Friday 31 January 2014

Saturday this and that

Hi everybody!
This week has flown by again, I don't know where the time goes. This afternoon I sat down and put my feet up for 10 minutes, and woke up, frozen stiff, 3 hours later! Luckily I already did my big walk this morning, so my 15.900 steps were already in the bag. The weather has been frosty but sunny for several days, but tomorrow we have been promised rain.
The collage here has been made over the last 2 weeks. The background is a brush wipe page, which I then stamped and white embossed to give some texture. The lovely peacock stamp was a gift from Yvonne.   I used lots of UFOs (untidy flying-around objects) from my work table and glued them on till I was satisfied with the result. The picture on the right is my sister Cynthia with her son when he was a few days old. Her son is now 50 and my sister died in 1999 after a stroke, time flies, therefore the clocks. But why the giraffe is wearing a red butterfly as a bow tie, I don't know....

Yesterday I baked some English Flapjacks. I only made them because Sandy keeps asking me to show some food again, so I am sacrificing myself eating them for her. They are made with dark syrup, butter, brown sugar and oats, so they are very healthy, and taste like toffee - yummy!

I discovered this puddle on my way through the fields today, I love the patterns in the ice.

And of course, I visited my feathered friends again and tooke them some bread, so they were happy.

I am linking to Paper Saturdays  and PPF and to MooMania, embossing.

Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I think the giraffe looks very dapper in his bow tie! Your collage is stunning and all the more special with the photo of your sis and nephew. The ice pattern reminds me of agate! Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Terrific and very detailed page Valerie, great photographs as well. Happy PPF, Annette G

  3. Wow, Valerie, I have spent ages looking at all the details and elements in your fantastic collage. Great photos and you deserve a treat of those yummy looking flapjacks after all the walking you are doing these days.
    Yvonne xx

  4. A deep and meaningful collage full of stories to tell Valerie :)
    I've never noticed a puddle looking like the ones you have been taking photos of they are little works of art !
    Have a good weekend
    Von ♥

  5. Wonderful journal page, so many details, lots of stories. Lovely photos, too, the ice puddle is fantastic - I have never seen one like it either! Hugs, Sarah

  6. An amazing page with an eclectic collection of images and meanings provoking thoughts and memories for you. A great way to record things. Love your puddle, I want to sit and paint it. Have a great weekend xx

  7. Love your photos, Valerie.

  8. Untidy Flying around Objects, I love it! Wonderfully fun collage! And holy cow, those flapjacks! (I want some.) :D

  9. mmmmmmmm Flapjacks. My favourite are chocolate flapjacks, they most certainly aren't healthy! ;) your collage is great and as always your photos are awesome!

    1. You're looking at it wrongly - tell yourself the things are healthy, put in good ingredients, eat them after a long walk and they even taste healthy - and delicious! I think I must try some with choccie, too!

  10. What a fabulous picture you have created Val. Love it. I would love to know how you made your flashbacks. We are forecast snow for tomorrow, it's certainly been extremely cold here today. Hugs Rita xxx

  11. Valerie your collage is wonderful. The background colors are so bright and lively and the images are intriguing` too - what a great use for UFOs! The giraffe is my favorite. I love watching the ice melting on streams and puddles, it makes for beautiful photos. Stay warm. Happy PPF

  12. Love your collage!!!!!! The bow tie on the giraffe is very spicy and I love all of your UFO's It's bitterly cold here this week. Tonight we are getting freezing rain and sleet so I've fueled up the car, filled all of the outside animal feeders and bought my groceries for the week and brought in an supply of firewood we should be all comfy and cozy for the weekend :)

  13. I always like the pieces you make from the things that fly round your magic table. I like the stamps and giraffe and the ticket and the very touching photograph of your sister.
    The flapjacks look yummy, do you ever do recipes?

  14. Hi Valerie. I love your collage. Your sister was very pretty. It's strange how when we lose our loved ones we can talk about them as if it were yesterday's and yet the years have gone on. When I talk of Val my son, it's like he is still living in Albuquerque New Mexico and that I only have but to pick the phone up and call him. Yet, he will be gone 10 Years on March 7.
    Hugs to you and beautiful collage. I like the giraffe with the red, he is styling.

  15. I think the giraffe wears the red bow tie for a touch of serendipitious heart found in your collage even though there is a some sadness. Lovely work.

    : ) PPF Annabelle

  16. Wow Valerie, a stunning collage, your composition is fabulous. If I tried to do something like this, it would look like a child had done it! I love how you incorporate your family photos too. Lovely pics and yummy looking flapjacks. Think I might do a bit of baking this weekend too - got a load of ripe bananas that need turning into a loaf! Xx

  17. Wonderful collage Valerie-so many ideas to admire :)nearly said to copy lol.

    Wow your flapjack looks like no other and I can almost taste it from here--yummy. Your pictures always make me think about baking again--I did make some bread last week :) Old fashioned way and first time for many a year.

    Those ducks just love your visiting I reckon-great photos as always.

    Have a great weekend

    Love Chrissie x

  18. Beautiful collage and your flapjacks look amazing!

  19. What fun you must have had creating the collage!

    Your photographs of the ducks are absolutely scrumptious! The vivid colours, patterns and textures are truly eye candy!

  20. Good morning! I love coming by each week to see what you have been upto and today you have made me want some flapjack that is not good. I am supposed to be eating less. Great Page I love creating art on a wipe down sheet too. ManonX

  21. Wunderschöne Kollage! Für mich wirkt sie wie ein schöner bunter Traum mit vielen Erinnerungen. Mir gefallen die schönen, kleinen Details, die ich so nach und entdecke!
    Ein schönes Wochenende für dich! LG, LonettA

  22. A very full and colourful page, took me ages letting my eyes roam around so that I could take in every detail. It is interesting how your sister's photo crept on to the page - just like the way memories of a lost loved one often creep suddenly into the mind unexpectedly.
    That puddle is amazing, it's like an abstract painting, though I don't think anyone could paint it as well as that.

  23. Oh my goodness! I absolutely love your amazing page. I really like what you did with the peacock stamp! And thanks for sharing your lovely photos, too. The flapjacks look delicious - I am getting hungry now! LOL! And your other photos are simply beautiful!

  24. A fabulous collage, there's so much to look at and the flapjacks look yummy.
    xxx Hazel.

  25. Amazing colourful page and the photos are very cute.

  26. love that puddle it would make a great digi piece..happy weekend

  27. Wow,eine wunderschöne collage!!Auf mich wirkt sie auch wie ein Erinnerungstraum mit vielen alten Erinnerungen,schön auch die ganzen kleinen details die man nach und nach endeckt
    Ein schönes we für dich :-)

    GLG Jeannette

  28. I just love that collage Valerie..great colours and images,.
    Your photos are wonderful too - especially the puddle.
    Pleased the weather has been good enough for you to take your walks.
    Hugs xx

  29. Traumhaft schöne Collagen, die Du da wieder gestaltet hast, liebe Valerie!
    Die Kekse sehen wirklich lecker aus (aber auch sehr kalorienlastig.-))
    Wenn man die Fotos mit den Enten anschaut, könnte man meinen, dass schon Frühling wäre.
    Ich wünsche Dir ein schönes WE.

    1. Ich habe keine Kalorien reingetan - nur Haferflocken, Butter, Zucker und Apfelkraut!

  30. I love the picture of your sister and her son .... and that giraffe looks greats with a bow. I think it will catch on!

    Love the icy puddle.... beautiful.

    The flapjacks look beautiful.... by dark syrup do you mean treacle?

    Karen x

    1. It's a dark syrup made from sugar beets, it's a sort of treacle.

  31. What a gorgeous collage! I love every tiny detail the giraffes butterfly tie, the picture of your sister, the beautifully embossed peacock it all looks glorious! Love the term UFO here too, lol. Your flapjacks have my stomach crying for some now too! Well done on the walking too! Big hugs, ~Diane

  32. Oh Valerie, Du bist ja so fleissig im einen Fuss vor den anderen setzen! Ich ziehe meinen Hut, toll!! Deine Collage ist herzallerliebst...all sie köstlichen Details, einfach witzig! Unglaublich, was Du für eine Vielfalt an Ufos (ich schmeiss mich jetzt noch weg über dieses Wort des Jahres) so rumfliegen hast! Sehr inspirierend....und zur Frage mit der roten Fliege: sie ist natürlich sehr schlau und weiss, dass das Leben ein Fest ist und hat sich dementsprechend gekleidet, ist doch klar :D ♥ Conny Mix It Monthly

  33. I love giraffes and the bow tie is perfect. The pages are terrific. Those flapjacks look very interesting.

  34. Hi Valerie, Your collage is gorgeous. I love all the great details to look at here. It is such a fun card with memories too including the pic of your sister and son. I am crazy about the peacock. Beautifully created!! Great pics from your walk and the flapjacks look so yummy. I would love this recipe. It sounds like it would be gluten free which I need.
    Have a great rest of the weekend.

  35. marvelous riot of color and patterns on the ice too, i find them endlessly fascinating....english flapjacks look downright dangerous but oh so yummy. Got to walk lots of stemps after you eat just one. xox

  36. Wonderful pages!! Yummy color and food just irresistible!! Great photos as always!

    Hugs Giggles

  37. Love that giraffe and all your collage work. Happy weekend!

  38. You are so funny!!!!! First of all - you must have needed the rest to go to sleep like that. Oh my gracious Valerie --- that is a yum!! I think you should post your recipe for all of us who are drooling all over our computes -- are you really a tease !!!! I want to make some of these but I am not a natural cook - so I am anxiously awaiting the recipe!
    Your collage is glorious - the colors are so wonderful and it calls you to really go inside. Your vision makes me so happy and someday I will have to give this a go. But first I must learn to make your beads. I do think they are wonderful. Don't forget - there are a lot of us out there in Blogland that want your recipe -- oh how yummy!
    Oh yes - the water is wonderfully pretty -- can you copy the water? Your golds would be perfect!
    Sandy xx

    1. I will blog the recipe next week! They are soooooooooo yummy!

  39. Brilliant collage Valerie, in future all giraffes must wear bow ties! These ducks look so happy, and the ice patterns are gorgeous. The flapjack looks scrummy too, it is good with chocolate - and sultanas too xx

  40. So liebste Valerie!
    Nachdem ich heute ausgesprochen gesättigt bin nach einem zweiten Frühstück mit Müsli und Cornflakes und viel Obst --- waagte ich mich nochmal her!

    Himmlisch diese Seite!!!!


  41. Rock on girl. This collage is fantastic!!! So much going on that moves the eye. Wonderful.
    I really like the photo of the ice too.

  42. Eine tolle Collage! Schön, dass du deine Schwester mit ihrem Sohn eingearbeitet hast, eine schöne Erinnerung!
    Auf das Rezept freue ich mich schon!
    Und die Bilder sind wieder 1A! Ich mag die Enten ja sehr, aber diesmal ist mein Liebling die Pfütze. Die lässt sich bestimmt auch schön in einem deiner Werke verarbeiten.

  43. Great mix of artwork and photographs. Now I'm thinking of looking up English Flapjacks recipes...


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