Sunday 27 April 2014

Happy Mail, stir-fry and a book cover

Hi everybody!

It was cool and wet here today, but I still got my 2 walks done, the first one under my umbrella (which perhaps inspired me to use my fave Mr UM again). The good thing about wet days is that there is hardly anyone outside, so I feel like I have my  corner of the world all to myself.

I discovered a small journal with torn covers stuffed into one of my drawers, so I decided to make a new cover for it. I used some recycled card to cut it from, and painted it with my usual mix of blues and greens, and added some background stamping. Then I stamped the diamond pattern using embossing ink and white EP and my lovely stencil from Diane. I added some of the many UFOs (untidy flying around objects) from my work table, and that was it. It looks good now, and I can use it again.

The front:

The back:

And both sides shown together:

I took part in a 'play it forward' art swap with Marji and yesterday this beautiful concertina book arrived in my mail box. I love the colours, and the grungy style, and how she has used fabric on it, and carried on its pattern - fantastic. Thanks a lot, this is going onto my mini-book shelf with my other treasures!

And I also found a large envelope from dear Sandy in my box!
In it was a copy of craft stamper, with a free stamp attached, and I spent a very nice evening reading and getting inspired!

And this wonderful stamp came with it - wow!
I am looking forward to getting it inked up and used on my journal pages and cards.
Thanks again, Sandy, you are a sweetie, that's for sure!

 And last but not least, this photo is extra for Sandy, as she always asks what I have been cooking and baking. I made a delicious stir-fry, and enjoyed every morsel of it!

That's all for today!  Have a good one, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Everything looks good - your book cover, your lovely presents and of course, the food! Off to look for something to nibble! Hugs, Sarah

  2. hhhmmmhh yummy,was hast du schönes gekocht,da läuft mir ja das Wasser im munde zusammen,bei uns gibt es auch gleich lecker essen,kohlrabi mit Bratwürtschen und Stampfkartoffel,freu mich schon drauf!
    Deine seiten sind ja der Knaller,sooo wunderschööön,der Regenschirmann passt wirklich überrall,finde auch die kombi mit den rosen und der wildkatze so klasse.
    dann lass es dir gut munden,ich geh jetzt auch essen,schönen abend dir noch :-)

    GLG Jeannette

  3. wonderful presents Valerie, there are so many fabulous people out there in blogland. Love your book cover. Annette x

  4. Dein Essen klingt auch sehr gut, lecker lecker!

  5. Sorry for not being about much lately. A lovely new cover for your journal Valerie :)
    Von ♥

  6. your stir fry looks delicious! Beautiful cover you made. And lovely gift from Sandy.

  7. Fabulous journal cover and your stir fry looks yummy.
    xxx Hazel.

  8. Your book cover is fabulous and stir-fry too delicious, nam, nam....I got hungry.
    Be well!

  9. Fabulous Journal cover Valerie. Gosh that stir fry looks delicious. Hugs Rita xxx

  10. I want to come and eat at your house--that looks delicious! Your journal cover is neat, too!

  11. Beautiful journal cover love the mix of images. The stir fry looked delicious.
    Yvonne x

  12. Oh my Valerie, where to start! Isn't it amazing what you can find in your drawers (ha, ha), your book cover is wonderful and what fabulous happy mail. I think my fave pic today though has to be your stir fry, it looks absolutely delish! Xx

  13. Yes, my drawers are always well filled!

  14. Oh my, Valerie, the art is gorgeous (especially love those horses on the accordion book) and the stir fry looks Beyond Tempting! Hope all is well - just had a catch-up and love all your new creations. Happy Spring, my friend!

  15. Guten Morgen, liebe Valerie und herzlichen Dank für Deinen Besuch und Deine lieben Worte!
    Bin auch immer ganz bezaubert von Deiner Kunst und Dein "Rainman" ist so herrlich in meinen blau-türkis Träumen. Aber auch die Pferde sind aufregend. Ich mag sie gerne auf der Weide stehen sehen. Doch die Dynamik und Deine Farben sind wunderschön.
    Ich wünsche Dir eine wunderschöne neue Woche und schicke Dir viele liebe Grüße

  16. I can smell the delicious casserole from here-looks yummy Valerie.

    You have certainly made a great job of the cover for your journal-the rose pop off the page.

    Lovely happy mail :) Can't wait to see what you make with the stamps.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie x

  17. I'm starting with the FOOD, of course. Looks delightful, delicious and delovely! The UM can do anything, can't he? Great card. You have had lovely happy mail. I've never seen that magazine before - great stamp. Can't wait to see how you use it. Take care. Big hugs, Donna

  18. You've certainly sorted that journal out, it looks terrific. I especially like the leopard (I think it's a leopard) and the diamond pattern with a special mention for the text diamonds.
    What a stunning booklet from Marji, I was wondering how your play-it-forward was getting along, I'll just go and visit her now.

  19. That stir-fry looks so yummy.. Now you got me thinking I should make a stir-fry. Your book cover turned out amazing my crafty friend. I LOVE it.


  20. I really like your rainy day man. My husband walks every day rain or shine. Thank you wishing me a happy birthday. You are right 62, for me is not old. I feel 30ish in my brain. LOL

    Have a great week

  21. Hi Valerie, Love your book cover and the colors used. Lovely stamp from Diane in the happy mail.
    Your stir fry is making me hungry and it's on 10am. Looks yummy. Glad you enjoyed a great walk in the rain.
    Have a Happy Monday!

  22. I am eating a bowl of oatmeal and fruit and your stir fry is almost cruel!! Valerie that stir fry looks delicious and I am sure you did enjoy every little bit! Oh and your journal page is gorgeous as well. I got carried away with the food. Enjoy the week, Hugs!

  23. Lovely journal cover Valerie and the magazine and stamps from Sandy were very sweet! Your accordion book is lovely but your delicious stir fry has truly stolen the show! Looks delicious! I must go find an early lunch! Big hugs, ~Diane

  24. Well let's start with first things first!!!! Your stir fry looks so delicious and I am so hungry. I see peas, asparagus, red bell pepper, onions, bean sprouts, and perhaps some carrots. Is there grain in there as well? What is the yellow and orange veggies? I know you said you used some turkey and here I thought you were a vegetarian!!!!! What about the sauce? Now you have you have to answer me because I want to copy you.
    You do have the healthy eating down pat but I did miss pictures of our walk today.
    As for the soul - you obviously have some very good friends Valerie and you know how much I love your back grounds especially your UFOs! More times than not I have to laugh at these images floating in the most unexpected places!!
    Now what could be more appropriate than the sense of time ticking away in our bodies and then like a tiger creeping up on us - it stalks us day and night. Love this journal cover!!!!
    Your concertina card is delightful!
    I can't wait to see what you do with the sea bubbles stamp - I know it will be wonderfulAs always,
    Sandy xx

    1. I will mail you the recipe!

    2. Thanks - I do want it. I am researching your blog for some ideas - I am making a tag.
      Will post soon.

  25. Lovely cover. Your shadow umbrella man is swell and the gold and glittery bits make the rain ever so sparkly. Stir fry looks delicious. xox

  26. EIn atemberaubend schönes Cover Valerie und soo tolle Post hast Du bekommen..
    Dein Eintopf sieht superlecker aus!

  27. Lovely post Valerie .... love the colours on your book cover

    Karen x

  28. Das Cover deines kleines Journals ist wunderschön ... ich liebe dieses Blau! Ja, tolle Post hast du bekommen ... dieses Mini-Buch ist wunderbar! Ich freue mich für dich!
    GLG, LonettA

  29. I love your journal cover Valerie, those flowers are gorgeous. The stir fry doesn't look half bad either :-) xx

  30. Looks great! Lovely work - I really love your new cover with the cabbage roses and flecks of gold! Bravo, xoxo


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