Monday 4 July 2016

Tuesday Mix

Hi Everybody!

Today sees the start of a new challenge at TIOT -
Happy Holidays.
As always, you have two weeks to put something together, and projects of all formats are allowed. Hope to see YOU there!
I used a hand-painted background, to which I digitally added various bits and bobs and some of my photos. I have put little images of some of the places I would like to visit again in the background - I can still dream!

For Art Journey Journal, gardens, I made a hybrid piece, using a painted canvas as  background, some photos, and some digital elements from Mischief circus.
A garden, a book, a comfy seat, birdsong, and perhaps a nice cup of coffee - who could want more?

And here's the cup of coffee or better cappuccino, as today is T stands for Tuesday at Elizabeth's, so a big hello to all of the T Gang.

At the Italian ice parlour where I like to drink a coffee, they once again have different cookies - very yummy!

And here is one of my weekend meals - sweet corn, peas, carrots and sweet peppers stir fried with smoked chicken breast, and flavoured with ginger and lemon pepper - delicious!

This weekend we had a little fair by the Rhine to end the week of celebrations from 'Schützenfest' - the Marksmen's Festival. I took the photos early mornings when they had not yet started their daily business:

I am sure you can see what's being sold here:

There must be a good view from the old mill tower to the Rhine and the fair:

We had 2 1/2 days with no rain, and then yesterday afternoon it started again:

When the sun came out again the water droplets were sparkling in the sunshine:

And we had an impressive evening sky:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Both pages are wonderful, I would also like to be by the seaside just now and not stuck here with the kids! I like the second one, too, and the quote is brilliant – so true! Have a lovely day, hope you are feeling better. Hugs, Sarah

  2. lovely work for the challenges, what a healthy and delicious weekend meal! Darn about the rain though.

  3. Very beautiful holiday collage with the summer feel to it.

    Love the garden collage with all the beautiful images and the wonderful quote. I never read outside but it sounds like a nice idea.

    Yummy to the coffee and meal. Almost the same meal that we had at the weekend though. We had loadsa chopped veg,bean sprouts, ginger and chicken but not smoked.

    The festival looks like it might be fun. Hope the weather stays fine for that. We have the same weather as you with a bit of sun one minute and downpour the next.

    Enjoy today

    Love Chrissie xx

  4. einen schönen "start in die Sommerferien" hast du hingelegt, in deinem Journal. in natura siehts ja anders aus. deine regenbilder sprechen bände für den diesjährigen bisherigen "sommer"...

  5. Tolle Journalseiten sind das und super Bilder vom Kirtag und dem Regen ist langsam echt nicht mehr lustig dieser viele Regen bei Euch....
    Happy T-Day -- lecker Käffchen ist das und ein tolles Essen hast Du Dir gezaubert!
    Lg Susi

  6. Both pages are wonderful, there are places I'd like to visit but alas it won't be this year, I love your photos and I hope you have good weather for the festival.
    xxx Hazel.

  7. Happy T Day Valerie. Sorry about the rain AGAIN. We could use a bit here. Now that the workweek has begun. Loving both of your art pieces today. I think your holiday picks look like what I would chose. And live the AJJ garden with one of those Renaissance women. I think she might be one of Henry vii's wives. Maybe? Did you walk through the fair as it was going on or perhaps too crazy with kids. Hope your Sunnis back out today? Have a good day. Hugs Erika

  8. What a delightful post, full of colour and charm...a book a garden and that cuppa coffee is all I need .xx

  9. Your holiday dreams suit me too in your lovely collage and your AJJ garden piece is oh so lovely too and true.
    You got some nice photos of your little fair with such colorful and pretty stations even without it being open for business.
    There must be a lot of mushrooms growing along the Rhine with all the rain you're having :-). We often watch fireworks for the 4th of July by stepping out our front door and looking over at a country club BUT last night it rained and there were no fireworks. Hoping they will have a make up day.
    Happy T Day from wet Virginia oxo

    1. I have seen huge mushrooms and toadstools lately, the filed out the back are full of them!

  10. What brilliant post! I love the idea you have for revisiting those lovely places! I love you AJJ garden too! Your photos are wonderful _ I love seeing rain and sunshine together! Hugs, Chrisx

  11. Great pages, I am always impressed with your combo of hand done backgrounds and digital components. I don't do digital at all, never learned to play with it. I like the booths at the fair as well. That looks like an event I would enjoy.

  12. Rain can sure put a damper on things! That festival looks like fun. So colorful :)

  13. Loved seeing all your photos this week Valerie....I don't do digital but i love what you've done! Just gorgeous! Hugs! deb

  14. I have enjoyed reading todays post , Valerie. Two awesome journal pages for TioT's and AJJ. I loved your holiday page with the images in the background, great places to dream of visiting.
    Super photos, just wondering when the rain will finally stop and we can declare its summer
    Happy Tuesday.
    Yvonne xx

  15. Great art again today Valerie! Love all of the details in the garden one. Your little fair looks like it would be enjoyable too. Great rain shots with your camera although I'm sorry you are still getting swamped over there. We did finally get rain here and everything is all green again.

  16. Love your pages, your gorgeous photos and your drink.Superb!

  17. Great journal pages Valerie, both reminding us of what summer should be!
    Lovely photos of the festival - hope it stays fine.
    Avril xx

  18. Leave it to you to come up with a unique quote about gardens. Yes indeed, reading a book in a garden is pretty near to perfection. Lovely pages and yummy looking photos. hugs, Teresa

  19. Boy, that is some downpour! It doesn't rain but it pours! Poor you. It's so hot here! And dry. I have a glass table on one of the terraces and I have to clean it every morning to get rid of a layer of red (sahara?)sand.
    Your lunch looks yummy and the coffee even more. (Lovely cookie wrapper by the way).
    I love the art you made. The quote is very good. I once received a postcard with that quote on it.
    Thanks for visiting,
    Happy T-Day,

  20. I loved the garden and the book piece, Valerie. Lovely combination of elements.

  21. Valerie, I have used one of your flower photos to paint (I hope I still have your permission). It can be seen on my facebook or next Friday on PPF.

  22. Hi Valerie, wow your pages are awesome. Love the quote! What a downpour you had. We had storms the last 2 nights but we really needed the rain. It's so hot and the rain made it worse now and very muggy. But the flowers love it!
    Great event in your town too. Love all those festive pics. Your dinner looks so delicious and very healthy too. Have a great week. xo

  23. this Tuesday mix is brilliant! i love your seaside piece and journal piece. also i see you are eating very healthy! gorgeous cup the coffee is in as well! xo

  24. A beautiful holiday page and a great AJJ collage, Valerie! Both pieces are really fantastic. Hugs, Mar

  25. Gorgeous piece, wow!! Love your photos, the festival looks fun and I just love that old mill tower. hugs :)

  26. Your Happy Holidays and garden pages are lovely! I would definately like to travel to all your choosen destinations :-). The quote you added to your garden page is so true too. The Italian ice parlour looks wonderful, do you ever have ice cream there? Wishing you a happy week :-)

  27. I can't tell you how much I love the two art pieces! Especially the sailboats. They are wonderful in every way!

  28. I'm BACK! Thought I would start here and try to catch up on your latest posts.

    The holiday theme is wonderful. Guess I should try one since our "holiday" just passed. I like the boats and banners. I especially liked the garden page. Your lady in the garden reminds me of Kathryn of Aragon. Lovely AJJ entry.

    When it rains it pours. Looks like our weather. It rained 7.78 inches in one day here. No wonder my basement flooded AGAIN. Both rivers surrounding my neighborhood are so high, it's likely they will reach flood stage late Saturday or Sunday before receding. That is IF we don't get more rain.

    Loved the carnival shots. They are wonderful, and these are MY kind of shots. I'll wait forever for people to leave an area so I don't get them in my photos. Your photos showed the essence of the fair without all the crowds.

    I will join you in a cappuccino and we can eat a lovely meal and have cookies for dessert. Thanks for sharing all these beauties and your wonderful coffee and meal with us for T this week. Sorry it was Friday before I got around to visiting.

  29. You knew I would come running when I smelled the delicious aromas coming from your kitchen. I love it when you post pictures of the dinners you cook and the sweet treats you make.
    Your garden journal page is wonderful and I do love the sentiment. The only thing I would add for sheer delight is "a garden - a book and a hot cup of tea" Yeah I know - you want coffee.
    Have had tons of company and some physical problems. Hope to get back to my craft room by the end of August.
    Sandy xx

    1. I thought of you when I posted that photo! Hope you are feeling better now.


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