Monday 25 September 2017

T stands for Clocks and Time

Hi Everybody!

On Tuesday we are beginning a new challenge at TIOT -
Clocks and time.
Projects of all formats are welcome, and as always, you have 2
weeks to link up to us. I made a digital piece using photos:

Sorry I have not been around these past couple of days, but I have 
been feeling very under the weather. It started with fever and  
soar throat, which got worse, took away my voice, 
and has left me feeling pretty groggy. I just have to 
stay home for a couple ofdays till it clears up.

Last week we visited the Ships and River museum in the Altstadt.
The Rhine has been the centre of life for the little towns
along it for many centuries. We started in the basement, and worked 
our way up to the 'lantern' at the top.

There are lots of fantastic models of the types of ships
through the ages:

You can also learn how to make a fisherman's net:

The vault is under the level of the Rhine:

This shows the location of  an ancient ship found
by the Rhine here - it is now being restored in a museum:

There are great views to the Rhine, too:

You can practice steering various ships via a film - I crashed 
both of mine!

This is the lantern at the top, now a restaurant:

Great views to the other side:

And the views of the food and drink we had are not bad either.
I am linking to Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday -
my drink was water, but I did have coffee later!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Oh wow what a fabulous museum I would have enjoyed that-thank you for all the photos. I think that is cool one can try making the knots for the net.
    Hoping you are feeling much better soon-no fun being sick-hugs Kathy


  2. I am so sorry to read you are not feeling well. I know how that feels, but I hope you get better soon, and it doesn't take you as long to recover as it did me.

    Your TioT entry is spectacular. I love clocks and time, so I can draw on that to hopefully create something next week.

    That wasn't water, dear Valerie, that was Pellegrino!! Fancy water.

    I really enjoyed the photos of the ships. They were all so unique and many were very different. I couldn't decide which I liked best, because I kept oohing and ahhing as I studied each photo.

    Please feel better soon. I appreciate you joining us for T this week, because I know it is sometimes hard to get out of bed to post something. Your art and photos are fabulous, and the water and food are amazing. Thanks for sharing.

    1. They only serve fancy water at restaurants here!

  3. Hi Val, sorry you are feeling poorly and hope that all will soon be better. Look after yourself! Love your clocks piece, very nicely done. Great photos from the museum, those models are wonderful. Your food looks great, when I m in D-dorf again perhaps we can go there. Feel better soon! Hugs, Sarah

  4. waue love your photos from Rhine and your dinner looks great.and your clock art is awsome. love love

  5. So sorry you aren't well Valerie and I hope you get well soon.

    Great clock project with lots of interest

    The photographs are terric it looks like a very interesting place and yummy food
    Love and hugs Chrissie xx

  6. Hi Valerie, what a lovely and steampunk-ish digital piece. I really love all the time pieces and the little girl.
    So sorry that you are not feeling well. Being miserable is no fun! We love equal parts raw apple cider vinegar, raw honey and a bit of cayenne pepper for sore throats in our house. It helps with the cough and it tastes yummy ;) Feel better soon!

  7. dein Projekt Valerie ist fantastisch!
    Toll und interessant das Museum von der Schifffahrt von früher auf dem Rhein und lecker Kuchen und Tomatensuppe gegessen in der Altstadt. Tolle und interesannte Fotos sind das wieder!
    Schönen Abend!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  8. Its a fabulous Clocks page Valerie, I love the sweet images you used that drew my eye back into the page to see all the amazing clock and watch faces.
    It looks a super museum to visit and all the photos were so interesting.
    Your meal did look delicious especially the yummy looking desert.
    I hope you are feeling better soon, take care of yourself.
    Yvonne xx
    p.s. Happy T day wishes as well

  9. I hope you feel better soon! Lovely digital piece, and what an interesting ship museum.

  10. Sending you get well wishes dear Valerie. Get plenty of rest.
    Your clocks are gorgeous, with the wise words.
    It was lovely seeing through the museum... loved the try-it-yourself knots section :D) xx

  11. First of all, I've been thinking of you since you mentioned in a comment you weren't feeling good, I hope you are improving quickly. Its no fun being sick. And I love the steampunk tag, and the museum. Oh no that you crashed your ship twice. I guess that means you should stick with art, which has to be more fun anyhow. Yummy looking soup and dessert. Its making me very hungry. Take care and happy T day. Hugs-Erika

  12. tick tock what a lot of clocks, these look just fabulous.
    Yum food and photos to admire..x [aNNie]

  13. Fabulous page. Love the urchin in his top hat. Very cool museum. The fishing net looks like crochet. Beautiful views of the Rhine. The seagulls waiting for the ferry made me smile. I would have crashed the boat, too, but the cheesecake would certainly be a good consolation. Hope you're feeling better. Happy T Day

  14. Wonderful page and museum, happy T Day!

  15. Sorry you're under the weather, Valerie. Hopefully it will pass quickly.

    What beautiful ship models. I wonder how old the "ancient ship" is or if any of its story is known. I think I would hhave crashed the ships too - lol. Having a restaurant in the lantern is lovely. So much to see out those windows. I enjoyed the tour very much.

    Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen

    1. It is a merchant ship from the middle ages, and a very important find.

  16. Such a wonderful page and great photos

  17. Oh My Valerie!! I do hope you are feeling better soon- don't rush things, stay in bed and drink your liquids!! Sending healing wishes and thoughts your way!

    I love your hybrid, that lil one is just too cute!! Andddddd, yesterdays tag would have perfect for the new Time challenge!!
    hugs,my friend,Jackie xx

  18. Valerie i think i would have enjoyed that museum with the interactive things... Thank you for showing us the views... Believe it or not i have ridden a boat on the river... YEARS ago when we were stationed in Germany we went on a castle hopping tour... so pretty..

    Your lovely postcard is here and i just LOVE it... I have a soft spot for a man in a bowler hat.. lol ever since i saw the movie.. The Thomas Crown Affair.. Hugs! deb

  19. Hope you are starting to feel a bit better. Your art for the challenge is great. I so enjoyed the museum. I need to go back and figure out if I can follow the directions to make a fisherman's net.

  20. See what happens when you plan a post for Wednesday and forget to set the date and time? Yep, this should go live tomorrow morning. I'm a dufus and have been up far too long.

    1. Glad to hear it! I thought I had slept too long....

  21. All those ship models are fantastic. They must have been fun to admire and think about the life sized versions working on the Rhine back in the day. I hope you are feeling better. Maybe you need more of that soup that looks delicious and full of vitamins. :)

  22. I hope you are feeling much better soon! Your art today is wonderful with all those clocks cascading over the page and I really enjoyed seeing the ships through the ages, they are so detailed 😁. The lady in white caught my eye on the clock and oh my, that cheesecake looks so yummy - Happy T Day! J 😊

  23. That museum is a real gem! And the restaurant is perfect. Those views!

    I'm sorry you've not been feeling well. Happy T Tuesday

  24. Hope you are feeling better. love the model ships. Sounds like an interesting museum. Your dessert looks delicious. Happy t day1

  25. your clocks page...leave the ship steering to someone else. Enjoy every moment. hugs.

  26. Your clocks page is fantastic, Valerie! A great design as always! The Ships and River museum looks very interesting.
    I hope you feel better soon.
    Hugs, Mar

  27. Love your hybrid page Valerie! I have chosen the same quote for my work as you!
    Get better soon!
    Lula oxo

  28. Love your digital page, super images.
    The museum looks fabulous, so many interesting exhibits and a wonderful building.
    Hope you're feeling better.
    Hugs, Avril xx

  29. Fabulous piece of art Val and more lovely photos too. Hope you feel better soon


  30. Love your Time art and all of the pictures are so interesting. ♥♥♥ Sorry you are feeling bad. Sending you Healing Thoughts and Wishes.

  31. Sorry you have not been feeling well! Hope you recover soon!Your digital piece is fabulous- great combination of images! LOVED the museum and the Rhine photos! Hugs, Chrisx

  32. Total schönes Tag. Ich mag das Mädchen mit Mops.Schöner HG auch.
    Die Museumsfotos sind auch wieder super. Toll daß da auch das Netzknüpfen gezeigt wird.
    Bug Hugs und gute Besserung.
    Sabine 😙😷

  33. oh Valerie, bronchitis can really leave you so fatigued. please take it slow and get lots of rest. beautiful art today (I so love that man-bird stamp!). wishing you well! xo

  34. Super photos, and I love your cute digi-art.
    Hope you're feeling better today!
    Alison xx

  35. I love this. Someday I so want to go to the Rhineland and see where the Palantate was -- that's where my "people" came from -- I have town names and everything. Bucket list! The museum is wonderful.

    I always enjoy when you do steampunk!

  36. This is wonderful clocks page!

  37. Oh I love your clock art, I think being in the moment can be so important and your art is so lovely. What a wonderful place that looks like to visit, thanks for sharing the pictures. I hope you feel better soon.

  38. Please take care of yourself! I'm sorry you are sick!
    I love your clock art! Very cool!
    And, I love the place you went to, with those ships! I would have crashed too! LOL!
    The food looks so yummy!
    Big Hugs!

  39. You have created a wonderful page and lovely photos.

  40. Such interesting museum .... sweet art too!! Of course those food photos had me!!

    Peace Giggles


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