Sunday 4 March 2018


Hi Everybody!

March did not get off to a good start here, with icy temperatures, deep-frozen nights, slippery paths and a load of snow which came down in the night from Thursday to Friday. But today it seems to be a little milder, so I'm hoping that the weather prophets are right and that spring will soon be here to stay. At least it's green outside again today. And green is also the optional colour for our new theme at More Mixed Media, which always begins on the 5th of the month. All mixed media formats are welcome, and the green is optional. I made an A3 mixed media page. The background was brayered with a mix of gesso, pink and green and stamped into while wet with a flourish stamp. The dots were added using a Seth Apter stencil to sponge the colours through. The butterflies and magnolias were part of a stencil applied with acrylic medium. I sewed the edges with green thread using the machine, and then hand-sewed the green net to the butterflies. The quote was computer generated, and is the beautiful Irish blessing. Some self-adhesive lace from the discount shop finished it off. I am also linking to Simon Monday Challenge, in the garden, and Simon Wednesday challenge, anything goes.

Today we had a beautiful sunrise again, the little clouds just added to the charm:

But yesterday was a different kettle of fish - I woke up to this:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Your photos are amazing, they have cooled me down as it's been humid here, I just would love love love to be in the snow, just once in my life time waking up and walking to see the beauty. .... but then your beauty shows here and I just adore your beautiful post, those butterflies are designed like 'wow' super stunning... may have to borrow that idea.xx💖 [Aussie aNNie's Blog]

    1. I wish I could send you some snow! And borrow anything your like, anytime!

  2. This is a really beautiful page, Val, love the delicate, spring-like colours and textures, really GREAT! Lovely photos, too. Those net wings are a lovely idea! The kids were thrilled with the snow this week, glad some folk like it! It's Sunday so we're having brunch and then visiting my Mum, she's always happy when the kids come. Have a nice day, hugs, Sarah

  3. Wow Valerie i love your mixed media page the butterfly is gorgeous,well done my friend and boy i sure love your snow pics my friend xx

  4. Wunderschön die Idee mit den Schmetterlinge,Hintergrund und das genähte als Aussenrand dieser Seite mit dem schönen irische Segen.
    Toll nochmal der Schnee und der Sonnenuntergang, ja ich hoffe dass es spätens heute Nachmittag ins plus geht momentan sind es immer noch-5 Grad mit eisigen Ostwind! Der erste Fischmarkt dieses Jahr am alten Hafen hat heute begonnen da schauen wir mal was es so gibt.
    Schönen Tag wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  5. Wow your mixed media piece is really gorgeous Valerie - and the green netting on the butterflies is fabulous.
    Our thaw began yesterday with the first day for a while above zero day and night and lovely sunshine today. Hope its a bit warmer and less snowy with you today :)
    Happy Sunday... Gill xx

  6. Fabulous piece, love the butterfly with the green tule, it gives it such an amazing effect. Thank you so much for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. Hugs, Sandra

  7. A wonderful piece Valerie, I love the butterflies. Most of our snow has gone now and the sun was shining earlier, have a lovely Sunday.
    xxx Hazel.

  8. Hello dear Valerie!
    Love your mixed media page, and the butterflies are so beautiful with the green netting!
    Gorgeous creation and lovely Irich blessing too!
    Thank you for sharing your wonderful pictures of the sunrise with the spectacular colors,and the snowy surroundings!Have a warm day!Hugs!

  9. Beautiful spring page, love the butterfly wings, Gorgeous sunrise too.

  10. I've heard it is cold and snowy all over Europe and the UK and you are not an exception, apparently! Beautiful but cold -- still, your butterflies bring the promise of spring.

  11. Your incredible spring butterflies are a tribute to mixed media. They are fabulous.

    What a difference a day makes. Seriously, this couldn't get much worse, unless you were caught out in it. Please stay home, stay safe, and stay warm, because I care how you feel (your health)!

  12. Thanks for the visit and kind words of encouragement.

    You have produced a lovely piece of artwork. The net-bow on the butterfly is a 'Master-stroke.'

  13. I really love this butterfly piece. The colors set the perfect mood. Your photos are great as always. I keep forgetting to ask you what are the 4 or 5 lights off in the distance? I am with you, I want summer to get here. I can just skip spring since it rains everyday for that. LOL

    1. They are the boundary lights of the airport.

  14. Its a stunning page, I love how you created your beautiful butterflies and the Irish Blessing quote is lovely.
    Super photos of the changeable weather. After a week of snow we have been promised that it will start to thaw tomorrow.
    Stay safe and warm.
    Yvonne xx

    1. It thawed here today, it was really nice to go out without that icy wind.

  15. Hi Valerie. Your mixed media is absolutely stunning!!! I love the beautiful butterflies and the hand and machine sewing!!! The photos of sunrise are so pretty!!! And as I live in Greece and this winter we had no snow at all, I love the snowy photos of your place!!! Kisses, my friend.

  16. Adding those bows to the butterflies was brilliant. When you look quickly at the whole page I didn't notice the bows and thought the butterflies were lacy and shimmery. It's a gorgeous page! And what a beautiful sunrise, but hope that snow melted. They are saying wee might get a little bit tonight-UGH! It is March, and mother nature can be such a tease, can't she? or she can be in a bad mood and then give you that snowy weather. Hope you had a nice weekend other than the cold. Hugs-Erika

  17. gorgeous journal page -- what you did with the butterflies made them so perfect. xo

  18. Beautiful Valerie and love the net bows on the butterflies...our snow has all gone now to and now its lovely sunshine..still a bit chill...Hugs Lozzy x

  19. Such wonderful photos Valerie, and your butterfly page is beautiful!
    Hope you have a lovely week,
    Alison xx

  20. Wow, your pages are so beautiful with those butterfly wings that you created out of green net - perfect 😁. Such pretty snowy photos too, I hope that it is being to thaw now and warmer weather is on its way. Wishing you a happy and creative new week! J 😊

  21. Oh, Val, your piece is just perfect. I love everything about it. It's a heart-warmer:)
    What a lovely sunrise, much different than the day before.
    The little blue ducky is a keeper:)
    Have a day filled with sunshine and sparkle.

  22. Love your journal page! Those butterflies are wonderful. The Irish blessing is beautiful. And some lovely photos.

  23. I love your art piece so much! It's so beautiful!!
    Love your sky photos! Gorgeous!
    I can't believe you got that much snow, again!!
    Keep warm!! Big Hugs!

  24. This is a gorgeous page Valerie!! I love those gorgeous butterflies and the green tulle! Your saying or quote is so beautiful. Love this!
    And stay warm!!! We are getting snow tonight too!
    Have a great day!
    Jo- DT SiS
    ♥ Jo's Scrap Shack ♥

  25. What a beautiful page and the quote that accompanies it is wonderful! It's great to look at cold weather pictures on a warmer day! Hugs, Chrisx

  26. Gorgeous page, I love it. I also love snow and all your photographs of the snow scenes. Take good care, Shirleyxx

  27. Wow! So beautiful! The background is gorgeous! So very pretty!

    Thank you very much for joining us this week at the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge Blog!


  28. An amazing post as always with the wonderful page and brilliant photographs. Love the butterflies wrapped in net.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  29. Valerie, What a beautiful page!I love the added green tulle!
    This would be beautiful as a cover for a journal of quotes! I love it!
    Keep warm and off the ice!

  30. Ach ist das eine schöne Seite, so romantisch und der grüne Tüll auf den Schmetterlingen sieht einfach genial aus und gibt dem Bild das besondere Etwas. Gefällt mir sehr. Die Fotos vom Morgenhimmel sind wieder grandios. Schön!
    Liebe Grüße


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