Sunday 30 June 2013

(Bad) Dream Journal pages

Hi everybody, hope you are enjoying your weekend! I had a strange dream last week - I was in a room, which had a strange, greeny tint to it, like it was underwater, and there were some strange people in there. Nobody was looking at each other or talking, just looking straight ahead. There were also various odd bits of furniture there, a big gramophone, and a deer's head on the wall. It reminded me of my family - although the people didn't look like them - perhaps because nobody ever tried to talk to anyone there, either. Anyway, I tried to recreate this creepy dream using images I had flying about in my bit-boxes, as my printer is still on strike. I used  some green and purple pages which I had started for SOC last week as background, but didn't like them, so painted and sprayed over them. There is even an elephant hidden in the background, which adds for me to the feeling in the dream of lots of hidden currents being there. The isolated words flying around are perhaps some that they weren't speaking. I distressed all the images with shabby shutters DI to make them look like they were under water, and edged them with a green gel-pen. The shadowy floating ladies were made with a stencil, as were the sea-horses.
Sorry about the shine on the photos, I used metallic paints for the background, and it was very hard to get good pics.

Well, if any of you get the idea that I come from a strange family - well, yes, you might be right!

Have a good day you all, take care, sweet dreams when you go to bed, and thanks for coming by.


  1. Oooh, this really looks like a horror film! Sorry you had a nasty dream, but I love the page! Hugs, sarah

  2. Fascinating Valerie, I love the colours and your collage ephemera and the inspiration behind it. A great piece.
    Happy Sunday.
    hugs {brenda} x0x

  3. How great that you remebered your dream and you expressed it so well with your pages. They do have a certain surreal feeling to them. I love surrealism, Beautiful.

  4. This is great!!!Love the colors,Awesome pages!!!Beautiful!!!

  5. wonderfully inspired dream pages, what a creative idea!

  6. These pages are fantastic, Valerie!! sorry about your dream but the colours you came up with are beautiful!!

  7. Sorry about the creepy dream, but it did inspire some amazing pages! :)

  8. I love when I can remember my dreams the next day! Such a great idea to take all those thoughts to your journal.

  9. I can often remember dreams, and write them down if they are interesting!

  10. Also manche Träume sind echt komisch... kenn ich gut.. ich hab immer diese doofen Arbeitsträume... ich muss die ganze Nacht arbeiten in meinen Träumen und bin dann manchmal echt mü
    Dein Traum wurde hier zu einem TRAUMHAFTEN Kunstwerk Valerie! Ich bin echt begeistert.. sie sehen genauso aus, wie es im Traum oft ist.. etwas im realen Leben unmöglich scheinendes wird im Traum so real! hier ist es so mit Deinen Personen.. sie sind nicht nass und trotzdem weiss ich dass sie in der Tiefsee agieren!
    Es kann ihnen quasi das Wasser nichts anhaben!

    eine tolle Seite Valerie!

    Liebe Grüße


  11. Das hast Du sehr schön gesagt, liebe Susi!

  12. I have to admit, your dream is kinda creepy. But your creation is quite pretty and more like a mystery. Instead of where's Waldo it is where's the elephant!?! Shhhh - don't tell me. I think I see it -- to the left of the sea horse? It is kinda one of those now you see it and now you don't! The underwater colors are so beautiful and it is weird to see the man and woman floating around. Are they dead?? I do think that dog is a little fishy! What an amazing piece of artwork - now about your dream!!!!

    1. Okay, I won't tell you that the elephant is on the lower left hand side behind the baby and the seahorses etc!

  13. You have turned a bad dream into beautiful magical pages Valerie, hugs Annette x

  14. You could write a wonderful story woven around all the wonderful images and the fantastic colours. I was drawn in thinking I was seeing other things that weren't there.

    Love Chrissie xx

  15. I love the beautiful and colorful interpretation of your dream, it really does look like a dream too. Love all the wonderful objects you placed in and the man and woman floating in the background are awesome too. Stunning work as always Valerie! ~Diane

  16. What wonderful pages Valerie and a wonderful way to excise those bad dreams. :0)

  17. That is one bad dream that got your creative side working in overdrive. Fabulous pages, the images and layers look amazing, not to mention the colours, which draw you to look closer.
    Yvonne x

  18. I really love the pages - lots of mystery and lots to think about. hmmmmm .... have you tried analyzing the dream? The colours are great and you always create such fabulous depth in your pieces. hugs, Donna

  19. I like your source of inspiration!
    Fabulous background.

  20. Wundervolle Seiten liebe Valerie, wirklich genu wie im Traum verschwimmt Reales und Unreales miteinander zu einer Geschichte.
    LG Anja

  21. Aren't dreams fascinating, you could obviously totally relate to this one and your interpretation is fabulous, I don't find it creepy at all. Xx

  22. I love that your dream inspired this gorgeous artwork Val... captured so beautifully....

    Jenny ♥

  23. From a bad dream to a wonderful page!
    The collage is wonderful along with the background that it almost shines!

  24. Well that was one bad dream! I never remember my dreams that clearly--maybe I should pay more attention! Love the journal pages!

  25. My dreams often wake me up, and then I write them down if they were good 'Film material'!


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