Thursday 25 April 2013

April showers....

Another week has been and gone, and here we are again at Paint Party Friday, hosted, as always, by Eva and Kristin. I have made some journal pages, which didn't turn out quite as I would have liked, but I think I can leave them as they are. I painted the background with gesso, and then used some left over blue and pale yellow paints, and when it was dry, added the trees with a CWS stencil, and outlined the branches with a black fine liner to give more definition. We have had 2 days of lovely weather here, but for tomorrow rain has been forecast, perhaps the inspiration for my quote. I cut the clouds from floral patterned paper, which was supposed to be self adhesive. Well, it stuck to everything, just not to the page. Thanks God for glue-sticks! Same with the alphas, I had to fight to get them off the backing paper, but the only one that stuck voluntarily and immediately was the one that fell onto my jeans. But I won in the end! I outlined the letters with a blue gel pen. The rainrops were drawn with black ink and filled with glossy accents. The umbrella man has been made out of green leaf-and-grass paper. The fence and bike were rescued from an old birthday card, and look good here. I added some floral rub-ons in blue, and some pale blue lace to the clouds.

I am linking to Simon Says Stamp and Show, 'Colours' and to Art Journal Journey, the landscape within me.

Yesterday evening the weather was really good, so I sat outside on my balcony, drank a little glass of wine,  and watched the moon, a lovely end to the day.

Have a good day you all, take care, and thanks for coming by!


  1. Love your bright and bold pages Val. What a perfect end to the day and a beautiful photo too. Hugs and Goodnight.

  2. Super pages Valerie. Love the colourful clouds and the trees and the bicycle leaning on the fence ..... fab! Have a nice Friday, we're forecast for some thundery showers. Xx

  3. Great layout Valerie! Umbrella man is such a versatile chap! I like the way you drew the raindrops and I love your moonlit photo :0) MO x

  4. LOVE those journal pages, Val! They are so bright and happy! Love the photo, too, and I hope the wine tasted good! Hugs, Sarah

  5. beautiful photo Valerie and your rain pages are cheerful! Spring optimism I guess.

  6. Ahhhh ich liebe Deine Wolken ♥♥♥ und das nette Fahrrad am Zaun...und daaaaanke fürs ranzoomen, ich liebe das!! ♥ Conny

  7. Beautiful photo of the moon! If clouds looked that pretty, I wouldn't mind the rain at all!

  8. Valerie, Wow and more Wow! How adorable are the lacy clouds and those rain drops too cool! Love the 3-D effect of the bike and basket! Beautiful! Lovely balcony to sit out and enjoy the end of a day! Hugs!

  9. Your pages are wonderful. Love the colours and especially adore the fence and bike you rescued! What a beautiful view from your balcony. A lovely way to end the day. hugs, Donna

  10. Always special effects on your artsy blog. Nice work. Happy PPF!

  11. einfach wundervoll Deine Regendoppelseite Valerie!
    Ich liebe jede erdenkliche Art mit dem Schirmmann..der ist einfach einer meiner Lieblinge! Und genial gemacht ist das Valerie.. sogar den Regen embosst!Hammer!
    Also mit dem Kleben bist Du nicht allein, geht uns doch allen
    ich verwende auch gar nichts mehr gern, was selbstklebend ist..auf Acrylfarebn hält sowieso nur Gelmedium..und ja vorher abgesichert mit Kelbestick
    ich mach mir aus dem billigen weissen Schulkleber oder Holzleim im Angebit schon jetzt länger mit Wasser vermischt verschieden Klebequalitäten(dünn als Serviettenkleber, dicker als Gelmedium) in Einmachgläschen und das hält alles perfekt und ist billig. Und ich ärgere mich nicht weiter mit den verschiedenen Klebedingensen.. für Karten nehm ich nur das 1,99 Teppichklebeband von ALdi .. das verschmutzt zwar meine Scheren .. aber die reinigt mir mein Mann ab und an dann....( mit Öl - er macht dass weil er um mein Fingerchen bangt )
    und wenn was selbstklebend ist muss man trotzdem immer über alles mit Kleber sichern..echt ätzend!
    also ärgere Dich nicht weiter..
    geht uns allen so! Ich bin froh, dass ich endlcih etwas geduldiger bin, früher hab ich mich über alles aufgeregt beim Basteln!
    Der Mond..oh ja , der war gestern Abend eine Pracht.. der hatte bei uns so einen schönen orangefarbene Heiligenschein und die Krater waren zu erkennen...
    ich kenn mich nicht aus mit dieser partiellen Mondfinsternis..
    aber schön war er der Herr MOND!

    liebe Grüße
    schönes Wochenende..
    leider hab ich heute Deine geliebte
    Haus.... vor mir!
    Denk an mich ..vielleicht geht´s dann schneller von der Hand!


    DANKE VALERIE für dieses neue HIGHLIGHT für


    eine echt geniale Fete immer!!!

  12. Wonderful pages Valerie. The umbrella man sure has a good life with your ideas. The clouds in patterned paper are brilliant.

    Chrissie x

  13. April showers here today too. Your pages are so pretty - love the colour.

  14. Just gorgeous Valerie. Love those pretty clouds - wish those here were like that as it's chucking it down today!
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  15. I love the touch of lace,Valerie. all your pics are so pretty!
    have a great weekend :)

  16. Beautiful collage. I love the mix of paints and real images. :) Happy ppf!

  17. These pages are lovely! I like how you outlined the trees, and all the flowers everywhere ....

  18. This is just my kind of journal page I adore it and I have to say the bike & fence make it for me loving the theme :) HPPF Dxx

  19. I love your cheerful composition and that view from your balcony is priceless. Blessings!

  20. Love your pages and that is what I would call a happy cloud. A lovely view as well.
    Yvonne x

  21. Wonderful compositions with a blue color scheme and the flowers are beautiful bicycle!

  22. Such beautiful journal pages! I love the lace on the cloud

  23. Wonderful!

    That phrase is the only thing that keeps me from being depressed by the weather these days...

    Beautifully depicted.

  24. Lovely journal pages, love all the color. HPPF!

  25. Despite the rain your pages talk of spring. Beautful work and photo.

  26. Oh, fantastic!! It's raining here right now. :)

  27. Hi Valerie,
    What gorgeous work you create and those pages are awesome. Love the rainy theme as it is my favorite time to create.

    Thank you for stopping by and your kind comment.
    Have a nice weekend.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  28. Gorgeous pages, I love the clouds, perfect paper for them too! The bike looks fabulous too! Gorgeous shot of the moon from your balcony. ~Diane

  29. I am fed up with the cold wind and rain too..hoping its nice for us all in May..lovely pages happy ppf

  30. I love these journal pages - the trees in green and the blue background also made me think of a map of the world and the little flowery cloud is delightful!

  31. You have made April showers look so beautiful and fun. Great work.

  32. What fabulous pages!
    So vibrant and lovely!!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  33. Your touch of lace is perfect for these pages- what a great way to accent your clouds. Happy PPF

  34. Wow..absolutely beautiful..totally unique..I love the intriguing-figure..very mesmerizing..and the beautiful colors all around are stunning and uplifting too! Very magical piece! it also triggers the dream-world for me..I love that..the lone figure really draws me a guide to journey with!I also am super drawn to the piece with the gorgeous bike and basket of flowers..enchanting and romantic! fabulous art!

  35. Wow Oh Wow!! This is so cool....LOVE your use of colour! Fabulous project, with so many awesome details to adore! Thanks so much for joining us at Simon Says Stamp and Show :)

  36. Oh Valerie - I really like this set. The colors and all those lovely textures are really fun. Its been fun to see your umbrella man show up in so many interesting pages. April is one of my favorites with all the blooms and newness. I really don't mind the showers.

  37. Loving your stencilled and collaged pages Valerie, fab colours and design. Enjoy the weekend, hugs Annette x

  38. A fabulous mixture of images and colour Valerie. Love the floral clouds with the lace trim, and the bicycle is wonderful.
    Hugs, Sylvia xx

  39. Hi Valerie, Fabulous journal pages, and great colours, love the idea of the flowery clouds.
    Have a great weekend.
    Avril x

  40. Great April showers. Fantastic inspiration and lovely photo of moon. Thank you so much for sharing

  41. Love the pages Valerie they shout out spring with the colours and showers of which we have seen a few of today
    Have a great weekend
    Von ♥

    I love it... :]

    ** my favorite is the flower basket hanging from the bicycle.

  43. Liebe Valerie,
    bei Dir sieht selbst ein Aprilregen schön aus. Wunderschöne Farben hast Du verwendet!
    Happy PPF und liebe Grüße

  44. I love following you - you do have wonderful ideas. This is so good and believe me - If I could do as well I would probably wet my pants with joy!!! Valerie, you will slowly but surely teach me some great art work. Who says you cannot teach an old dog new tricks. Love your journal pages Sugar. If only I could share a glass (or two) of wine with you!!!!!

  45. Wouldn't that be dandy, Sandy?

  46. Luv all of the art, especially the puffy flowery clouds with the lace trim, so whimsical!

    "That orbed maiden with white fire laden whom mortals call the moon"....totally obsessed with the moon....lovely picture of it, must of been magical sitting on your balcony watching it glow : )

  47. Beautiful pages,Love your work!Have a good weekend...

  48. These are wonderful pages...great color! The depth is so good it actually looked like the bike was sitting against a painted wall...and the flowers popped... Love it!

    Hugs Giggles

  49. Wonderful pages, lovely patterns and colors! <3

  50. so cute and happy! love that flowered cloud! happy PPF!

  51. I like how many different elements you use in your work. It's all good and all goes to the next step in your art journey!! Thanks for sharing, hugs! Happy Paint Party Friday :)

  52. fun journal page, love that blue bike! That moon photo is inspirational!!


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