Friday 11 April 2014

Happy colours and sparkling images

Hi everybody!
It's weekend again, the weeks seem to fly by more and more quickly the older I get.
This morning started out cool and misty, but in the afternoon the sun came out and the skies were blue again. The green of the fresh grass and trees is just overwhelming, and I can't see enough of it. The first green of the leaves is always such a special, intensive colour, just wonderful.

The two cards here are part of my DT work for Gecko Galz this month. These images have been printed onto some of my hand-painted and stamped background papers. The ink stays wet for some time on the acrylic paint, so it is possible to emboss it after printing I used tinsel hologram EP. The images are from the silhouettes stamp set. Strangely enough, I have 2 of the images as stamps as well, but the digi-stamps have the advantage here that they can be printed in almost any size, which makes them very flexible. I matted the images with dark grey mirri card, and used card-stock in petrol and purple for the cards, to complemet the colours in my background paper. I used coordinating ribbons and flowers as embellishments.

Material list: Image SO8 from Silhouette stamps, hand-painted
BG paper, EP, card-stock. scrap paper for matting, embellishments.

(Material list: Image SO6, card-stock, hand-painted BG paper, EP, embellishments, scrap paper for matting.)

I am linking to Paint Party Friday and AJJ, happiness, as these are colours which make me happy again and again, and to Paper Saturdays

This is taken from the old walls looking down into what used to be the moat - can you see the horses grazing?

The path along the wall:

In the park:

Wishing you all a sunny weekend!
Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Your cards are like fairy tales, so pretty, and the photos are wonderful, as always! Have a nice weekend, take it easy, hugs, Sarah

  2. oohh,wunderschön,deine karten sind so märchenhaft und ganz zauberhaft,wie schön es glitzert und funkelt,richtig schööön.
    ich möchte soo gern mit dir mal im park spazieren gehen,das wäre doch schöön,oder??
    du wohnst wirklich richtig schön gelegen,irgendwann komme ich dich mal Besuchen.
    wünsch dir noch einen schönen Abend :-)

    GLG Jeannette

    1. Ja, du kannst gerne kommen. Ich habe eine Schlafcouch für Besucher!

  3. Magical projects, super sparkles and shimmers. I wonder if fairyland would look so good.
    Have a good weekend
    Yvonne xx

  4. Your colours are so vibrant! Love the shimmer. Gorgeous photos too. I'm hoping for a sunny day tomorrow. x

  5. You are right about the green being so bright and vibrant! Your card is just wonderful. I hope you have a great weekend! Hugs, Debbie

  6. beautiful cards! Gorgeous spring photos!

  7. Just beautiful Valerie. Love your photos.

  8. Wow.. both your cards are gorgeous. Love the beautiful glitters. Thank you for sharing those wonderful photos, too. Sweet. :)

  9. Fantastic cards Valerie! Must have taken time to do them. Creativity using items for pasting takes great talents too. Not gone into this medium yet. And the pics are so nostalgic making us wanting to go back to places familiar. Great!


  10. this is beautiful & inspiring! Love the glitter - pretty places too!

  11. so edle und schöne Stücke hast Du da kreiert Valerie!
    Zauberhafte Aunahmen und endlich ist es Dir gelungen den Frühling auch zu mir zu schicken... die Bäume stehen alle endlich in Blüte.....

    jetzt ist er nicht mehr aufzuhalten - der Lenz!

    knuddel und schönen Samstag

    die Susi

    Du unterstützt uns diesen Monat wieder so genail mit Deinen Ideen und Umsetzungen für AJJ--


  12. und sorry für die Tippfehler.. hab noch den Schlaf in den Augen ..sitze hier im Pyjama!

  13. Great technique and designs Valerie, love the effects and your finished cards. Lovely photos too xxx

  14. Wow, both of them look fabulous, love the idea of printing the images on your own painted background papers! And that blue sky on your photos looks amazing!

  15. Amazing technique you used Valerie and something I would never have dared to try.

    The photographs are amazing. The meandering path through the trees has to be seen to be believed. Thank you for sharing your walks-I always enjoy them

    Love Chrissie x

  16. Ja,meliere Valerie, der Frühling ist herrlich, so wie Deine Elfenkunst. Habe auch das Gefühl, wenn ich unterwegs bin, jetzt könnte gleich so Einsatzes Wesen um die Ecke schauen.
    Viele liebe Grüße

  17. Love those sparkling images and am in love with the trees you photographed.
    Thank you for stopping by earlier, it feels good to be back again and do some art, just for art's sake =)
    xx Monique

  18. I love all the sparkliness, if there is such a word, very luscious cards. And the photos are great, especially the one looking upwards towards the crown of the tree, the colours and textures on the trunk are art in themselves.

  19. Imagine sitting under a tree dripping with stars, gorgeous Val! Your photos are so inspiring, I really need to take that country walk : ) Enjoy your weekend Val!
    Annabelle : )

  20. It is time for the fairies isn't it! You have the best trees Valerie....Love that shot in the park, the trees moving you this way and that. xox

  21. Wow love your designs, the metal effect is fabulous! Also love the photos, the trees on the second one are gorgeous. You sure have a lot of beauty around you. Enjoy the weekend, Shirleyx

  22. You have terrific glittery scenes on your lovely background and I like the way you present your art to us, and enjoy reading how you made them.
    And you've given us some more tantalising glimpses of your walking area - have you ever thought about organising some walking tours!

  23. Valerie, you have really branched out with your art and I love what you create. We finally have spring weather and the tulips are blooming. It is glorious as are your photos.


  24. Wow Valerie, what a stunning effect you've achieved with the holographic EP. Absolutely gorgeous. Xx

  25. OMG Valerie - I am gong to have to read this several times - your images are so magical and have photographed so well. I have always loved your use of color!
    Another thing I love - that winding path - it too has mystery. The bark on the tree is gorgeous.
    A package to me and one to you sent on the same day. Let's see who gets what first!!!
    Sandy xx

  26. Wow! That has to be the most beautiful card I have ever seen. To me it is a work of art to be hung and show off! You are really so talented! Have a wonderful weekend, Rasz

  27. Beautiful cards and more great nature photos ♥♥♥♥♥

  28. Beide Karten sind wunderschön! Wie das funkelt und glitzert! Einfach wunderbar! Sehr schöne Fotos sind das heute!
    LG, LonettA

  29. Valerie, your collage is absolutely fantastic, Thanks for dropping in at my blog; have a nice weekend

    much love...

  30. Fabulous card, I love the sheer magic it conveys! Beautiful walk and I love in the park how the trees have taken up the path, such a romantic view, looks like it is from an old German novel. Big hugs, ~Diane

  31. Hi Valerie, Just love your fairy card. The colors and sparkle and image are so pretty.
    Lovely walking pics today too. The trees are so majestic and magical.
    Have a great rest of the weekend.

  32. Was fuer wunderschoene Karten!
    Und dieser Pfad ist einfach traumhaft - da wuerde ich gerne entlang bummeln, mit der Kamera in der Hand.

  33. Beautiful colors. Love how you added the accents alongside. Happy Weekend!

  34. What magical pieces, a Lôvélÿ combination of the handpainted papers, stamping, embossing... and what Lôvélÿ photos!
    Love the gras filled moat!

  35. Gorgeous colours and wonderful lumination Valerie, Happy PPF, Annette x

  36. Valerie these are just gorgeous cards. The photos of the trees really say spring

  37. Another beautiful card Valerie, these images look wonderful with your sparkly embossing. No wonder you don't get fed up of walking, you live in such a beautiful place xx

  38. I am throwing around some glitter too :). Happy Paper Satudays. ManonX

  39. What beautiful and magical pieces Valerie! I too love all the fresh Spring green around, it is so special and fresh, a delight! Your photos are wonderful, I love that path amongst the trees, such a beautiful shot, it looks enchanting and so peaceful!


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