Friday 7 June 2013

Paper Saturday, Alpha Challenge and a Tag

Hi you all, hope you are enjoying your weekend.
We have had a few days sunshine here, which is good, but the people in the flooded areas of Germany are still suffering - many have lost everything, and are homeless. It is an awful situation, and the worst flood since 1501! Here we were lucky, the Rhine stayed in its bed, and the water stopped rising 50 cm under the danger mark, for which I am very thankful. And I won two 'Top 3' blinkies this week, at Simon Says and Make my Monday.
This is going to be a bitty post - a bit of this and a bit of that.
I have at last finished my piece for the Alpha challenge, which this time has to be a letter between fe and fr.
I chose firmament. I have based my picture on the old engravings of the firmament, showing a flat world, and the heavens arched above and round it. I used lots of different stamps to create a scene, and drew in lines with black ink which are always seen in the old engravings. The angel at the bottom is pointing to the scroll, where the definition is written. I used twinkling H2Os to colour wash the scene after stamping everything in archival black. I went round the stars with a gold gel pen and added some Stickles to the sun, moon and the cherub's wings.

I am also linking to Simon Says Stamp and Show - 'S' - for a Scene with a Scroll, Sun, Stars, Stickles and Sparkles.

And it's Manon's Paper Saturdays, tooI have made a little favour bag. These are quick and easy to make for little presents,  and can be made bigger or smaller as required. This one will be filled with some home made cookies.

I made the Tag for Tag Tuesday, but didn't get round to blogging it till today. We have reached the letter 'v', so being big-headed I chose the word 'Valerie'. The photo-booth strip is ancient history, from the 1970s. It is always sooo hard to sit there and not make grimaces! I am linking the tag to Pan Pastel Challenge 'tags'

Sorry that the photos look scratchy. Firstly,  they are old and scratchy - like me - and secondly, I have a printer which will not print properly....

Hope you all have a good day, and a great weekend. Take care, and thanks for visiting!


  1. This is beautiful, I love how you can produce something completely different each time! And those photos are priceless! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Your Alpha page is very beautiful Valerie :D
    I saw your photo's on TT and think they're fantastic. Your grimace is hilarious. Can you remember why you pulled your face or wasit one of those 'let's take silly pictures' moments? :0) Have a great weekend. I'ms so srry or those affected by the floods but am happy you are not - Mo

  3. Sorry for my lack of visiting Valerie but made it here at last!
    Fabulous artwork and love those filmstrip pics and I'm sure you're not that old and scratchy lol
    Sorry to hear about the flooding too but glad you're not affected.
    Have a lovely weekend too.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  4. Hi Val it's all devastating in Europe and the USA isn't it. I don't think the photos look scratchy at all and it looks to me like you were, and probably still are a real beauty! Loving all your art work this week.

  5. lovely work, especially the cute little favour bag!

    It's awful about the flooding, I saw some photos in Bavaria.

  6. All so exquisite! You so have a definite knack for creating these beautiful things. Love the photo strip especially! How fun is it that you still have it and can use it in this way. LOVE everything -- congrats on your wins! xohugs, Donna

  7. it looks like you are having so much fun making different artful projects. it is wonderful to see each piece.

  8. Great variety of makes to show us today Valerie and I love all of them. My favourite has to be the photo strip idea. How I wish I had kept some of the ones I used to have they was always one you laughed at forever wasn't there?

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  9. Lovely seeing a picture of you Val even though it might be an old one :) that little bag looks a treat and I would love to make some of those for the little ones over here. Manonx

  10. was für eine wunderhübsche Seite.. genial!
    Dein "Fahndungsfotos" (sorry)lol Lesezeichen ist ein tolle Idee...
    hab grad nachgedacht.. solch Sonnebrillen bzw. solche Brillenfassungen hatte ich auch mal da war ich um die 25 rum -aber die gab´s auch immer wieder - die Formen wiederholen sich ja alle paar Dekaden immer mal.... und diese Tropfenform --taucht immer wieder als Modefassung auch auf.
    auf dem obersten siehste aus wie ne Indianerin mit der Feder!
    Deine Spitztüte ist hüsch... ich wär ja auch sehr an den homemade cookies interessiert..derzeit bin ich so eine Naschkatze...schlimm!

  11. Susi, ich auch - ich bin NUR am Naschen!

  12. Your dictionary page is awesome.

  13. I Love everything - the cookie bag, the wonderful alpha page, which really is sensational! AND of course, your funny faces! Hugs, Barb

  14. Your firmament artwork is beautiful, with so much detail included. I love the special little detail of the scrolling of the definition at each end.
    Your favour bag is so pretty that it makes me sorry I still don't have little grandchildren of just the right age to enjoy a little treat in one.
    Your photo tag makes me smile, as you say it's impossible to resist face-making when sitting in one of those booths.

  15. These pages are so interesting. Love the inclusion of sun and moon and all that's going on in your sky!

  16. Valerie - you almost made me cry! Why you might ask --Your firmament creation is just wonderful - extraordinary!! Creativity really does excite me and the more I looked at this well what can I say - I just got emotional. How in the world do you come up with all this grand artwork sugar!!
    I should have known - you create all this wonderful stuff and have the time to fill these pretty boxes with homemade cookies.
    You are so pretty and I can tell that YOU have attitude!!!

  17. May I add one more thing - I am so sorry about the flooding in Germany. Here in the States, we have had some vicious weather too.

  18. So sad that the flooding is that bad, I guess it makes us all look up to the heavens. Your page is glorious in all its wonder, I love every single centimeter of it! You have been blessed with a true talent my dear friend! Love your fun faces, you were (still are) a real doll! Awesome that you still have them too! And only one question on that suspicious looking cookie box, why the skull and crossbones? Lol, it looks adorable too and I am sure you will put delicious treats inside! ~Diane

  19. The skull and crossbones are supposed to keep other people from eating the cookies!

  20. It is hot here (although clouding over now) - not for me, the sun isn't my friend!
    The pages are amazing, the way you incorporated so many images.
    Great fun including your photo booth photos.

  21. Valerie, du erstaunst mich immer wieder mit der Vielfalt deiner Ideen.
    Dein Firmament ist richtig großes Kino! Einfach wunderschön mit all diesen liebevoll gestalteten Details.

    Diese kleine Box ist zauberhaft. Kannst du da nicht mal eine Bastelanleitung von einstellen? Das wäre großartig!

    Und dein Tag ist super geworden. Ich finde das klasse, dass du V wie Valerie ausgesucht hast! Du warst und bist bestimmt noch eine sehr gut aussehende Frau - Kompliment.

    Auch ich fand unser Gespräch gestern sehr schön, das müssen wir unbedingt wiederholen, ja?

  22. Great word choice Valerie lovely pages for the A;pha challenge


  23. What a fabulous bitty post Valerie, such a beautiful picture and fab photo booth pics. I saw the flooding on the news, so glad you weren't affected. Take good care. Xx

  24. Awesome word choice for your pages, I have looked at them a few times and they reflect so many emotions for me.
    As for a bitty post I have enjoyed reading it and catching up on your other posts.
    glad you weren't effected by the floods, but your heart goes out to those who suffered the storm,
    Yvonne x

  25. Wow! I'm amazed the firmament piece was made of stamps. You're very clever with them! And I love your streaky printer of your photo-booth photos. It looks great with all your decorations for this tag. Really great to see how creative you ge!

  26. and congrats on the recognition--2 top 3s!

  27. Cool alpha page.Love the way you used all the elements to make a complete picture.

  28. Sorry about the flooding, it's terrible.
    Loving your artwork. The picture of you looks cool with the stripey effect.
    Hope the weather dries up. :)

  29. adore you "F" pages so much detail. BJ

  30. Wow Valerie....I really like your "firmament" pages. They really do depict a beautiful illustration of the word. The scene you have created and colored using all of the various stamps is a great design. Love your little personal touches with the rays of sunshine and the falling stars as well. Very nice interpretation of the "leters between" theme. Thanks for sharing your art with us at Simon Says Stamp and Show. <3 Candy

  31. Beautiful page for Firmament with such wonderful detail! I really liked your alpha "V" word--I'm sure anyone who has taken a photo booth strip has made a funny face in at least one of them.

  32. Lovely artistic page! Love the stars and moons. Glad you joined us this week at Simon Says Stamp and Show!

  33. This is stunning !! Lovely interpretation
    Thanks for playing with us at the Craft Barn


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