Monday 5 March 2018

Mum's the Word

Hi Everybody!

I'm happy to say that the bitter cold weather here has come to an end, and yesterday and today we have had mild temps. It was great to go out for a walk again without freezing.
At TIOT we are starting a new challenge on Tuesday -

👧Mum's the word👧

As always, projects of all formats are welcome, and you have 2 weeks to link to us. I made a hybrid piece using a picture of my Mum taken when she was 2 years old, back in 1918. The clock symbolizes the passing of time, and birds, flowers and butterflies were always things she loved. I have used elements from Serif and me:

Today is also Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday party, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang. Yesterday afternoon my buddy G came over. I baked a crumble filled with home-made strawberry jam and topped with almonds, and it was delicious.

G brought me some beautiful coffee cups which had belonged to his mother, and we enjoyed drinking our cappuccino from them:

After we had fortified ourselves with enough food and drink we went for a walk. The little lakes nearby were all still frozen:

Here a patch is starting to thaw out:

Loved this little hamamelis tree:
(Spell-checker suggested 'shameless' instead of hamamelis!)

Then we saw this huge formation of cranes returning from their winter migration. They timed it perfectly to arrive on the first warmer day. I didn't have time to focus, all I could do was point and shoot - there must have been 200 birds in the formation:

 Here I enlarged a part so you can see them better:

We saw several pieces of furniture by the roadside, waiting for the old household-goods collection today:

And then G treated us to chips (fries) and sausage with curry sauce at the Berliner Imbiss, a snack bar. Just yummy.....

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love that hour posts are always filled with goodies. The journal page with the photo of your mum is gorgeous. Great photos of your walk, how wonderful to see the cranes flying, what a sight! Love the new cups from G and I'm glad you had a nice outing and yummy cake. And chips, that was a good afternoon. Look after yourself, hugs, Sarah

  2. Love your yournal paage, what a lovely child your mum looked, the bird feather and clock as well as the flowers are all great embellishments!
    I could really do with a piece of that apple crumble, it looks yum, and wow those cranes, they look amazing!

    I am happy to say the thaw has set in here too, though it's not exactly mild yet

  3. Hello dear Valerie!
    What a lovely journal page you created!
    It’s really a precious memory from your mum!
    Did you made your page using your computer or by your self?
    Wonderful pictures from the lake ,the delicious crumble cake and the beautiful coffee cups!
    Very impressive photos of the flying birds! Glad the weather is more mild!
    Have a lovely new week! Hugs!

    1. The page is made partly by hand with some computer additions.

  4. What a treasure to have a picture of your mom when she was a baby. Such a beautiful picture and artfully surrounded by her favorite things. The crumble looks delicious and the teacups are so pretty. I had to look up hamamelis because it looked like forsythia to me. the only way I've seen witch-hazel is an a bottle. Either way hamamelis or forsythia, it will be some time before blooms like that appear at my house. The crane migration is awesome. I've never seen that many before. Enjoy the warmer weather for me. More snow on the way for Wed. Happy T Day

    1. I have the hamamelis as cream and lotion, too. It's a very pretty tree though!

  5. Your page is beautiful!!! I do love the bird flight pictures and enjoyed "my walk" with you!

  6. great post love your photos with birds and chocolatecup ;O))

  7. Your mum was such a beautiful child! Oh, what a treasured piece this is.

    And your day with G looked fun from that glorious tea at home to your walk about and dinner out! That's the way to spend a day!

  8. What a precious post Valerie, your Mums face as pretty as a picture and to adorn it with pictures of everything she adored makes it even more special.
    You crumble does look delicious and is making me want a slice just looking at it along with those cappuccino's fair so well in those beautiful cups with matching saucers.
    How fabulous to have captured the return of the cranes, they would have passed me by before I had taken hold of my camera let alone point and shoot. Super photography and a great post, I do love to visit and walk alongside you on these days.
    Wishing you a wonderful week and Thank you for sharing.. Creative Hugs Tracey xx

  9. It is a gorgeous page Valerie. Having such a lovely photo of your mum to use must have special memories for you every time you look at it.
    All the photos looked great, I especially loved the ones of the Cranes returning, it must have been an awesome sight to see.
    Your baked crumble looked delicious. The new china cups and saucers from G looks beautiful.
    Glad the weather is getting better, its thawing out here today as well.
    Happy T day wishes Valerie.
    Yvonne xx

  10. Hello, I love you page with your Mom that is really special the way you designed it.
    Your crumble looks so delicious and I also love the plate it is served on too and beautiful new cups I love pretty dishes.
    I enjoyed the lake and the birds-hoping your warmer weather stays for awhile
    Happy T Day Kathy

  11. Your Mum looks beautiful here Valerie, and so does that crumble! You were so lucky to see the crane formation, well done on getting a photo. I hope that we've seen the last of the snow now! Have a very happy week, Sue xx

  12. Glad there's a break in the weather. Your page is lovely. Your crumble looks delicious.

  13. I just can't express enough how I love your photo posts, they are all incredible and so interesting, those birds, awesome.
    Love your gorgeous page, that face is the sweetest, [hehe like mine].
    hugs.xx💖 [Aussie aNNie's Blog]

  14. what a beautiful and heartwarming journal page! Glad you are getting some warmer and tolerable weather. We may be in for another snowstorm :( All those cranes-wow- so magnificent. Great shots of them flying over. Your crumble and cappuccino look so good! Hope you're able to get more nice walks out and about. happy T day!

  15. I love that you used a picture of your Mum on your hybrid page. It is lovely! Your crumble looks amazing and so do those fries and sausage!
    Happy Tea Day,

  16. This is simply a fabulous journal page with your mom/mum. She is/was a genuine beauty and your page is a true tribute to her.

    The cranes are incredible. I was in awe of the photos you took of them and the enlarged part was simply wonderful to see all the details of those beautiful birds.

    I really LOVED the crumble, and your friend G's cup and saucer was adorable holding your cappuccino. Of course, I also liked the sausage and fries, because I haven't eaten yet. Actually, I just woke a few minutes ago from a short nap.

    Thanks for sharing these beautiful photos from your day out, the cranes, the lovely journal page, and your crumble, sausage, fries, and cappuccino with us for T this Tuesday.

  17. Your mother was an adorable little girl and that is a gorgeous page you made using her photo. That's an interesting challenge topic. Hmm, has me thinking. I love your new cups and the your crumble looks tasty. Yummmy. And I must say you got some fantastic photos of the cranes. You can see their silhouettes. I have only once seen them fly by like that since we don't have cranes here in my neck of the woods, but I remember the calls they were making as they flew. It was an amazing moment. happy T day Valerie. Hugs-Erika

  18. Your mocha in the beautiful cup and your almond cherry crumble looked delicious! Great photo of the cranes! Lovely post! Happy T-Day!

  19. Be still my heart Valerie.. is that currywurst and pomme frites?? Hmmm.. you do live in Germany right? Gosh i can almost taste it.. Its only been like almost 30 years.. Yum! What a beautiful cup you were gifted! and the crumble looks delicious! Thank you for taking us on your walk.. and all those cranes ! Wow! We have been warming up quickly around here .. the grass has started growing in my back yard and the deer are at it already.. lol Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

  20. A lovely page. Fantastic idea that you used a picture of your mum.

  21. Eine wunderschöne Seite, Valerie, das Foto von Deinem Kuchen macht richtig Appetit.

    Tolle Fotos, wie immer

  22. Such a beautiful page and using your mum's photo is perfect and such a lovely way to hold onto those precious memories too 😁. Your photos look amazing, as always, and you got such a wonderful shot of the cranes. Your crumble looks delicious but as it's no nuts for me I'd like some of those chips and sausage with curry sauce please 😉. Those are such pretty cups and saucers to share at the party too, thanks G and wishing you both a very Happy T Day! J 😊
    p.s. thought you may appreciate the cappuccino today (grin!). J x

    1. I certainly did. I have lots of different tea sorts for my visitors, I just don't drink them!

  23. I love all the beautiful objects surrounding your Mum! This really is a wonderful tribute to your Mum! The photos of the thaw seeing in are great but Oh My!!!....the I would have loved to se that! The sausage and chips do look delicious but I think I would prefer your cruel topped with my favourite flaked almonds - just perfect with your cappuccino! Happy T Day! Chris x

  24. Ha! Predictive text - I meant Crumble but I think maybe it would be cruel to my blood sugar levels! Chrisx

  25. What a wonderful day and what a perfect tribute to your mom. I know she'd just love it.
    The crumb cake looks scrumptious. And what beautiful cups to drink the cappuccino from.
    The birds/geese....breathtaking.
    Have a day filled with sunshine and sparkle.

    1. Whoops, crane not geese.
      Your mom was awfully cute:)

  26. what a darling picture of your mum, Valerie. You made a lovely page to nonor her as well. I love the embellishments you used and how yuo arranged them.

    I believe you about the crunmble. It certainly looks delicious. The coffee cups and saucers are beautiful!
    The "shameless" tree looks like forsythia, which we had in New Jersey. They're bushes though. One of the first signs of spring in the northern US.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  27. A beautiful page Valerie and a lovely way of using your Mum's photo.
    Your crumble looks delicious and the cappuccino looks splendid in those gorgeous cups, such a lovely present. I bet the cranes mush have been a magnificent sight, so pleased you managed to capture it.
    Avril xx

  28. What a precious photo of your Mother and a lovely piece of art. Your crumble looks delicious and I'm very hungry right now waiting for my beef stew and dumplings to be ready I love your photos too.


    1. Did you say beef stew and dumplings? Sigh....

  29. Love the way you have commemorate your Mum Valerie!
    All the images along with the photo make it a perfect piece.
    Lots of hugs

  30. That photo of your mum is so sweet! That's a lovely china pattern and must bring back fond memories. I love your scenic photos. Signs of spring! Happy T Tuesday

  31. I love your journal page dedicated to your mum. Beautiful. I just realised that photo is 100 years old! She was a very pretty child.
    Those cranes are awesome. Aren't you lucky to see that! I have never seen so many together. Spring is coming!
    I agree, the witch hazel is beautiful. Is it yours?
    Your crumble looks absolutely delicious. I would love a piece. How sweet of G to bring you those cups. They are lovely. My mum used to have those and for me they bring back memories.
    I enjoyed the photos of your walk and of course the chips after the walk would have gone down well. They look yummy.
    Happy (belated) T-Day,

  32. Oh how sweet and lovely your piece is! Your photos are also wonderful, the ones of the birds are amazing!

  33. Yeah! So glad you have some warmer weather coming your way. We are about to get a snow storm. I am ready for spring- but I guess winter still has a little more to show us.

    I love your art pieces. What a great picture of your mom when she was little!

    The birds are fantastic. Wow! You really got some great pictures and it sounds like they came back at the right time. :)

  34. Beautiful page, however you created it. How nice that you have warmer weather, it's still a bit chilly here, but we have had some warmish days as well. The scenery where you live is so wonderful.. enjoy ! Cheers, Shirleyx

  35. Your crumble looks delicious. I love those almond slivers. Your page is gorgeous, with so many summertime elements. I am looking forward to some warm weather here soon too. hugs, Teresa

  36. Love the hybrid piece. Your mom was a cutie! Such yummy goodies and lovely photos you shared. I've never seen that many cool!!
    Happy T day!

  37. Is your hamamelis related to the forsythia bush?

    1. No. They are the same colour....Hamamelis is also know as witch hazel

  38. Just loved the page you made with your mum as a small child. Star of the show today has to be the crumble it looks amazing and I am sure it tasted amazing as well.

    Have a great day today

    Love Chrissie xx

  39. The photo of your mom is amazingly clear. The few I have of my mother at that age are very blurry and somewhat faded. You turned it into a beautiful keepsake. Great job!

    I love all of your pics, as usual, but the cranes are really something. I get excited to see one or two of them, so I'd probably go nuts if I saw that many of them at one time.

    Beautiful tea cups. Whatever you drink tastes better when you drink it out of a cup that pretty.

  40. What an absolutely gorgeous page! Again, i just love when you use your family photos,Valerie!
    The photo of your Mum just makes my heart fill with joy- how precious this is!
    mmmmm that crumble is making my mouth water!! How about that recipe? Care to share?

    Have a beautiful day dear friend!!
    hugs,Jackie xx

  41. Your hybrid page is wonderful with that lovely photo of your mum Valerie.
    Brilliant photos too, especially the birds.
    Alison xx

  42. Wunderschöne Digital-Collage und der Kuchen sieht so verführerisch lecker aus, da bekomm ich Lust zum Kuchen backen.
    Hier war es 2 Tage frühlingshaft warm und schön sonnig, aber Heute schon wieder etwas frostig. Der Frühling läßt noch auf sich warten.
    Liebe Grüße

  43. Playing catch up Valerie and so glad I caught this totally gorgeous page, the photo of your Mum is so beautiful and you've put her in such a lovely setting.
    The crumble cake looks delicious as does your lunch! Great photos too as always.
    Fliss xx

  44. Such a beautiful art piece with your mom! Love it!
    I am so hungry from your cake and coffee!! Looks so good!!
    Happy everything is warming up where you live! Gorgeous photos! Love the birds in the sky! Wow! I'll have some french fries please! LOL! Big Hugs!

  45. Gorgeous collage, love the vintage tones. Great photos, I see you still have ice on the water as well. Usually you are so far ahead with weather, but my world looks very similar to yours right now. Love that bamboo stand someone tossed! hugs :)

  46. I really like your journal page with the photo of your mum.

    All the best Jan

  47. What a sweet post. Crumble looks so yummy! Sounds like a wonder day filled with joy! Adorable photo of your mom! Thanks for sharing your day!

    Peace Giggles


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