious decision to be happy then it comes naturally don't you think? .. Good to use scraps too and thats a fabulous stamp of Big Ben.. :) I would totally want to sit on that horse if i was and the chef is cute too... Your treats look yummy! Please do count me in your giveaway! That would be awesome! Happy happy T day!! Hugs! deb

  6. I love your London tag Valerie! Interesting to hear that it's your home town. I grew up in South London, and am still in Kent, but there's a little more countryside here that I love.
    Delicious cakes and the chapel is beautiful!
    Alison xx

  7. Love your London tag Valerie, I had not realised you were a Londoner ! Beautiful photos as always

    Joan x

    1. In the meantime I'm an exile Londoner but my heart is still there.

  8. Your tag is gorgeous!!! I love the colors and the stamp you used!

  9. A fabulous tag Valerie and no doubt you have many happy memories of your time in London, so the quote is perfect.
    Lovely photos from your visit and the cakes look delicious. How lucky to see a shooting star, we're very grey and cloudy here so no chance of seeing one here.
    How generous of you to offer the extra stamp set, would love the chance to win.
    Avril xx

  10. It's a brilliant tag Valerie, I always love your London pieces. Those cakes look yummy - I'm not so sure about for breakfast (but I wouldn't say no!) I'd love to be in the draw for your stamps too - ordering twice is somehting I've done before too lol. Have a happy and cooler week, Sue xx

  11. Your tag is lovely Valerie...great job!!!
    That chapel is gorgeous it is and yet so plain on the outside.
    Cute chef ...I'd like him in my kitchen where I have a 3 ft. chef of my own :)


  12. Tour London tag looks wonderful Valerie, you must have so many stored and happy memories, you can tell it means a lot to you.
    The photos are always so good to see, I especially loves seeing the ones of the Chapel.
    The cakes and coffee looked very tempting, I'm sure they must have tasted as good as they looked.
    Happy T day wishes Valerie.
    Yvonne xx

  13. Love your tag, Valerie! I was surprised to learn that London is your home town. But then you probably don't know mine either (Milwaukee, Wisconsin) ;- That's a fabulous stamp of Big Ben. I enjoyed the photo tour of the square. Those cakes look very yummy. I'd be delighted to receive the Jane Davenport stamps. You're so sweet to offer.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  14. What a lovely tag. Do you miss London?
    I'm glad the weather has 'broken' and you are enjoying cooler weather. Our heatwave has gone too and temperatures have gone down from 44 to 34. Now it is past midnight and it's a cool 26!
    Your photos are beautiful as usual. The square with the chapel in the middle is lovely. Quite unusual I would say. The cakes look very yummy.
    Oh I like those Jane Davenport stamps. They are gorgeous. Thank you for doing the giveaway. I would love to be included please.
    I don't think I've ever ordered two the same things, but I once received my order twice. It was a large punch to make mini envelopes. The company didn't want it back as it was heavy and would cost too much in postage. I gave that one away at my scrapbook club.
    Happy T-Day,

  15. We enjoyed some rain yesterday … bliss!

    A wonderful collection of photographs again, thank you.

    All the best Jan

  16. Yay for the rain! How wonderful for the earth. I am sure the plants, trees, and grass are rejoicing. As well as the people. :) So happy for you.

    Love the tag. It is beautiful and I really love the quote.

  17. Perfect tag! This sounds like a fun new challenge. I need to get back into some art making, seems I've had a week of cleaning and other chores. Boy that looks like a great breakfast. I'd like to try that An the chapel is pretty inside. I wouldn't have thought that from the plain brick exterior. And I'd like to put my name in for stamps. Have a wonderful T day Valerie and enjoy your rain and cooler weather. hugs-Erika

  18. I absolutely LOVE your tag and all that lovely stitching around the edges. And I love your pictures from that amazing chapel and all its baroque architecture. Beautiful! That cappuccino looks so yummy. and I would love to have my name in the draw for those lovely face stamps by Jane Davenport.
    Happy Tea Day,

  19. I am so happy that you finally got rain. I really Love your tag too.
    Enjoyed all the photos so much-especially the lovely church.
    awesome stamps-good luck to the winner (not entering)
    Happy T wishes Kathy

  20. Lucky you to see the Perseid shower. I went out to see it, but I live fairly close to the bright lights of downtown. I would have to drive to the country if I wanted to actually see stars and shooting stars.

    That is a lovely tag. I adore the sewing and that incredible stamp.

    That was a beautiful place to spend a day trip. Although the church looked small from the exterior, it was unbelievable inside. Stunning and majestic.

    What a fun place to stop for breakfast and coffee. I can see why you had almost drunk your entire cappuccino before remembering to take a photo. Thanks for sharing your lovely tag, your beautiful photos, and your food and drinks with us for T this Tuesday.

  21. I love the shape of your tag Valerie, it compliments the height and strength of Big Ben perfectly, a fabulous theme. The chapel is so quaint almost like the Tardis looking much bigger from within. I can image that feeling of peace when inside and the smell of that aged wood.
    I'm so pleased you have seen some rain at last and hope it has quenched the ground and given nature a little drink to help it on it's way. I stood outside with my hands raised when we had our first drops the other week, we have had quite a bit since and the earth is looking refreshed.
    What a generous give away, I do not believe I have that set and would love to be included in the draw, Thank you very much.
    Wishing you a very Happy T Day Hugs Tracey xx
    P.S I love that wonky Beer Barrel table, wouldn't want to be sat on the wonky side though hee hee!!

  22. I sorty of thought you would chose something from London and you did make this wonderful tag. Another amazing place you visited with fantastic food as always. So kind of you to share your trips out with us all Valerie--thank you.

    Beautiful set of stamps for a lucky winner. As I don't do stamping these days I won't ask to be in the draw.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  23. Hi Valerie! I absolutely love your gorgeous tag - the background is so beautiful and I just love that stamp! And all of your photos blew me away! I always love visiting your blog to be taken to another time and place! Thank you for sharing with all of us! HUGS!

  24. I hope your wish comes true dear Valerie! It must have been amazing to have seen the shooting star and so nice for you to have cool weather at last 😁. Your tag is wonderful, I love the Big Ben stamp and sentiment that you used. What a lovely place you visited too, of course those cakes caught my eye 😉. They look delicious and I enjoyed looking around the little chapel too, the baroque elements are beautiful! Happy T Day! J 😊 x

  25. Hello Valerie.
    Happy Tea Day!
    Your tag is lovely with Big Ben. The sounds of Big Ben is so special in the UK.
    Loved seeing your photos and so glad you have got some coolth and rain at last.

  26. Wowww, this tag is amazing Valerie !! Love it, colours, and stamps are wonderful!. Thank you very much for sharing those so gorgeous photographs with us, they are fabulous. Good drink and cake !! We need rain, please send us a little!!
    I wish you a very nice afternoon, big hugs, Caty

  27. How kind of you to have a giveaway!
    Those pictures are filled with so much light and serenity, I could crawl right into them.
    I LOVE your piece. I was disappointed not to see Big Ben when we were in London. He was covered in scaffolding.

  28. Love your tag Valerie and the sentiment is perfect x Beautiful photographs and those cakes are sure tempting x Stunning photographs as always but the ones taken inside the chapel are beautiful. TFS and hugs
    Annie x

  29. Hi Valerie! I just LOVE the stamps so I hope to get lucky!
    All the best for you and may your wish upon a star come true!
    Lula xx

  30. Fabulous tag, love the background and the stamp. Great photos once again. Isn't it annoying when you end up with two of the same thing. Please enter me in the draw, I love Dina's stamps.
    Hugs Wendy.

  31. What a delightful place to sit! I love that chapel, and the sculptures are delightful :) Happy T Tuesday

  32. I love the quote that is on your gorgeous tag. Looks like you and G lived in the moment. What a lovely place to visit. The chef out front made me smile and that cake! Oh my! The art in the chapel is just beautiful. Thank you for letting me tag along with you and G. Happy T Day!

  33. Love your beautiful tag! and as always I adore seeing photos of the charming places you visit...yummy looking food for sure! the grass in the village does indeed look quite brown, so glad you got some rain. Happy T day!

  34. Fabulous artwork Valerie and love it. Great photos too and thanks for sharing.
    Great stamp set too and I have this one as I love Jane's images and her books too. A great giveaway for some lucky lady.
    Fliss xx

  35. What a beautiful tag and quote. I love the images that you took from behind the rail, I'm not so good at that... I'd like to be entered into the give away. The faces look charming.

  36. We have often been at the caravan for the meteor shower but were home and it was cloudy so didn't see a thing even though I kept peeping out! I love the tag! What a great place to have your coffee - with a few like that you can be forgiven for only remembering alway through! The church was a lovely surprise - it did look quite plain on the outside!
    I have just bought some Jane Davenport's supplies but they didn't have the stamps so please put me in the draw! usual...Hugs, Chrisx

  37. Your tag is lovely!London is an inspiring place, isn't it? We have a lot of baroque churches here in Minhas Gerais.I love yours too.Here is a link foryou to see some of them:

    Love your post and your food and Our Lady is so beautiful. Have a magical week ahead. Love those stamps but Brazil is very far. Have a magical week Valery!

    1. Thanks for the links to those beautiful churches, I very much enjoyed viewing them!

  38. Here's hoping your wish comes true....

  39. You at least did remember to take a photo of your drink! I usually don’t even have a way to take a photo because I don’t have a fancy phone. I have to remember to take my iPad with me. :). Or an actual camera! LOL. Love your tag. After seeing people’s tags on Tuesday it inspires me, but I don’t ever carry through. Maybe this week... :) I would be interested in your giveaway. Looks like a fun stampset to have. Great T Day post, however I am late!

  40. I am so glad you got your rain. YOu needed it desperately. And I hope your wish comes true.

    This is one of my favorites of your work. Maybe it's the London. Maybe the colors, maybe the texture. I just adore it. And your outing looks like it was fun and interesting too. Terrific pix!

  41. Schön dieses Tag mit Bug Ben und dem schönen Spruch. Der Ort, den ihr besucht habt, sieht ganz zauberhaft aus. Schöne Fotos, da will man auch mal hin.
    Liebe Grüße

  42. Great post Valerie. You visit the most delightful places. I love your Big Ben tag - what a wonderful stamp to have in your collection. I especially like the use of your leftover background paper and the stitching and the saying are just perfect finishing touches.

  43. Meteor shower? Wow, that would have been beautiful! I hope your wishes come true! I love your London piece! I love the quote! Those cakes look so good! I love the chapel! Truly beautiful! Big Hugs!

  44. What a beautiful Chapel! I would love to attend a mass there- it looks so quaint and peaceful!
    Your tag is absolutely lovely! A perfect time piece with super quotes!
    Jackie xx


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