Monday 15 February 2016

This, that and more for Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

Today we are beginning a new challenge at TIOT, transport.
As usual, the challenge runs for 2 weeks and projects of all formats are allowed as long as they are relevant to our theme. I used a background which was painted, stenciled and then collaged with magazine cut-outs. Then I digitally added some photos taken here. The vintage car on the right is from Freuebel's Freebies.

For Art Journal Journey, if music be the food of love, I have a hybrid piece. The tree, branches and birds are all photos taken here, and I collaged them with a silhouette of the children dancing round a Maypole.

It is also time for Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday, so a big hello to all the T Gang. I am showing you a damson pie I made, and it was really delicious. Yes, dear readers - was. Next time I will save some for you!

And my drink is, of course frothy coffee:

The water in the Rhine is slowly receding, the water fowl will miss their playground!

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. The pie looks yummy..haven't had damsons for years and I used to love them.

    Both terrific pages. The transport one has such a lot to see and I loved the way you mixed the different elements,

    Great use of your own photos again in the next project and love the children at the bottom.

    Hope you had a good day today

    Love Chrissie xx

  2. Oh wow. I'm going to have to find out more about that pie. It looks wonderful.

    Your TioT entry has me thinking. It's a wonderful example of transport.

    I also enjoyed the AJJ entry because it had silhouettes included with your birds and trees. This is truly LOVELY.

    May I join you for a bit of frothy coffee? Looks about the right amount of 1/2 and 1/2 to me!

    Thanks for sharing your art, your photos of the birds and river, your pie, and your coffee with us for T this week.

  3. Lovely work for the challenges! Your pie and coffee...yummm! So glad the water is receding.

  4. So much in your post today. Love your transport page. Its a fun collage. And your digital collage is great, along with all your birds today. Happy T day. YUM- that pie looks delicious. I bet you enjoyed it a lot. :)

  5. Love your collage, so much to see, and that pie looks really good. Hugs, Sarah

  6. Fantastische Arbeiten Liebes! Kaffee nehm ich auch gern.... und wunderbare Fotoimpressionen sind das wieder mal !
    Happy T-Day Sweetie!

  7. A wonderful transport collage and I love the children dancing round the maypole. Your pie looks yummy, damsons and plums are my favourites.
    xxx Hazel.

  8. das schönste Detail sind die maibaum-kinder, erinnert mich so an schweden! ach, wärs doch sommer! (ich wollte doch nicht mehr über das wetter jammern...)
    den kuchen hätte ich auch nicht abgelehnt. sieht sehr lecker aus! (und damson heißt wohl Zwetschge? wieder was gelernt...)
    schöne Woche dir!

  9. So eine volle Transportation-Collage, viel zu gucken, toll gemacht! LG Ulrike

  10. Fabulous collages! I love the details in the Transport piece and the fabulous birds, both in your AJJ page and by the river! Hugs, Chrisx

  11. Love how you collage. Brilliant colour and work. Also love your fab photos. Your page is always a pleasure to visit. x

  12. Your pie looks lovely. I bet it was delicious. As I am on a diet at the moment I am literally salivating! Just as well you didn't save anything for
    Your hybrid artwork is beautiful. I like the idea of the maypole.
    And I love your photos of birds and ducks and other riverside creatures. Thank you for sharing.
    As you might have noticed,I haven't linked up yet for the simple reason I have not written anything yet. I will soon. We are in a bit of a situation here, which is will be resolved but you will read about it in my blog later on.
    Happy T day

  13. fantastic travel collage Valerie and I really LOVE the one with those sweet maypole dancers! Gonna look up that pie as I never heard of it before but it sure does look tempting:) Always a delight to see the birds along your walks too. Happy T day!

  14. Enjoyed your art and the descriptions of how you created it. Nice to see those nature shots too.

  15. Liebe Valerie,
    wunderschöne und absolut geniale Bilder hast du gezaubert, das ist ein Augenschmaus... naja Kaffe und Kuchen ist bei diesem Wetter herrlich... die Fotos vom Rhein sind dir fantastisch gelungen.
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  16. I h!ave never heard of Damson but looked it up and found it was a plum-like fruit. That pie sure looked delicious! I think the transport piece is really fun as you managed to include just about every form of transportation. Hope you had a great day

  17. Shame to miss that delicious pie, but the fantastic pages are eye candy to look at. Awesome transport page, I lingered quite a while seeing all the details. The dancers on the other page are so pretty. Hope you are having a good day.
    Yvonne xx

  18. Breathtaking collages Valerie! Hugs!

  19. lovely art pieces...your hybrid collages are very cool! Never heard of damson but I'd certainly give it a try!
    Happy T day!

  20. I love your collage work, and all your bird photos! Beautiful! I'd love a piece of your pie :) I can't remember the last time I had that kind of pie. Happy T Tuesday!

  21. Wonderful collage work the maple dancers.

    That pie has my stomach screaming to be fed since I haven't taken time for breakfast yet.....LOL

    Happy T-day

  22. BEAUTY . . . That is what your blog reveals today, a gorgeous collage with fantastic blending, an art journey page that reminded me as a child doing the annual wrapping of the May pole and beautiful photos that all of us enjoy so much.

  23. What i have never heard of Damson pie... looks yummy though! Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

  24. Oh wow the pie looks so delicious and looks like you enjoyed a special treat.
    Your collage is outstanding. It truly is detailed for transport and your love and music piece is perfect. Great walking pics. The birds are amazing. xo

  25. Fabulous pages Valerie, loved all the details on the Transport piece and the children dancing round the Maypole look lovely.
    Shame there's no pie left!
    Great pictures, glad to see the river levels going down.
    Avril xx

  26. Awesome transport collage with fabulous images and lovely colours! The AJJ piece is fantastic too. Yummy pie!
    Hugs, Mar

  27. Beautiful art, lovely photos, and pie...what's not to love? Happy T day!

  28. Beautiful art, lovely photos, and pie...what's not to love? Happy T day!

  29. Love the art!!! You always come up with the coolest ideas :) The pie looks delish and I'll be right over for a slice or two :) Of course I must have a cup of that coffee too ♥

  30. Great art pieces. I had to google damson--LOL!
    Lots of great waterbird shots! Happy T-Day! :)

  31. Your pie is a hit --- I want more!!!!
    Really Valerie, you are so good at these collages. Everything about the transport one fits perfectly - It just all goes together and the colors do too. Of course the second on is delightful too. Isn't getting time for your surgery?
    Sandy xx

  32. Your pages are wonderful. The first is packed full of fun and the second is so very serene.

  33. Both projects are wonderful but you know... I love the bright colors in the transportation collage!! It's really a lovely piece. And that pie - soooo pretty. YUM YUM!!!! XXj

  34. I don't know what damsen is but it looks like it tasted wonderful! And your photos on the Rhine are wonderful as always, Valerie! Belated Happy T Day!

  35. Deine Reise-Collage sieht super aus und der Kinderreigen ist ein Traum, so klasse zusammengestellt. Auch deine Vogel-Fotos sind wieder so schön. Zwetschgenkuchen sieht lecker aus, da käm ich gerne zum Kaffee. :)
    Schönes Wochenende und liebe Grüße


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