Thursday 28 September 2017

Mellow Autumn

Hi Everybody!

For Yvonne's lovely theme of 'Colour in my world' at
Art Journal Journey I have a mixed media piece, 9 x 7". The main
image is from Gecko Galz and has been printed onto canvas, and then 
sewed onto recycled and distressed cardboard. I added some
acorns and oak  leaves supplied by the trees in front of our house,
tied into a little bundle with some string.
I'm glad I always work in advance and have some
pieces ready to share!

For Paint Party Friday I am re-showing an A3 mixed media piece 
made some time back. The BG was created with paints and brushos
and then stamped with my swirls stamp. The dragonflies were
stenciled, as was the title. The bird was painted, and the leaves
were cut from painted and embossed paper. The feathers were
added to make a nest:

And here some autumn photos taken in previous years, I have not
been able to get out this week. Thanks to those who sent well 
wishes, they were much appreciated. I hope to be able to be out 
and about again next week, but I will stay home for the
next couple of days:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Adding those acorns and leaves is like putting a fancy bow and a present. They look great. And being a geek, I also noticed how different the acorns are from ours here. We have little fatter acorns. Amazing how a different type of oak tree and be slightly different. I love the additions of feathers too to on the bird piece. I enjoyed seeing it again. Hope you are improving quickly and getting lots of rest. Hugs-Erika

    1. I picked up lost of acorns and conkers last week, and found that lovely nest, I love finding treasures along the way. I didn't realise your acorns were different! That's really interesting.

  2. Both pieces are gorgeous Val, I know how much you love Autumn, too. The photos are wonderful. Sorry you are still feeling poorly, and hope that your nasty cough soon leaves you, it sounded bad yesterday. Take care, and keep resting and reading! Hugs, Sarah

  3. wow are they acorns? Gosh love to see them in real life. Lovely autumn show piece today and the colours of the leaves are incredible. Such beauty. Your work of art is fabulous.
    Get well soon sending hugs.xx

  4. Your Squirrel on canvas is.....gorgeous, I totally fell in love with your first page today Beautiful autumn colours and the spray with the acorns is a wonderful detail to add.
    Thankyou so much for all the support and wonderful pages you have added to my theme choice at AJJ.
    The next page is also fantastic with the added feathers.
    Super autumn photos, it is one of the loveliest seasons in the year.
    Hope you have a better day today and feel a lot better soon.
    Yvonne xx

  5. Oh I absolutely LOVE it! the colors are just so wonderful this season isn't it?

  6. Both entries scream autumn. I'm like Erika. When I first saw the acorn and leaves, they looked like silk flowers to me, since our acorns are fatter and the leaves, although shaped the same, are much larger.

    I sincerely hope you get better very, very soon, dear friend.

  7. Beautiful autumn entries. I really love the oak leaves and acorn spray. A really nice touch. Fall is a little further along at your house. We still have one more warm day before seasonal temperatures move in. Feel better soon.


  8. wie schön das Eichhörnchen und die gesammelten Eichelsachen mit dem gemachten und genähten Hintergrund so passen dazu!
    Das andere ist auch fabelhaft ausgedacht, fantasievolles schönes Bild!
    Herbstfotos sind immer schön an zu sehen wenns auch letztes Jahr war!
    Gute Besserung dass du bald wieder Fit bist!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  9. Both pieces are so delightful. Animals always seem to be a happy subject to work with. The autumn images are pretty. Those mushrooms growing from the tree bark are very cool!

  10. Beide seiten sind fantastisch,das eichhörnchen mit den eicheln und blättern gefällt mir besonders.
    wunderschöne herbstliche bilder hast du gemacht,die farben der blätter sind so bildschön,ich liebe den herbst.
    einen schönen abend.

    hugs jenny

  11. Fantastic art - old and new and amazing photos! Thank you for all the support of AJJ this month and get well soon!

  12. I especially love your squirrel piece and the wonderful textures. Really feels like fall. (I don't know why squirrels feel like fall to me when I see them all year round.) Gorgeous photos too -- but you did right! Keep laying low -- I suspect you have quite a collection of things we haven't seen and we'd rather see you well!

  13. Highly textured, imaginative and clever art pieces. Hugs, Teresa

  14. Das Eichhörnchen-Motiv ist sehr schön und mit den Eichen Blättern plus Eichel dazu ergibt es eine schöne Herbst-Deko. Deine Vogel-Seite mag ich auch sehr mit ihren vielen Schichten und der durchscheinenden Optik, super gemacht. Na und dein Herbfarbenrausch auf den tollen Fotos ist wieder ein Hochgenuß.
    Big Hugs

  15. This is just gorgeous. Love all those warm Autumn colours in both pieces. The use of feathers is very creative. Beautiful.

  16. These Autumn pieces are so pretty as are the photos.

  17. Lovely autumn pieces and photos as well, smart to stay in and recover.

  18. Your art is always so inspiring and beautiful. That squirrel gave me the giggles with its funny expression.
    I'm sorry you're not feeling well and hope you are doing much better very soon.

  19. Such sweet Autumn bird in its nest with beautiful feathers!
    I hope you're able to sit out on your balcony and there is some warmth in the sun to help you feel better Valerie.
    Those gorgeous Autumn photos are delightful. Hugs, Sue xx

  20. gorgeous autumn art and photos! i hope you are feeling well! xo

  21. Some fabulous art here! I particularly like the textures with the swirls and dragonflies in the background of the second piece. And your photography is gorgeous.

    Thankyou so much for sharing.

    Best wishes,

  22. Beautiful art and wonderful autumn photos.

  23. Wonderful to see the inspiring autumn artwork. I adore that Gecko Galz with all the layering and stitching. I hope this next week brings better days and better health so you can get out and enjoy the fall.

  24. Beautiful autumn photos, Valerie. And I love your fabulous card. I like that it is printed on fabric. As for your supplier for leaves and woods, I love him!!! Kisses, my friend.

  25. I like the squirrel piece, but I LOVE the blackbird one. For the squirrel, did you treat the leaves to make them last, or will you have to replace them?

    Your autumn pics are really pretty, too. Lots of vibrant colors. It doesn't look or feel like fall here, yet. It was ninety degrees yesterday, and we're expecting more of the same today.

    Have a super weekend! Get well soon.

    1. The leaves were coated with a thin layer of Vaseline, so they should stay as they are now

  26. A gorgeous autumn post! I love all of the warm colours in the artwork. It's my fave season and seeing all of these pics is happy time. Beautiful work today! :)

  27. What a magical post - both your own creations and the brilliant photos. I adore the squirrel, and he looks so perfect on the canvas with great stitching to add detail and texture. And your bird page is magical with such depth and glimmers of autumn sunshine in the gilding. Fantastic!
    Alison x

  28. Thanks for your vibrant Autumn colours today. Happy PPF

    much love...

  29. oh yes! I LOVE AUTUMN! This post is so exciting! I love your art pieces and all your photos. Truly wonderfuL! Happy PPF!

  30. WOW!! Two stunning pieces!! I just Adore that squirrel piece- have I told you once or twice how I love your added sewing? heehee
    Your next piece with the leaves and ep is spectacular- speaks absolutely of Autumn!!
    Continued well wishes coming your way!
    Jackie xo

  31. Love them both! Just beautiful and so Autumn-y! :-) The photos are so pretty...Autumn color is always s dramatic and beautiful!

  32. Wonderful autumn pieces! Your red squirrel caught my eye, I adore the sewing pieces you create - beautiful 😁. Have a great day! J 😊

  33. your squirrel is awesome as is your bird piece. thank you for visiting and your comment. Happy PPF!

  34. Lovely fall pieces,Valerie. I really love the stitching against the canvas. Beautiful!

  35. The squirrel is marvelous, Valerie! And your photos are awesome, especially the one of what looks like sumac.

  36. Oh these are wonderful fall pieces! Your art is so beautiful and I love your photos too.

  37. Please take care of yourself! Your health is important!
    Both of your art pieces, really speak to me! I love squirrels, black birds and autumn!!
    Gorgeous photos! You should make a book with your photos!
    Big Hugs!

  38. Oh dear hope you feel better soon. Sounds much like we had at the start of summer!! Hope yours doesn't last as long. Love the Autumn feel and the adorable squirrel. Your birds are beautiful too!!

    Peace Giggles

  39. Wonderful fall pieces, my favorite colors. Acorns are falling here but that is all the fall we have so far


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