Friday 23 December 2016

Happy Everything

Hi Everybody!

Today I have a scheduled post to wish all
blogger friends a happy Christmas, happy Chanukkah
and happy whatever you are celebrating.

I am also linking to Art Journal Journey,
light and darkness:

 Here I used a photo taken on the lane behind the castle ruins-
Santa was added with a vintage image:

Some photos of the Christmas market, although it was a strange feeling
to be there after the terrible attack in Berlin:

The weather vane on the Uerige, one of the famous pubs in the Altstadt:

And as I turned round, I saw this old man sitting in the gutter, begging-
I hope he has a warm place to sleep:

And I saw three pairs of policemen, all armed
with machine guns - a sad sign of the times:

And the sunset over the Rhine:

Happy holidays to you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for visiting.
I will be back On Monday and will visit then!


  1. You have, as usual, shown light and darkness in your art and in your photos - a wonderful post! Happy holidays to you! Hugs, Sarah

  2. I love the light in both of your pieces, they are lovely. What beautiful photographs too. Happy holiday wishes to you!

  3. Happy holidays Valerie! So sad to see the market being policed now. Beautiful pages for AJJ!

  4. Love your wonderful holiday pages and the holiday market photos. Too bad we live in a world where we need machine gun police around, but I guess if it stops, or tries to stops another senseless attack, it is good. Enjoy your holiday weekend. Hugs-Erika

  5. Wonderful artwork Valerie.
    Beautiful photographs Valerie though I imagine you went to the Christmas Market with very different thoughts than you would have without the Berlin tragedy. There were police with machine guns in markets in the UK as well. A scary sight I imagine though we don't have anything like that where I live.

    Enjoy your holiday time with peace and happiness

    Love and Hugs

    Chrissie xx

  6. Deine Seiten sind wunderschön!Kann mir vorstellen wie bedrückt Du Dich gefühlt hast angesichts der Bewaffneten auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt!

    Friede und Gesundheit für Dich Liebes!

  7. A wonderful journal page and photos Valerie.
    The market must have felt so different, to the time before that dreadful attack on the one in Berlin. It saddens us all.
    Enjoy your holiday time break and stay warm and safe.
    Yvonne xx

  8. Happy Holidays Valerie!

    Your sunsets are as gorgeous as you sunrises!
    Two more master pieces of digital art, both depicting the most wonderful time of the year.

    I was watching the news when they interrupted it to bring us the horrible news of the attack on the market. So very, very sad, ripped my heat to shreds. Hope you stay safe and warm and your holiday is full of love and happiness.

  9. Lovely pages and photos Valerie.
    Hope you have a lovely holiday break.
    Hugs, Avril xx

  10. Merry Christmas my friend!Thanks for being part of my life this year.
    _______°Amizade° Sabedoria ° Perdão°
    ______°Igualdade° Liberdade° Boasorte°
    ____°Equilíbrio- °Dignidade-Benevolência°

  11. it is all beautiful! much love to you artful friend! and merry everything to you as well! xo

  12. Wishing you a peaceful holiday season Valerie, hope you manage to enjoy some festive drinks and nibbles! Take good care. Xx

  13. Excellent cards Val. Love the photos as well. Thank you for being a friend, for visiting and commenting this past year. May you have a wonderful Christmas and the most prosperous New Year.

    Love, Hugs and Blessings,

  14. Lovely photos and artwork Valerie.
    Such sad and scary times we live in having armed police on the streets :(
    Take care...
    Happy Holidays to you too .... Gill xx

  15. I thought your were going to take a rest Valerie!!!!
    Sandy xx

  16. A wonderful duo of pages ! It was lovely to see the market but so sad that the armed police are going to become something we must get used to everywhere I fear! Happy Chanukkah! Chrisxx

  17. Happy Holidays my friend! Wishing you many blessings and sending you Big Hugs!!
    It is so sad what happened in Berlin!! And, so sad to see armed police at your market!
    Beautiful art you created!!
    Take Care!

  18. Hello my dear Valerie ♥ Oh how I've missed you and your art and more.
    Darkness to Light is a wonderful theme.
    Prayers for Berlin and that our world will become a kinder gentler place.
    Happy Holidays sweet friend oxo

  19. Happy everything to you, too, dear friend. I love the two art entries. They are incredible.

    I was shocked by the police presence since the Christmas market looked so safe and festive in previous posts. Now all we think about is what happened in Berlin.

    I hope you enjoy your time away from the computer and have a lovely Everything day! See you on boxing day.

  20. Das ist wunderbar, wie Foto und Stempel des Kandelabers ident sind! Das Bild mit dem Weihnachtsmann gefällt mir sehr wegen des schönen Schwarz-Weiß-Hintergrunds!
    Frohe Weihnachtsfeiertage und friedliche Stimmung wünscht dir Rike!

    1. Das Foto ist eigentlich in Farbe, aber Schnee saugt die ganze Farbe auf.

  21. Sehr schönes neues Lichtbild und die Winterlandschaft mit dem nostalgischen Weihnachtsmann darin sieht ganz zauberhaft aus. Die weiteren Fotos sind auch wieder excellent geworden, besonders der Sonnenuntergang am Rhein ist so traumhaft schön geworden. Danke fürs Teilen deiner täglichen Spaziergangs-Eindrücke, immer ein Erlebnis.
    Ganz liebe Grüße
    Big Hugs,love and light.

  22. The market photos are lovely and so is your piece. I hope you continue to have a beautiful holiday season these next few days.

  23. Your light always shines through the darkness dear Valerie!
    I do hope your Christmas time was wonderful!
    many blessings~ Jackie


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