Sunday 1 October 2017

Autumn, a time of transition

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing you all a happy October. This is one of my
fave months, what with Autumn and then Halloween,
so I'm hoping we'll get some good weather.
I am starting to feel better - not yet quite back to
'normal' - whatever that might be - but on the right way.
I will be taking things easier the next couple of weeks and 
hope that will help, so may not be blogging as much as usual.
Tomorrow is Elizabeth's 2nd on the 2nd, so I am re-showing
an A3 mixed media collage made last year. This piece reminds me 
very much of autumn - the seasons flying past and plants
and animals settling in for their winter sleep; everything slowing 
down and beginning to fade. The butterflies and
dragonflies are there showing the hope that the circle of life
will start again next spring:

As I haven't been able to get out, I took photos from my balcony 
yesterday, just showing the trees and their various colours:

Then I took pictures of the remaining plants on my balcony - not
really exciting, but I like to record the transition between
summer and autumn:

These are tiny, about 1/2" in diameter:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Your gorgeous photos are more for my spring here and not your autumn, love the water drops on the petals. Fabulous Halloween makes too.xx

  2. Love your transition piece, very calming, full of hope, just great. Wonderful photos, too, amazing what you made of your ten minutes balcony time! Have a good one! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Glad you’re feeling a little better, your collage is fabulous and the photos are beautiful, have a lovely Sunday.
    xxx Hazel.

  4. So glad to hear you're feeling a bit better Valerie and your artwork is wonderfully atmospheric. Love your Autumn pics too as it's my favourite time of year too.
    Take care, Fliss xx

  5. I'm thrilled you are feeling at least marginally better. I'm also glad you are finally taking the doctor's advice and slowing down a bit, including the internet art and gorgeous photos.

    Yes, I remember that gorgeous entry you used from last year and am delighted that you are sharing it with everyone for your second look on the 2nd. Even your balcony photos speak of transition and change. The trees are starting to look beautiful, and the flowers on your balcony are still quite vibrant. Thanks for sharing them with us, dear friend. And please, please, feel better soon.

  6. Glad you are feeling better. Your beautiful page reflects the transition on your balcony garden. Still bits of color, but the flowers look sleepy. Take care.

  7. Beautiful page in the spirit of fall. Your flowers look beautiful at this stage too. Glad you are on the mend.

  8. I am glad you are listening to your body and taking it easy. Having been in the lung club, I know how hard that can be to lick and it can go backwards quickly without tending to it well. But it sounds like you are making good progress and that's great.

    I love second on the second as you are still somewhat new to me -- only a year or so -- so it's all new. This is a gossamer-wings type piece with lots of mood. And don't sell those balcony flower photos short -- they're lovely!

  9. I'm glad you are getting better and taking it easy 😀. Your autumnal page and photos make my heart sing as I love autumn too! Sending you get well wishes and wishing you a Happy Sunday! J 😊

  10. *wow* das ist ja fabelhaft, gruselig gestaltet dein Bild ich mag diese schemenhaften Figuren, grossartig was ich alles sehe!
    Deine Fotos sind so schön von deinen Balkonblumen mit den Regentropfen!
    Ich wüsnche dir noch einen schönen Restsonntag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  11. irst of all, what a fabulous color in your new blog header. Leaf changing is such an amazing time for sure. And I remember your piece. It's a beauty still as it was then. I love its modern feel and perfect for autumn! Glad to hear your are mending. Don't rush back on your feet because its never worth taking one step forward and then two steps back. Enjoy what is left of your weekend. Hugs-Erika

  12. i love seeing your stunning art and photos. glad to hear that you're on the mend and that you will continue to take it slow until you are feeling good again. big love, xo

  13. So pleased to hear you are feeling a little better, keep taking things slowly for a while. Your photos are stunning and your artwork gorgeous. Hugs Barbara

  14. -stunning art and photos always such a joy to follow you ;O))

  15. Glad you are feeling better. You still got some wonderful photos from your balcony. What colours!

  16. Fab piece of artwork and your photos are stunning !

  17. The symbolism in this piece is wonderful! You have an amazing view from your balcony. It must be beautiful to gaze out at throughout the seasons.

  18. Its a fantastic art page Valerie. I was so pleased to read that you were feeling a little better. Don't rush things , take it easy.
    The photos from your balcony were lovely, you still have some pretty colourful flowers to enjoy, the leaves were beautiful.
    Yvonne xx

  19. Hello Dear Valerie, your collage is a lovely tribute to the changing season... yes, the time goes quickly.
    It's really nice that you can enjoy those wonderful views from your balcony as you heal and relax. I loved seeing what is on your balcony too, you've surrounded yourself with beautiful florals... each photo is delightful.
    Continue to take good care of yourself, hugs xx

  20. Beautiful review! A page that is really worth to admire again.
    Great autumnal photos - lovely balcony treasures!
    Take care and recover completely soon and you do right to take it not so serious with blogging. You deserves "me time".
    Happy October.

  21. What a perfect color for this season.
    And your flowers from the balcony are absolutely beautiful.
    Have a wondrous day.

  22. I love your page with the dragonflies. The views of the trees from your balcony are lovely.

  23. This is a cool piece. I like the figures and the addition of the feathers. hugs, Teresa

  24. Such a wonderful page Valerie, I love the two figures!
    Beautiful photos too!
    I hope the rest helps you to regain your strength.
    Alison oxo

  25. This is absolutely beautiful page!

  26. What an amazing piece! I am so glad that you shared it again because I was not around your blog last year to see it. So many fabulous techniques and textures that are perfect for autumn. Just Lovely!

  27. A lovely page and gorgeous photographs.

    I love this time of year.

    Please take care, and take your time ... sending continued get well/feel better thoughts to you.

    All the best Jan

  28. Love your art piece!!! Love the colours! This is my favourite time of year too!
    Great pictures from your balcony!!! You have a lovely few! And, you have some great plants as well!
    Valerie, rest and please take care of yourself!
    Big Hugs!

  29. Such an amazing journal page and beautiful view! Hugs, Autumn

  30. I love October too! Your journal pages are so lovely. What beautiful photos too.

  31. Very awesome pages! Going back and forth here a bit this morning...have to tell you how cool it is to see you your photos change with the weather!from blah trees and leaves - to shimmery gold and glowing oranges! Just stunning!


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