Tuesday 9 April 2013

Tag Tuesday, Letter 'N'

Time is flying by and we are already more than half way through our ABC tags at Tag Tuesday.
I was thinking about my word all the way home in the car today, and then decided to take a word that was right in front of me - nose!
I can't remember where I got the image, it was in one of my boxes, and I cut out the silhouette on one side and left it straight on the other. I wanted to keep it simple, so I wrote 'Nose' with white paint marker using my stencil, added an arrow to show the general direction, and a daisy and ribbon as contrast.

That's all for today! Have a good day, whatever you are up to, keep your nose out of trouble, take care  and thanks for coming by!


  1. Val I LOVE this one, it has so much strength of expression, very cleverly done! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Very clever Val. Gorgeous lashes she's got, I've never had any!!

  3. Really fabulous and so different, love the image you have used
    Lindsay xx

  4. Great piece, Valerie. The lashes must be fakes, only camels and lamas are that lucky! hugs, Donna

  5. Terrific tag Valerie and I just love the contrast of the coloured ribbon and flower

    Have a good day today

    Chrissie xx

  6. You always have the best ideas Valerie! This is brilliant, I'm not so bothered about her lashes but I sure would love her jaw line, there's a family of hamsters living in mine lol xx

  7. My jaw line is fine - if I point my chin at the ceiling you can't even see the double chins!

  8. What a great idea!!!

    Love the stencilling.

    Karen x

  9. Oh my gosh... LOVE THIS ONE, Valerie!! (0; You have just brought on my first big smile for the day! Hope your day's a good one. Enjoy it! ~tina

  10. Love it - really fun and sooo clever! Hugs, Barb

  11. And what a pretty nose it is! Such a great idea Valerie. Xx

  12. Love this.. Very clever my friend.


  13. Such creative use of the image and the placement of the text.

  14. LOL... love the stenciling! WIll try to keep mine out of trouble.

  15. Your tag made me smile. So fun. x

  16. Love how you used the face for this tag, so inventive and fantastic.
    Yvonne x

  17. So smart! Love this, the daisy and ribbon are such a great contrast to the beauty of her, lovely lashes, beautiful strong nose and I love the stenciled lettering, just perfect! ~Diane


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