Saturday 3 December 2016

Frosty weather

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend is going well.
It is very cold, misty and frosty here, and we need to walk
carefully so as not to slip.

For Art Journal Journey, Light and darkness, I made a hybrid piece using a photo
of the moon taken from my window for the background. I cut the  silhouettes
many moons ago, and this time they are jumping over the moon. The stars are from Mischief Circus.

I enjoyed my freezing walk this morning, well wrapped up against
the cold. The mist was quite dense, and the ground covered with a layer of frost:

It was strange not to be able to see the Rhine!

The sun kept trying to come out:

The frozen plants looked lovely:

The roses in the hospital garden froze, too:

I gave this photo a digital makeover to use it as a card - feel free to use it if you like it.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. What beautiful art pieces. The page is lovely and that quote is great. Your digital card is lovely too. How cold and yet gorgeous it is where you are now, The photos are wonderful.

  2. Beautiful journal page with those 2 jumping for joy. Love the frosty photos, so beautiful, and I have saved the card, thanks, I will use it! Hugs, Sarah

  3. LovelyJournal pages Valerie but I just love those frosty pics.... I am going to 'borrow' some.xx {aNNie}

  4. OMGosh, Val, those photographs are beautiful. Thanks for the download card!
    I love the jumping over the moon concept.
    Have a great one.

  5. I'm over the moon and trying to reach the stars. Of course, I am not as good at making silhouettes similar to yours, though.

    Those photos make me feel frozen. I can't believe how the weather changed, seemingly overnight. We still have green leaves on some of our trees. I am in awe of the gorgeous photos. Some are truly award winning, in my opinion.

    Hope your day is going well. I'm off to bed in a few minutes. No staying up all night tonight, I fear.

  6. Schön ist Deine Mondlandungsseite und herrliche Frostaufnahmen obendrein! Toll ! Hab einen schönen Sonntag liebe Valerie!
    Wir haben heute Wahltag und am Nachmittag ist Adventmarkt hier am Schloß.
    Mal sehen ob es dieses Jahr nett ist!

  7. Lovely art today! It's gone so cold all of a sudden, but looks beautiful in the photos. We are having a mild December so far, but that could change!

  8. deine mondseite ist klasse,und die frostbilder der pflanzen sind wunderschön,wir haben hier auch frost.
    vieleicht geh ich nachher mal überm weihnachtsmarkrt hier bei uns.
    wünsch dir einen schönen sonntag.

    hugs jenny

  9. Peter Pan ish - lovely!

    The frosty scenes would make lovely Christmas Cards. We are having similar weather - beautiful days.

  10. Wonderful page with a real feel good factor Valerie.

    Amazing and atmospheric photographs. Hope you were wrapped up warm. The digi picture you shared with us to keep is amazing and I have certainly decided I will be using it--thank you.

    Love Chrissie xx--will email later.

  11. Wunderschön - wie deine Silhouetten zum Mond springen und zwischen den Sternen landen, wunderschön mit der Lichtumrandung und dem Nachtblau!
    Deine Fotos vom Nebel und Frost sind traumhaft! Mein Favorit ist das 7. - die Bäume und Äste fast in Schwarz-Weiß (ein Licht-Dunkel-Bild).
    Schönen Sonntag! LG Rike

    1. Danke! Es ist immer interessant zu sehen wie Nebel und Frost die Farben wegsaugen!

  12. Your couple jumping over the moon that you made many moons ago, haha!, are terrific. They look joyful and the background universe is magical.
    Really love all the frosty photos, I wish we could have a good hard cold frost instead of this namby-pamby weather we have been having.

  13. Fab fun page, - love that starry background! The photos today are stunning, the beauty of winter can be so amazing! Happy Sunday and do take care on your walks. We are blessed with the most gorgeous sunshine....

  14. Wow your photographs are stunning ! I love the mist and frosty morning (it's frosty here as well, but with sunshine). Your page is also beautiful, the quote is fantastic. Happy Sunday, Shirleyxx

  15. Your photos are breathtaking. The berries, the frost. Oh, my! You can just feel the cold through these photographs. these would makee fabulous enlargements!

  16. Oh my, your photos are amazing! I love frosty days and the frozen wonderland you have captured is gorgeous :-). I'm glad you were all wrapped up nice and warm :-). Your page is beautiful and they are jumping so high I'm sure they will land on the moon :-). Happy Sunday! J :-)

  17. What wonderful post Valerie! Living in Florida, I do miss snow and cold weather. I love bundling up to go out and cooking fantastic cold weather stews. I am afraid I have no desire to jump at the moment but my heart sure does jump to the occasion! Love your digital card! And all of your pictures are do delightful!
    Sandy xx

  18. Amazing photos Valerie - (and kind of you to let us use that wonderful image you altered - thank you). Winter has definitely arrived - no wonder you were wrapped up well - it made me shiver looking at them :)
    Your AJJ piece is fabulous - love that quote.
    Liebe Grüße Gill xx Have a great week.

  19. Super diese Mond und Sterneseite mit den leuchtend umrandeten Silhouetten.
    Deine Nebel und Frostbilder sind wieder traumhaft schön und deine Mosaikkarte mit den befristeten Hagebutten sieht klasse aus. Gefällt mir Alles sehr.
    Liebe Grüße und eine schöne neue Woche.

  20. Gorgeous atmospheric photos, love the frost on the bushes and plants.
    The journal page is fabulous as well, super jumping silhouettes and a great quote.
    Yvonne xx

  21. I love your header!! I love your art piece!! Magnificent!
    Your photos are breath taking! Mysterious and magical!!! LOVE!!!
    Don't slip!
    Big Hugs!

  22. What a fun piece! Its so interesting to see the ideas people have with this theme. I think this is a happy page-not dark at all. :) Your photos have a surreal feel. It was really pretty. I take it you didn't slip or fall during your walk. That is good! Have a great new week. Hugs-Erika

  23. Love the art and the quote ! Our Monday today looks much like this. The husband will be complaining about it when he gets home but I think it's beautiful. But then he has to drive a long distance in it and I don't .

  24. I love the quote that fits so well with your fabulous page! Wow! A proper frosty, Wintery day captured so well in your photos! Hugs, Chrisx

  25. I love the quote that fits so well with your fabulous page! Wow! A proper frosty, Wintery day captured so well in your photos! Hugs, Chrisx


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