Friday 24 August 2018

Summer is winding down....

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend - have a good one!

I made an A3 mixed media piece using one of the backgrounds I made at our painting session on Tuesday. I added part of a paper napkin, adhered with art potch. I used lots of figures from T.H., and some numerals and alphas from my stash. I underlined the text with a stitched line, made a stitched 'floor' for my group of kids, and stitched round the edges of the page and the napkin. I am linking to Simon Monday Challenge, back to school.

My balcony flowers have perked up now the hot weather is over, and thanks to the TLC from my friends:

You can see the grass in the background, burnt yellow and brown. But the chrysanthemums are doing well:

The variegated clover is growing fast:

My rubber plant is sprouting lots of new leaves and evidently enjoying its summer holiday on the balcony:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Fabulous collage Valerie - love the vintage imagery and stitchwork.
    Your plants are really pretty - love the variagated clover especially - such lovely colours.
    Happy Friday... Gill xx

  2. I really like this one. Yes, it is school time.. where did this summer go?

  3. I love the images on your collage, especially the children. They don't look very happy about going back to school, do they? Schools opened here a couple weeks ago. When we were kids, we didn't go back until early September, and now they re-start in July, when it's still hot as Hades. (Then again, our schools weren't air-conditioned.)

    Your flowers are looking gorgeous and happy... as happy as you must be that the heat wave has passed.

    Take care, and have a super weekend.

  4. LOVE this and what amazing colours. Yes, your summer is almost over and mine will be starting, mind you it never gets really cold her in our winter but I will miss your beautiful flower photos, these are as stunning as your mixed media..hugs.x

  5. Beautiful page and your flowers are so colourful they do look refreshed.

  6. Stunning retro page!
    Colorful and gorgeous flowers, too!
    Happy PPF 🎨

    Hugs ❤

  7. Oh lovely collage creation and your floral macro shots are divine!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores

  8. Wonderful vintage collage this week. Happy PPF

  9. Wonderful page! That was kind of your friends and your balcony must look so pretty with all the beautiful flowers you have, such lovely colours too 😁. Happy Friday and Weekend! J 😊 x

  10. Its a fabulous page and lovely details to draw the eye. Your balcony flowers and plants look beautiful,
    Have a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  11. What can be sweeter than dragonflies with their diaphnous wings in art today. Thanks for sharing your photos as well
    Happy you dropped by my blog


  12. Gorgeous piece...I especially love the flowers in the center. Also, your flower phoptos are wonderful!

  13. I really, really enjoyed your back to school entry. It is beautiful and I like how you used the TH dolls, too.

    Your flowers are looking good on your patio. They seem to have rebounded. Beautiful photos.

  14. What a fun piece of back to school art! I love it. Your flowers are so gorgeous as well.

  15. Wonderful piece, but please, please, don't rush the Summer. We still have another month to go! =^,.^=

  16. It is back to school time here. Teachers went back this week and then the kids start next week. Summer was fast!

    Love your flowers. So beautiful and definitely perky. :)

    Happy weekend!

  17. school start here day after labor day...Looks like you had fun doing the collage.
    Coffee is on

  18. That is a great page and made me smile. That's what they are saying around here since Monday some of the kids are back. Already. I think you needed all the people on your page to really make the back to school feel. And your flowers are looking nice. I nave never seen variegated clover. It is cool. Have a great weekend. hugs-Erika

  19. Also wanted to mention I love the new header too.

  20. Ohh I really love this piece mainly for the dragon flies. Lovely photos too.

  21. That variegated clover has caught my eye. Just beautiful! Your journal page is full of so many pretty people. I am loving the theme of this page. Yes, it is that time again. My boys started back to school this week.
    Have a great weekend,

  22. Eine schöne Seite hast du kreiert, die TH-Figuren passen perfekt zum Thema und sehen originell aus. Das Serviettenmotiv ist auch so schön.
    Die Fotos von deinem Balkongarten sind super. Schön saß jetzt bei dir Alles so schön blüht.
    Liebe Grüße und eine schönes Wochenende

  23. Lovely collage with all the people. Also love the cheerful flower photos.

  24. wow,eine wunderschöne collageseite mit all den schönen farben und blumen,dazu die menschen,gefällt mir mega gut.
    ja,es geht zurück zur schule,der sommer ist zuende,aber ich freue mich auf den herbst,dann kann ich meine neue jacke tragen.
    deine pflanze sieht sehr schön aus,toll das sie neue blätter bekommt.
    schöne blumenbilder hast du gemacht,ich liebe blumen.
    ein schönes we,liebe valerie.

    hugs jenny

  25. Your Art page is gorgeous Valerie !! Love this so beautiful background, and the lovely napkin. Teachers and children are great, love all details.
    Your balcony es just amazing with so beautiful flowers, wonderful!
    I wish you a very nice afternoon, hugss, Caty

  26. A fabulous back to school page Valerie, wonderful background with that napkin and great use of those paper dolls. Fantastic photos of your flowers too, they seem to have survived this super hot summer well! I think we are all quite happy that the nights are drawing in, I am so ready for some Autumn colours!
    Happy weekend!

  27. I do like your back to school page …
    So nice to see all of your photographs, your balcony flowers do look good.
    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan

  28. Your art piece is so cute! I love your flowers! The clover is beautiful! I can't believe the grass is that bad! Wow! Have a great weekend! Big Hugs!

  29. Love bright and beautiful layout and I adore how you've used all those paper dolls on one page, fabulous idea! Thank you so much for sharing and for playing along with us over on the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog... x

  30. Your piece has so many fun and interesting parts to it.
    And...your balcony garden is beautiful.

  31. What a fabulous page! The paper dolls make an excellent back to school story! Those flowers are look fabulous too! Good to have some cooler weather! Chrisx

  32. This would be another I'd put in the Jeanie's Favorites pile. Love the pink (I'm into pink lately) and the napkin looks perfect with it -- all the colors work so well together. And of course I love your little vintage people and the idea behind it. Very nice indeed!

  33. Hi there Valerie.
    Those children have mixed feelings about going back to school! I love how all the figures look. It's a pretty background you've created too.
    My word, your balcony flowers are looking a treat. Their colours must make you smile each time you see them... thanks for sharing them with us.
    Happy days! :D) xx

  34. Oh Valerie, your flowers are looking splendid!
    Please don't say summer is over yet! I don't care for the humidity and mugginess of the hot weather either, but I certainly am not looking forward to what comes later! brrrrr!
    huge hugs

    1. It's only over for the kids going back to school.

  35. Your flower photos are gorgeous, Valerie. Those kids don't look too excited to return to school. As I remember my days teaching, I wasn't either - lol.

    1. I was a teacher for 35 long years, and was never really excited at going back to school!

  36. Your unhappy Paper Doll pupils did make me smile, and I loved seeing the colours of your page echoed in all the flower photographs through the post. A wonderful end of summer tribute page.
    Alison x

  37. This is brilliant Valerie, I bet teachers all over the world are quaking in their boots lol. Your flowers look beautiful, it's amazing what a bit of TLC will do for them (and a drop of rain helps too) xx

  38. Loving your back to school art page! So true! I am one of those teachers who headed back a few weeks ago! I read your comment above about teaching for 35 years...that is a very long time. I am currently on year 28 and am looking forward to a change of pace in about 3 years. What grade level/subjects did you teach?

    Also, the flower photos are SO STUNNING! WOW. Those would make some beautiful printed canvas pieces!

    1. I taught students between 11 and 18 years old.


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