Thursday 14 July 2016

Gardens and more for Friday

Hi Everybody!

Another week has flown by and it's time to start thinking about
Paint Party Friday, hosted, as always by Eva and Kristin.
And each and every day is a good time for Art and Art Journal Journey, so here we go again. Our theme is still 'In my garden', hosted by our wonderful Yvonne.
I made a hybrid page using a painted background, a doodled bird and some digital add ons from Mischief Circus and Dezinaworld. I recently heard Joni Mitchel's lovely song about Woodstock on the radio, and that was the inspiration for this page:

(Text (c) Joni Mitchel and Sony Corp)

I spent a lot of time doodling again this week, and discovered a new bird living here by the Rhine, the seven-crested wellie-wader. I think the recent increase in rainfall encouraged him to come out of hiding. The bird sitting on the branch on the right  is the yellow-crowned warbler, who has fallen in love with the beautiful wader....

We had heavy rain again yesterday, and lots of clouds, but also plenty of sunny intervals which were just right to walk around here:

Happy Horses:

The ancient mulberry tree is still going strong:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Just got your mail before I went out! LOVE everything about your post today, wonderful creations, and I am in love with your new birds, hope they start nesting here in my garden! Great photos, as always. We are off to my Mum's now! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Oh Joni and that song!
    Yes I have been a BIG fan all these years.
    Lovely collage liebe Valerie.
    Your seven-crested wellie-wader made me smile...wonderful doodled pages.
    This afternoon it is going to feel like 100+ F - 38C UGH

  3. That's a fabulous page Valerie, it's ages since I heard that song..
    Love the page showing that magnificent seven-crested wellie warbler, it's no wonder the yellow-crowned warbler has fallen in love with him.
    Lovely photos, it's a lovely place that you live.
    Avril xx

  4. Lovely garden page today, especially your bird! I love the doodling and the bird wearing wellies. Yesterday you had a terrific page for moo mania; always a lot to view and enjoy. Your photo today of the anchor at the Rhine is gorgeous with the sun hitting it. Your other photos of the paths and your walk through the town, including the horses, are marvelous. Our youngest son arrives today so I will keep him busy; he is my fix-it man. Stay dry and I hope the sun returns. Hugs,C

  5. Amazing artwork today Valerie and each with a story to tell. I want there to be a book about the red wellie wader. I just love the pages.

    Great photographs as well with summer shining through at last.

    Sunny here all days as well.

    Love Chrissie xx

  6. Wunderschön der ganze post Valerie! Ich bin aber am meisten beeindruckt vom Sieben Meilen Gummistiefel Vogel ..... genial!


  7. Thank you for reminding me of that lovely song, your page looks beautiful. The red wellie wader is fantastic. I hope the pair of cute birds have found love, by the way tell them the house is still to rent.
    Loved the photos , hope the sun stays shining this weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  8. Alles ist wunderschön.
    Deine herrlichen Kunstwerke und dann die so schönen fotos.
    Ich bin sehr begeistert von diesem post :-)
    ♥liche Grüße aus Germany.
    This is mycontribution

  9. I am in love with your bird story and your illustrations, just magic!!!
    I of course enjoyed my morning walk with you!!

  10. beautiful song and page. Your doodles are so colourful and cute! Glad you had some sunny breaks in which to walk.

  11. Beautiful digitally altered page, love the face and your tangled bird. Also love your doodle art pages, they are fantastic! I also enjoy doodling, I should get back to it. Take care, Shirleyxx

  12. Now I am madly in love with your Seven-crested Wellie Wader -- unfortunately we do not have any here in Northern Florida. It saddens my heart - I would love to put out some good food for him but he might just prefer little fish. Oh how I do love your spread Valerie - I have always loved folk art and fantasy worlds. So this really fits the bill.
    Your pictures all look so neat and clean and green - I promise one day I will walk in our village and take some pictures. Charming but in a very different way. We do not take care of older places like you do in Germany!
    Sandy xx

  13. I have a distinct appreciation for your Wellie Wader. The hairs on his legs are probably quite a lot like mine. OK, maybe not quite that bad. Love every doodle you created and the fantasy of the second piece is wonderful. However, I'm still singing that Back to the Garden song.

    I read what you wrote in a comment. The package arrived a bit sooner than I anticipated. I didn't expect it to get to you until AFTER next Tuesday. Now that the surprise has happened, please don't show it (ATC) on your blog until Monday which would be Tuesday in your world. Have a great Friday and take more lovely photos of your beautiful town, please.

  14. A stunning hybrid page, it feels as though the flowers are real, very beautiful and I love the fun elements to your journal pages.
    Sorry I haven't managed to visit for some time.

  15. The 7 crested wellie-wader is gorgeous. What a fun page you doodled (I think his stripe socks are seriously playful) and you also made a beautiful page with the Woodstock quote. I love that song but both Joanie Mitchell and also when Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young sing it. Great photos-its sooo green. And bright. Hopefully this new rain will vanish and you'll see more sun. Hugs-Erika

  16. Your art is so fun today Valerie!! And so exciting too that you were able to capture the image of your new species the seven-crested wellie-wader ♥ Perhaps the authorities will erect a plague with your name and the date of your discovery of this grand bird . Things like this must be documented you's important to future generations of Bird watchers and nature artists :) Love the photos you shared today also. Have a Great Weekend my friend ♥

    1. Thanks Carol! Our town is mostly slow to notice such things, but perhaps in 100 years....?

  17. Obviously your doodling was more than just doodling - details, patterns, a picture. I did just circles :) :)
    Happy ppf!

  18. Love the doodled bird in boots, Valerie! I'm sure the ones that run about on our tin roof are wearing ones just like them :)

  19. I love your seven crested wellie wader, he's great fun and your first page is beautiful.
    xxx Hazel.

  20. Hello Valerie!
    First off, Thank you for always stopping by-huge hugs to you!!Next up, how is your leg? I have not been around in so long, I just wanted to make sure all goes well with you!!
    as for Joni- I just love her- always have and your piece is a beautiful accompaniment to that song. <3
    Your wellie Wader is delightful, both in name and those sparse hairs on its legs! Made me laugh out loud!! Wht great doodles!
    now please send some of your rain this way and i'll send our sun your way!

  21. Brilliant designs and pages today and lovely photos here and those colours are gorgeous. Enjoy your weekend and keep well.xx {aNNie}

  22. Gorgeous hybrid page (I love that doodled bird) and what a fun, colorful layout. Have a great weekend. hugs, Teresa

  23. The willywader is adorable, Valerie. No wonder the yellow bird is so fascinated. I did so enjoy the video. Brought back memories. The collage is beautiful with the doodled bird. As always, the photos of your surroundings are lovely.

  24. what a striking face and composition Valerie! Great song too. Love your summery banner along with your delightful birdie pages too. Lovely photos.I'd be bringing carrots or apples to feed the horses along the way if I could:) Happy PPF!

    1. I often take them little snacks, they love them! And the ducks and geese get any old bread or salad scraps, so I often go out wit a bag full!

  25. lots of nice things. But today my favorite is the bird with the boots. :) It has a great sense of humor that I like.

  26. that is a great Joni Mitchell tribute, esp the roses! love roses!

    also the drawing was super fun

    and wow!!! how is the sky SO BLUE?? Amazing!

  27. Beautiful photos! I loved listening to Joni Mitchell...thanks. Your whimsical birds are wonderful and uplifting!

  28. You got a new header while I was away! Love it!
    Your bird doodles are too much fun:)
    And you included the horses:)
    Have a great weekend.

  29. I love this theme 'In my garden'. You've created a gorgeous Journal page. It's beautiful. As for 'Wellie Wader' that's just too cute.
    As for the rain... we're in the middle of a seriously wet day here. It makes everything pop in the garden and everywhere looks so green and lush, but I'd still like to see and feel a little more sun.
    Thanks for sharing a little of your world. Happy PPF to you

  30. Oh lots to enjoy here as usual. I especially love your funky bird in his wellington boots! Best wishes your way!
    Kat xx

  31. I always love seeing a few horse photos scattered on your site. The drawings are great!

  32. Your hybrid piece is fantastic, you always bring the different elements together so beautifully! I can see why you doodle, it looks so much fun and I love the idea of a 'seven-crested wellie-wader'. Your posts always make me smile, thank you! J :-)

  33. I love how the flowers look so three-dimensional! And your doodled bird looks great in contrast with the colourful page. Happy PPF!

  34. Lovely collage for Joni Mitchell song. The doodled birds are adorable. As always the photos from your walk are soothing to the soul.

  35. I have always loved that song! Great inspiration! Fun art and stunning photos! Happy ppf!

  36. WOW!!!! First congrats on being highlighted with Faye this PPF day! You both make a lovely couple :-)

    There is so much in this post. Where does one begin? Love your lady and Joni Mitchell's song and quote fit perfectly. Love the doodles. I haven't done any doodles and I miss that. You have inspired me to get out some mixed-media paper and start letting my imagine go, although I don't think it will be nearly and pretty and fun as yours are. Great job! And as always, I love coming here to see your world through your lens. It is just so beautiful. I would love to go there someday. Your blog is one of my all-time favorites! Thank you for all the sharing you do. Hugs, Rasz

  37. Forgot to say what a great new banner!!! Happy PPF!

  38. Beautiful art today, I am so in love with your doodle bird page!! Love the rubber boots you put on the wader! Great photos, those clouds look close enough to touch! sending hugs :)

  39. love your colourful birds, brought a smile to my face :)
    Happy PPF!
    PPF #44

  40. The birds are so cute and I love the boots! I really enjoyed all your sunny interval photos, particularly the horses and streetscape. :)

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. I am in love with your seven crested welile - wader. I wish he would come here and live with me. I need company in this big old house while Buddy is away at work or running races, or hiking. He is PRECIOUS and I am in love with him :-) Joni Mitchell's music's influence upon you really brought out a beautiful piece of artwork. It is lovely. Your doodled bird is nice. I did a doodle page this week, too. Have a nice week. genie

  43. Wonderful page, and I love all your doodle birds! Those beautiful clouds!

  44. Liebe Valerie, das ist ein wunder-wunderschöner Post, Deine Journalseiten sind der Oberhammer und Deine Fotos sind wie im Märchen.

  45. Beautiful, I love the doodle birds!


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