Tuesday 14 January 2014

The Green Giant

Hi everybody!
I think I can remember, that we used to get tinned veggies which were from 'Green Giant' brand.
Today I seem to have turned into a green giant myself:

 We had wonderful weather again, cold and frosty, with sun this morning, and dark clouds interspersed with sun this afternoon, and it was just beautiful. I am always so thankful for these lovely days where I can get out for long walks. Today my pedometer tells me that I managed just under 19.000 steps, which made nearly 9 miles.
  I love this photo taken from the fields and looking up to the embankment, which is very important here to prevent flooding.

But my faves today are the afternoon photos, taken shortly before sundown.

I made this wall hanging as one of my DT pieces for GeckoGalz this month. By the way, they still have a 2 for 1 offer there, as well as challenges, with prizes to win, so hop over and see what's going on.
I used corrugated cardboard for the background, partly peeled and painted white. The image, from the Winter Garden 1 collage sheet, has been printed on to canvas and the edges  distressed. I used blue mirri-board to mount it. On the right side is a strip of lace, which is hardly visible here because of the fibres. I used teazles and twigs which I gathered on my walks as embellishments. The teazles were sprayed silver, and the twigs sprayed with 'snow'. I like using natural embellies if I have them, they cost nothing and are always unique.

I am linking to Simon's Monday Challenge, 'Anything goes'

Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Gorgeous hanging, love the canvas image on the background layer. Super photos, the green giant brand is well known to me especially the tins of sweetcorn.
    Yvonne xx

  2. Wonderful photos again, my fave is the one with the people on the embankment. Love the hanging, looks great with the natural embellishments. You make a good fiure as green giant! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Green Giant are still around I think, I am sure that's what my tins if sweet corn are or perhaps I am living in the last lol. Fabulous photos and 9 miles!!!! My gosh you do go for long walks. Love your little hanging with the great textures, image and embellishments.
    hugs {Brenda} x0x

  4. Amazing photographs yet again Valerie-you certainly get the right moments to snap the scenery. Love your giant image.

    The art piece is terrific with the little birds and the corrugated background.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie x

  5. What long legs you have! Nine miles! How long does that take you? You are good.

    I LOVE your beautiful art piece, the ribbon sets it off beautifully.

    Karen x

  6. 9 Meilen sind bei diesen langen Beinen und der daraus resultierenden Schrittlänge ja gut zu bewerkstelligen, oder? *lol*
    Das Foto ist klasse, genauso wie alle anderen. Ich bewundere dich wirklich für deine tollen Fotos, Valerie.
    Der kleine Wandhänger ist ganz bezaubernd geworden. Ich mag diese Arbeiten auf Wellpappe besonders gerne.

  7. Great photos Valerie...I had to smile at the Green Giant..I have tins of their sweetcorn in my cupboard!
    Your project is adorable.....love the image and your natural embellies are a great accent.
    Hugs xx

  8. Love all the bits of nature you included in this piece. Absolutely beautiful. 19,000 steps! You will be able to enter a marathon soon. Congrats. hugs, Donna

  9. Beautiful photography, what is that green stuff on the ground, lol? The sky's are stunning! Love your Gecko Galz hanging, the natural embellishments go so well with the gorgeous image, makes for a stunning piece. Big hugs, ~Diane

    1. It's called GRASS!!! I think yours will have disappeared under the ice and snow!

  10. love the texture from the cardboard! Nice work and beautiful photos!

  11. Hi Valerie, I remember the Golly Green Giant..ho ho ho... your photos are wonderful, nice to see the sun isn't it? Your wall hanger is gorgeous, love how you've painted it, I really like the textures.. Have a great day, Shirleyx

  12. 9 miles! Good for you. I'd better go hope on the treadmill and catch up! The hanging is very sweet!

  13. This is an especially attractive little picture. Your white corrugated card technique is so effective, as is your use of the natural teasels and twigs together with the image. Yes, your art is unique.

    1. Thanks Sheila, I had fun making it, and it's always good to have an excuse to go out and search the hedgerows!

  14. Hi Valerie, Love the green giant photo. LOL We still have that brand here and the commercial is on TV sometime too. Love your late afternoon pics. This is my favorite time of day along with very early morning. 9 miles is fantastic. With all your walking and meeting all those steps you have to be super healthy. Good for you girl!!
    Your wall hanging is incredible. I love the details and your use of elements. Charming piece.

  15. Ho, ho, ho Green Giant! I'm amazed your legs are so long Valerie, I thought they'd be worn down with all that walking. You must be feeling so fit! Love your little birdie hanging, reminds me of all the activity in our garden at the moment, lots of blue tits and chaffinches. Xx

  16. Lol Valerie loving the Green Giant photo also your hanging is amazing.


  17. No wonder your legs have grown so long with all that walking Valerie......I adore your beautiful hanging, hugs Annette x

  18. großartige Aufnahmen liebe Valerie und das Vogelhängerchen ist einfach nur traumhaft schön!
    Perfektion aus Meisterhand!

    sei lieb gegrüßt von

  19. Schöne Fotos bei tollem Licht! Und der süße Vogel auf den Disteln ist ganz bezaubernd!
    Liebe Grüße

  20. Beautiful walk and you walk some distance! If I get in 20 minutes twice a week, it is a miracle! Of course if I had something or a place so beautiful, it might be more motivation! Your hanging is so delightful and adorable! I love those birds! Enjoy your lovely weather!

  21. Nice, nice. Love the cardboard as substrate. That's some steps. I hit 9,100 so far and I am happy. xox

    1. Good so, that's a great result! And I just love cardboard....

  22. Lovely photos val, your homeland looks stunning, and love the hanger. I've missed seeing your creations, but so leased you are still making master pieces. Hope you are keeping well and thank you for the congrats for being a first time nanny :) xx

  23. Your photography is always stunning, I am crazy about all of these. Green Giant! Put a big smile on my face. Your GG piece is a keeper! Wow!! Hugs

  24. I love it when you enter the Simon Says Stamp challenges! That means that I get to see another beautiful project. And here it is! Those silver teazles stole my heart. When I was a little girl I used to go on walks with my grandmother and find beautiful "treasures" and then we'd go home and spray paint them gold. Thank you for reminding me of a beautiful memory. Your silver "treasures" are gorgeous!
    Thank you for sharing your project with us this week for the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. It's been a pleasure! ~Michelle

  25. Valerie, we still have the Green Giant brand here but now it is mostly frozen variety. I really like the embellishments that go so well on your wall hanging. It really sets it off and matches the design so well. As for your new photos...they get better and better. I love the stormy looking clouds in the late afternoon shots.


  26. I love your make Sugar ( a Southern term of endearment) - It would appear that you really like corrugated card board a lot (at least I hope so) and it really suits you homemade beads.
    Your make looks like one of your walks.
    Speaking of walks - gorgeous stormy skies. - we STILL do not have snow!
    I keep saying that one of these days I am going to walk like Valerie.
    Sandy xx

  27. das sind ja großartige aufnahmen,der stürmische graue himmel sieht ja gigantisch aus,und dein schatten im grünen gras ist ganz klasse,wie groß der schatten wirkt *LOL*
    dein hängerchen mit den disteln ist sooooo schööööön,gefällt mir auch wieder sehr gut.

    GLG Jeannette

  28. Your photo have me smiling I LOVE them. You keep on walking my friend. And I LOVE your wall hanging. Well done.


  29. Ho ho ho the jolly green giant I remember him well ! ( miles Valerie you go girl !!!!! Thats amazing and you have some amazing scenery which must help. I adore the hanging I think its one of my favorites ( of many ) of your beautiful creations.


  30. Wow this is stunning Valerie, I love these teasels, and the collage sheet looks wonderful printed out onto canvas. This really makes it special. I remember the Jolly Green Giant too :-) xx


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